Apollo.io vs Pipedrive comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Opportunity Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Opportunity Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
CRM (16th), Local Government CRM (6th), Sales Force Automation (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Opportunity Management category, the mindshare of Apollo.io is 9.1%, up from 8.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Pipedrive is 6.8%, down from 8.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Opportunity Management
Unique Categories:
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Vaibhav Patil - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 6, 2023
It makes finding your target audience easy, has a verified contact details feature, and its customer support is helpful and always available
My company used Seamless AI and Hunter.io, but I found Apollo.io more affordable based on the number of leads it gives versus what other products provide. Apollo.io has around one hundred fifty industries you can target, so it has a more extensive lead database than other products. The tool also has a more user-friendly interface and is easy to use versus other tools. You first need to learn how to use Apollo.io, which becomes pretty easy. Other advantages of Apollo.io over other products include more filters you can use to find your target audience. It also shows you verified emails and has mass email and cold call features which you can't find in other tools.
Vykintas Arlauskas - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 1, 2023
An easy- to- use and scalable cloud-based CRM tool for managing and tracking
For all actions with the clients and for having good faculty pipelines, organizing the sales support units The usability of the solution is its valuable feature. For example, in such a big company as retail, because our sales team had not the experience or the culture of using such a tool as CRM,…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I like the tool's UI. Its user experience is clear."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is the intent data it provides our company. I find it really interesting how Apollo.io can detect the intent of companies looking for your company's solution."
"The product's most valuable feature is its ease of use, especially for beginners."
"Apollo is very user-friendly."
"It is a scalable solution."
"What I like most about Apollo.io is it lets you find your target audience. The tool also helps you find verified contact details, apart from allowing you to send bulk emails to people you're looking to contact."
"Pipedrive's most valuable feature is reporting and insights. The CRM shows the database and lets the salespeople arrange their daily activities. The insights are essential from a management point of view because it helps the sales staff improve or adjust their whole sales cycle, activities, and quality."
"The most useful thing is the ability to create multiple pipelines and the flexibility in filtering and reporting."
"Pipedrive's most valuable features are that you can keep the whole information that's related to managing your sales process and you can customize it easily. The person that we have who is customizing Pipedrive is very junior in means of software development or process development. He can easily use it, anyone can use the solution. It has a very easy user interface to customize your processes and apply them to the Pipedrive process."
"Pipedrive makes it easy to understand who I'm talking to at a glance. It has all the activities, node features, opportunity interface, deal interface, and time drive deals.The sales process is extremely simple, which saves me time and energy. I can send the document for e-signature and make the most out of my deals. I can automatically send emails and phone calls. You need to do only a little API programming. It offers massive flexibility. You can run an entire enterprise on the platform. The ease of use facilitates huge adoption."
"The usability of the solution is its valuable feature."
"It's very flexible and we can really fit it into our business model."
"The initial setup is straightforward."
"It is a stable platform."


"The solution sends callouts when not in maintenance mode, which is a headache for the people involved."
"Apollo.io still needs to work on the CRM part because it has started building some CRM infrastructure for companies to use and track their sales activities."
"Sometimes we get the wrong information on Apollo. They should improve the emails because we are connecting all the emails and logging on to Apollo.io."
"The solution's initial setup process could be better."
"They should provide a larger number of free emails."
"What's missing in Apollo.io is a proper CRM and pipeline management system. The tool is excellent at finding contact information, but it has room for improvement in sending emails and tracking the sales pipeline."
"Reporting capabilities of the solution could be improved."
"Pipedrive could be more efficient. I want the management to be more transparent so it's easier to monitor the sales team's activities and results and do business forecasting. It would help them to improve the quality of the sales cycle."
"We are using the lowest version of it. As we become more sophisticated, we might outgrow the tool, but there are features that are available in the higher-level versions, which I'm unfamiliar with, that might be able to meet the needs we would have in the future. They can maybe add some of the features to the basic version or make it more reasonably priced or free."
"The integration possibilities with other systems could be better as well. We use it in connection with Octopus CRM, and there's room for improvement."
"The tool's APIs are challenging. It should also be compliant with HIPAA, FINRA and GLBA. The data centers should be within US so that they are compliant with regulations."
"You must pay more if you need an additional feature."
"The form builder works even though it has some shortcomings...Also, the forms don't have the ability to avoid or stop people from signing up if they don't have a corporate email."
"The product is expensive."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Apollo.io is more affordable than its competitors. I'm on an unlimited plan that costs $19 monthly. Nowadays, Apollo.io has a $99 plan that gives you ten thousand emails monthly. Other products would cost $2,000+ annually."
"The solution's price is reasonable."
"With my idea about the pricing aspect of Apollo.io, I feel that the solution's pricing model is super good and a steal for what the product offers."
"Paid versions are likely to provide more accurate information and offer more convenience to users."
"Pipedrive is the most cost-effective in terms of the balance between cost and features. I would take Pipedrive over HubSpot or Zoho CRM. It's well-positioned on the market."
"Pipedrive keeps increasing the prices, which is becoming a bit annoying. It was reasonable when we started, but now they're increasing all the time."
"Pipedrive is relatively more affordable than other solutions."
"The solution is affordable."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is a low price, and ten is a high price, two or three. For us, everything is expensive because this is a startup, but for a normal company, it should be peanuts."
"As of now, the pricing and value are quite good."
"We pay $1000 a month for the tool."
"The product is expensive but provides valuable services."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Healthcare Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Construction Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Apollo.io?
The product's most valuable feature is its ease of use, especially for beginners.
What needs improvement with Apollo.io?
Sometimes we get the wrong information on Apollo. They should improve the emails because we are connecting all the emails and logging on to Apollo.io.
What do you like most about Pipedrive?
The most valuable feature is the ability to create timelines and custom fields.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Pipedrive?
You can buy it monthly or yearly. We buy it yearly because it's discounted.
What needs improvement with Pipedrive?
There is room for improvement. First of all, the pricing. They are increasing the prices at a very high rate, which is becoming a bit annoying. It was reasonable when we started, but now they're in...



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Samsung, Amazon, SkyScanner, TDW, Vimeo, ReMax, Festo
Find out what your peers are saying about Apollo.io vs. Pipedrive and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.