Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 24, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
ITRS Geneos
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (17th), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (16th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability category, the mindshare of Grafana is 7.7%, up from 5.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of ITRS Geneos is 1.6%, up from 1.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Network Monitoring Software
IT Infrastructure Monitoring

Featured Reviews

BahmanJafari - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 22, 2023
A stable solution that enables seamless visualization and movement of data between teams
Our team used a Grafana for training The comparison feature is very good.  The service dashboard is very hard and needs improvement.  I have been using Grafana for six to seven years.  It is a stable solution.  The solution was deployed with Kubernetes. The deployment took an hour to…
Nov 17, 2022
Has user-friendly monitoring, but the dashboards needs improvement
There is one drawback to using lightweight data collection: we lack the feature of observability based on time series, such as historical model data. This makes it difficult to view data in ITRS. ITRS needs to improve this feature. The dashboarding needs a lot of improvement. It takes a lot of manual work to get it up and running. The dashboarding also doesn't render automatically according to the screen size. For example, if we create a dashboard on a 14-inch screen and want to put it on a 55-inch TV, the dashboard doesn't automatically render. There is some misalignment. Another major feature ITRS lacks is that they don't provide a mobile app to monitor the dashboard. We have to always log in to the laptop to check the necessary details. If these two features improve, I would give the solution a ten out of ten for its ability to prevent failure. Currently, the ITRS tool is available as a binary. We do not have this particular tool as a containerized module, such as a Docker image. This makes it difficult to set up on the Kubernetes platform. I would like to have a feature for tracing on the application side added to the solution. The end user requests data from the application and we need to identify where any delays occur in order to improve application performance. Visualizing the tracing information is helpful in identifying the source of any delays.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Almost any kind of visualization is possible with Grafana and all dashboards are configurable."
"The most valuable feature of Grafana is the ease to build dashboards from observability construction. Additionally, the page services and integration are good."
"Grafana is able to connect with multiple data sources, unlike Elasticsearch."
"The installation process is easy. We have deployed it on the cloud. I have around 20 to 30 people using the solution in my company."
"Kubernetes could help us to better visualize the trend of our data by recording and displaying our history over a chosen duration, such as the last 30 days."
"It is a stable solution."
"Grafana is a very scalable product. It's a really good product."
"​Grafana has improved our analysis capability to solve an issue, increasing the co-working between IT services and business services.​"
"One of the most valuable features of ITRS Geneos is the active time feature that helps with the trading applications that I support."
"One of the best aspects of Geneos is that it has a broad scope and can cover a lot of use cases. You can write your own scripts to monitor really specific things. And the rules that you can put in place can be quite complex for the alerts."
"This tool allows one to analyse, integrate and customize as per the systems and allows you to set your own rules."
"I would say that it is an easy-to-use monitoring tool. Amongst the available monitoring tools, it is a really good option."
"Geneos automatically sends email notifications when any batch job fails, the database is down or the website is down. It is automatically monitoring everything and reduces manual effort."
"The flexibility of the product is most valuable. It is highly customizable. If you put your mind to it and think of something you could do, there's a good possibility you can get it integrated within the console, if it's not readily available. The simplicity or ease of customization has been valuable."
"The great advantage of this tool is real-time monitoring."
"Real-time log monitoring with desktop alerts is valuable as it tells us immediately when there is an issue."


