Celonis vs SAP Signavio Process Manager comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 14, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Process Mining (1st)
SAP Signavio Process Manager
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Business Process Design (6th), Business Process Management (BPM) (8th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Process Mining category, the mindshare of Celonis is 38.4%, up from 32.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SAP Signavio Process Manager is 34.9%, up from 25.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Process Mining
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Business Process Design
Business Process Management (BPM)

Q&A Highlights

Oct 31, 2021

Featured Reviews

Venkat Sivaprakash - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 27, 2024
Offers real-time process visualization, enhances performance, lead time reduction, improved quality, or reduced rework
One area for improvement is that, while Celonis has existing APIs for some domains like accounts, it lacks ready-made ones for others, like financial services. This means we need to customize our data channels so the data can be used by Celonis. There's a lot of pre-work needed to cleanse and harmonize data attributes before it's usable with Celonis. That's the main issue I see with the tool. Let's use an example of a financial process, such as loan origination. An application comes in and is scanned. Someone then reviews it, capturing the details. After review, it enters the organization system, potentially with bypass steps. There are different stages: validating the application, capturing data, validating documents, and deciding whether to accept the loan. We need to precisely define these stages. In many organizations, this data might not readily exist. We can't just use Celonis with existing data; it needs harmonization first. This means we might not be able to leverage existing data in Celonis, starting from scratch instead. If an organization has ten years of data, we need to cleanse it at the data point level and metadata level. This involves merging, simplifying, removing, and relabeling attributes. It's a lot of work. Celonis works well when this pre-work is done. Right now, good facilitating tools are missing, even from Microsoft. We need to harmonize those timestamps manually before connecting the data to Celonis, which provides the analysis output we need. I hope Celonis simplifies this process in future releases.
Cirvesh-Daga - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 15, 2024
Good visual representation for modelling and business process mapping but room for improvement in reporting functionalities
There is room for improvement in analytics. People don't realize it, but the world has changed in the last six to eight months. Customers want to see AI like ChatGPT and ML capabilities in all aspects of business processes and reporting. That would be my recommendation for any OEM in this value chain. Reporting could definitely be improved. I would like to see new features in analytics. I like that they analyze the process and give it to me visually, but I'd like the option to use DPMM instead of just DPC. I'd also like the option to have the process map laid out top to bottom instead of horizontally. Especially a choice between DPMN and EPC as a format. Because there are some people who are very comfortable with the EPC notation. The process is very clearly event-driven. There's an event, there's an action. It's very simple to understand. BPMN, which is the most popular business process notation, generally tends to have multiple frames. Actually, in multiple swimlanes rather. And those frames could each represent a particular kind of entity. Maybe it's an action, maybe it's an actor, maybe it's an event. So there are two different ways of notation. I just like Signavio to give us the ability to choose that notation. Because some companies use BPMN and some use the EPC. And then, if the minute you make that change, I'd like them to give us the flexibility of having an already plotted or vertically plotted option. Moreover, I would like to see improvement in the visual part. It's the piece that needs improvement. Currently, you can plot the diagram horizontally or vertically. However, I'd like the option to change the way the diagram is created, like switching between different notations.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Celonis provides valuable features with in-depth analysis models and UI."
"Celonis' best feature is a new one called Action Flow, an enhanced version of earlier automation features with lots of integration options with other systems so you can access third-party systems and automate some actions there too."
"The analyst role within this solution is very good; it provides a transaction dashboard, and KPI module, that are completely customizable."
"My two favorite features are execution management and process intelligence, which provide 360-degree data."
"Cause analyzer is a very good feature."
"The solution offers very good division management."
"We used to draw errors to be processed manually, and now you can get the digital information directly with the help of Celonis."
"The training material is good. The information is very systematic, detailed, and comprehensive. They have a training video for almost every single thing, which makes it easier to know how to use the tool."
"I love the collaboration function, especially the option to invite people who don't have any users on the licenses."
"It's way of handling is really an advantage. It's quite easy to use, without too much training . That's the main point for me."
"We could increase the transparency and speed for the new ERP introduction. The status and changes by the new system are now clear to everybody and it is a great tool to train the people."
"The collaboration function in the project views is valuable because people can comment on the processes and we can respond."
"The most valuable features of this solution are the portal for spreading it over the organization, the usability, and the workflow generator in the background."
"The most valuable feature is that you can customize it completely with all of the attributes that you need."
"It's easy and fast. It's very quick to work with process teams in terms of improving processes. You just have to send them a URL and to have a process in front of them. I don't use all of the possibilities we have in Signavio. This has made it easier for people to adopt, because when we scrambled the process team together and started a process of improvement, it improved their process. They are much more involved than they had been earlier, and they can also use Signavio to make smaller improvements in the process for themselves. There are many more interactions between the process teams and Signavio than in our previous solution, where you had to hire in a professional process modeler. It's been a great improvement."
"This solution is innovative and simple to use."


