Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service) vs TeamViewer comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Oct 31, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Citrix DaaS (formerly Citri...
Ranking in Remote Access
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Virtualization (1st), Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) (6th), Desktop as a Service (DaaS) (1st)
Ranking in Remote Access
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Virtual Meetings (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Remote Access category, the mindshare of Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service) is 3.5%, down from 4.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of TeamViewer is 19.1%, up from 17.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Remote Access
Unique Categories:
Application Virtualization
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Virtual Meetings

Featured Reviews

Feb 13, 2024
Enables secure delivery of applications and data, features exceptional stability over the Internet and handles demanding tasks like video playback, AutoCAD, and 3D image rendering smoothly
I would like to see simplification in the management of the on-prem infrastructure component of Citrix DaaS, particularly in the studio tool used to manage the DaaS infrastructure. This simplification should make it easier for admins to understand and execute their tasks, possibly through an overview of operations and the availability of helpful articles or resources. Making the studio tool more user-friendly would not only ease the administration of the Citrix infrastructure but also ensure it is configured correctly. I'm also interested in a feature that would allow end users to hide their screens. For instance, when launching a Citrix VDI on my laptop, as soon as I start sharing my screen, the VDI should lock out, preventing the person I'm sharing my screen with from seeing anything on that VDI. However, there are scenarios where an end user might want to share the VDI screen as well. Currently, whether this is possible or not is not controlled by the end user. Introducing a feature that provides end users the ability to share their screen along with the VDI would be beneficial.
Darshan Makhecha - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 2, 2022
Reliable, user-friendly, and flexible
In my personal use case, I connected my system with the computer diagnostic center. There were some software updates and there were some temp file issues that I dealt with and I would troubleshoot using TeamViewer The solution enhanced our productivity and has smooth remote accessibility. The…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"For our company's customers, I feel that the product is stable."
"Among the most valuable features is the Citrix Workspace, which allows us to drive that thin-client connection and the remote control/remote access capabilities. Those things have allowed us to connect an awful lot of people quickly from home and that's obviously helped during the pandemic."
"I use Citrix DaaS to connect to devices."
"XenDesktop has helped our users to work remotely with a better user experience."
"The tool helps me to connect with some apps of our company and resolve the tickets."
"The Provisioning Services are the most valuable feature. We have Premium licensing, so Provisioning Services is huge for us, along with the Virtual Apps and Desktops part. It allows us to have a vDisk for every region, one that can easily be copied between them if we need to, to limit the amount of updates we have to do."
"In terms of scalability, Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops have a lot of technologies baked in there that allow an organization to scale up or down, as required. Further, leveraging Azure for scalability has added value to our organization. For example, pre-COVID-19, we had very few resources in Azure. We had some Virtual Desktops and no application servers. When COVID-19 came along, we knew people were going to be home. We knew that we had to ramp up very quickly. We fully leveraged MCS to be able to scale. Being able to take a single image and build 400,000 Virtual Desktops, all within minutes, was second to none in terms of any other technology out there that we could have used. The scalability to be able to do that in Azure, where we really don't have to worry about storage and compute power because Microsoft does that for us, was fantastic. It was almost like giving our environments steroids. It has been amazing in terms of that scalability. Now, as people start coming back to the office, we can just as quickly scale down so the compute and resource costs in Azure aren't so great anymore."
"Relative to other solutions, Citrix has fewer conditions and fewer parameters. Citrix also provides some flexibility because it can be used on any device."
"It saves trips to customer sites, which saves time. I am able to get in there remotely and fix things."
"It is quite simple to set up."
"With an image, you can see immediately what's going on. You can run some tests. Without the solution, you need to do everything by telephone. It's not even thinkable."
"I like that it helped a lot, even with low bandwidth network connectivity. For example, while I was traveling, sometimes there were requirements for me to join a TeamViewer session and provide technical support. I was able to do that without much of an issue. It is also a secure solution."
"It's pretty easy to use. Just key in an ID and password and connect. For meetings, just enter the meeting ID and connect."
"I find the mouse control and the ability to click for them very effective. I can move the mouse and click on buttons as if sitting at their computer. These are the basic features I use most often in the solution. There are tricker features that I don't use much because I don't need them frequently. Overall, it's a great tool for helping others with their computer issues without traveling to their location or another building."
"The most valuable feature is you do not need to know the Windows username and password to connect and see the staff screen."
"The most valuable features of I use TeamViewer are the ease of access and frequent updates."


