Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Aug 7, 2023

Categories and Ranking
Ranking in CRM
Ranking in Opportunity Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Project Portfolio Management (2nd), Project Management Software (1st), Marketing Management (3rd)
Ranking in CRM
Ranking in Opportunity Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Local Government CRM (6th), Sales Force Automation (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the CRM category, the mindshare of is 5.0%, down from 5.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Pipedrive is 0.6%, down from 1.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unique Categories:
Project Portfolio Management
Project Management Software
Opportunity Management

Featured Reviews

Arun Isravel - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 24, 2023
Helps clients see their achievements, resolve problems, and plan strategies is very easy to use and very user-friendly. I can give non-technical people access to their respective boards and that enables them to focus on their objectives and their targeted items or customers. We train them to use it and how to engage with their customers. It helps create a standard operating procedure for non-technical people and gives them clarity. No other CRM is this user-friendly for non-technical end-users. I have worked with other CRMs, especially Apptivo, but with, we can access various models and find the necessary data in one place. We don't have to go to separate tabs to find data. It is like Excel, but in a single place I can find the data and details to easily grasp the information.
May 31, 2023
Easy to use, flexible, and offers good support along with good integration capabilities
The form builder works even though it has some shortcomings. However, for me, the form builder could improve. Some stuff in the tool lacks some essential functionalities in other software. So in automation, they don't have a few things. So, normally with almost every email automation tool, you can segment people. Also, if you open the email or you didn't open it, or you click, or you didn't click, are a few things they don't have in the solution. Also, the forms don't have the ability to avoid or stop people from signing up if they don't have a corporate email. In short, the solution should have more automation options in the campaigns and also the ability to segment better in their forms, which can make it possible to not allow people to sign up if they don't have a corporate email, for example. The ability to segment in the forms is a small feature. However, if you are going to sign up on my form, I should be able to avoid or prevent you from signing up if you don't provide any mail, specifically a corporate email. So, one can sign up on their phone with email, Hotmail, or whatever, and I would like to filter that. It's a small feature, but I'm generally happy with the rest of the tool.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It has made the entire tracking process much easier."
"There are so many automations to streamline everyday tasks and reduce click counts when doing admin work. It is incredible."
"I enjoy being able to switch between different views of a board, such as Gantt or Kanban, as this provides alternative ways of viewing tasks and managing workload."
"The mobile application is an absolute breeze to work with."
"We use also integration with Jira, to see the updates so the CSM team can see the update from Jira."
"The automation is huge."
"I love how we can color coordinate between statuses and how statuses jump into their respective groups automatically once chosen."
"I mostly like automation and recently added custom automation so we can brainstorm and find the best fit for our particular use-case."
"Pipedrive makes it easy to understand who I'm talking to at a glance. It has all the activities, node features, opportunity interface, deal interface, and time drive deals.The sales process is extremely simple, which saves me time and energy. I can send the document for e-signature and make the most out of my deals. I can automatically send emails and phone calls. You need to do only a little API programming. It offers massive flexibility. You can run an entire enterprise on the platform. The ease of use facilitates huge adoption."
"It is a stable platform."
"It's very flexible and we can really fit it into our business model."
"The most valuable feature is the ability to create timelines and custom fields."
"Pipedrive's most valuable features are that you can keep the whole information that's related to managing your sales process and you can customize it easily. The person that we have who is customizing Pipedrive is very junior in means of software development or process development. He can easily use it, anyone can use the solution. It has a very easy user interface to customize your processes and apply them to the Pipedrive process."
"The biggest and the best feature is the view that you get when you log in. You have a board like Kanban when you log in, and you've got a column on the left and several other columns that move to the right, depending on where you are in a particular deal. If it's a prospect or someone who is just looking, you move it along the process, and it really helps you keep track of where you are."
"The usability of the solution is its valuable feature."
"The solution is pretty easy to use and intuitive."


