Delinea Privileged Access Service vs One Identity Safeguard comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Delinea Privileged Access S...
Ranking in Privileged Access Management (PAM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Enterprise Password Managers (10th)
One Identity Safeguard
Ranking in Privileged Access Management (PAM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) (6th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Privileged Access Management (PAM) category, the mindshare of Delinea Privileged Access Service is 3.5%, up from 1.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of One Identity Safeguard is 4.8%, down from 5.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Privileged Access Management (PAM)
Unique Categories:
Enterprise Password Managers
User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)

Featured Reviews

Feb 2, 2023
Enables us to have better security and it offers us productivity gains
The solution makes it easy to securely manage passwords. All of our tech, all of our servers, and everything globally are managed, so our techs do not have access to the passwords; the server does There are benefits in the security realm. We use Delinea at an enterprise level. I imagine there are…
Daniel Pettersson - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 28, 2023
Provides us with centralized storage of secrets and credentials, and visibility into the use of privileged access
Safeguard, the way I see it, has two different parts: vaulting and sessions. And those two are running on different platforms. The vault itself is a locked-down Windows box, which isn't really causing any trouble. The session part is on a Linux box. They sell them separately, but together, they need to be more unified, at least from a UI perspective when you're using it as an administrator. There are some "legacy-level" menus and ways of using it that I don't really appreciate. We are using it completely web-based, not through a fat client. The browser experience of administrating SPS (Safeguard for Privileged Sessions) needs a lot of attention from an administrative perspective to make it easier. The readability of the system itself is quite poor. A user never really engages with that part. It's only the administrator, and maybe an auditor, who are subjected to using those menus and tools. So the SPS could be a lot easier to administrate and the parts should be unified, from a design perspective, so that I can recognize the systems as being part of the same package. They feel like they have been forced together.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature is the author's discovery of assets."
"The solution provides secure access to environments."
"The vault and auditing capabilities are the most valuable feature because they include multiple reports that allow us to create our own reports."
"The solution is flexible."
"The reporting is excellent."
"This is a cloud-based application, which makes it very easy to deploy."
"There are benefits in the security realm. We use Delinea at an enterprise level. I imagine there are productivity gains, but moreover, it's the security. We don’t enable staff to see the passwords of boxes but it's all being tracked and logged now."
"The privileged account management feature is what I like most."
"The solution transparently integrates into the infrastructure and users do not notice it. I would give this feature the highest rating."
"We don't need to use VPN for remote access."
"It is easy to manage. There is a very logical, clear user interface. Also, the integration of scripts is thoughtfully implemented. Overall, it's a nice product to manage."
"The customer service and technical support are very good."
"One Identity Safeguard is stable and provides great performance."
"The whole product solves the privileged access management challenge for our company. We have a secure tunnel, a secure session manager, and automatic logging of sessions, which is good for forensic purposes. We have a rich level of logs and can trace what happened on which machine and see who did what."
"We use the solution’s Approval Anywhere feature which enables us to add an extra layer of security for critical passwords without adding time-consuming approval processes. By using this platform, if someone goes on a vacation, out of office, or needs urgent/planned leave, then our setup will select the functions tied to that person and automatically delegate them to the next person. That person can start performing that duty based on their access. No sharing of passwords is required."
"One of the most important things is that it is very easy to use and install. It is also agentless, so all of the operations happen more smoothly than any other product."


"The integration with sync could be improved."
"With Delinea Privileged Access Service, when installing the identity connectors to configure with AD, the configuration was not happening properly."
"The initial setup is a bit complex."
"It is difficult to integrate the product with other IT systems."
"Enhancing the solution by incorporating additional features to make it comprehensive would be beneficial. It would be more convenient to have a complete package solution that consolidates all the features in one place, making it easier to manage. Currently, I am required to access two separate servers for reports, which could be avoided if all the necessary features were available in a single location. This would be highly advantageous for managing everything effectively."
"I would like for there to be a suitable solution to deploy a low-spec version for desktop password management to all our staff."
"The pricing and presence could be improved."
"This solution needs better integration with third-party solutions because their ability to support other tools is very weak."
"I just received a question from a customer in regards to a connection with Oracle OID. I tried to integrate Safeguard with the Oracle YAML as well as something else to manage the groups and users from a different system, like AD or LDAP. This one feature could be better. At this moment, the platform system can only use the integration with LDAP or AD. The software for research and development to create a connector to a YAML platform can be very complicated."
"One Identity Safeguard can improve by having more integration with multiple devices."
"On a scale of one to ten, the stability is an eight."
"I would like to see support for RDP over HTTPS so this product can be used in conjunction with the Microsoft terminal."
"Our experience with technical support has been disappointing. We require more prompt and faster response times. We require answers to our questions right away but we haven't received that level of support."
"We would like to be able to generate certificate signing requests (CSRs) from the interface for certificates."
"We would like to have the option of importing assets by using the CSV file. It was available in the earlier versions, but it is not available now."
"The SPS could be a lot easier to administrate and the parts should be unified, from a design perspective, so that I can recognize the systems as being part of the same package. They feel like they have been forced together."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price is cheap if I compare Delinea Privileged Access Service with other products."
"The solution is priced too high, so I rate its pricing a nine out of ten."
"In addition to the license fees, we have to pay for the server and admin fees."
"It is sad that people with a limited budget won't be able to afford it."
"The price of Delinea Privileged Access Service is average compared to its competitors."
"The product comes at a very good price and it's quite competitive, although you need to buy add-ons for certain things."
"The pricing is moderate."
"The price model is based on the number of devices and opposed to the number of users, and it is not very flexible."
"They offer a fair price for a robust solution."
"Our licensing costs are on a yearly basis."
"It was definitely cheaper than the other two products that we evaluated."
"As compared to other products, it is reasonable, but the training sessions are too expensive."
"Setup cost, pricing and licensing are all very expensive."
"It is a bit on the pricey side, but you get what you pay for. You don't want to get anything too cheap because then you get cheap stuff and cheap support. That really never helps anybody."
"The pricing is about $80,000 per 100 servers. There are few elective costs."
"The license is very expensive for us, partly due to inflation and partly because of the exchange rate between the Dollar and the Iranian Rial. We purchased a perpetual license that we've been using up until now, but I believe that we are not going to update it in the future. Instead, we plan to find another third-party to support us with the license, in the sense that we would have access to their license as a shared agreement."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Looking for recommendations and a pros/cons template for software to detect insider threats
This is an inside-out --- outside-in --- inside-in question, as an insider can be an outsider as well. There is no short answer other than a blend of a PAM tool with Behavioral Analytics and Endpo...
What do you like most about Delinea Privileged Access Service?
The solution provides secure access to environments.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Delinea Privileged Access Service?
The pricing is moderate. The product is not expensive compared to CyberArk.
What do you like most about One Identity Safeguard?
The identity discovery is good, and the performance is pretty good value.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for One Identity Safeguard?
They have comparable pricing. All identity products are essentially priced in a similar way. It's a per-user base. Usually, they start at one price, and when you start pricing the competition, you ...
What needs improvement with One Identity Safeguard?
We sometimes face issues with configuration and things like that, but we manage to solve them. In general, it is a pretty good solution for the PSM features. There can be an improvement in terms of...

Also Known As

Centrify Privileged Access Service, Centrify Zero Trust Privilege Services, Centrify Zero Trust Privilege, Centrify Infrastructure Services, Centrify Server Suite, Centrify Privilege Service
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Sample Customers

Boeing, Citi, Credit Suissw, Delta, Duke Energy, FDIC, GE Capital, Harvard University, Johnson & Johnson, Major League Baseball, Michelin, Microsoft
Find out what your peers are saying about Delinea Privileged Access Service vs. One Identity Safeguard and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.