KVM vs VMware Workstation comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Server Virtualization Software (4th)
VMware Workstation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Server Virtualization Software category, the mindshare of KVM is 10.5%, down from 12.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of VMware Workstation is 9.0%, down from 12.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Server Virtualization Software
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

Featured Reviews

Christophe JOBARD - PeerSpot reviewer
May 22, 2023
While being inexpensive and scalable, the solution offers a useful functionality called hard partitioning
KVM is better than Oracle VM since it is better to manage. Oracle VM is terrific when you update it. Also, Oracle VM is not stable. In fact, KVM is better. KVM did an audit last week on the performance. According to the audit, KVM is 40% better than Oracle VM. The main drawback in the solution is probably disaster recovery. If you have two data centers, which are very, very far from each other, when your latency on the network is very high, you may have some problems. So, sometimes it is better to deploy a cluster on the first data center and use some technologies which are valuable, like Data Guard, between the two data centers. It's better than using a storage application because the console has some constraints with the latency. When you have more than 100 milliseconds of network latency, it is not possible to use disaster recovery. So, the aforementioned details can be taken into consideration for improvement.
Alexander Lavrinovich - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 5, 2022
Useful to run VMs on a desktop, stable with a good performance
It is used to spin up games on a desktop. It can also run VMs on a desktop on-premises The performance is good and depends on your PC. It could have more platforms and CPUs. We have been using this solution for more than ten years. It is deployed both on cloud and on-premises. It is a stable…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"There is a strong emphasis on availability, and they have numerous API interfaces for distributed storage and the solution is quite known for its openness."
"The most helpful aspect of KVM is the fact that the interface is so minimal. It includes just what you need to set up the VMs and manage them, and it's very simple to do so."
"One of the best features of KVM is its user-friendly interface."
"Our production servers are running in Linux, and this solution supports that environment well."
"Scaling the solution is easy. You just have to add more hardware."
"Good screen and keyboard sharing feature."
"The most valuable feature of KVM is its stability."
"KVM has a rich options set which can be directly used or via wrappers, such as libvirt."
"VMware Workstation’s most valuable features are backup and data transfer from one server to another."
"VMware Player helps you to virtualize and install Ubuntu or any other operating system, even on a Windows laptop."
"I have found this product excellent for test/dev environments. This is 90% of what I use this product for."
"Great at solving connection problems."
"The performance is good."
"The platform’s most valuable feature is snapshot."
"The technical support is good."
"VMware is incredible and is designed for simple use. They help with efficiency."


"We would like to have a software lifecycle solution included in this solution. We can handle the software needed for KVM, but also the software that we provide. A lifecycle component would be very beneficial."
"One problem I have is that it's not very scalable when it comes to resizing the VM disk dimensions. For example, if you have initially set a virtual drive to 10 GB and you want to upgrade it to 15 GB, it's not that easy."
"The virtual manager and the graphical QEMU for KVM need some improvement."
"The KVM tech support is really bad. They are not very responsive."
"Technical support is not top-notch."
"I have previously used VMware and KVM is easier to use. However, they both have their strengths depending on their use cases. They are mostly equal. One of VMware's advantages is it has better support."
"The speed is around thirty percent slower than another competitor. This would be something to work on."
"I would like to see more focus on microservices and integration with Kubernetes or OpenShift."
"I would like to see more detailed reporting capabilities, particularly around snapshot activity. It would be helpful to have a summary of changes made prior to deploying an application, allowing us to provide comprehensive reports to our management on a regular basis."
"VMware Player isn't downgradable, so if you have a later set of VMs, you need to upgrade it or figure out a workaround."
"VMware Workstation could improve the export and import of virtual machines."
"It would be better if software updates occur automatically."
"The product could provide the features available in Microsoft Hyper-V."
"The product is outdated."
"VMware Workstation’s scalability could be improved."
"It would be helpful if VMware Workstation included an in-built monitoring tool for monitoring things."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"This solution came with the Linux license."
"We had some problems with the licensing."
"It is free for everyone."
"I have no information on the cost of KVM because I downloaded it for the lab and not for production. It's free, but I don't know if that's the case for people using it in a production environment."
"KVM is free."
"There is no cost involved in the use of KVM, as it is open source."
"KVM is priced reasonably."
"The price is fair compared to others. But in our local market, it's a problem to get budget approval from management. That's why they are trying to get those products so we can give them the price benefit. But if you consider the international market or other products, it's sometimes better than their price."
"The price of the solution per workstation is approximately 200 Francs annually. We pay a total of 800 francs. Everything is included in the price such as the support."
"With a VDI solution, there is always extra cost running a VDI solution but it's not for cost purposes anymore. In the beginning, it was to save money on hardware but at the moment it's other aspects that are more important why you should use a VDI solution."
"With all its support and ease of use, VMware Player's pricing is fair."
"The pricing is reasonable."
"VMware Workstation is an expensive solution in Asian countries."
"It has the best licensing modules."
"You need to pay for a license, but I don't think it costs that much. I think it's a one-time payment."
"VMware Workstation has a high price than competitors in the market."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Why KVM??? Help please!
KVM scales better, orchestration better, performs better and supports a wider range of hardware and, also, you can implement at ZERO cost and with a very powerful web interface for management, from...
Why KVM??? Help please!
Small support team, small cluster, low core count, use VMware products Large support team, large clusters with many cores, use KVM. KVM scales better, orchestration better, performs better and supp...
Why KVM??? Help please!
Far from being an expert, my opinion is that the positive sides of KVM are: Lower costs and open-source which gives the abilities to customize it according to the specific needs of each customer.
Which VMware solution would you go with - Workstation or vSphere?
VM Workstation’s setup is so easy, you can use it almost instantly, it works well with Windows and Linux. We like VM Workstation primarily to test environments to determine how well a solution will...
What do you like most about VMware Workstation?
The product is stable, very easy to deploy, easy to use, easy to configure, and easy to set up.
What needs improvement with VMware Workstation?
The product's integration capabilities are an area with certain shortcomings where improvements are required.



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