Dell PowerProtect DD (Data Domain) vs NetApp AltaVault comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Dell PowerProtect DD (Data ...
Ranking in Deduplication Software
Ranking in Disk Based Backup Systems
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
NetApp AltaVault
Ranking in Deduplication Software
Ranking in Disk Based Backup Systems
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Backup and Recovery (55th), Cloud Backup (38th), Cloud Storage Gateways (6th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Deduplication Software category, the mindshare of Dell PowerProtect DD (Data Domain) is 27.0%, down from 30.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of NetApp AltaVault is 0.3%, down from 0.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Deduplication Software
Unique Categories:
Disk Based Backup Systems
Backup and Recovery

Featured Reviews

Oct 31, 2022
Offers 99.999% uptime, has useful deduplication features, and offers great compression
Nothing comes to mind in terms of improvement. It serves its purpose. That said, if they could develop higher algorithms to make it more efficient, that would be great. Usually, with the backup, the issue is how fast it can do it. As network speeds improve, the solution improves. It has to keep up with the available network speeds, however. For example, a 100-gigabit ethernet. They need to keep up with the advancements in network speeds, and ethernet speeds. If they keep up, instead of taking five hours to back up your daily workload, you may do it in three hours. It can be complex to implement.
Naveen Radhwani - PeerSpot reviewer
May 31, 2024
Reliable, fulfils compliance requirements, and enables to manage data backups easily
I use the solution for backup and recovery Our systems have become more stable and scalable after using NetApp AltaVault. The dashboard is useful for managing data backups. The deduplication technology helps me take offline backups efficiently. The workload on the end team has been reduced. It…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Stable and scalable suite of solutions with deduplication, apart from data protection, storage, and backup."
"The product, a disk backup solution, improves our data application tasks. We used tape libraries with Dev drives in legacy architectures, resulting in slow backups compared to modern drives like NVMe and SSDs. By transitioning to NVMe and SSDs, backups have become much faster. The tool's backup restoration is faster compared to other tools."
"The solution can scale up to one petabyte right now. It's very good for enterprise-level organizations."
"When utilizing Dell PowerProtect DD for backup systems, Data Domain offers fast performance with low latency, providing high throughput for quicker backups compared to other vendors."
"Good starting capacity and scalability."
"We have never had any issues with Data Domain. It has been stable."
"It is stable. I would rate the stability of the solution a nine out of ten."
"The product provides good backup and compression services."
"The solution is very easy to use and it offers great support."
"Most importantly is having that island into that datacenter, and being able to address things in the same console. Thus, it is irrelevant where it's stored."
"Its initial setup is easy."
"It's so easy to work with."
"The most valuable feature is the portability of large archived data. You're able to put things on large on-prem, low-cost storage and then augment that with even lower cost storage in the cloud."
"The dashboard is useful for managing data backups."
"You can store backups for a while."
"The deduplication engine. Right now, we're at about 10.5 to 11 times deduplication of our backup data."


"We have had deduplication and replication issues. When we used another backup software we noticed that it didn't have the same issues."
"EMC is very expensive for small customers."
"Its management can be improved."
"The Dell PowerProtect DD architecture offers several significant features. One is DD Boost, which is utilized at both the source and destination sites for application processing."
"The price could be a little cheaper than it is now."
"The licensing model was the biggest concern for our company, but the poor support after the initial implementation is of equal concern."
"First-time integrations are difficult in NetWorker. NetWorker software needs to be simplified. It's very complex."
"It helps if you have in-depth knowledge in order to use it correctly."
"More capacity with the basic model of the AltaVault would probably help out."
"It's a good product, but it's becoming outdated and moving to their other primary architecture."
"The product must provide multi-gate connectivity."
"I really want to partner it with the SnapCenter. We haven't implemented that yet. We're upgrading all of our stuff to the ONTAP 9, which you had to have."
"It would be nice if the solution was more complete. Many customers are looking for a single solution or silo that they can manage everything from. It would be nice, instead of having different products, if everything a client needed was in one solution."
"More than a 500 volume limit. At the moment, it only supports up to 500 volumes for SnapMirror and that's a problem. We've got 750, so a larger limit for volume replicas for SnapMirror."
"The solution needs faster indexing."
"I would like to see more web support."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Its price is reasonable."
"It is expensive, but the performance and deduplication cover for the cost."
"I can't remember what the license costs are. They might be paid monthly or every two months."
"The price of the backup appliance is slightly expensive. Compared to other vendors, the pricing will be slightly higher."
"In Naira it was twenty-five or twenty-seven million (approximately $75,000 USD) for the implementation and maintenance cost for three years."
"The price is really high compared to other vendors. The licensing cost is huge. Normal, mid-tier companies or small-scale companies wouldn't be able to afford it easily."
"Becoming more expensive."
"The price of the solution and support for Dell PowerProtect DD is expensive. We have customers that cannot upgrade to a newer version of the solution because the support is too expensive."
"The price is a bit high."
"It is a rather expensive program."
"In one use case, and we have several, to run for a particular customer, the price is about $375,000 a year."
"It's quite cost-effective."
"There is a need to make yearly payments towards the licensing costs attached to the solution, which comes to around 3,000 USD."
"The pricing is not too bad, but could be a little better."
"You could compare it to a Dell EMC or ECS, and I think it's probably a little less costly than that. Within the marketplace, it's a medium cost."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Real Estate/Law Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Dell EMC PowerProtect DD (Data Domain)?
There are many different licenses, so you pay for what you need. There are various aspects you can add on, like extra speed, or something just for reading data. There are licenses to do replication...
What needs improvement with Dell EMC PowerProtect DD (Data Domain)?
Nothing comes to mind in terms of improvement. It serves its purpose. That said, if they could develop higher algorithms to make it more efficient, that would be great. Usually, with the backup, th...
Is NetApp AltaVault compatible with AWS?
Hello. Yes, it is compatible with AWS but the great thing about it is that it's actually working with so many cloud providers, it may be just for everyone. Besides the Amazon cloud services, NetApp...
Can AltaVault be used for data reduction?
Hello, you can definitely use NetApp AltaVault for reducing your data and giving yourself some more storage. This product offers you deduplication and compression, helping you achieve that. I'm su...
What kind of security does NetApp AltaVault give you?
My organization is very happy with the security that NetApp AltaVault gives us for our data on the cloud. First, it gives us the option for data recovery, which is very good, especially if someone...

Also Known As

DataDomain, Dell EMC Data Domain, PowerProtect Data Domain

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Sample Customers

The US Army, City of Houston, Lloyds TSB, TiVo, Teck, Ingram Entertainment, The New York Mets
Blach Construction, NASA, Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes, Seminole County Public Schools and Spot Trading
Find out what your peers are saying about Dell PowerProtect DD (Data Domain) vs. NetApp AltaVault and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.