BrowserStack vs Selenium HQ comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Functional Testing Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Selenium HQ
Ranking in Functional Testing Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Regression Testing Tools (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Functional Testing Tools category, the mindshare of BrowserStack is 11.9%, up from 8.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Selenium HQ is 3.8%, down from 6.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Functional Testing Tools
Unique Categories:
Regression Testing Tools

Featured Reviews

Apr 2, 2024
Incredibly useful for our mobile testing needs, including integrations
For my project, we utilize a VPN and BrowserStack for testing. This allows me to test our website across various browsers and platforms, including different versions of iOS, Android, and web browsers. It ensures that our website functions correctly across different environments and devices…
May 24, 2024
Offers an effortless setup process with superior automation features for web applications
Selenium HQ is an automation tool for automating applications.  Selenium HQ is primarily used for smoke tests, and its excellent stability allows such tests to be executed seamlessly. The solution helps in regression tests where certain scenarios need to be repeatedly set. Manual processing of…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Maintenance of the solution is easy."
"The main core concept behind this product is, it takes the overhead of maintaining all of your devices or particular computers. It continuously adds the latest devices that are coming into the market."
"Local testing for products with no public exposure is an advantage in development."
"The most valuable feature of BrowserStack is the ability to do manual testing."
"We like the model device factory for iOS and Android devices."
"The most valuable feature is the variety the solution offers around the different types of devices, especially mobile devices."
"Testing across devices and browsers without maintaining that inventory is invaluable."
"The most valuable features are the variety of tools available."
"There is a supportive community around it."
"It supports most of the mainstream browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, IE and etc."
"Selenium HQ's most valuable feature is its online community support, which is comprehensive and easy to access."
"I like that it is a robust and free open source. There is a lot of community support available, and there are a lot of developers using them. There's good community support."
"Ability to integrate with every other tool."
"Selenium has helped to complete tests in less time, which would not be possible relying on manual testing only."
"Due to its popularity, you can find pretty much any answer in open discussions from the community."
"You can build your own framework. I think that's the most powerful feature. You can connect with a lot of other tools that use frameworks, or keywords, etc. That helps make it a stronger solution."


"I haven't seen AI in BrowserStack, making it in an area where improvements are required in the product."
"Occasionally, there are disruptions in the connection which can interfere with our testing processes, especially when testing on phones."
"While I was testing I was not 100% sure a that was properly mimicking the browsers or not. We had some issues with a browser, and the reason was the browser itself does not provide any support. If the local system does not provide any support, I think this was the problem. There should be better integration with other solutions, such as JIRA."
"The solution is slow."
"Sometimes BrowserStack is really slow and devices are not loading. it is really annoying and that's why we bought several newer devices because sometimes it's affecting us a lot."
"There is room for improvement in pricing."
"There is some stability issue in the product, making it in areas where improvements are required."
"It is difficult to use for someone who has little to no experience."
"The initial setup was difficult."
"The solution's UI path needs to be modernized."
"An improvement to Selenium HQ would be the inclusion of a facility to work on Shadow DOM."
"It would be very helpful to be able to write scripts in a GUI, rather than depend so heavily on the command line."
"We can only use Selenium HQ for desktop applications which would be helpful. We are only able to do online based applications."
"We'd like to see some more image management in future releases."
"It would be better if we could use it without having the technical skills to run the scripting test."
"There is no good tool to find the Xpath. They should provide a good tool to find Xpath for dynamic elements and integrate API (REST/ SOAP) testing support."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Compared to other solutions, BrowserStack is one of the cheapest."
"BrowserStack could have a better price, but good things have a price."
"My company found the product's license to be very compatible with our budget, and we pay 5,000 to 10,000 per year for licenses."
"This solution costs less than competing products."
"There are different licenses available that can be customized. You can select the features that you want only to use which can be a cost-benefit."
"As for pricing, I can't provide a clear evaluation as I'm not directly involved in those discussions."
"The price is fine."
"The price of BrowserStack is high."
"Selenium is free software so we do not pay licensing costs."
"Selenium is open-source."
"We are using Selenium open-source, so there is no need to purchase anything."
"This is an open-source product so there is no cost other than manpower."
"It's open-source, so there's no need to pay for a license."
"Selenium HQ is a free and open-source solution and is supported by Google."
"It's open-source, so it's free."
"Selenium is a free tool."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Functional Testing Tools solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about BrowserStack?
The product's initial setup phase was not very difficult.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for BrowserStack?
My company found the product's license to be very compatible with our budget, and we pay 5,000 to 10,000 per year for licenses.
What needs improvement with BrowserStack?
I haven't seen AI in BrowserStack, making it in an area where improvements are required in the product. Accessibility testing is an area of concern where improvements are required.
How do I choose between Selenium HQ and Eggplant Digital Automation Intelligence?
Selenium HQ’s biggest advantage is that it is customizable. Its other most valuable feature is that the driver interface is really helpful and user-friendly; Selenium HQ makes it easy to navigate t...
What do you like most about Selenium HQ?
Selenium's open-source nature is a key advantage. Its extensive support for diverse web technologies.



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Sample Customers

Microsoft, RBS, jQuery, Expedia, Citrix, AIG
BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, experitest, Tricentis GmbH, SmartBear Software
Find out what your peers are saying about BrowserStack vs. Selenium HQ and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.