"We would like to connect with email solutions such as Outlook."
"When replying to colleagues, it would be useful to see the formatting options (bold, bullets, etc.)."
"There are a lot of ways that does not work, for example, when it comes to HRMS. A particular employee can't apply for leave or check the status of a leave request or check his 401(k) status. Those are things that are missing in"
"If we could add a new feature to draw the plan as a chart and note priority via color, that would be great."
"The service could improve in its ability to automatically update."
"The docs could be improved."
"I wish there were more calculations available across boards and pulses."
"I'm unable to send messages or update any projects from my tablet or cell phone which makes it hard when you are in the field all day and can't be at your desk."
"The platform could be even more robust."
"The tool's APIs are challenging. It should also be compliant with HIPAA, FINRA and GLBA. The data centers should be within US so that they are compliant with regulations."
"The automation process is challenging."
"You must pay more if you need an additional feature."
"Pipedrive has some weaknesses against Salesforce. The documentation of Pipedrive could improve. They need more qualified documentation because I had to fix my colleague's work to correct the reports because they did not find how they can do it, or develop reports. There are some misunderstandings about how to do reporting."
"The form builder works even though it has some shortcomings...Also, the forms don't have the ability to avoid or stop people from signing up if they don't have a corporate email."
"In future releases, I would like to have a highly intelligent integration service where you can easily connect PipeDrive with other tools, even if you are not a developer."
"Reporting capabilities of the solution could be improved."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I am using its free version."
"Though I am unsure about the product's pricing plan, there is a need to make monthly payments towards the licensing costs attached to the solution, and it operates on a per-user plan."
"It's quite expensive when it goes to the enterprise license. Other tools like Jira cost 5 a month, and then their enterprise license is 38 a month, which is quite expensive for what we can do. It's £500 for a tool on a large enterprise. I'd have hoped that enterprise costs go down, not up. The pro license is £14, and then everything else is much more expensive, which is another barrier for us to adopt because other comparable tools are much more affordable when you have such a high multiplier as well."
"The pricing of was a little bit high for us, especially here in South Africa, compared to Basecamp."
"The solution is quite inexpensive. For example, we pay $8,500 for 75 users. It's somewhere around $100 a user, approximately."
"It was fairly reasonable. For everything we were using it for, it was fairly reasonable."
"I think's paywalls are a little too high. Some basic features are locked behind the premium subscription. Some applications they offer within their subscription model are locked in an expensive package. These applications provide functionality that would benefit small teams, but it's too much money for a startup or a small business."
"The product is not expensive."
"Pipedrive keeps increasing the prices, which is becoming a bit annoying. It was reasonable when we started, but now they're increasing all the time."
"The product is expensive but provides valuable services."
"The solution's pricing is excellant. It costs 65 dollars a month for top tier plan."
"The solution is affordable."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is a low price, and ten is a high price, two or three. For us, everything is expensive because this is a startup, but for a normal company, it should be peanuts."
"Pipedrive is the most cost-effective in terms of the balance between cost and features. I would take Pipedrive over HubSpot or Zoho CRM. It's well-positioned on the market."
"As of now, the pricing and value are quite good."
"Pipedrive is relatively more affordable than other solutions."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Construction Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Do you recommend is one of the best project management softwares available on the market. It lets you create and customize the tools you need to run every aspect of your work. I particularly favor it bec...
What do you like most about
The product's initial setup phase was straightforward.
What needs improvement with
I believe the reporting functionality could be improved on While some reports are accessible, this area has room for enhancement. For example, including a Gantt chart in project plannin...
What do you like most about Pipedrive?
The most valuable feature is the ability to create timelines and custom fields.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Pipedrive?
You can buy it monthly or yearly. We buy it yearly because it's discounted.
What needs improvement with Pipedrive?
There is room for improvement. First of all, the pricing. They are increasing the prices at a very high rate, which is becoming a bit annoying. It was reasonable when we started, but now they're in...



Also Known As




Sample Customers

Raw Digital, Wix, Discovery, Frost & Sullivan, Adidas, Asos, Uber
Samsung, Amazon, SkyScanner, TDW, Vimeo, ReMax, Festo
Find out what your peers are saying about Pipedrive vs. and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.