
Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

StarWind Virtual SAN
Ranking in HCI
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Software Defined Storage (SDS) (1st)
Dell PowerFlex
Ranking in HCI
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in HCI
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the HCI category, the mindshare of StarWind Virtual SAN is 2.1%, up from 1.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Dell PowerFlex is 14.1%, up from 7.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of VxRail is 21.5%, down from 22.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unique Categories:
Software Defined Storage (SDS)
No other categories found
No other categories found

Q&A Highlights

Nov 16, 2022

Featured Reviews

May 24, 2024
Feature-rich and versatile with broad support for different hypervisors
The StarWind vSAN solution is versatile and offers broad support for different hypervisors and deployment formats. During our evaluation of our on-premises setup, we did not find any significant flaws. One point for improvement is to increase the performance capabilities of the Windows-based executable as compared to its Linux Controller Virtual Machine (CVM) equivalent. Another point for improvement would be to incorporate a more granular Role-based access control system (RBAC) natively inside the software to allow for more granular administration. Yet another point would be to achieve tighter integration and automation with cloud-based platforms, such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
May 20, 2024
Runs without issues and provides a return on investment
Dell PowerFlex is our primary private cloud.  The combination of reliability and scalability is perfect for us. When we need extra storage we have six nodes so we simply purchase new licenses and hard drives. Although it is possible to use the nodes just for storage, we use them for CPU and RAM as…
Feb 4, 2024
Provides scalability, one-click upgrades, and simplified management
We have issues at times with the one-click upgrade, which is bugging us. At times, the one-click upgrade does not work or does not work well. It does not work well or it stops, and we do not always understand why. In one such instance, Dell support took over. We reach the end of the upgrade, but it is not smooth. It should be improved. It could be related to my infrastructure. Maybe I have too many nodes, but I do not know. Even though we do it and we go to the very end, we end up sweating sometimes. It is a little bit ironic because the one-click upgrade was what made me sway and choose this technology, and it is still something that can be improved.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"User friendly interface and straight forward implementation."
"The ability to keep data accessible even in the event of hardware failures is highly valued, as it ensures business continuity."
"The ability to run a two-node cluster without a dedicated witness has made this an excellent product for small deployments, which is right on target for our needs in regional offices."
"The product has improved the ability to mimic physical SAN environments to demo scenarios and troubleshoot problems."
"The performance of the solution is accurate and concise."
"Before VSAN, hypervisor configuration changes and updates resulted in VM outages. Now, downtime is dramatically reduced."
"It also provides a seamless and efficient solution for personal storage requirements, showcasing the versatility and scalability of my Virtual SAN configuration."
"The most useful aspect is the hyper-converged SD SAN and the ease to expand it by just adding cheap SSD or NVME disks."
"The setup was very straightforward."
"We've had no issues with scaling the solution."
"We're doing a lot of VMware for IT so this solution is really valuable from a VMH point of view. We're trying to assist our customers mainly with management, because that's what they want. The most important aspects are ease of management, as well as ease of configuration, allowing them to attach additional nodes and resources for the applications."
"Dell PowerFlex improves our latency which allowed us to reduce a lot of our Microsoft Enterprise SQL licenses."
"Perfectly suits customers dealing with the combination of future storage needs and, at the same time, keeping up their computing power."
"The integration with AWS is a valuable feature."
"The resiliency and data protection are the most valuable features."
"Saves us a lot of space in the data center."
"VxRail is easy to deploy and easy to scale up."
"Depending on your architecture type, it's simple to manage and implement VxRail compared to other solutions. That's why most of our customers use it."
"Cost-effective and easy to install."
"VxRail has improved out organization because we are trying to be a little more proactive and elastic. We are trying to change our conventional approach to development."
"When we have a resource contention, we can easily increase the capacity."
"The manageability for controlling the console is the most valuable feature."
"My customers use it for VDI. It has been very usable and very fast to use with VDI. On the VxRail side also, it has been very fast."
"VxRail has improved our organization by providing our admin team with an easy-to-use interface."


