GitLab vs Microsoft Azure DevOps comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jun 18, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Release Automation
Ranking in Enterprise Agile Planning Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (6th), Build Automation (1st), Static Application Security Testing (SAST) (6th), Rapid Application Development Software (10th), Software Composition Analysis (SCA) (6th), Fuzz Testing Tools (2nd), DevSecOps (3rd)
Microsoft Azure DevOps
Ranking in Release Automation
Ranking in Enterprise Agile Planning Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Release Automation category, the mindshare of GitLab is 36.5%, up from 32.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Azure DevOps is 37.7%, down from 38.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Release Automation
Unique Categories:
Application Security Tools
Build Automation
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Enterprise Agile Planning Tools

Q&A Highlights

Oct 04, 2023

Featured Reviews

Mar 12, 2024
Improved our CI/CD processes in software dependency management
GitLab has improved our CI/CD processes in software dependency management. It handles conflicts between versions seamlessly, such as when merging different features into the main branch. With GitLab, there are no conflicts in the code itself. Versioning is also efficiently managed within GitLab, allowing us to easily track the latest main branches, previous branches, and releases. For example, if a software depends on specific versions, it's easily traceable using GitLab. One of the most significant advantages is the built-in DTS, which supports ample file storage. This capability allows us to store 30-40 gigabytes of repository sizes. The code diffs available in GitLab show the differences between the older version and the current one, indicating what has been added, deleted, or modified across the codebase. This helps you understand which portions of the code have changed within a particular file, such as a Python script, aiding in traceability and version management. The merge request feature is standard and available even in GitHub, making it accessible on most Git platforms. It is one of the fundamental features of GitLab, a free product. Overall, I rate the solution a seven out of ten.
Aug 20, 2020
Easy to onboard and use, with complete integration between pipelines and testing
I am a consultant and this is one of the tools that I use to help develop solutions for my clients The most valuable feature is the complete integration between test cases, pipelines, and issue management. The test management section needs to be improved. It is easy to use but they can make…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Git hosting has an integration with ACD which is why we liked this solution in the first place."
"A user friendly solution."
"I have found the most valuable features of GitLab are the GitClone, GitPush, GitPull, GitMatch, GitMit, GitCommit, and GitStatus."
"We like that we can create branches and then the branches can be reviewed and you can mesh those branches back. You can independently work with your own branch, you don't need to really control the core of other people."
"Their CI/CD engine is very mature. It's very comprehensive and flexible, and compared to other projects, I believe that GitLab is number one right now from that perspective."
"I like GitLab's security and SAS tools."
"The most valuable feature of GitLab is the ability to upload scripts and make changes when needed and then reupload them. Additionally, the solution is user-friendly."
"I have found the most valuable feature is security control. I also like the branching and cloning software."
"The initial setup is very easy."
"It is easy to use. The shared repository is useful. Everything is in one environment."
"There are a lot of helpful features available for tracking dependencies."
"It's a pretty problem-free solution."
"I found the Kanban board to be the most useful for my needs."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is that it saves time."
"The reports have been most valuable. We have created some dashboards allowing us to be able to check our teams, their progress, and mission plans."
"The simplicity is very good and the customer experience is also great."


