Microsoft Power BI vs Tableau comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 30, 2023

Categories and Ranking

IBM Cognos
Ranking in BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Ranking in Reporting
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Microsoft Power BI
Ranking in BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Ranking in Reporting
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Ranking in Reporting
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Visualization (1st), Embedded BI (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the BI (Business Intelligence) Tools category, the mindshare of IBM Cognos is 3.2%, down from 4.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Power BI is 24.4%, up from 23.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Tableau is 22.4%, up from 18.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
BI (Business Intelligence) Tools
Unique Categories:
Data Visualization

Q&A Highlights

it_user83559 - PeerSpot reviewer
May 15, 2014

Featured Reviews

SusheelA - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 13, 2022
Excellent correlation analysis, highly scalable, but more features needed
The data uploads that we do, such as Excel files, have a lot of restrictions. If we can make it a bit more user-friendly, allowing us to have more flexibility it would be a great help. In the next release of the solution, It would be a great addition to the analytical tool pack if there were histograms on the fly it would be a benefit. I know there is a workaround on IBM Cognos and I've used that workaround to develop the histograms, but not everyone is that tech-savvy. It would be a great help if we had some of these features, such as histogram, box plots, on the fly. Lastly, the solution could improve by adding some of the user-friendly statistical calculations, such as percentile calculations, median, mode, for calculations.
Mar 5, 2024
Helps with data analysis and visualization tasks
Some controls and integration capabilities of the product require configurations with the help of NoSQL databases, as it is one area where the product has certain shortcomings. At times, I feel that the system needs improvement in single sign-on, especially for the on-premises side of the tool. At times, I see the product freeze in unexpected areas. Unknown exceptions appear in the tool for no reason. One problem with the tool arises from the fact that it does way too much monitoring, impacting areas like reports and performance. The aforementioned areas can be improved in the product. The tool should provide cloud support to help users deal with problems related to the frozen servers.
Jan 10, 2024
Reduced time spent creating reports and dashboards, easy to work with and offers AI-powered features like automatic prediction
I use various BI solutions. Primarily, I work with Power BI. We use two services: the server to upload reports and the Power BI Service. We also use Tableau for one client for reporting, dashboards, and reservations. Additionally, I use SAP Business Objects for reporting purposes. One of Tableau's big objectives is reporting. It is superior compared to other tools. For on-premises Power BI, the biggest challenge is it's not fully integrated. We need separate applications and deployments on different machines. That's cumbersome. With the Tableau server, everyone can share reports on one server, which is much more efficient. Reporting with Tableau is amazing compared to Power BI Desktop. As for cons, the application size is quite high, and 128 GB of RAM is needed for the Tableau Server so if we need a lighter version of Tableau.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Self-service is possible through the use of dashboards, which are also very intuitive. Stories can be used to pin snapshots, tell the story for meetings, etc."
"The main difference that I like about Cognos compared to other solutions is its data splitting functionality. We have all our company data inside the Cognos environment and so we prefer to split the information Cognos itself. It's more efficient this way."
"Cognos is the best application with dashboards,batch reporting, jobs, events and ad-hoc reporting for business users."
"The most valuable feature is developing reports from different data sources, making it a reliable data source."
"The correlation analysis is excellent. It's one of the best that I have used to date."
"It has a very powerful edit feature which allows users to back out of changes (undo) without forcing them to recreate entire reports."
"IBM Cognos offers tools so that you can design and develop your own test queries and reporting solutions."
"It's enabled us to report directly from our main application systems. We're removing islands of data and we're removing inefficiencies, where people or small divisions had their own store of information."
"With Power BI, you're able to store your data within spreadsheets and SharePoints, and then have Power BI pull the data out and report on it. So we actually saved a ton of money not needing to load the data into databases, which is a big prerequisite for many other reporting tools."
"Real-time refresh is quite interesting and user-friendly, provided you have access to a gateway. It works well."
"There was a lot of manual work involved with Excel, whereas once we moved on to Microsoft Power BI, it was a cleaner dashboard and it was faster too."
"Microsoft BI's most valuable features are the user interface, which is easy to use and light."
"It has provided customer purchase patterns and great visualization."
"It provides good visibility."
"It has greatly improved our reporting capabilities."
"We encourage end users to use Power BI because it's quite easy for them to interact with the menus and the navigation bar. Even for ordinary users, they can create their own dashboard using Power BI."
"The solution deployment was straightforward."
"Tableau's most valuable features are its ability to summarize data, provide dynamic controls for navigating different charts, and showcase historical data trends. I appreciate the option to colour-code different charts for improved customer experience."
"It is easy to adapt visualizers to have interactive conversations among decision-makers."
"It's a very good, flexible product, and it's easy to learn."
"There are already connectors to almost every single major database and service that you can possibly think of."
"The solution offers very good reporting."
"The use of a storyboard helps the flow of the data visualisation."
"The data visualization piece is most valuable. We do ad-hoc analysis or one-time shot things, but there are things that we have to track every single day. When our management and our customers want to see how things are changing, the dashboarding provides that information. Tableau is key in providing that data on a refresh basis. We use a data blending tool that pumps the data into Tableau, and we just schedule it to run every single day. So, the automation of the data and being able to present it to people who are interested are the most valuable features."