"In the next release, I would like for them to integrate more custom features to ease the process of having multiple solutions. I would like to be able to integrate it with other solutions."
"The marketplace should offer process connectors for Oracle JDEdwards, and Peoplesoft."
"The Process Query Language (PQL) native language used in Celonis needs improvements. It has most of the process-related functions but we have queries from clients that cannot be done in PQL."
"The tool must have better process graphs."
"Celonis isn't particularly useful when you have many manual processes without systems or back-office."
"They are killing the customers with high licensing prices. The tool’s pricing could be cheaper. Small enterprises wouldn’t be able to afford the tool."
"They should provide a community edition license so that everyone can deploy or install it on their own system and get more hands-on experience with the product."
"The price could be better, but complexity is the biggest problem. Celonis is quite easy to operate once the customizations are done. You need a large amount of skill and knowledge to work with the tool. You need to understand it and know more than the basics."
"The price can be made cheaper."
"If you start from scratch then I think this product would be ideal, but if you already have something then it may or may not suit you."
"There is a lot of room for improvement. We've submitted a lot of OSS requests for special inputs we need, like glossary or dictionary entries in Quick Model. Currently, that's not functional."
"The workflow automation of the solution is an area of concern where improvements are required."
"It is not easy to learn the product."
"Technical support has been somewhat challenging; there hasn't been much visibility on how to create a ticket or integrate with SAP."
"One of the most important points in Signavio that would be a great change would be the management of variants of the process."
"It could use a better user interface, one that is more efficient."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The cost would be a concern for a certain category of customers. Flexible cost models would help smaller players be able to adapt Celonis into their business operations."
"Celonis is expensive, but it is functional."
"It is only affordable for large or public companies."
"Evaluating the price of the solution can be a difficult question. It is all about the business case and the return of the investments. That is typically how we also see this type of solution. It depends very much on the return. The entry-level is focused on enterprise size companies, for the SMB segment is it is out of their range. It is definitely expensive."
"Celonis has the highest pricing in the process mining domain."
"The product is pretty expensive but reasonable."
"The solution is expensive."
"Pricing-wise, Celonis is a five out of ten right now because my clients just started with the solution. When my clients start looking at scaling Celonis, the cost will grow. Every user has an additional charge, and every gig of data you bring in costs extra."
"The solution is expensive."
"SaaS has no setup cost, just licensing fees."
"We are only able to use the free academic licenses because we have a financial constraint. We are not able to pay for commercial licenses to use this kind of tool."
"This solution provides really great value for the money."
"I found the pricing of the solution to be moderate compared to other choices."
"The customer Journey Modeler is more than twice the price of Process Manager, which is a lot."
"The solution is quite expensive compared to other vendors."
"SAP is always more expensive. The per-user cost is hard to calculate and forecast for a big company."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Energy/Utilities Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Energy/Utilities Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Which is better - Signavio Process Manager or Celonis?
SAP Signavio Process Manager is a very robust industrial-grade business process modeling tool. It is easy to use and does not require too much technological involvement. This solution has a collabo...
What do you like most about Celonis?
Celonis, especially for high-risk finance-related processes, helped us make precise decisions and uncover hidden values within our architecture. It was one of the most significant values our busine...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Celonis?
Celonis is the most expensive solution in the market, and many customers are ready to migrate to more affordable solutions such as ARIS and SAP Signavio. Celonis must reduce its costs globally, esp...
What do you like most about Signavio Process Manager?
The visual representation is extremely powerful and easy to use in process modeling and analysis. I can show it to someone who doesn't know business process mapping, and they still understand bec...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Signavio Process Manager?
We have SAP Signavio Process Manager and Collaboration Hub licenses, and the company is fine with them.
What needs improvement with Signavio Process Manager?
There are a lot of challenges with Process Manager. For example, we wanted to create a process map from an Excel sheet, but Signavio doesn't have that capability. I have raised this issue with Sign...

Also Known As

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Signavio Process Editor

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Sample Customers

Anheuser-Busch InBev, AXA, Bayer, Cisco, Deloitte, Deutsche Telekom, Hitachi, Kellogg's, Lufthansa, and Whirlpool
DHL, Coca Cola EP, Prudential, Zalando, T-Systems, Jabil, Endress+Hauser, Rakuten
Find out what your peers are saying about Celonis, UiPath, Automation Anywhere and others in Process Mining. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.