"Latency is also a major problem when adopting Citrix for video editing software or 3D editing software, especially editing 4K video or large file size. The Citrix virtualized solution becomes too slow, so we cannot use the VDI."
"The solution's technical support is not so good."
"It would help if it were a little simpler. It's a bit complicated and we have hired Citrix administrators. But it's a good solution."
"There is room for improvement on the hypervisor side, providing better integration between the hypervisor and the product line. I suspect that they haven't put the work into that because of the move to the cloud. They want everything to be cloud-hosted. But for folks like us, who will always be a hybrid model, that's of some concern."
"Tech support can be slow if you do not receive help from the US representatives."
"Pricing can be lower and roaming profiles need to be fixed to work consistently."
"Dependency on server virtualization after v7.x is an issue which I encountered in small environments."
"We would like to be able to provide VDI, a full desktop, to each of our users."
"In the next release, I would prefer to have a voice integration and collaboration feature to support multiple teams simultaneously."
"This solution could be improved by offering more flexibility in terms of usage."
"TeamViewer could improve by having support for other operating systems, such as Linux."
"It would be very helpful if they could provide a manual for the installation process and describe more of their features."
"The performance could always be better."
"We access the solution through a VPN, which improves our security. However, earlier this year, around the beginning of March, a CVE in the TeamViewer client allowed remote connections to other network systems, which was concerning. You could have unintentionally gained admin rights if you didn't update TeamViewer promptly. It's crucial to always keep it updated to prevent such issues. The tool should consider implementing two-factor authentication to improve such security holes. It should also integrate good security updates, which should be implemented automatically."
"I would like it if the trial version of TeamViewer allowed you to have a connection for much longer."
"It needs to have proper authentication. I would like to see in-depth integration with Google and Microsoft products, for example. It would be nice to have a cell phone version as well."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The cost of the Citrix software reflects what I would expect a product of that nature, in that market, to be. Understanding the licensing is quite a bit more complicated, because one of the things about Citrix is that you can buy licensing at different levels... Yet I still like the idea because it means that if all you need is a basic load balancing solution, then you don't need to buy an advanced or premium license."
"It's my understanding that the solution license fee for each user is around $300 US. If we buy a personal laptop for each employee every five years, then the total cost is five times $300 US, or $1,500 USD. So we could buy 100 personal laptops instead of the Citrix solution."
"Citrix solutions cost a lot in comparison with competitors, like Azure Virtual Desktop or VMware Horizon. Those solutions cost around 50 to 60 percent less, per month per user, than Citrix."
"They offer licensing per user. From time to time, they give discounts. Because it's a hybrid model, you can deploy some portion of it on cloud and some portion your on-prem."
"The product, XenServer, is free to use, and XenApp has a one month free license."
"The Citrix license model has changed. It costs around $240 per user for a single username, but a concurrent license costs double."
"I don't quite remember the specifics of what we had. I believe we had a 25-user license, and I don't recall it being overly expensive."
"We're paying for a standard license and, in my view, the price is too high. I would be satisfied with it if it were reduced by about 20-30%. Right now, I would rate the pricing a five out of ten."
"We are not using the solution for commercial use therefore it is free to use."
"TeamViewer is $600 or $700 per port per year..."
"We use the free version of TeamViewer."
"It has probably saved us several thousands of dollars because we have quick access anywhere. We don't have to worry about finding people onsite or arranging conference calls. We also save time and money with it because we don't have to send somebody onsite to troubleshoot."
"We're using the free version. We do not pay any licensing fees."
"I used the free version of TeamViewer."
"We have an annual subscription that is just under $1,900 with no additional costs. We get these promotions about upgrades and stuff like that, but we haven't had a need to add more seats. Users can also use TeamViewer for home use with a non-commercial free license."
"It does what I need it to do but I think it's expensive. It wasn't easy for me to get approval from the company to get it... It's costing us about $700 a year, per license."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops?
My focus has primarily been on publishing virtual applications.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops?
I rate the product’s pricing a seven out of ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive.
What needs improvement with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops?
The Citrix DaaS application is a bit heavy when it comes to mobile access, and it should function more smoothly. For example, the Citrix mobile app takes a long time to log in and should work even ...
Should I choose Teamviewer Tensor over the regular Teamviewer?
The number one advantage of TeamViewer for me is its ease of use, specifically as it relates to the client side. By far, one of its best features is the remote access it provides. I can control som...
What do you like most about TeamViewer?
It is easy to use and has a pretty good UI.

Also Known As

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, XenDesktop, XenApp (Citrix Virtual Apps)
No data available

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Sample Customers

Exelon, Aeronamic, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Alameda County Medical Center, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Aloysius Stichting, Amarchand Mangaldas, AmBev, Amnet Technology Solutions, Arval
Porsche Informatik, Philips, DHL, Intel, Motorola, Microsoft, IBM, Siemens, Fujitsu, American Red Cross
Find out what your peers are saying about Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service) vs. TeamViewer and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.