BigFix vs Workspace ONE UEM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Apr 16, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Intune
Ranking in Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (3rd), Remote Access (1st), Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (2nd)
Ranking in Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (5th), Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) (15th), Patch Management (2nd)
Workspace ONE UEM
Ranking in Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Remote Access (4th), Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) (7th), Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) (3rd), Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) (IAMaaS) (7th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) category, the mindshare of Microsoft Intune is 40.2%, down from 45.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of BigFix is 7.2%, up from 3.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Workspace ONE UEM is 27.7%, up from 25.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Unique Categories:
Configuration Management
Remote Access
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP)
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

Featured Reviews

Jun 18, 2024
I like how the solution deploys the policies and makes them customizable
I like how Intune deploys the policies and makes them customizable. You can deploy it through Intune and forget about it. You can connect Defender for Endpoint to Intune and assign the client to start porting detections and alerts, creating a little security operations center. The integration is easy but tricky for someone who doesn't know how to use it. Once you learn to use it, it's a powerful tool that can condense most of your administrative tasks into one place Integration with Microsoft 365 and security is critical if you have a Microsoft infrastructure. You want all the tools to be connected and exchanging data so that when you make a change or deploy something, you can make an informed decision and log the errors. You can avoid having different types of configurations and strengthen your policies. We've been using what they call conditional access in which we set up policies and apply them based on certain conditions and attributes. For example, you can apply some policies to company-owned devices and a different set of policies to devices for personal use.
Mar 9, 2023
Simple patching, useful patch reports, and good support
The solution is stable. The primary role of the solution is to patch the systems to the latest released security updates. We have not had any issues once we had deployed the solution correctly. During our exploration of available solutions, we found that very few in the market offer comprehensive security features. In our evaluation of BigFix, we were particularly impressed with its VMware functionality, which far exceeded that of other solutions we considered. Rather than having to configure multiple solutions, BigFix provided us with basic security information and VMware management detection and response all in one. While the effectiveness of BigFix is certainly a key consideration, its ability to consolidate security features was a major factor in our decision to choose it. I rate the stability of BigFix an eight out of ten.
Joel Amate - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 20, 2023
The solution is stable, scalable, and offers single sign-on
I give the solution a nine out of ten. I suggest if a person wants to start using Workspace ONE, they should make use of the cloud instance instead of the on-premise instance. There is an on-premise instance available, but the cloud instance is a better option now. I advise them to make use of the cloud instance. This is because management-wise, there is no need to manage a server. For example, we don't need to buy a server, and we don't need to buy network switches, which are required for the on-premise. At the same time, I can advise setting up all the functionalities or whatever functionalities are available for the trial version. We need to check if the Workspace ONE integration includes Azure AD or other identity providers. A lot of applications are using these providers for authentication, such as Ping, Okta, and others. If the Workspace ONE integration doesn't include these providers, the company might have to find a different solution. Security projects should also be considered. Specifically, if the solution can integrate with local security solutions to secure mobile devices.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We have not experienced any bugs or glitches with this solution."
"Autopilot is the most valuable feature."
"We are using the mobile feature, and we are also using MDM to lock the devices, to push restrictions, et cetera"
"The biggest thing for us is enforcing logins only from devices that are managed by Intune."
"By using Microsoft Intune we can control which websites the users can go to and it provides a secure environment for our employees using their laptops that are having access from home. We have installed Intune to control the user's environment minimizing the chances of any hacking."
"Intune's unified endpoint management platform is invaluable."
"The ability to manage devices with different sets of policies is most valuable."
"The ability to (somewhat) manage full Windows 10 computers including EXE-based or MSI-based application deployments using Azure Active Directory as Identity."
"The most valuable aspect of BigFix is its ability to patch desktops. While we have complete control over servers and can easily push patches to them, desktops pose a greater risk for leaks and vulnerabilities if patches are not installed in a timely manner. By using BigFix, we have significantly improved our ability to patch desktops, whether they are laptops, desktops, or other mobile devices used by end-users."
"The most valuable and essential features of BigFix are all of them, they are needed when serving the purpose of the desktop operation framework. We cannot run operations without patching or without having an appropriate mechanism for deploying software, et cetera. The features all serve their purpose for our use case."
"Almost every feature is wonderful in BigFix. It is very stable, and we can rely on it. It is an awesome tool."
"I like the inventory and life cycle management feature."
"BigFix helped us to identify the compliance of devices and has also improved the way that we manage our software inventory for reporting to vendors."
"The use of fast query has been extremely valuable providing insight in real time of the endpoints."
"BigFix has drastically reduced the maintenance window period to patch and reboot servers."
"It is user-friendly."
"The initial setup is easy and the deployment doesn't take too long."
"It is like any other mobile solution. It gives us the ability to control remotely, and that is what we like. We can wipe out and deploy remotely."
"VMware Workspace ONE is scalable."
"The solution has proven to be very stable."
"One of the features that I enjoyed most was the integration with Azure AD because I could use VMware Identity Manager to standardize the User Principal Name coming from Active Directory. You have Azure AD Connect to do that. In between, if you have vIDM handling it, you can easily get the synchronization of users into your VM and standardize the User Principal Name. If you require quality assurance for handling it, you can actually count on the vIDM to do so. That was one of the main things I enjoyed about the product."
"If an outside person tries to track or hack information, it is not possible without us being notified."
"It's all about securing data with the help of the email client called VMware Boxer. It enables the end-user to carry data in their mobile devices but there is containerization between the personal data and the organization's data. It helps enhance their security while still carrying their own BYOD."
"The solution is stable."