"The solution's support could be better."
"I would like to see the introduction of mapbooks for supporting some geographical information."
"I would like for the platform to become more standard. If we make a development on our report and our dashboard, it will not be used in another solution. That means there is no portability for the developers."
"We would like to see development of the product's UI function, to make it more of a UI tool that can be configured as required."
"They were lacking in the initial phases of development in the area of big data, and they still need to improve that aspect of the product."
"There are many problems with the product's stability part, making it an area where improvements are required."
"It would be good if the solution had conditional formatting."
"Cognos is quite slow - it's missing the performance of the PowerPlay cubes."
"Microsoft BI’s integration and visualization could be improved."
"It has come a long way in terms of how it was working two years ago, but there are some things that you still can't do with it. For example, permission management and user access management are still a bit limited. It is basically based on the idea that everybody from the organization can see everything or limit the type of data they can see. If I want you to see only one report and the other guy to see another report, I can't do it. There should be a better way to manage permissions and users. It should also support external users much better."
"Its price could be better. Its licensing cost is very high."
"The dashboard could be simplified."
"I would like to see more AI capabilities in future releases. There's a strong interest in AI, including technologies like GPT, which facilitate real-time interactions."
"Microsoft BI has its own challenges in terms of user interface and how quickly somebody can learn how to use it."
"Power BI's administration could use some work, and the user experience needs to improve because it is a client-based tool. If you want to generate a model or report, you need to use client tools, but client tools are limited for end-users who don't have enough hardware. For example, maybe a client lacks enough memory or CPU power for report generators. If you use a model that requires a massive amount of data, your client will face several problems."
"Areas of Power BI that could be improved are the learning curve for developers who come from non-technical backgrounds."
"At the organizational level, increasing the servers' capabilities to support us as an enterprise tool."
"Could have more integrations with different platforms."
"With Tableau, there is a gap in its ability to handle very large-scale data."
"The price of Tableau is too high."
"I would like them to include the Italian language, as I can see there are other foreign language in the product."
"I have noticed that Tableau is not very compatible with ClickHouse. There's no direct connection to ClickHouse; you have to set up an ODBC connection."
"Implementation requires a technical background."
"Firstly, the high cost of Tableau licenses makes it inaccessible for many mid-scale clients. Secondly, the server requires at least 128GB of RAM, which can be impractical for some systems. We need a dedicated system to use Tableau."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is pretty expensive."
"I don't know the exact cost, but I believe Cognos is quite expensive, especially when it comes to the support consultants and the procedures that need to be applied."
"The pricing and licensing policies are comparatively cheaper than other products in the market ."
"On a scale from one to ten where one is low pricing and ten is high pricing, I would rate this solution at eight."
"Pricing should be improved."
"It's more expensive than similar solutions like Tableau and Power BI."
"There is need to assess the purchase license accordingly so as to avoid audit penalties."
"It is averagely priced."
"Microsoft Power BI has reasonable pricing."
"The solution's pricing is medium."
"The current licensing model that Microsoft BI has is expensive. My customers have told me the cost is approximately $20 per user and this can get expensive fast. There should be a one-time purchase option if the customer has a lot of users."
"Globally, we evaluated a number of products, including Salesforce's product, Microsoft won on the ground of simple functionally and cost."
"It's straightforward licensing."
"Licensing is on a monthly basis, but I am not sure."
"The costs are small and the benefits are high."
"The solution is less expensive than other PowerBI tools, which is why most people go with it, although it does cost more than MSBI tools."
"It is more expensive than other solutions."
"This license is on a yearly basis."
"Tableau is an expensive solution, though it comes with its advantages."
"We are paying an annual licensing fee."
"Be careful with the Tableau Viewer's licenses, and stay with the right number of users."
"Its price is a concern. It is more expensive than Power BI. My guess would be that it is $1000 or less per year. We might go for Power BI in the future because of its umbrella with Microsoft licensing. It is much cheaper for us to use Power BI, and some folks will go in that direction because they don't want to pay the higher license."
"The price of Tableau could improve. The license is too expensive."
"Pricing is not bad. It's competitive."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which BI (Business Intelligence) Tools solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user79932 - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 4, 2015
Comparison of SAP BO, Tableau, QlikView, Cognos, Microsoft, OBIEE and Pentaho
1. SAP BO/BI Enterprise scalability Security Ease of use Semantic layer 2. Tableau Visualization Data discovery Turnaround time 3. IBM Cognos Enterprise scalability Security In-memory feature 4. MS BI - Flexibility 5. Pentaho - Open source but still enterprise grade 6. QlikView Data…

