AWS Database Migration Service vs AWS Glue comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

AWS Database Migration Service
Ranking in Cloud Data Integration
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
AWS Glue
Ranking in Cloud Data Integration
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud Data Integration category, the mindshare of AWS Database Migration Service is 25.4%, up from 17.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of AWS Glue is 29.3%, up from 24.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud Data Integration
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
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Featured Reviews

Oct 21, 2021
Works well with large databases, but could use more integration with other tools
We don't use Data Migration Services regularly. We only use it when we need to migrate a relatively large database from on-premises to the cloud. From my point of view, it was the best option in this case It provided the ability to create more, less optimized data warehouses. And simplify support…
ParamShah - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 16, 2024
A cloud solution with easy configuration with output limitation
There are output limitations and configuration of its three parts. There was a lot of trial and error that we had to go through. It is not clear how the partition discovery would have been affected by more data coming in. We've made some expensive mistakes, which, if there were any tutorials available or if there was easy documentation available with FAQs, could have been avoided. There is documentation, but it doesn't cover all. There are three specific partition changes, and AWS Glue is tightly tied to Athena. We don't have much flexibility in managing the Athena. AWS Glue could integrate with an AI model or a more advanced version that processes chat-based inputs rather than configuration. This would align it more closely with the functionalities of chat-based interfaces, making it easier to adopt.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It's scalable."
"The solution is instantaneous. We can launch the service and reduce the end number of manpower."
"The product is cheaper than all platforms"
"The Schema Conversion Tool helps to covert the convertible objects and define the non-convertible objects"
"The product's initial setup phase was very easy."
"The installation is easy."
"It's pretty useful when we need to migrate something big from a different type of database that AWS Data Migration Services supports."
"As the solution is on the cloud, we don't have to worry about the maintenance of software."
"It's very good to manage."
"AWS Glue is fast and managed by AWS. Hence, you don't have to worry about capacity and the performance of Glue jobs. It has integrations with other data stores of AWS. The product offers metadata management, logging, and ETL processing capabilities. It comes with a powerful feature, Glue Studio, which helps to do queries interactively within the community. It is a managed service and very secure. Another popular and mature service is S3."
"I also like that you can add custom libraries like JAR files and use them. So, the ability to use a fast processing engine and embed basic jobs easily are significant advantages."
"I like that it's flexible, powerful, and allows you to write your own queries and scripts to get the needed transformations."
"AWS Glue is quite better than other tools, but you have to learn it properly before you start using it."
"The solution helps organizations gain flexibility in defining the structure of the data."
"Data catalog and triggers are the two best features for me. AWS Glue has its own data catalog, which makes it great and really easy to use. Triggers are also really good for scheduling the ETL process."
"The solution is serverless so it allows us to transform data while optimizing the cost and performance of Spark jobs."