"Lacks the ability to deploy more ways of management, managing devices and processing the policies."
"There are a few security features that are not available in Microsoft Intune, when compared to other products."
"The UI is not user-friendly and has room for improvement."
"I expect Microsoft Intune to have more features in the cloud because there are two major functionalities that we need to be added. This is software metering and license management. These functionalities, for now, must be on-premise. For this purpose, we have set up a SQL Server and I hope that in near future this option will be in the cloud in Microsoft Intune."
"It would be helpful if there was proactive remediation."
"Intune has some limitations when it comes to application updates for third-party applications. You can schedule an update, but when it's a package setup, you need to supercede and replace it each time."
"The configuration and pricing can be improved."
"I think there should be a better tracking of the cell phones used on the Intune."
"Relay selection and availability needs improvement as an incorrect relay selected can cause network chokes."
"I would like to see improvements in the Web UI program and also a BigFix console for Mac OS."
"The remote software installation could be better."
"Around the scalability concern, I would like to see the ability to run teamed, clustered, or hierarchical root servers, in order to provide a more robust, high availability system. The single monolithic root server model does somewhat bother me."
"It could use better integration with Hypervisor products like VMware."
"Needs to improve Network Access Protection (NAP) technologies to prevent computers with vulnerabilities from gaining access to networks."
"The product should become cloud-based. Also, the peer nesting ability of the product is a little backward."
"The solution needs to improve console speed. I would like to see one console that does everything. It doesn't need to have a big client console."
"Setup is not too complex."
"I'd like to see expanded device support, particularly for IoT things like SCADA devices."
"There are some bugs that our team needs to work around. It required some API integration required because visitor integration was not there. For example, we are currently working on a tunnel issue, and VMware doesn't have this solution."
"I would like to have better support for multi-cloud sessions."
"We're unhappy with the quality of support we get for it. We're unhappy with how upgrades occur, so we are migrating away from it. We have an on-premise AirWatch solution and for us to do upgrades we have to call AirWatch to be able to perform the upgrades. They're busy, and scheduling it is not timely enough for us."
"We'd like more useful support."
"The location service could improve and more integration with other devices, such as Android enterprise and Apple devices."
"VMware Workspace ONE platform offers support for Mac Books and we see that there is some room for improvement in that area versus all the products out there."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price is reasonable, but they should lower it a bit to make it more competitive. It's cheaper than AirWatch and other products, but I still feel like Microsoft can make a base version or with Exchange online or a la carte only Intune version which will be useful. A customer who doesn't want to go full-fledged E3 or E5 can take out or consume an Intune solution only for their purpose, and we want to target that customer."
"Its price is quite okay. I wish they provide certain additional features with the same license."
"The price of Intune is often included as part of a bundle with other Microsoft licenses, which makes it somewhat cheaper."
"The price is very reasonable."
"Any bundle package, such as Security E3, covers multiple things, such as AAP, BitLocker, etc. If you go for them individually, they would be more expensive. Bundling makes the price more attractive and competitive."
"If you ask the accountant or the finance department, they'll tell you that it is way too expensive, but when I look at the cost and compare it with the value you actually get, it's more than fair."
"It's affordable for the protection it gives. There are no additional costs."
"The pricing for Intune and the competitor products are all within the same range, there is no true advantage when it comes to cost."
"Its price is very reasonable."
"So, the pricing is slightly more expensive than the others. I have to keep buying licenses every time I add a new device."
