Recorded Future vs ThreatConnect Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Recorded Future
Ranking in Threat Intelligence Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Digital Risk Protection (1st)
ThreatConnect Threat Intell...
Ranking in Threat Intelligence Platforms
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) (19th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Threat Intelligence Platforms category, the mindshare of Recorded Future is 28.6%, up from 17.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of ThreatConnect Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) is 7.2%, down from 12.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Threat Intelligence Platforms
Unique Categories:
Digital Risk Protection
Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR)

Featured Reviews

Mar 9, 2023
Reliable, useful advanced search, and helpful support
The solution could improve in reducing the false positives. However, most of the other tools on the market have false positives. If they enhance their data algorithm, it could improve the accuracy of results and minimize false positives. Identifying patterns of false possibilities can aid in developing better reporting features that could potentially eliminate them in the future. This recording feature tool could benefit from adopting similar techniques utilized by other tools to enhance its functionality. By doing so, it could minimize the need for manual efforts in distinguishing true positives from false positives, ultimately reducing the workload. In a future release, it would be beneficial if the vendor would add more features to create one full solution that can meet the needs of the whole cybersecurity incident purpose.
Nov 27, 2023
The tool could be integrated into any environment, but it was expensive, and the deployment process was complex
The solution was used for publishing artefacts and threat intel data. We gathered data from the internet and uploaded it to the platform. It was integrated into every aspect of our cybersecurity network, like endpoints, SOC management, patch management, and vulnerability management tools TIP and…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It can collect data from various sources, including social media and the dark web."
"The intel that they were providing us over the emails was very good. If it found any hashtag in our organization's name on the dark web, a rogue IP, or a marketplace, it would send us an email and notify us that this is being mentioned, and if we want, they can take some action."
"The most valuable feature is Recorded Future's protection of exposed customer data on the hardware side."
"As a threat intelligence tool, it's very helpful."
"From the feedback I've received from my clients, the most valuable feature is the ability to personalize the solution. The ability to have a customized dashboard makes it easy for leadership and management to obtain details. Intelligence analysts or security engineers care about the actions and results, whereas the leadership care about graphs and reports. Recorded Future helps my clients create reports and also determine how the intelligence that is generated is consumed. They can easily show the benefits to the leadership without them having to invest 10 hours a week into transferring numbers into a graph or into creating reports."
"The most valuable feature of Recorded Future is how it detects everything regarding our domain."
"The most valuable features of Recorded Future are the useful alerts it provides. If we are monitoring a domain, the solution will provide us with an alert in a prompt manner. It is simple for clients to receive alerts. The advanced search is useful for more accurate filter results."
"The solution is diverse and provides me with a lot of different mechanisms for evaluation."
"The tool's installation, integration, and playbooks are very straightforward."
"ThreatConnect has a highly user-friendly interface."
"The product automatically generated a threat score based on the maliciousness of an IP."
"The most valuable features are ease of use and the ability to customize it."
"It's a solid platform and is stable enough. It is not complicated and is easy to use."


"The solution would benefit from introducing automation."
"It sometimes detects false positives and reduces the overall accuracy of the system."
"The solution could improve in reducing the false positives. However, most of the other tools on the market have false positives. If they enhance their data algorithm, it could improve the accuracy of results and minimize false positives. Identifying patterns of false possibilities can aid in developing better reporting features that could potentially eliminate them in the future. This recording feature tool could benefit from adopting similar techniques utilized by other tools to enhance its functionality. By doing so, it could minimize the need for manual efforts in distinguishing true positives from false positives, ultimately reducing the workload."
"Lacks sufficient visibility of malware and international APT attacks."
"The product gives many false positives. If someone talks about the brand or organization name in the public domain over chats or blocks, it gets highlighted. It may not necessarily be a threat but still gets highlighted which increases the false positive count."
"At present, my clients need to be trained by me or another organization on how to use Recorded Future and how to get the best out of it as an analyst, engineer, and administrator. It would be better if clients could directly learn these things without having to go through me or other organizations."
"There is a semantic oncology dynamic relationship between how the MIGR Tech framework needs more data infusion enrichment capabilities."
"When you add one website to Recorded Future, it should automatically call all other websites and social media platforms."
"It would be good to have more feeds and more integrated sources for enrichment."
"Integration is an area that could use some improvement."
"I couldn’t get any training videos online when I was working with the tool."
"Support is an area with which nobody is ever fully satisfied, so it can be improved."
"They should make it a little bit easier to generate events and share them with the community"

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There appear to be up to five different levels, with the most expensive version costing around $95,000 to $105,000 a year for subscription services."
"I would rate the solution’s pricing a seven out of ten."
"The price of the solution is worth it. The overall performance of the solution outweighs the cost."
"The biggest disadvantage of Recorded Future is the cost here in Eastern Europe. The solution is correctly priced for big companies who have the money to invest in such solutions. Also, the solution is useless on its own, which means that you have to invest in other solutions with which Recorded Future can be integrated. At present, Recorded Future can cost 60,000 euros per year. I am able to offer my clients a 5% to 10% discount, but in this region, the cost is still prohibitive even with the discount. If Recorded Future were more flexible in terms of price, there would be better sales opportunities in Europe and Eastern Europe, in particular, because we have more small- and medium-sized companies here."
"The price could be better."
"I rate the product price as six on a scale of one to ten, where one is extremely expensive, and ten means it is cheap."
"The tool is expensive."
"The price of this product is in the mid-range, not too expensive, nor inexpensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Recorded Future?
The most valuable feature of Recorded Future is how it detects everything regarding our domain.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Recorded Future?
The price of the solution is worth it. The overall performance of the solution outweighs the cost.
What needs improvement with Recorded Future?
Recorded Future is a very expensive solution, and its pricing could be improved.
What do you like most about ThreatConnect Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP)?
The product automatically generated a threat score based on the maliciousness of an IP.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for ThreatConnect Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP)?
The tool's prices are at par when compared to the other products in the market, so it is not uber-premium or too pricey. I rate the product price as six on a scale of one to ten, where one is extre...
What needs improvement with ThreatConnect Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP)?
ThreatConnect Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) needs to develop its SOAR platform because it currently doesn't position or connect itself as a SOAR tool, even though it has at least 60 percent of...

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Sample Customers

Fujitsu, Regions, SITA, St. Jude Medical, Accenture, T-Mobile, TIAA, Intel Security, Armor, Alert Logic, NTT, Splunk
Oracle, IBM, General Dynamics, Scotiabank, Sony, Athena Health, Berkshire Hathaway Energy, Workday, TikTok
Find out what your peers are saying about Recorded Future vs. ThreatConnect Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.