What is cloud storage? Cloud storage is a type of computer data storage in which digital data is stored in logical pools called “clouds,” which are located on the internet.
Using cloud storage, individuals, as well as companies, can store and access their data online. Unlike physical storage of data, which limits the number of users that can access it and strictly depends on where it is located, cloud storage allows any user with permission to access the data from anywhere and on any device, including computers, smartphones, or tablets. Another common use for cloud storage is archiving data that needs to be stored for a long time and does not need to be accessed daily (for example, various types of records).
Cloud storage is distributed to users via a specialized third-party provider. The services of this type of storage can be accessed in various ways. These include desktop cloud storage, web-based content management systems, colocated cloud computing service, a web service application programming interface, or a cloud storage gateway. Different cloud storage services may provide related services regarding the collection of data, its management, tools to enhance its security, or ways to analyze it.
There are three main types of cloud storage, each suitable for different purposes:
1. Object storage can be used for importing data stores for analytics, archive, or backup.
2. File storage.
3. Block storage.
Cloud storage can also be categorized by the types of cloud computing deployment systems. This is done to assist organizations to deploy the most suitable types of services for their needs. The types of cloud computing deployment systems are:
1. Public clouds
2. Private clouds
3. Multi-cloud
4. Hybrid clouds
5. High-performing computing cloud
And lastly, there are four types of cloud computing services:
1. Software as a service (SaaS)
2. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
3. Platform as a service (PaaS)
4. Serverless computing
A cloud storage gateway, which can be implemented in either software or hardware, is a hybrid cloud storage device that serves as a bridge between local applications and remote cloud-based storage. A cloud storage gateway works through the translation of cloud storage application programming interfaces (APIs) to block-based storage protocols. The latter may include iSCSI or Fiber Channel. In addition to block-based storage protocols, a cloud storage gateway may also translate to file-based interfaces like server message blocks (SMBs), for example. All the data from cloud storage gateways is committed to the cloud for an authoritative copy in order to be sent to other locations. The gateways only keep hot data (data that needs to be accessed frequently) on premises in the cache.
Simply explained, how a cloud storage gateway works is that it allows incompatible technologies to communicate. The issue this technology solves is the incompatibility between protocols that are used for public cloud technologies and legacy storage systems. A cloud storage gateway resolves this through its protocol translation and ability to connect the technologies which are otherwise unable to do it on their own. When working with automated storage tiering, cloud storage gateways can also be used for archiving in the cloud.
When an individual or an organization has to deal with a large amount of information, they eventually encounter the issue of storage limitation. This usually happens with physical storage, which cannot be infinitely expanded. The benefit of cloud storage is that it allows users to store considerably large amounts of information without taking up space on a physical device. Different gateways have different storage limitations, but the common thing between all of them is that they can store your information in the cloud (online) without using up space on your computer or external hardware devices that you'd normally use for storage.
This is why in physical terms, cloud storage doesn't take up space. What does take up space is the program you can install on your device for storage. Different providers may offer the option for web-based cloud storage, which can also negate the need to install anything on your device, thus saving you even more space. In this way, users are able to store their files and data online, needing only an internet connection to upload and access it, without having to limit themselves to physical devices.
There are several advantages and disadvantages to cloud storage services. Benefits include:
When you use cloud storage gateways, some of the advantages of object storage are removed. These include:
Besides serving as a bridge between applications, there are different types of features that some cloud storage gateway products provide. These include services like: