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IBM Public Cloud pros and cons

Vendor: IBM
4.0 out of 5
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IBM Public Cloud Pros review quotes

Carlos Bittrich - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 27, 2022
It is a scalable product. You can scale it up and down.
Murtaza Anwar - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 8, 2023
The beauty of cloud service providers, especially public cloud service providers, is that they are scalable every time when you need them because their payment model is pay-as-you-go.
May 10, 2022
What I like most in IBM Public Cloud is how easy it is to create serverless functions. They are called IBM functions, but in AWS, they are called Lambda functions. Those are pretty standard, and another thing I like the most is that you have fewer restrictions on the amount of data you can transfer across those functions. IBM Public Cloud is way more flexible than AWS. I also like that IBM Public Cloud is pretty straightforward to integrate. As long as you have all the tools IBM provides you, getting everything up and running is straightforward.
Learn what your peers think about IBM Public Cloud. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jun 8, 2020
One of the features that I really like about IBM Cloud is the flexibility where you can order your own hardware.
Shivakumar Kuppannan - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 3, 2023
An advantage of IBM Public Cloud is the bare metal server. We can take the bare metal server. It's not shared with anyone. We can deploy our applications without sharing them with anyone. That is an advantage of IBM Public Cloud.
Jul 29, 2019
The initial setup was very easy. It's quite straightforward. Deployment took about fifteen minutes. Everything is well organized.
Apr 19, 2020
The availability is second to none. Customer support is very good.
Oct 23, 2019
The price of IBM Cloud is most valuable for us. The service is personable and gives us a good rapport. I can't say it's the best, but it was enough for our needs.
Jul 26, 2020
This is a predictable and dependable service.
Jul 11, 2021
I've found the stability to be excellent. The performance is good.

IBM Public Cloud Cons review quotes

Carlos Bittrich - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 27, 2022
While they have about 99% of what we need, the only exception, perhaps, was the push notification feature that was discontinued. They delayed the replacement product.
Murtaza Anwar - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 8, 2023
Recently, we just faced some issues with the operating system due to the end of life of CentOS 6...So, then the client wanted to try it out under AWS instead of IBM. In short, it has some complexities.
May 10, 2022
An area for improvement in IBM Public Cloud is getting up-to-date information on how to set up everything. It's hard to find new documentation.
Learn what your peers think about IBM Public Cloud. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Jun 8, 2020
There is not a lot of support for this solution, which is something that needs to be improved.
Shivakumar Kuppannan - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 3, 2023
Normally, for any cloud, we get a lot of information on the web, but that is missing in the case of IBM Public Cloud. We need some technical support documents. That is the only thing missing in IBM Public Cloud.
Jul 29, 2019
The solution needs to be more autonomous. It should let the DL go to allow for more jobs on the cloud. It could have a better interface as well.
Apr 19, 2020
The deployment can be a bit of a pain. There are a lot of packages and a lot of options and it can require complex configuration to get it right.
Oct 23, 2019
Maybe performance enhancers and reports could be better improved. If they do so, it would be better. Of all the drawbacks I saw, this would be the biggest enhancement.
Jul 26, 2020
They could improve on customizing reporting capabilities.
Jul 11, 2021
The product should offer more computing, similar to Amazon.