"Sometimes documentation on their site can be out of date."
"Performance when in storage-separate configuration needs to be improved."
"It would help if the manufacturer provided clearer and more detailed documentation, with explanations of how the application can be installed in various HA configurations."
"Feature-wise we are only waiting for the release of a "planned disaster" feature that would allow us to patch a hypervisor node without having to take the full storage offline."
"Initially, when we first started, the sync was horrible."
"Security on the ISCSI protocol could be improved by adding features like OS-type control access, especially for the data center environment."
"The documentation could be clearer in terms of explaining the installation."
"Besides not being able to use any filesystem, I do not have any additional cons."
"There should be more functionality available for routing."
"I am not really impressed by the technical support of this solution."
"The storage capability must be improved."
"I think there might be some room for improvement when it comes to pricing, because although I know how to convert customers, at the end of day, it's quite expensive. Sometimes your feature architecture is still coming out much cheaper than hardware costs for your infrastructure."
"Exporting data from the dashboard is not very user-friendly. It's just designed in a way that it's going to cover let's say 90%, 80%, of the end-users needs. If you need more sophisticated reporting it's not easy to have."
"The installation is complex."
"The solution must be more flexible."
"We've had some issues around the licensing."
"The fact that is based on vSAN is the main issue of this solution."
"If we could have some out of the box ideas in integration, I think that would be a great feature."
"When it comes to maintenance, it takes 16 hours to upgrade a 12 node VxRail plus. This could be improved in the system."
"It might offer better integration with other products."
"What I did not like so much was the amount of VMware that you have to put in your system related to the VxRail."
"The agility of the support team to provide you with better solutions should be improved. VxRail also has to be improved in terms of simplicity. Adding a simple node seemed like quite a project."
"The update for the graphics integration and the media drivers isn't included in the VxRail update."
"The licensing needs to be improved upon."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"This solution has a great price for the functionality."
"We are happy with the price."
"This is the best priced solution for an SMB."
"Once you buy the license, you are free to build your own hardware solution based on your needs."
"The pricing is excellent. It will run on anything. You don't have to buy a $100,000 server, with hardware you don't need. You just pay for the license and you're good to go."
"Their pricing seems pretty good, and their licensing structure is pretty straightforward."
"The cost seems a bit steep, and I wish it was less expensive."
"The support contract is well worth it. The price for it was very reasonable and their team has been very engaged whenever we reach out."
"The price could be improved."
"I rate the solution's pricing an eight out of ten."
"The solution's price is medium."
"The pricing for this solution is good."
"The price of the solution is fair, it is priced in the average range amongst competitors."
"We have a good contact in Dell and he prepared all the information and provided everything to us."
"The cost of this solution is fair."
"The solution is expensive and I give the cost a two out of ten."
"VxRail is not cheap, but it's not expensive either."
"The price point needs improvement, certainly for smaller SMBs. The cost of it is still quite painful. I think all vendors should do a product which is capped either by terabytes, IOPs, or VM instances. It should be an SMB solution that's going to make hyper-converged solutions easier for SMBs to get hold of. It's fine for those big guys that have billions of dollars of budget, but not for customers who have barely a 100,000 dollars or pounds in budget."
"The price is good."
"The price of VxRail highly depends on your design and your configuration. For example, if I connect Pure Storage directly to ESXi hosts and bypass Fiber Channel switches and I will save on money. However, it reduces my redundancy and makes it not as robust of deployment and easy to manage. An HCI environment, it's more cost-effective than utilizing a traditional SAN. With storage and computing altogether, you don't necessarily have to involve the networking team as much. I don't necessarily need somebody that understands Brocade's or Cisco Fiber Channel Switches, because I have it all right there."
"VxRail is still more expensive than its competitor solutions."
"Most of hyper-converged solutions require additional licenses for the virtualization layer (like VMware)."
"We were expecting Dell EMC to bring us something that would work very quickly and easily, but also be at a reasonable price point, and they did."
"More cost-effective than Nutanix."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which HCI solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Answers from the Community

