Datadog vs ServiceNow IT Operations Management comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Ranking in AIOps
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability (1st), Network Monitoring Software (3rd), Log Management (3rd), Container Monitoring (2nd), Cloud Monitoring Software (1st), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (7th)
ServiceNow IT Operations Ma...
Ranking in IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Ranking in AIOps
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Event Monitoring (2nd), Cloud Management (8th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the IT Infrastructure Monitoring category, the mindshare of Datadog is 5.5%, down from 7.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of ServiceNow IT Operations Management is 2.3%, down from 3.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Unique Categories:
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Network Monitoring Software
Event Monitoring
Cloud Management

Featured Reviews

Dec 6, 2022
Great dashboards, good monitoring, and easy SLAs
Our primary use case would be using the dashboards and getting proper insights based on the dashboards. The monitoring, SLO, and SLA have been better and easier since we started using the Terraform infrastructure. APM has been easier as we had to enable it through the CronJob directly. Profiling…
Sukkanta Banerjee - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 31, 2022
Track daily tickets, SLAs, and create dashboards
I give the solution an eight out of ten. The solution is used wherever there is an operations activity in our organization. It is hard to say exactly how many people are using the solution but it is a lot. We have a support team that consists of six to eight people used for deployment and maintenance. We definitely have plans to increase the usage of the solution, because, considering the current market trend, the ServiceNow IT Operations Management usage will increase in long run. I recommend this solution. The reason is it's cost-effective, number one. Number two, many of the processes got recently automated in it, like checking the major incidents. When triggered, it will be notified according to the configuration set. Any people can create a dashboard to get a quick view of the SLS.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The solution is sufficiently stable."
"The solution has helped out organization gain improved visibility."
"Datadog is easy to use and easy to deploy. It's a better solution compared to others on the market in terms of being budget friendly for our customers."
"Thanks to the logs, we manage to make better reports through Jira and also to trace the request with more facility than we would be able to do otherwise."
"The solution's SaaS model is easy to manage and works well in single- or multi-cloud environments."
"It has scaled great. I haven't run into any problems anywhere that I've used it. They have handled everything that we have needed them to."
"Datadog has so far been a breeze to use and set up."
"The interface and the integrations make it so easy to connect to the cloud or to the on-premise environment."
"ITOM communicates information about incidents and maintains them. It handles tickets change, manages service networks, and reduces IT service downtime for the organization."
"It is a market leader and is very implementation-friendly. Developers have a clear understanding of how the solution works, and it is mature enough to handle different client needs."
"As a product, ServiceNow IT Operations Management is pretty strong, and it can discover non-IP devices."
"I like the tool's discovery feature."
"The way this solution has helped us is that it improved our communication."
"The most valuable feature of ServiceNow IT Operations Management is the user interface."
"The auto remediation feature has been most valuable. They have also introduced an AOP feature of ServiceNow that we are keen to explore."
"The end-to-end ticketing process is most valuable in ServiceNow IT Operations Management because its notification feature is excellent in keeping all users informed on the next step compared to BMC. I also like that ServiceNow IT Operations Management is very user-friendly."


