Pega CRM vs Pega Robotic Process Automation comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Pega CRM
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
CRM Customer Engagement Centers (7th), CRM (18th)
Pega Robotic Process Automa...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) (9th)

Featured Reviews

Jan 23, 2023
Great flexibility with useful locking mechanism for multiple users to work on a case concurrently
Although I see increased efforts recently, the big issue I have is with the UI, which lags in comparison to its competitors. Pega's competitors have a lot of packages that Pega doesn't have. I'd also like to see direct PDC integration. The way we do it now is almost external but if Pega could add that as a link so you can directly open the PDC, that would be helpful. They also have room to improve when it comes to where you send notifications, email templates or email notifications. Pega needs to provide a lot more libraries that users or developers can add on the fly. Most of the current applications I work on use Pega as a business rules engine. 90% of what we do is integration where we create some REST and SOAP services. When we set up, Pega supplied the URLs and set up the rules. It would be great if they could make available any URL for PDC to help developers so anyone can see who has access to that.
Jan 19, 2023
Flexible and allows for coding of automations, but lacks drag and drop functionality
My use cases are slightly difficult and challenging. It was largely used for automation purposes.  Anything goes with Pega. If you want to make any kind of base automation, you can easily code exactly what you want.  The advantage of Pega is that coding your automation allows you to hook all of…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature is the ability to pull information about the customer on-the-fly so they feel the interaction is more personal."
"The case management feature is really valuable."
"We can effortlessly manage the data within it, and it offers ease of use and high flexibility to present the data across various vendors."
"Pega offers a clear parent-child case relationship that's easily created and maintained. Dependencies can be configured, where reaching a specific stage in a parent case automatically triggers a child task in a child case, while the parent case remains on hold until a certain condition is met before moving forward. This configuration allows multiple users to work on cases in parallel. Many of these settings are readily available within Pega case settings. Overall, Pega's case management is unparalleled compared to other options."
"It also reduces the duration per call, and it ensures a first time resolution of the issue."
"The solution is very easy to use."
"Great flexibility and its locking mechanism enable multiple users to work on the same case seamlessly."
"One of the most valuable features of Pega CRM for our team's productivity is its ease of setup, thanks to its configuration-driven approach."
"Pega Robotics offers all the required features to build end-to-end process automation like any other similar tools. It's unique development style using data line and control flow line makes it easy to debug through the flow."
"The tech support is highly available and there is plenty of online training available."
"The initial setup is pretty easy and quite fast."
"The most valuable features are the loops to lookup tables to read the data."
"​It is a good and matured solution."
"Using the tool actually ends up teaching you about making workflows more efficient."
"Its stability has been good."
"The most valuable aspect for myself was access to the .net framework. If I couldn't figure something out using the objects that they had provided, I could bring in the .net objects and do so using similar logic that I would in a .net or C sharp coding language. Having that familiarity was helpful."


"It would be beneficial to enhance the pricing and support implementation options as they are currently quite expensive."
"The UI is lagging and needs to be improved."
"The UI should be improved."
"For many of the clients, they have a separate system or separate layer of UI and a separate layer of the business rules engine, which Pega has taken care of in the recent releases."
"They should enable the data-driven streaming feature inside it."
"There has been a common acknowledgment among customers that this solution is an expensive tool and they often opt for cheaper tools like Comodo"
"Price is always a concern for many organizations. They often think Pega is expensive, and sometimes they don't fully understand the pricing model."
"The solution has room for improvement around decisional and real-time data analysis."
"The handwritten structured and semi-structured data recognition accuracy is much lower and is an area that definitely needs to improve."
"Excel connectors need to be improved as there are a few connectors in Excel areas."
"I feel like it doesn't get updated frequently enough. There aren't a lot of new features or a clear roadmap for future improvements."
"In Pega, the UI has to be improved because that is the most challenging area that most of our customers ask for because we have to depend on some other React JS or some other tool to bring that kind of UI experience. So, there is a lot of room for improvement in terms of UI and UX."
"Pega Robotic Process Automation scalability is too low."
"I have faced many scenarios in the business workflow, where a few applications run on the Citrix environment. That could be a critical part of the process without which business won't be able to accept the automation solution. Because of one small bottleneck, you will lose a very good candidate for process automation."
"Pega has a no-code low-code environment. We do everything based on established rules. You kind-of have to learn how all their rules work and how it works for robotics before you can use the solution effectively."
"It's difficult not knowing when alerts will arrive."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is expensive."
"The pricing is on the higher side."
"We have numerous uses of the solution in our organisation. Almost 72 applications are integrated with Pega CRM, and some of them are shutting down for various reasons including the high licensing costs. There is a strong focus in the market and offices on cost reduction."
"​I was not involved in licensing and pricing, but it is worth the cost​."
"Pega is pretty costly."
"In terms of Pega Robotic Process Automation pricing, I would rate it a five out of five because the solution has a good price. Pricing is not very high, though I'm unsure of the exact cost, based on my experience, the price for Pega Robotic Process Automation is less than Blue Prism because I worked with a few clients that have both solutions and my clients prefer Pega Robotic Process Automation over Blue Prism particularly because of the licensing costs."
"Pega is as competitive as the basic players such as UiPath or Automation Anywhere. UiPath is the most expensive, but Pega is at par with Automation Anywhere."
"I would rate the product's pricing a nine out of ten."
"The licensing cost is too high."
"Pega Robotic Process Automation is an expensive solution."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Real Estate/Law Firm
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Pega CRM?
The product's deployment phase was easy.
What needs improvement with Pega CRM?
The disadvantage of the tool stems from the fact that it does not allow users to make database-level modifications. In Siebel CRM, you have complete control over your database, you can do any datab...
What is your primary use case for Pega CRM?
Pega CRM uses a layer cake architecture. Basically, the tool is a convenient application to use even if you are not a technical person, like a business analyst. I use the solution for the CRM modul...
What do you like most about Pega Robotic Process Automation?
The solution's automation handling capability has positively impacted the overall automation process in my experience.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Pega Robotic Process Automation?
I would rate the pricing a six out of ten, with ten being expensive.
What needs improvement with Pega Robotic Process Automation?
It's a good tool, but I feel like it doesn't get updated frequently enough. There aren't a lot of new features or a clear roadmap for future improvements. While it's technically sound, it could be ...

Also Known As

Pega RPA, OpenSpan

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Sample Customers

The State of Maine, Aegis, Aegon, AIG Japan, ING
eBay Enterprise, M&I Bank
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle and others in CRM Customer Engagement Centers. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.