Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Firebird SQL
Ranking in Open Source Databases
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Embedded Database (2nd)
Ranking in Open Source Databases
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Relational Databases Tools (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Open Source Databases category, the mindshare of Firebird SQL is 32.7%, up from 23.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of MySQL is 18.9%, down from 22.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Open Source Databases
Unique Categories:
Embedded Database
Relational Databases Tools

Q&A Highlights

Oct 08, 2023

Featured Reviews

Doug Meuross - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 18, 2023
A reliable tool that offers good performance and is easy to use
My company uses its own software for accounting purposes. My company also has around 300 clients using our software, which uses Firebird SQL as a database. My company has software for the international logistics industry, so we use Firebird SQL in our company The most valuable feature of the…
Kevin Honde - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 23, 2022
Great cluster setup; works fine on the technical side
Our primary use case for MySQL is for our internally-built system. When our developers are doing the assistance, usually we provision them with the MySQL driver The way that MySQL has improved my organization is that it comes free and also works fine on the technical side. The feature I found…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Robustness is the absolutely main feature."
"I find the ease of deployment to be the most valuable aspect of this solution."
"I appreciate the fact that, once the database is embedded, it doesn't need to be administered, and removes the requirement for a specific server."
"I can deploy it on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows — it's very easy."
"I like that we don't have to pay external fees to migrate this data. So, we are looking to relocate from Postgres or EDB."
"Firebird SQL is an open-source solution and can run on most operating systems, such as Linux, Unix, and Windows."
"It helps us in detecting all kinds of problems in the code, such as bad quality, unclear code, or any violation in the code or best practices."
"The most valuable feature of Firebird SQL is the creation of databases."
"The tool is open-source and there is no cost involved in its use."
"The solution is easy to use."
"For sure, the solution is very stable."
"​The most valuable feature of MySQL is the informative error outputs of command line interface.​"
"MySQL's most significant attribute is its capability to create, modify, and maintain databases. This is crucial and advantageous in procedures, such as SOAR. Therefore, all SQL functions are beneficial to any backend developer or developer who requires data storage."
"What I really like about MySQL is the opportunity to search for information and organize it any way I like."
"MySQL is an easy-to-use solution that provides stability, reliability, flexibility, performance, security, and high availability."
"MySQL is an open-source product and has good community support. If you encounter any problem, you can easily ask other members of the community to help. They help you a lot. On top of being free, MySQL is a cross-platform database, meaning it can work on both Windows and Linux. It is very good for us."


"On large databases, we have some difficulties."
"This solution isn't very user-friendly, or intuitive, which could be improved when it is developed."
"It is not easy to integrate the tool with Visual Studio."
"I don't think the solution is very scalable, because the scalability of the performance when using more than one process is not very good."
"Database sharing is a capability that Firebird SQL lacks."
"It would be interesting if they added functionality with redundancy, reputation, and variability."
"It would be nice to have a graphical user interface to handle the product."
"The solution could improve by providing partitioning and encryption. It is not at the higher level of database solution but it could be with some upgrades."
"From a user perspective, the initial setup could be simplified a bit."
"The workbench could be improved. In particular, error messages can be improved, which are horrific and completely unhelpful. I'd like to see improved parsing of errors. When you write SQL and it crashes, it usually is something completely irrelevant and not helpful. I've started to use GPT 3.5 for finding out how to do things. I got to do something a bit different, and that I found to be very useful. If there was some way to tie it into one of the new AI tools, that would probably be a good idea."
"The licensing of the solution is on the expensive side."
"We have encountered some performance issues, and the solution takes time for performing complex queries."
"MySQL lacks a feature akin to Oracle's Real Application Clusters, which ensures continuous database availability within the same data center or nearby data centers."
"The integration with other systems can be improved as can the integration between other databases."
"​MySQL is not easily scalable on cost effective consumer grade hardware.​"
"This solution needs to be improved when it comes to working with desktop applications on the developer side."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We are using the free solution, so there is no cost involved."
"There is a yearly maintenance fee for the use of the solution."
"I was using the free version of Firebird SQL."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is that it is freely available."
"It is a public domain system as every customer can install it on their system without paying any license fee."
"It is okay."
"The tool is open source."
"It's open-source and free."
"It's free."
"For the on-premise version, no license is required."
"MySQL is released under an open-source license, so you have nothing to pay to use it."
"I use the open-source free community version."
"The pricing is not much expensive, it's cheap."
"MySQL is free."
"It's an open-source database management system that can be used free of charge."
"There is not a license required for this solution."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Open Source Databases solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Comms Service Provider
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Firebird SQL compare with PostgreSQL?
PostgreSQL was designed in a way that provides you with not only a high degree of flexibility but also offers you a cheap and easy-to-use solution. It gives you the ability to redesign and audit yo...
What do you like most about Firebird SQL?
Firebird SQL is an open-source solution.
Why are MySQL connections encrypted and what is the biggest benefit of this?
MySQL encrypts connections to protect your data and the biggest benefit from this is that nobody can corrupt it. If you move information over a network without encryption, you are endangering it, m...
Considering that there is a free version of MySQL, would you invest in one of the paid editions?
I may be considered a MySQL veteran since I have been using it since before Oracle bought it and created paid versions. So back in my day, it was all free, it was open-source and the best among sim...
What is one thing you would improve with MySQL?
One thing I would improve related to MySQL is not within the product itself, but with the guides to it. Before, when it was free, everyone was on their own, seeking tutorials and how-to videos onli...



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Sample Customers

Elekt Labs, Streamsoft, wobe-systems GmbH, DRB Systems, Moscow City Hospital #31
Facebook, Tumblr, Scholastic, MTV Networks, Wikipedia, Verizon Wireless, Sage Group, Glassfish Open Message Queue, and RightNow Technologies.
Find out what your peers are saying about Firebird SQL vs. MySQL and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.