"I would like to see better integration with project management tools such as Jira."
"GitLab could improve by having more plugins and better user-friendliness."
"In the next release, I would like to see GitLab expand its integration capabilities to include platforms like DigitalOcean, which developers widely use for cloud infrastructure. Enhancing CI/CD automation features specifically tailored for DigitalOcean would be beneficial."
"Reporting could be improved."
"GitLab can improve by integrating with more tools, such as servers with Docker."
"GitLab could improve the patch repository. It does not have support for Conan patch version regions. Additionally, better support for Kubernetes deployment is needed as part of the package."
"The tool should include a feature that helps to edit the code directly."
"The solution should again offer an on-premises deployment option."
"I think that they have some menus there that are not very well placed."
"The testing environment and different pipelining concepts can be improved."
"Reporting could be better. We would like to see how many applications are onboarded in DevOps and in which phase they are. We would like to know for how many applications we have done only the repository, but we have not yet done the build pipeline or deploy pipeline. Currently, there is no such report. We have to figure it out ourselves. There is no way to check how many applications are completing their build pipelines, how many applications are completing their deploy pipeline, how many are ready to use, and how many pipelines are working."
"The tool was developed for Agile project methodology, but I've noticed that there has also been a try to incorporate what is typically done in MS Project, which is for more sequential Waterfall projects. The problem with that is that it is half-baked for Waterfall projects. If you're going to do it, then either go all the way and allow us to use the tool for both or don't do it at all."
"The UI, the user experience, is challenging for newcomers."
"Azure DevOps is set up more for development and less for testing. If it is set up correctly, everyone can use it better, but it was set up from a development point of view, which means it is lacking in what I need from a testing perspective. Just like any other tool, it depends on how it is configured. I am not happy with the way it is set up. It is configured more from a development side, and it doesn't necessarily cater to all the other areas that probably need to use it, such as testing data, etc."
"Its setup is quite complex."
"We are facing some problems because the capacity can only be measured within a project. It cannot be measured across multiple projects. So, the reporting needs to be enhanced, and there should be more graphs to be able to easily give the upper management insights about all the employees from different departments. It will be helpful for employee management. Currently, the managers over here are using Power BI for insights because the functionality of Azure DevOps Boards is not enough. So, we have to export the data into another visualization tool and get the results."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"GitLab is highly priced for smaller teams, but it's okay if considering a user base of thousands."
"GitLab is comparatively expensive, but it provides value because it's feature-rich."
"There are different licensing options available, including a free limited-user license."
"GitLab is a free solution to use."
"In total, I believe we have more than 300 licenses spread over about 100 users, though I can't comment on the costs involved."
"The solution's standard license is paid annually. They have changed the pricing model and it used to be better. There is a free version available."
"The price of GitLab could be better, it is expensive."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap, and ten is expensive, I rate the pricing a five out of ten."
"The cost is quite affordable."
"The price is reasonable for the solution."
"Its pricing is reasonable for the number of features that you get and the functionality that you can utilize for the agile delivery, which is what we are using it for. I found it extremely cost-effective."
"It has an annual subscription. It can be cheaper for partners. Many open-source products are available in the market, and it would be great if they can be a little bit more competitive in terms of pricing. A lot of startups are looking for an open-source, free, or cheap solution. If they can accommodate such requirements, it will be good for the product in the long run."
"The costs are moderate and justify the value provided."
"The price of the solution is expensive."
"For Microsoft, it can get expensive when you need heavy-duty machines."
"The main agile features are very expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about GitLab?
I find the features and version control history to be most valuable for our development workflow. These aspects provide us with a clear view of changes and help us manage requests efficiently.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for GitLab?
For small-scale usage, GitLab offers a free tier. For enterprise pricing, GitLab is more expensive than GitHub, as it's not as widely adopted. GitLab is the preferred choice for many developers des...
What needs improvement with GitLab?
I believe there's room for improvement in the advanced features, particularly in enhancing the pipeline functionalities. Better integration and usability within the pipeline could make a significan...
Which is better - Jira or Microsoft Azure DevOps?
Jira is a great centralized tool for just about everything, from local team management to keeping track of products and work logs. It is easy to implement and navigate, and it is stable and scalabl...
Which is better - TFS or Azure DevOps?
TFS and Azure DevOps are different in many ways. TFS was designed for admins, and only offers incremental improvements. In addition, TFS seems complicated to use and I don’t think it has a very fri...
What do you like most about Microsoft Azure DevOps?
Valuable features for project management and tracking in Azure DevOps include a portal displaying test results, check-in/check-out activity, and developer/tester productivity.

Also Known As

Azure DevOps, VSTS, Visual Studio Team Services, MS Azure DevOps

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Sample Customers

1. NASA  2. IBM  3. Sony  4. Alibaba  5. CERN  6. Siemens  7. Volkswagen  8. ING  9. Ticketmaster  10. SpaceX  11. Adobe  12. Intuit  13. Autodesk  14. Rakuten  15. Unity Technologies  16. Pandora  17. Electronic Arts  18. Nordstrom  19. Verizon  20. Comcast  21. Philips  22. Deutsche Telekom  23. Orange  24. Fujitsu  25. Ericsson  26. Nokia  27. General Electric  28. Cisco  29. Accenture  30. Deloitte  31. PwC  32. KPMG
Alaska Airlines, Iberia Airlines, Columbia, Skype
Find out what your peers are saying about GitLab vs. Microsoft Azure DevOps and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.