"Whatever solution worked today can not be reused in the next migration."
"The performance of data migration could be smoother."
"If they had some sort of functionality where, at a specific point in time, if I want to start a new job, it should automatically pick up from where it has been left rather than having people worry about the exact job number and the timing."
"The cost is a concern. We use DMS because of its simplicity, but the price could definitely be more competitive."
"There are a set of complexities and challenges when a user wants to integrate AWS products with Microsoft products."
"The names of the services need improvement since AWS doesn't indicate what the function of the product is presently. You need to read a lot to find the service that you want in the product."
"Migrating from here and pushing the data from on-premise to AWS cloud is a big challenge and a few more services from AWS would be helpful. For example, we are currently using ILDB internet tools which move data from on-premise to the AWS cloud. A few more services would be really helpful for me to move the master data."
"Database Migration Service could be more integrated. I think that it makes sense to add integration to these functions. For example, AWS Glue has a feature called Orchestrator to create data flows, and that's more straightforward."
"The interface for AWS Glue could improve, they do not put a lot of details. You can write the code, in PySpark or in Scala, which is a big advantage, it is only easy to use for a developer. It will be difficult for new users to enter the cloud environment."
"Cost-wise, AWS Glue is expensive, so that's an area for improvement. The process for setting up the solution was also complex, which is another area for improvement."
"It is not clear how the partition discovery would have been affected by more data coming in."
"Glue could perform better. It sometimes takes too long to test a Glue job. Google Cloud Platform offers more Python scripts than AWS."
"On occasion, the solution's dashboard reports that a project failed due to runtime but it actually succeeded."
"The monitoring is not that good."
"The solution's visual ETL tool is of no use for actual implementation."
"It would be better if it were more user-friendly. The interesting thing we found is that it was a little strange at the beginning. The way Glue works is not very straightforward. After trying different things, for example, we used just the console to create jobs. Then we realized that things were not working as expected. After researching and learning more, we realized that even though the console creates the script for the ETL processes, you need to modify or write your own script in Spark to do everything you want it to do. For example, we are pulling data from our source database and our application database, which is in Aurora. From there, we are doing the ETL to transform the data and write the results into Redshift. But what was surprising is that it's almost like whatever you want to do, you can do it with Glue because you have the option to put together your own script. Even though there are many functionalities and many connections, you have the opportunity to write your own queries to do whatever transformations you need to do. It's a little deceiving that some options are supposed to work in a certain way when you set them up in the console, but then they are not exactly working the right way or not as expected. It would be better if they provided more examples and more documentation on options."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The product is pretty expensive"
"Pricing can be improved."
"AWS Database Migration Service is the least expensive solution, but is still expensive."
"I rate the product price a seven on a scale of one to ten, where one is a high price, and ten is a low price."
"The solution’s pricing is reasonable."
"Cost is the only factor that is challenging."
"The pricing can be better and it should be more competitive."
"AWS Database Migration Service is very inexpensive."
"The overall cost of AWS Glue could be better. It cost approximately $1,000 a month. There is paid support available from AWS Glue."
"Its price is good. We pay as we go or based on the usage, which is a good thing for us because it is simple to forecast for the tool. It is good in terms of the financial planning of the company, and it is a good way to estimate the cost. It is also simple for our clients. In my opinion, it is one of the best tools in the market for ETL processes because of the fact that you pay as you use, which separates it from other big tools such as PowerCenter, Pentaho Data Integration, and Talend."
"I rate the tool's pricing a four out of ten."
"I would rate the solution a six or seven on a scale of one to ten, with ten being very expensive. Specifically, I rate its pricing a six out of ten."
"Technical support is a paid service, and which subscription you have is dependent on that. You must pay one of them, and it ranges from $15,000 to $25,000 per year."
"The solution's pricing is based on DPUs so it is a good idea to optimize use or it can get expensive."
"This solution is affordable and there is an option to pay for the solution based on your usage."
"I rate the tool an eight on a scale of one to ten, where one is expensive, and ten is expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What resources can you use to learn how to utilize AWS Database Migration Service?
As with all AWS products, you are given very useful documentation with AWS Database Migration Service. Before we started using this product, we went over it and we were able to learn the basics an...
Would you recommend AWS Database Migration Service as a cloud data integration tool?
My current company started using AWS Database Migration Service upon my recommendation, and I continue telling people how good of a product it is. However, users should keep in mind a few things. ...
Is AWS Database Migration Service an affordable solution?
Compared to similar solutions, AWS Database Migration Service falls somewhere in the middle price-wise, at least from my experience. This being said, it is not a very affordable solution, especial...
How do you select the right cloud ETL tool?
AWS Glue and Azure Data factory for ELT best performance cloud services.
How does Talend Open Studio compare with AWS Glue?
We reviewed AWS Glue before choosing Talend Open Studio. AWS Glue is the managed ETL (extract, transform, and load) from Amazon Web Services. AWS Glue enables AWS users to create and manage jobs in...
What are the most common use cases for AWS Glue?
AWS Glue's main use case is for allowing users to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources. The product lets you use this data for analytics, application development, or ma...

Also Known As

AWS Data Migration Service
No data available



Sample Customers

Veoci, Trimble, Nasdaq,, Hotelbeds, SysAid, Verizon, Expedia, Pega
bp, Cerner, Expedia, Finra, HESS, intuit, Kellog's, Philips, TIME, workday
Find out what your peers are saying about AWS Database Migration Service vs. AWS Glue and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.