IBM Public Cloud vs Microsoft Azure comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on May 29, 2022

Categories and Ranking

IBM Public Cloud
Ranking in PaaS Clouds
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IoT Platforms (5th)
Microsoft Azure
Ranking in PaaS Clouds
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS) (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the PaaS Clouds category, the mindshare of IBM Public Cloud is 3.4%, down from 5.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Azure is 25.5%, up from 20.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
PaaS Clouds
Unique Categories:
IoT Platforms
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (IaaS)

Featured Reviews

Shivakumar Kuppannan - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 3, 2023
No hidden charges, 100% stable, and allows us to have bare metal servers for dedicated workload
It pretty much has all the features. There are many applications and features, and because of that, we need to walk through or study all the material and do hands-on. We need clear documentation or support for using IBM Public Cloud. The UI is fine, and everything else in terms of usability and configuring the cloud is also fine. The only thing is that when we're stuck or get an error, we need some technical support. Normally, for any cloud, we get a lot of information on the web, but that is missing in the case of IBM Public Cloud. We need some technical support documents. That is the only thing missing in IBM Public Cloud.
Shylaraj AK - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 25, 2020
Good monitoring features and technical support, but the dashboards need to be improved
The suitability of this product depends on the customer's requirements and needs. AWS is stable and nice, the Google Cloud Platform is really improving a lot, and IBM Cloud is also available. The decision for which to use will be based on what kind of solutions you are deploying and how you want to integrate them. Ultimately, it is best to choose the provider that is most suitable for your existing workload. Overall, this is a good solution but there are certainly features that need to be improved, as well as the pricing. I would rate this solution a seven out of ten.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"There is no installation for this product because it is a cloud product."
"I've found the stability to be excellent. The performance is good."
"This is a predictable and dependable service."
"For non-complex applications, the IBM Cloud works fine and the price is much lower than the competitors."
"What I like most in IBM Public Cloud is how easy it is to create serverless functions. They are called IBM functions, but in AWS, they are called Lambda functions. Those are pretty standard, and another thing I like the most is that you have fewer restrictions on the amount of data you can transfer across those functions. IBM Public Cloud is way more flexible than AWS. I also like that IBM Public Cloud is pretty straightforward to integrate. As long as you have all the tools IBM provides you, getting everything up and running is straightforward."
"This product is very good because it is accessible in remote locations, and anyone can deploy from any place."
"The price of IBM Cloud is most valuable for us. The service is personable and gives us a good rapport. I can't say it's the best, but it was enough for our needs."
"An advantage of IBM Public Cloud is the bare metal server. We can take the bare metal server. It's not shared with anyone. We can deploy our applications without sharing them with anyone. That is an advantage of IBM Public Cloud."
"The most important thing is we don't have to maintain any physical infrastructure. With typical conventional on-premise solutions, we have to maintain many things like the hardware, clusters, etc. With this cloud platform, you don't have to worry about all those things. We have the service always available, and this is the main advantage. I like that we use everything on our standard Active Directory on on-premises on Azure. The key advantage is that you can have the sole indication based on the cloud. This isn't possible with an on-premise Active Directory. This enables work from home and at the office because it's on the cloud."
"We find that it is easy to integrate with other Microsoft technologies such as Microsoft Office."
"I know there have been a lot of improvements and a lot of new services lately. I'm really not aware of all of them."
"Kubernetes service and API management are the most valuable."
"The integration with Databricks is the most valuable aspect of the solution."
"The solution is easy to use and flexible."
"The initial setup is straightforward."
"The solution is completely scalable."