Nov 16, 2022
Nov 16, 2022
VxRail vs. Dell EMC PowerFlex VxRail provides stable solutions for technical problems while at the same time not being too expensive for a company to invest in. Even if the user is working with a limited budget the platform offers freedom of choice and a number of different options. In contrast, Dell EMC PowerFlex does run on the more expensive side and cannot offer the same level of cost-effec...
See 2 answers
Oct 14, 2021
VxRail vs. Dell EMC PowerFlex VxRail provides stable solutions for technical problems while at the same time not being too expensive for a company to invest in. Even if the user is working with a limited budget the platform offers freedom of choice and a number of different options. In contrast, Dell EMC PowerFlex does run on the more expensive side and cannot offer the same level of cost-effective solution. VxRail is able to provide both an ability to upgrade the system with an ever-growing library of resources as well as provide powerful processors.This is something that I greatly appreciate. Being able to simply add upgrades to the system without necessarily having to worry about the system being bogged down makes it invaluable. The ability that it provides to apply updates to the system with ease is something worthy of note. If you add this to the fact that VxRail runs on multiple cores at 2 gigahertz or higher then that means that in terms of ability, the VxRail is difficult to match. In terms of usability, it is hard to argue that VxRail delivers. It is pretty simple and easy to both set up and manage the VxRail system. Once the system is set up, all of the management tools are centrally located to assist in providing ease of use. The Dell EMC PowerFlex combines reliability and ease of management. Its connection to alternate storage locations makes it both reliable and an excellent choice. Management teams can use it with ease, because all of the tools are located in one location. Conclusion Both systems offer stable solutions, an ability to upgrade the system, and ease of use for management teams. In terms of cost VxRail is more cost effective and is also more intuitive to use than the Dell EMC PowerFlex.
Emmanuel Alex - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 16, 2022
VxRail is a hyper converged infrastructure. While PowerFlex appliance is a flexible solution with a small starting point and massive scale potential.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about StarWind Virtual SAN?
It is easy to use and can monitor system synchronization and check Storage status. StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) combin...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for StarWind Virtual SAN?
Make the most of your 30-day trial license, and if needed, you should contact the sales department of StarWind to ext...
What needs improvement with StarWind Virtual SAN?
The dashboard is functional, but it could benefit from a more modern and visually appealing design. A facelift would ...
What are the major differences between VxRail and Dell EMC PowerFlex?
VxRail vs. Dell EMC PowerFlex VxRail provides stable solutions for technical problems while at the same time not bein...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Dell EMC PowerFlex?
I have good partners who prepared the price for us. I told them what we needed and everything worked out perfectly. W...
How does HPE Nimble Storage compare to VxRail?
HPE Nimble Storage dHCI Vs. VxRail One of the best things about the HPE Nimble Storage dHCI is the three, two, one, z...
What Is The Biggest Difference Between vSAN And VxRail?
While both run on the vSAN technology from VMware, vSAN needs to be deployed on vSAN ready nodes while VxRail is an e...
How does VxRail compare with Cisco HyperFlex HX Series?
VxRail provides stable solutions for technical problems while at the same time not being too expensive for a company ...

Also Known As

StarWind SAN & NAS
VxFlex, VxRack FLEX, PowerFlex
VCE VxRail



Sample Customers

Baker Tilly BVI, CMS Internet, Board Harpeth Hall School
Canopy, 8x8Inc., Atos, Canadian Pacific, City of Denton, CenturyLink, BNP Paribas, Asyaport, EDF, CSC, Fox Sports, Insight, Hunter, KPIT, Paetec, Rosetta Stone, Sonda, Xerox
World Wide Technology Inc, Renault Sport Formula One Team, 8x8 Inc, Brownes, Canadian Pacific, Canopy, Denton, EDF, Unilin, Xerox
Find out what your peers are saying about Dell PowerFlex vs. VxRail and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.