"The tool's price continues to go up. The cost per endpoint can vary, ranging from approximately 30 to 80 dollars per year. Compared to other products, pricing is in the middle. You need to buy an additional database license, but most users already have it."
"I can estimate the reduced cost of servers maintenance to approximatively $500,000."
"It is too costly. It is one of the best tools, but because of pricing, not all clients support it. Its licensing is on a yearly basis."
"You get what we call the Platform Edition, which you get for free. The patch service is maybe $0.50 per workstation per month. Then there's the basic server cost, which is about $1.50 per server per month. You also get into Lifecycle which does power management, OSD remote control, and those types of things, and that might be about 10 times the price - which works out to about $13 per server and, maybe $5 per workstation per month."
"When purchasing, buying with other IBM tools provided us with a very good discount in pricing."
"On a scale from one to ten, where one is expensive and ten is cheap, I rate the solution's pricing one out of ten."
"Our organization has stopped using the solution because it was expensive."
"There is a separate cost for technical support and extra premium features. The pricing should be simplified."
"Licensing fees are paid on a monthly basis."
"Depending on the requirements of users, there is a need to make yearly payments towards the licensing costs attached to the product."
"It's a highly affordable solution"
"My guess is that its licensing was yearly. There was probably no fee in addition to the standard licensing fee."
"If you have a host of custom requirements (including licensing), make sure to set aside enough time for the initial setup because it can take up to a few weeks depending on how complex your environment is."
"The pricing and licensing are affordable. They are not too high."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Microsoft Intune compare with VMware Workspace One?
Microsoft Intune is a great tool for managing a mobile device fleet while keeping access control. The solution makes ...
What are the pros and cons of Microsoft Intune?
Microsoft Intune is a great configuration management tool and has a lot of good things going for it. Here are some of...
How does Google Cloud Identity compare with Microsoft Intune?
Microsoft Intune offers not only an easy-to-deploy data protection and productivity management solution, but also ...
What do you like most about BigFix?
The most valuable features of the solution are Windows patching and the hardware and software inventory.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for BigFix?
The tool's price continues to go up. The cost per endpoint can vary, ranging from approximately 30 to 80 dollars per ...
What needs improvement with BigFix?
The solution needs to improve console speed. I would like to see one console that does everything. It doesn't need to...
How does VMware Workspace One compare with VMware Horizon 7?
VMware Workspace One has a powerful set of helpful features. The solution offers very good documentation, the initial...
What do you like most about VMware Workspace ONE?
The platform provides a stable environment for operations and quickly creates new environments. Additionally, it offe...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for VMware Workspace ONE?
I would rate the pricing a three out of ten. It's a highly affordable solution. If a customer knows the value of the ...

Also Known As

Intune, MS Intune, Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Tivoli Endpoint Manager
VMware Workspace ONE, VMware AirWatch, Workspace ONE Assist, VMware Identity Manager, Workspace ONE Access, VMware Horizon Air



Sample Customers

Mitchells and Buzzers, Callaway
US Foods, Penn State, St Vincent's Health US Foods, Sabadell Bank, SunTrust, Australia Sydney, Stemac, Capgemini, WNS Global Services, Jebsen & Jessen, CenterBeam, Strauss, Christian Hospital Centre, Brit Insurance, Career Education Corporation
Australian Sports Commission, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, Lomond School, Merck, United Bank, Medical College of Wisconsin, Latymer Upper School, 2gether NHS Foundation Trust, Dowling Aaron Inc., Trillium Lakelands District School Board, Harrogate Grammar School, Duke University Football, Delta Air Lines, Adventist Health System, Giochi Preziosi, Cramlington Learning Village, Intermountain Healthcare, Safexpress, TAG Aviation
Find out what your peers are saying about BigFix vs. Workspace ONE UEM and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.