Oracle Linux vs Ubuntu Linux comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 17, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Oracle Linux
Ranking in Operating Systems (OS) for Business
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ubuntu Linux
Ranking in Operating Systems (OS) for Business
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
OpenStack (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Operating Systems (OS) for Business category, the mindshare of Oracle Linux is 17.6%, up from 14.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Ubuntu Linux is 15.7%, down from 23.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Operating Systems (OS) for Business
Unique Categories:
No other categories found

Q&A Highlights

Nov 23, 2021

Featured Reviews

Peter Karlsson - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 14, 2023
Excellent stability and support, with potential drawbacks including compatibility and a narrower range of ISV support compared to some other distributions
There is a desire to include ZFS as a supported file system from the installation phase. I find it to be an excellent file system that significantly simplifies storage management on systems. Unlike other setups where you need both a file system and a volume manager, ZFS combines these functionalities into a single package. It provides a proven and stable solution, eliminating the need for continuous testing with different technologies. ZFS is enterprise-proven and, compared to other Linux file systems, stands out in terms of management efficiency. While some file systems may offer slightly faster speeds, ZFS excels in overall performance, manageability, and reliability, making it a top choice in the Linux world. Another notable aspect that could be improved is minor compatibility with Red Hat. This is crucial for customers seeking ISV support. ISVs often limit their support to a select few distributions, typically Red Hat, and maintaining compatibility is vital for application functionality.
VishalSingh - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 1, 2024
Customizable product with robust security features
The product serves as an essential operating system for starting a PC. Once the system is up, users can install applications, browse the internet, and perform various tasks. It serves as the foundation for daily computing activities The primary benefits of using Ubuntu include its reliability,…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It provides for stable Oracle deployments."
"The solution has zero downtime and is easy to optimize right out of the box."
"Very stable."
"Oracle is well-known for its strong security measures. I have a great deal of confidence in the security of the Oracle DB, including its ability to monitor changes made to the database."
"Oracle Linux is very compatible with other platforms."
"It's very useful for hosting other Oracle products."
"Once installed, the product is good, I like it. The core of the software is really good."
"The most valuable feature is the ease of the commands which take little time to learn."
"The solution is easy to use"
"The security is very good."
"As we have repositories in my country, the ease of use and the open source nature of the solution are valuable features."
"Open source with a fast OS."
"There is a lot of freedom and flexibility to install it really quickly. It is just very powerful in the sense that it doesn't take up as many resources to run as some of the other operating systems. It is open source, so it is free. There is no licensing fee. There is flexibility and freedom to do whatever you need to do. If you are familiar with the command line, you can jump on the command line and configure almost any part of the operating system that you want. If you are not comfortable with the command line, the graphical user interface has really improved ever since I started using Linux back in high school. It is really very simple to manage your settings and other things. You can also try out multiple desktop environments. As a matter of fact, on one of my laptops, I have installed five different desktop environments, and I can switch between them. If you don't like one, you can easily just install another one with a few commands, and you have got a whole new desktop right there, whereas, in Microsoft Windows or a Mac, you are just stuck with whatever they give you, and you have to wait until they sell you something else."
"The feature that I most like in Ubuntu is that it is really easy to use. Ubuntu is very easy to use and comes with many available packages. I think that Ubuntu is a good solution for the small business or a small lab."
"It's great for security and it is very safe."
"The tool is stable. It can automate the updates like Microsoft."