"It would be helpful if they simplified the data source."
"The formatting could be better."
"One area for improvement in Grafana is that depending on your version, you have to pay for the features, making the license expensive. It would be great if the licensing model could be more flexible. In the next release of Grafana, I want cluster creation to be available, which would help in Grafana deployment and scaling. Currently, the scaling process for the solution is a bit complicated."
"There is a need for improvement in automating daily monitoring reports, especially when alerts are triggered due to system downtimes or fluctuations."
"The documentation or training provided by Grafana is limited compared to its competitors, like Splunk."
"Lacks event management which affects our DevOps people."
"​The security needs to be improved, such as the capacity to add permissions on dashboards.​"
"The main drawback is the necessity for endpoint monitoring."
"For the last year or two, I've been asking the vendor about the mobile app. This is something that probably everyone asks when they see the tool and they see how powerful it is. If there is any mobile app for this or if there is any way this tool can be more easily accessible other than having a big client installed, it would be great. I know you can build dashboards, et cetera, but there is no quick and easy way. I should be able to download an app, log in, and see my status. That will put this product above everything else out there. I believe it's on their roadmap."
"​It needs to be easier to configure, especially with the JMX plugins.​"
"I would really like to see something from the Geneos side to set up automated reporting from ITRS. We have to send reporting to management every day. To do that we have to check the dashboard and then we have to report whether everything is fine or not. In the future, I want something, some reporting kind of feature in ITRS, where it can collect all the data and mention what is green, what is amber, what is red in a report."
"ITRS have started to make some major changes that we haven't taken on board yet, in the creation of dashboards and more visibility of the metrics that we collect. At the moment, that's something that's lacking, but I know they have addressed it. Still, it’s not that easy to create stuff to help with visibility and dashboarding in Geneos."
"A lightweight version which could host more than 100 gateways, as we can see slowness while loading all our gateways."
"I would like better access to the data that is being collected."
"The main feature that needs work is the Dashboard designer."
"One thing that could be improved in terms of rapid scaling would be more ability to clone aspects of an implementation. It seems like there are opportunities in this area, where we have repetitive tasks to do when it comes to implementing things on new servers or on new gateways. It would be great if there was an easy way to clone something that had already been done."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We use the open-source version of Grafana."
"I use the open source model so it is free."
"You need to purchase the solution's license for its commercial use."
"​Grafana is free and open source.​"
"The solution is expensive."
"For me, Grafana is a cheap tool because I don't have to spend much time learning the product since it is a simple solution."
"We are using the open-source license."
"It's free of cost; it operates as an open-source tool."
"Based on feedback from colleagues and friends working in the financial sector, Geneos is relatively costly. Many companies have been switching from Geneos to Dynatrace, Sysdig, or other monitoring tools in the past two years because of the price."
"The licensing cost may seem expensive upfront. However, the service is outstanding, the tool does things that no other tools can do, and the customizability more than makes up for the cost of licensing."
"The product is priced quite high. There are pricing options for customers based on the size of the environment and plug-ins used by the monitoring system."
"The organization is not just purchasing a license for the product, but also managing services and professional services from ITRS. Another factor is if the implementation is going to be in production, non-production, or both."
"When I first came in, their pricing was very high. ITRS had a high expectation of what their price should be based on perceived value. I think they have been realizing, more recently, that there are other competitors, so their pricing is a lot better. Licensing for on-premise is okay, however I feel there is quite some work to be done for cloud and containers. We're still working with them to try and work out what that pricing should look like."
"ITRS Geneos is not a cheap tool. It's a moderate price for the banking industry. The reason we are not able to add the ITRS monitoring tool for the non-banking industries, and non-finance industries, is that the pricing is too high."
"The pricing seems reasonable. We're happy enough with it."
"Pricing and licensing is based on the requirements."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Non Profit

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Grafana?
The product's initial setup phase was very easy.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Grafana?
For me, Grafana is a cheap tool because I don't have to spend much time learning the product since it is a simple solution. I don't know if there are different paid versions of the product.
What needs improvement with Grafana?
It was pretty complicated to integrate the product into our workflow. We relied on templates we found on the GitHub open-source repositories. It is pretty hard to integrate Grafana and set it up ac...
What do you like most about ITRS Geneos?
I would say that it is an easy-to-use monitoring tool. Amongst the available monitoring tools, it is a really good option.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for ITRS Geneos?
The pricing is high. Licensing fees might be around 500$ per server monthly.
What needs improvement with ITRS Geneos?
ITRS Geneos is a legacy system. It predicts or provides proactive measures once an issue is resolved. It doesn't offer any predictive capabilities or root cause analysis. They throw a lot of data i...



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Sample Customers

Microsoft, Adobe, Optum, Sky, Nvidia, Roblox, Wells Fargo, BlackRock, Informatica, Maersk, Daimler Truck, SNCF, Atlassian, DHL, SAP, JPMorgan Chase, Cisco, Citi and many others.
ITRS Geneos is used by over 170 financial institutions, including JPMorgan, HSBC, RBS, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs. Clients range from investment banks to exchanges and brokers.
Find out what your peers are saying about Grafana vs. ITRS Geneos and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.