Microsoft Power Apps vs Oracle Application Express (APEX) comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 15, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Power Apps
Ranking in Rapid Application Development Software
Ranking in Low-Code Development Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Oracle Application Express ...
Ranking in Rapid Application Development Software
Ranking in Low-Code Development Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Development Platforms (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Rapid Application Development Software category, the mindshare of Microsoft Power Apps is 15.3%, down from 23.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Oracle Application Express (APEX) is 7.2%, down from 9.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Rapid Application Development Software
Unique Categories:
Low-Code Development Platforms
Development Platforms

Featured Reviews

Dec 14, 2022
We can track each project and have a single point from which we can see all the details
Power Apps is a tool to create forms and solutions for collecting information from the floor. We have 10 or 15 users at the moment, but we expect to add more Power Apps helps our company manage projects, like improvement projects, for example. We can track each project and have a single point…
Feb 13, 2023
Good data automation and digitization, but the user interface could be enhanced
In my opinion, the UI of the entire program is quite complicated for beginners to understand, especially when it comes to finding a different list or, different kinds of features because the features are not really categorized in the same categories. Perhaps it is the name of the categories that are different or not exactly straightforward. The user needs to think about or do more research on the internet to know where exactly the feature is that they are looking for or where they can find it. Another issue I used to encounter was with the debugging functions. I believe this is an area where Oracle APEX could improve significantly in terms of displaying error messages or error pages. It is very difficult to detect bugs or which bugs you are having when it comes to errors or which errors you have. Oracle displays an error page to demonstrate the issue. When compared to Arotech, or PowerApps, they show you the root cause of it at the very least, which is more information provided when it comes to debugging. In terms of new features, I'd want to see any type of new functionality in the future, or at the very least update the tutorial or user interface. The only thing I can think of that might be improved is additional information regarding the root cause or more troubleshooting suggestions.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The solution integrates quickly with our organization's existing systems."
"The solution works great and is stable."
"The solution is easy to use and map."
"The solution becomes easier the set up once you get used to it."
"The initial setup is very simple."
"The speed of the solution is valuable."
"The solution is excellent at figuring how to build an application in three months. It makes it very quick and easy."
"You can easily connect Power Apps with other databases, like Excel, SharePoint, SQL, etc."
"It's fairly easy to make a user-friendly interface."
"It's stable and reliable for the most part."
"The solution can efficiently translate from English to another language including Arabic using the XLIFF format."
"This is a good application for quickly creating public applications."
"I like that Oracle Application Express (APEX) is powerful and attractive, allowing my organization to modernize forms within two months. I also found its PWA feature very powerful because you can produce substantial mobile applications."
"Efficient software delivery and a solution that works quickly."
"Personally, I would say that Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a powerful tool...Stability-wise, I rate the solution a nine out of ten."
"One of the most valuable features is that we can develop everything locally and deploy it for different kinds of operators in different locations, so we can do our job in one piece. The benefit of that is that others can use these applications. They connect to the internet to do these kinds of applications based on the permissions for those users."