"For three to four months, we have been experiencing real-time delays. For example, if we're monitoring incoming traffic, the real-time status should be displayed up to a certain point. However, due to delays or issues with Datadog, the real-time data might only be updated at an earlier time. We are experiencing consistent delays in data updates from Datadog, with the most recent data often being delayed by about an hour. This issue has been ongoing for the past four months."
"Deploying the agents is still very manual."
"Some of the interface is still confusing to use."
"The product needs to have more enterprise approach to configuration."
"The ease of implementation needs improvement."
"The more tools that they can build that allow you to run AWX playbooks, or other similar fixes, would benefit clients greatly."
"When it comes to storing the logs with Datadog, I'm not sure why it costs so much to store gigabytes or terabytes of information when it's a fraction of the cost to do so myself."
"Lacks some flexibility in the customization."
"It should have better integrations with other solutions."
"The most complaints we have received from our clients are the solution's discovery aspect. I've heard a few concerns from the customers where we have to integrate with a third-party tool to make a full-fledged discovery along with ServiceNow. ServiceNow alone does not do the total capacity of the discovery. The discovery portion of ServiceNow IT Operations Management is not in-depth as what the customers are looking for. The information that it gathers from the assets is a little more limited than what other tools provide."
"The solution needs to add mobilization, where we can connect mobile devices or wireless devices to do wireless scanning and bring assets into the database."
"The solution's licensing model is a bit complicated. It should be simple and easy for people to understand."
"ServiceNow could be more prescriptive on how customers can leverage some of the benefits."
"There is room for improvement in the stability of ServiceNow."
"There are not enough apps in the app store to expand functionality. There should be more made available."
"My managers would say that the price is too high. We wanted to also have the visibility version of it, but it's too expensive for us. Going for visibility would have doubled up the price."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Pricing is somewhat affordable compared to other solutions but in order to really lower the costs of other products you need to plan very carefully your resources usage, otherwise, it can get expensive real quick."
"​Pricing seems reasonable. It depends on the size of your organization, the size of your infrastructure, and what portion of your overall business costs go toward infrastructure."
"While it is an expensive product, I would rate the pricing level at four out of five."
"The tool is open-source."
"It is easy to run up a large bill, so become familiar with the cost of each piece of your bill and use the metrics they supply to estimate and monitor your bill."
"The pricing came up a bit compared to their competitors. It is not that the price has risen, but that the competitors have gone down. They keep adding more features that I would have expected to be baked in at a more nominal price. I have been increasingly dissatisfied with the pricing, but not enough to jump ship."
"They prefer monthly subscriptions."
"Sometimes it's very hard to project how much it will cost for the monthly subscription for the next month when you add certain features. Having better visibility of the cost would give a better experience."
"The pricing is high and may be excluding the small to medium-sized enterprise businesses."
"ServiceNow IT Operations Management is a costly solution. I'd rate the price at ten, on a scale from one to ten with one being the lowest and ten being the highest price. Some clients do have a problem with the price, but most find that the solution is worth the cost."
"There are additional costs, you have to pay more for everything."
"It is expensive. It is around 10 Euros per server per month."
"The price of ServiceNow IT Operations Management is expensive."
"It is moderately expensive. The pricing itself and the licensing options are depending on the model and the customization."
"This solution offers good value but comes at a very high premium. Pricing could be reduced by 10 to 20%."
"The solution is costly compared to the products offered by its competitors."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Energy/Utilities Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Any advice about APM solutions?
There are many factors and we know little about your requirements (size of org, technology stack, management systems, the scope of implementation). Our goal was to consolidate APM and infra monitor...
Datadog vs ELK: which one is good in terms of performance, cost and efficiency?
With Datadog, we have near-live visibility across our entire platform. We have seen APM metrics impacted several times lately using the dashboards we have created with Datadog; they are very good c...
Which would you choose - Datadog or Dynatrace?
Our organization ran comparison tests to determine whether the Datadog or Dynatrace network monitoring software was the better fit for us. We decided to go with Dynatrace. Dynatrace offers network ...
What do you like most about ServiceNow IT Operations Management?
From my perspective as an asset manager, the most valuable feature of the solution is the configuration management portion, where I can actively add something to the database.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for ServiceNow IT Operations Management?
The solution is costly compared to the products offered by its competitors.
What needs improvement with ServiceNow IT Operations Management?
The licensing model of the product is a bit rigid, and it can be a bit difficult to downscale if your needs change while also being expensive. The aforementioned area can be considered for improvem...

Also Known As

No data available
ServiceNow ITOM



Sample Customers

Adobe, Samsung, facebook, HP Cloud Services, Electronic Arts, salesforce, Stanford University, CiTRIX, Chef, zendesk, Hearst Magazines, Spotify, mercardo libre, Slashdot, Ziff Davis, PBS, MLS, The Motley Fool, Politico, Barneby's
servicenow, TransAlta, NATS, Symantec
Find out what your peers are saying about Datadog vs. ServiceNow IT Operations Management and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.