Cisco Meraki Systems Manager (MDM+EMM) vs SOTI MobiControl comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Intune
Ranking in Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (3rd), Remote Access (1st), Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (2nd)
Cisco Meraki Systems Manage...
Ranking in Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
SOTI MobiControl
Ranking in Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) category, the mindshare of Microsoft Intune is 37.0%, down from 39.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Cisco Meraki Systems Manager (MDM+EMM) is 2.7%, down from 3.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SOTI MobiControl is 9.1%, up from 5.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Unique Categories:
Configuration Management
Remote Access
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Dec 27, 2021
It offers great visibility into automated deployment solutions
My company requires control over the deployment process of new computers, and we have set up some profiles for specific applications to configure the access policies and define permissions for certain objects or documents. That's the most common use case It's not working perfectly, but…
Horacio L. Mille - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 22, 2023
Complete solution for managing and deploying remote sites and networks
It requires a higher expenditure compared to other solutions, but it's a complete solution. It works well, has a great interface, and the support is very expensive, but it's good It helps us deploy and manage remote sites, as well as maintain security on remote networks. The proprietary…
CarlosRodriguez3 - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 5, 2023
A complete tool with good reliability and simple licensing
We mainly use it in transport, for example, in police and governemnt The solution allows for very good remote control. We only have to get one application and have everything we need under the license.  It's a very complete tool. We've had a good user experience overall.  The licensing is…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It's normally able to meet 100% expectations of our customers."
"Intune can wipe devices. For example, if a disgruntled employee wants to leak the data on their company phone, Intune can terminate their access and wipe the entire device with a click."
"The most valuable features are the ones that make sure that the deployment is of a standard operating system and the Zero Touch deployment, which is very useful. This allows users to have an out of box experience."
"We have not experienced any bugs or glitches with this solution."
"The conditional access policies that we set up are very useful."
"The most valuable feature is the policy CSPs."
"The tool's most valuable feature is Autopilot."
"While I don't think you can ever have full visibility and control, Intune certainly allows us to see the applications being used and tells us if things like Windows patches aren't applied to machines. It does a good job. That visibility makes life a little easier."
"It’s helped us manage our endpoints."
"The solution is easy to use. However, AirWatch or Workspace might be more powerful because we've encountered issues, such as manually managing Windows updates."
"It's robust, and we like the device availability, ease of purchase, and supplier stock availability."
"The cloud manager is user-friendly, and I can manage everything from one dashboard."
"The most valuable features of Cisco Meraki Systems Manager (MDM+EMM) are its ability to do geofencing for devices, manage thousands of devices with only a push of a button, and quick application deployment in seconds. It's amazing. For example, in an education scenario, you can deploy an application update for thousands of iPads in two clicks."
"It's very easy to just keep adding devices as needed."
"It's a very easy solution for the most part, it's very easy to implement and very easy to administer."
"The cloud dashboard's analytics data is particularly valuable, giving me insights into user activities and making it easy to track and manage devices."
"The most valuable features of the solution are containerization and app control."
"The most valuable feature is the fact that I can manage my devices remotely."
"Also, although they're Apple products, we don't use the Find My iPhone feature because that would require us to use so many fake numbers or come up with a list of numbers. SOTI has been super-helpful in helping us track where an iPad is and knowing that we can remote-access it."
"Because we have a custom, business-to-business applications, the solution's deployment features give us the ability to control the deployment of new versions. We can granularly decide which people or which phone receive updates. It's kind of like having your own "app store" and being able to control what you deploy on the phones... You can see how the deployment is happening; if it's going well or not."
"It is very reliable, and their support is excellent."
"The remote control we have helps us a lot."
"It gives us the ability to manage our mobile fleets and push out updates quickly for all of our internal applications to keep the business running. We can push an app update out in minutes..."
"It is a scalable solution."