"Its user interface can be better. It is good, but it can be a bit clunky."
"Custom error management is also a challenge. Customization, including the ability to integrate custom code, would be valuable."
"There is room for improvement with the amount of code required to implement the expense classification app."
"Improvements to the capturing of geographic locations and integration with maps would raise my score of the product from seven point five to its maximum of ten."
"The portal and canvas apps need to be improved and brought up to speed."
"I recommend improving Microsoft Power Apps' licensing model. I've encountered challenges related to licensing complexity, which has led some customers to opt for traditional solution development and deployment methods instead."
"You can't add too many filters onto anything you build, otherwise, it will be very slow and it will affect your performance."
"The solution must provide more integration with third-party applications."
"Maybe there are other technologies that offer what APEX cannot."
"Some of the application interfaces of Oracle Application Express are not very attractive and could be improved."
"Occasionally when trying to un a page, I would be faced with an error number; however, not much information would be provided on the error itself outside of the programming language. It would be nice if more information could be provided."
"You also need an APEX specialist for deployment because not many people use it."
"Oracle should implement vertical and horizontal data segmentation in APEX's security framework, so Dev teams don't need to do any heavy lifting in the APEX screens. This is a common issue in enterprise apps. It would be nice to seamlessly integrate Git repositories into the development process since the current solution can result in overlapping work or an eventual overwrite. The provided example apps are great, but they could benefit from some added documentation in the "explanation screens"."
"I've experienced some difficulties when using Oracle Application Express (APEX), particularly when I'm designing forms. For example, when I design a form, I add buttons and controls, but I'm unable to visualize how it'll look unless I run it. You want to design and do things your way, but if you don't have much experience, then you'll find that designing in Oracle Application Express (APEX) is a little complicated. This won't be a problem with anyone more experienced, though. If I wanted to create my design, for example, a different table format or some background images, it becomes a problem, and this is an area for improvement in Oracle Application Express (APEX). Designing should be easier, even for less experienced users. An additional feature I'd like to see in Oracle Application Express (APEX) is more plugins, particularly a repository that contains a lot of plugins, so you can go to that repository and download whichever you like and use it or add it to your project. Right now, I create my plugins, so it would be helpful if Oracle Application Express (APEX) has a repository of plugins people can use, download from anywhere in the world, and integrate into projects."
"It would be highly beneficial if APEX were an all-in-one platform capable of handling all aspects of application development."
"Oracle Application Express would be improved if you could use it on a mobile platform."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Pricing for this solution is completely based on user requirement. If your requirement is simple or less complex, then the basic licensing model can work, e.g. the free model, or else, you need to go for the premium features or premium model."
"Typically, it's $20 per user, per month, commercial. For the government, on a per user basis, what we were looking at is $11.23 per month."
"The cost for licensing could be lower."
"The enterprise-level costs a great deal of money, and you have to purchase additional licenses to scale it."
"This is not an expensive product and there are no licensing fees."
"The product is inexpensive."
"Microsoft PowerApps is expensive, but there are many features included."
"Our enterprise contract with Microsoft Power Apps includes the application feature platform in our subscription package, so we are not incurring any extra expenses. All of our other subscriptions are also part of our license agreement."
"Oracle Express comes with the Oracle license, it is a bundle."
"To my understanding, my organization is using the free version of Oracle Application Express (APEX), but I'm unsure because I haven't checked the pricing or licensing cost for it."
"The solution is free with your Oracle license or database and that is a good value."
"I do not think this would be an ideal option for a small sized company or a startup when considering the salary requirements for Oracle DBA'a and developers."
"The pricing is mid-range so is neither expensive nor cheap."
"Apex is not priced separately; instead, it is associated with the Oracle database. A free option for Oracle database and Apex can be downloaded and installed on this complimentary database version. This aligns with our current approach."
"We have an Oracle basic product license, and then we can use Oracle APEX for free. We have many licenses for Oracle for approximately 20 processors."
"There is a trial version available that can be used free of charge."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How would you choose between Microsoft PowerApps and Salesforce Platform?
I think it depends on your use case. If your organization uses Microsoft Enterprise products, PowerApps will work better in your environment. Similarly, if you have a Salesforce integration in pla...
Would you choose ServiceNow over Microsoft PowerApps?
Hi Netanya, I will choose ServiceNow because ServiceNow is a very good tool compared to Microsoft PowerApp. Because ServiceNow has a very strong module (Performance Analysis) reporting which will ...
Would you choose Microsoft Azure App Service or PowerApps?
Microsoft Azure App Service is helpful if you need to set up temporary servers for customers to run their programs in locations that other cloud providers do not cater to. When servers are closer t...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Oracle Application Express (APEX)?
I use Oracle Cloud for learning, applying our experience, and doing R&D, but we've never looked into the pricing.
What needs improvement with Oracle Application Express (APEX)?
There is one disadvantage. When facing problems, it can be difficult to find solutions online (Google/YouTube), unlike with Java coding, where solutions are readily available on Google. This happen...

Also Known As

PowerApps, MS PowerApps
Oracle APEX

Learn More




Sample Customers

TransAlta, Rackspace, Telstra
Hepart AG, pharmasol, SATLOG, Collège Bois-de-Boulogne
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Power Apps vs. Oracle Application Express (APEX) and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.