Answers from the Community

it_user83559 - PeerSpot reviewer
May 15, 2014
May 15, 2014
Rich- What is it that current leadership perceives as lacking in the current reporting tool set? Why change if the only benefit is features or a products capabilities? Can the products features and capabilities be exploited? By who and when? How does that make money for the company? Increased profit? Cost reduction? Increased resource utilization? Fewer days for order to cash? Reduced colle...
2 out of 21 answers
Feb 4, 2014
What might be “easy” for some is often “difficult” for others. Some users might find their experience with Tableau can be applied to quickly getting up to speed with Report Builder; others might find their mastery of Tableau gets in the way of learning the new software. I’m sure if asked, some colleague’s would say they find Tableau hard to use. Even so, I think what you really need to know is how much training would be needed after converting over to MS BI. I would suggest that to find the answer, you should ask the organization’s best Tableau users to try out a few typical daily tasks in Report Builder and let them evaluate how difficult or easy they are to complete. Their responses can be used to develop a training program for the other users. I would also suggest this link It provides tutorials for various tasks in Report Builder, which may be able to give you a feel for how simple or complex it is to build a dashboard, chart or report in Report Builder.
it_user79746 - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 4, 2014
I am still early in my Tableau experience. I do know that MS has a thing called PowerPivot which is part of the MS answer to Tableau, interesting that so many other BI providers are having to adapt to the competition provided by Tableau, but that also requires enterprise Sharepoint. Where I work they are just coming out of what we might call BI 1.0 and trying to get to BI 2.0, which is why I am there.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Seeking lightweight open source BI software
It depends on the Data architecture and the complexity of your requirement. Some great tools in the market are Qlik ...
What do you like most about IBM Cognos?
The solution's most valuable feature is its ease of use, which makes it easily compatible with other tools.
What needs improvement with IBM Cognos?
The tool does not have much documentation on the internet. It is not easy to resolve issues by finding the reason for...
Seeking lightweight open source BI software
There are many...It would rather depend what System BI architecture or Enterprise legacy you have at your end...I wou...
Is Power BI a complete platform or only a visualization tool?
Power BI is an advanced visualization tool oriented to big data with a very complete set of widgets to visualize info...
How does Oracle OBIEE compare with Microsoft BI?
Oracle OBIEE is great in allowing design and creativity per the individual needs of the organization. Dashboards are ...
Tableau vs. Business Objects - Which is a better solution for visualization and analysis?
Both tools have their positives and negatives. First, I should mention that I am relatively new to Tableau. I have be...
Which would you choose - Tableau or SAP Analytics Cloud?
Tableau is easy to set up and maintain. In about a day it is possible for the entire platform to be deployed for use....
What do you like most about Tableau?
Tableau is a fantastic tool that provides impressive dashboards and customized reports.

Also Known As

Cognos, Cognos Analytics, IBM Cognos Analytics
SSRS, SSAS, MSBI, MS Reporting Services, Microsoft BI Tools, Microsoft Big Data, Power BI Pro, MS BI
Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, Tableau Online



Sample Customers

More than 23,000 leading organizations across multiple industries use Cognos. Some examples of Cognos customers include BMW Financial Services, Quinte Health Care, Troy Corporation, Michigan State University, and GKN Land System.
Accenture Adidas Aetna AIG Airbus Alibaba Allstate Amazon American Express Aon AT&T Audi Bank of America BASF Bayer Berkshire Hathaway Boeing Coca-Cola Comcast Cisco Coca-Cola Dell Disney Emirates Equinix FedEx Ford GE Google H&M Home Depot Honda IBM Intel JPMorgan Chase Kellogg's Kroger L'Oréal McDonald's Merck MetLife Microsoft Nike Oracle P&G PepsiCo Procter & Gamble Prudential Financial SAP Siemens Snapchat Spotify Starbucks Target Toyota T-Mobile Unilever Visa Walmart WeWork World Bank Xerox
Accenture, Adobe,, Bank of America, Charles Schwab Corp, Citigroup, Coca-Cola Company, Cornell University, Dell, Deloitte, Duke University, eBay, Exxon Mobil, Fannie Mae, Ferrari, French Red Cross, Goldman Sachs, Google, Government of Canada, HP, Intel, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Macy's, Merck, The New York Times, PayPal, Pfizer, US Army, US Air Force, Skype, and Walmart.
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Power BI vs. Tableau and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.