"The closest Microsoft Intune can be to GPOs, the better. There needs to be more granularity on application deployments. However, they have done better recently with the application deployments."
"The information we receive at the device level needs improvement."
"Intune has limited integration with non-Microsoft solutions."
"They should make it easier to order it, however, that's generally true for everything from Microsoft."
"There should be more focus on mobile device security and integration."
"Intune's third-party patch management could be better. It should be easier for the average system admin to keep non-Microsoft applications updated."
"Microsoft Intune lacks the ability to provide seamless remote assistance or remote control."
"Microsoft Intune lags market leaders, such as Apperian, in its MAM capabilities."
"Meraki Systems Manager lacks scripting capability compared to Workspace. I've seen the product focused mainly on mobile solutions. They might need more development in endpoints like Windows desktops."
"Security could be improved, and there could be more features that enable you to customize the end customer solution."
"It doesn't seem to be able to establish some VPN tunnels with other devices in a particular way that such as an ASA can do for us."
"Integration with other tools, such as, ConnectWise Automate."
"They need to allocate more energy in terms of their offering to devices that are not Apple devices."
"It would be beneficial to have better integration with other OS."
"In my opinion, the equipment availabilities and competitive pricings could be improved."
"I've participated in numerous product launches primarily focused on HP and Dell. Consequently, there should be a vested interest in local gatherings to showcase product advantages and performance. Particularly in Singapore, it only has so limited integrators to engage in IP product sales. There's room for improvement through dedicated workshops and training. The European and Western markets differ significantly from the context here. The physical location holds more importance. Thus, they should have a survey to evaluate demand, supply, and sales points, tailoring strategies accordingly."
"The pricing policy of SOTI is not stable. You buy it today at one price, and the following year, it becomes something like 5% or 7% higher. From my point of view, SOTI is a little bit weak in terms of implementation on the new Windows 10 devices, and they have to work on this. It can't compete with Intune and other solutions when it comes to Windows implementation. It almost doesn't work with iOS. It works well with Android."
"Most of our devices are Android, they're Google related, so we need access from Google to do certain things. There are ways around that, but that's something that we're really looking for. How can we control the Apple Air? How can we get into that app?... How can we make sure that that app doesn't try to update in the middle of the day when our driver needs it?"
"We're deploying an application upgrade. We can't do more than three or four devices at once, and we don't know if the device actually received the upgrade. There's no indicator saying it's 100 percent complete until everything is done. Let's say I work East to West. I work on the East Coast and I want to confirm it was done with the upgrades in that region. I wouldn't know until I actually went into it. There's no indicator telling me that it's complete."
"In future releases, I would like to see a better configuration of the dashboard."
"I would like to see some SMS integration so people can send data directly from a mobile phone through SMS when there's no internet."
"One issue is that if someone is using an Apple device and they're on the SIM card for data, it does not push the SOTI management system through immediately. It only works when you have it on WiFi. That's something I've noticed as we're troubleshooting and deploying devices into the field."
"SOTI MobiControl currently lacks some DLP features."
"SOTI MobiControl is very good for Android and Windows, but it should add a little bit on the Apple side because it doesn't have much control on the Apple side."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Intune is included in the Microsoft 365 licensing package that we have."
"Licensing depends on how you are providing support to your enterprise, whether it's device-based or user-based."
"No one can compete with Microsoft when it comes to price, and the features it is offering."
"We don't get Intune as a separate module. Most of the time, we use it within an enterprise agreement like E3 or E5. Those licenses are at a good price, but what is annoying is that every single year they go higher."
"Every customer used to purchase licenses based on their needs."
"Microsoft Intune's pricing is reasonable."
"Microsoft Intune is available for individual purchase at a low per-device cost."
"I would rate the price a four out of ten with ten being the most expensive."
"This product is reasonably priced."
"My clients find it a bit expensive compared to other systems."
"The cost of installing this solution can be more expensive depending on who is doing the installation. Cisco is very expensive."
"The price is high for the market."
"It's extremely competitive and very good for a product in this sphere."
"My customers at times have issues with the price of the solution. It is expensive, but overall it is worth it. The licensing model cost is based on how many devices you require."
"The storage is affordable and the system has some price-related issues. Therefore, keeping the price in mind, I would rate it seven out of ten."
"Meraki MDM is the cheapest solution we have used."
"There are additional costs if you want to use extra features."
"There are solutions that can be more aggressively priced, but they may not provide all that SOTI does. It's a matrix regarding what feature you use. You need to compare the features you use and what you are willing to pay for them... SOTI's pricing is okay. It's in the middle... They can provide more aggressive pricing once you start to have a lot of licenses."
"The product is less expensive than one of its competitors."
"There are no costs in addition to the standard licensing fees."
"The product is reasonably priced at the moment."
"They've been pretty flexible with us, because we've changed the way we do our licensing a few times. We did a yearly, and then we went back and we did a quarterly, and I think we're back to yearly right now. We've been able to work stuff out and pricing has gone down since the onset. We've got a better rate per device and it's reasonable. The licensing cost from SOTI usually doesn't scare anybody, away once it's explained."
"We have annual licenses to use this solution."
"SOTI is fairly priced. It's not super expensive. If you have a thousand devices that are licensed, it's going to start climbing up in price. Typically, it's like 25 bucks a seat for a year."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Microsoft Intune compare with VMware Workspace One?
Microsoft Intune is a great tool for managing a mobile device fleet while keeping access control. The solution makes ...
What are the pros and cons of Microsoft Intune?
Microsoft Intune is a great configuration management tool and has a lot of good things going for it. Here are some of...
How does Google Cloud Identity compare with Microsoft Intune?
Microsoft Intune offers not only an easy-to-deploy data protection and productivity management solution, but also ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Cisco Meraki Systems Manager (MDM+EMM)?
The pricing for Cisco Meraki Systems Manager is reasonable. One notable aspect is Microsoft's expertise in pricing st...
What needs improvement with Cisco Meraki Systems Manager (MDM+EMM)?
Meraki Systems Manager lacks scripting capability compared to Workspace. I've seen the product focused mainly on mobi...
What do you like most about SOTI MobiControl?
The most valuable features of the solution are containerization and app control.
What needs improvement with SOTI MobiControl?
SOTI MobiControl currently lacks some DLP features. It would be good if SOTI MobiControl could offer a few functional...

Also Known As

Intune, MS Intune, Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Meraki MDM



Sample Customers

Mitchells and Buzzers, Callaway
Hafen Hamburg & Empire Riverside Hotel, Eastview Church, Tourism Holdings, Colegio Sagrada Familia Hijas de Jesús, Tommy Bahama's, Canadian School Mexico, Rosebank College
Citizen Mexico, Sanctuary Housing, PENINSULA HOTELS, East Orange High School, Andrews Distributing, Amey Plc, American Airlines
Find out what your peers are saying about Cisco Meraki Systems Manager (MDM+EMM) vs. SOTI MobiControl and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.