"I think they should also pay more attention to the open-source community."
"They should increase security."
"For usability, the GUI options during the initial setup could be included with advanced functionalities that are now currently only possible on the CLI."
"We'd like it if it was a bit more secure."
"Most day-to-day applications are not native to this solution. You have to run an emulator or virtual machine, such as VMware to access these Windows applications."
"Oracle Linux, needs to support more packages."
"The price of Oracle Linux should improve, it is expensive compared to other solutions."
"The solution needs to improve there their capability with most of the applications."
"After only a week of using the solution, we haven't really found any limitations or missing features."
"It should be easier and lighter. I am more experienced in working with CentOS, and I find CentOS much easier to use than Ubuntu. Ubuntu is more complicated than CentOS. Ubuntu is also heavier for hardware than centOS."
"On the desktop edition, we'd like more themes."
"Ubuntu Linux needs to improve its stability. I would like it to show the battery percentage at the screen top."
"They can make it user-friendly. It is not totally user-friendly."
"The performance of this product could still be improved, as it's always good to improve on the performance of any product, no matter how satisfied you are with it."
"The solution could be better integrated with Microsoft."
"Lack of integration with other operating systems."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"This solution is very cost-effective, as it is essentially free, with charges only for support purposes."
"The solution is less expensive than Solaris and allows for use of existing hardware."
"We are not paying anything for the operating system."
"We pay a monthly subscription fee."
"This is an open-source product that can be used free of charge."
"The cost is relatively affordable."
"The licensing for this solution is based on the number of calls running Oracle databases, and are purchased either annually, or every three years."
"The solution has no fees."
"The solution is free."
"It is open source."
"Ubuntu Linux is free, but you can pay for a supported version that is better."
"Ubuntu is a free product."
"This solution is free."
"​Old equipment works for at least two or three years more, which means a significant savings.​"
"We do not incur a licensing fee for the solution, as we make use of the free version."
"There are no payments to be made towards any licensing costs attached to the solution."
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Answers from the Community

Nov 23, 2021
Nov 23, 2021
Ubunto Linux is a complete Linux operating system that is freely available with both community and professional support. This solution is suitable for both desktop and server use. It has a very appealing GUI that makes it very easy for users coming from a Windows ecosystem to understand. Ubuntu Linux makes for a really great, soft introduction to Linux. Ubuntu Linux has some very demanding syst...
See 2 answers
Nov 22, 2021
Ubunto Linux is a complete Linux operating system that is freely available with both community and professional support. This solution is suitable for both desktop and server use. It has a very appealing GUI that makes it very easy for users coming from a Windows ecosystem to understand. Ubuntu Linux makes for a really great, soft introduction to Linux. Ubuntu Linux has some very demanding system requirements, though. There are many software applications that Ubuntu Linux does not support, which makes some collaborations difficult. It also has some reliability issues and can be a bit buggy. Oracle Linux is flexible, robust, reliable, and scales easily. Of the many offered features, we like Ksplice best, as it allows us to update the Kernal without a reboot. Oracle Linux offers regular updates and patches which help support great security. The GUI on Oracle Linux is not very attractive. The download speed is not good, and they could also improve their server capacity. Oracle Linux needs better integrations. It only works with Oracle products. It can also be a bit expensive to use. Conclusion: Ubunto is an African word that means “humanity to others” and also represents the expression “I am who I am because of who we all are.” Ubuntu Linux takes this meaning very seriously. It is free (they plan to keep it that way forever) and is very user-friendly, especially when compared to other Linux distributions, and offers excellent community support. If you are new to the Linux ecosystem, Ubunto Linux is a great place to start. Oracle Linux is very flexible and secure and is the best choice for enterprises already running on Oracle or planning to migrate to Oracle solutions.
Nov 23, 2021
Oracle Linux is an Enterprise product with Server level features. Ubuntu is a Desktop platform not a mature product. only for small business developers applications. not much stable as oracle Linux. if you to run 3rd party server software Oracle Linux usually have better support than Ubuntu. Oracle Linux is a corporate world, But Ubuntu try to fill this gap but still lack of technology stack in server world

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Oracle Linux compare with Solaris?
When comparing Oracle Linux and Solaris, I believe that Linux is more secure and more flexible. It is also very suitable for enterprises that are already Oracle solution users. I found Linux to be ...
Which would you choose - Ubuntu Linux or Oracle Linux?
Ubunto Linux is a complete Linux operating system that is freely available with both community and professional support. This solution is suitable for both desktop and server use. It has a very app...
What do you like most about Ubuntu Linux?
It has a good support system for loading databases.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Ubuntu Linux?
Ubuntu is essentially free to download and use, making it accessible to anyone without the need for licensing costs.

Also Known As

Oracle Enterprise Linux

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Sample Customers

See here
Samsung, eBay, AT&T, Walmart, Cisco, Time Warner Cable, Bloomberg, Best Buy, Dell, Intel, Microsoft, Ericsson, Orange, Wells Fargo
Find out what your peers are saying about Oracle Linux vs. Ubuntu Linux and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.