"They could improve on customizing reporting capabilities."
"They do not have a very good virtual network implemented, and the VPC is the most important feature that needs to be improved."
"The solution’s pricing could be improved."
"Recently, we just faced some issues with the operating system due to the end of life of CentOS 6...So, then the client wanted to try it out under AWS instead of IBM. In short, it has some complexities."
"The product should offer more computing, similar to Amazon."
"It could be more secure."
"I would like to see a more user-friendly deployment process in the next release of this solution."
"The deployment can be a bit of a pain. There are a lot of packages and a lot of options and it can require complex configuration to get it right."
"The license price could be lower."
"The pricing could be better."
"Security could be better. Once there was an attack, and we couldn't get to the cloud to see the reports for about five hours."
"The solution’s learning curve could be improved."
"For deploying multiple resources in a big number, such as in hundreds, we need a streamlined process and more user-friendly scrips. The scripts have to be more user-friendly, and they should also supply some standard templates to deploy multiple resources at a time. Currently, it is very easy to deploy a couple of resources, but if you want to deploy multiple resources, it becomes complex. The material that they provide for integration with an existing on-prem data center is complex. They have to make them user-friendly. The scripts related to resource management need to be simplified."
"It would be beneficial if Microsoft could enhance the free version to allow for more exploration and development. That's my only suggestion regarding Azure."
"The solution could improve by providing better tutorials and documentation."
"We use Microsoft Server 2019 and 2016. And I didn't like the 2019 client, so we had to downgrade back to 2016. The main issue there was its monitoring system. Our client needed an alternative, and if they were using more Windows products, they also needed to make that downgrade."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It pretty much has a standard price. There is no hidden price with IBM Public Cloud."
"The licensing fees are straightforward and predictable."
"On a scale from one to ten, where one is cheap, and ten is expensive, I rate the solution's pricing a nine out of ten."
"We are using the trial version of this solution, so we have not paid anything."
"IBM has a lesser price compared to other cloud service providers like Azure and AWS."
"In order to be competitive, you have to commit to a contract for at least one year, but you pay a fixed monthly fee."
"The price of IBM Cloud is very cheap compared to competitors AWS and Azure."
"Pricing is not as fair as Amazon or Azure."
"It is not an expensive product and is adaptable to various requirements. It offers a free tier for small-scale usage and the ability to scale up as needed when requirements grow."
"It's not on a per-user basis; it's on a per subscription basis. It is dependent on how much you use."
"It has the pay-as-you-go model. Its pricing should be better."
"The pricing of the solution could be reduced. We are not able to create a free account in my country."
"As of now, there are no monthly or yearly subscription fees."
"The pricing is reasonable."
"The cost could definitely be lower."
"The cost of Microsoft Azure depends on the services that are used and there can be a discount at a corporate level from Microsoft."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which PaaS Clouds solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user8586 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 14, 2013
Amazon vs Rackspace vs Microsoft vs Google: Cloud Hosting Services Comparison
Amazon Web Services, Rackspace OpenStack, Microsoft Windows Azure and Google are the major cloud hosting and storage service providers. Athough Amazon is top of them and is oldest in cloud market, Rackspace, Microsoft and Google are giving tough competition to each other and to Amazon also for…

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Which is preferable - IBM Public Cloud or Microsoft Azure?
IBM Public Cloud is IBM’s Platform-as-a-Service. It aims to provide organizations with a secure cloud environment to manage data and applications. One of the features we like is the cloud activity ...
What needs improvement with IBM Cloud?
The front end is not pervasive, so it is very difficult get the status of your current services or account from a mobile device.
What do you like most about IBM Public Cloud?
The most valuable feature of IBM Public Cloud is the AI integrations.
Which is better - SAP Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure?
One of the best features of SAP Cloud Platform is that it is web-based and you can log in from anywhere in the world. SAP Cloud Platform is suitable for companies of any size; it works well with bo...
How does Microsoft Azure compare to Google Firebase?
I would recommend Google Firebase instead of Microsoft Azure, simply for the array of features that it has to offer. In particular, the Firebase library grants you access to a shared data structure...
How does Salesforce Platform compare with Azure?
Microsoft’s Windows Azure platform is not easy or intuitive to deploy. The difficulty will be impacted by the type of application that you are trying to use the platform to build. Organizations tha...

Also Known As

IBM Bluemix
Windows Azure, Azure, MS Azure

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Sample Customers

Uvionics Tech, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Alpha Modus, Inventive, Web Business Consulting, FindBrok, SilverHook Powerboats, United Way of Allegheny County
BMW, Toyota, easyJet, NBC Sports, HarperCollins, Aviva, TalkTalk Business, Avanade, and Telenor.
Find out what your peers are saying about IBM Public Cloud vs. Microsoft Azure and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.