Binary Defense MDR vs Cortex XDR by Palo Alto Networks comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Binary Defense MDR
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Managed Detection and Response (MDR) (7th)
Cortex XDR by Palo Alto Net...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) (4th), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) (4th), Ransomware Protection (2nd), AI-Powered Cybersecurity Platforms (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Managed Detection and Response (MDR) category, the mindshare of Binary Defense MDR is 0.8%, up from 0.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Cortex XDR by Palo Alto Networks is 1.3%, down from 2.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP)
Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

Featured Reviews

Jan 5, 2024
Offers excellent support, stability, and flexible pricing
The support is very timely and accurate. I would rate the support as a nine out of ten. The response times from Binary Defense have been in line with the agreed-upon statement of work. They have consistently followed through on the features and promises outlined in their quotes and statements of work. We are pleased with our overall partnership with Binary Defense and hope to see the relationship continue to grow. A good enterprise MDR provider, like Binary Defense, should feel like an extension of your team. Their approach makes it seamless and ensures the client feels supported, which might not be the case with other providers.
Mar 21, 2024
A stable XDR solution with file detection
The licensing model is complex to understand. It requires expertise to explain how the licensing works. You need expertise to guide you through the subscription plan. Everything is fine. However, if there are any security suggestions, they should be addressed promptly. For instance, configuring the tool and setting up email configurations are essential. Additionally, web filtering is crucial; if there are any high-risk URLs or logs, they should be filtered. Palo Alto Networks already has a robust database for this purpose, which they utilize in their perimeter-level devices by leveraging this database and integrating it into Cortex XDR, enhancing the security posture. Automatic security suggestions are also provided for individual devices, further enhancing security. Adding URLs and addressing the mentioned points are essential steps. They're aggregating all the logs from various devices.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Binary Defense's most valuable feature is the 24/7 monitoring and threat hunting. Their team checks the latest breaches and how they're done."
"The most valuable part of Binary Defense is its team of cybersecurity analysts. Their analysts filter out the noise and only forward the critical threats that require a response instead of false positives."
"With Binary Defense, we don't just get an alert, but also a detailed rundown of why they're alerting us on it. They tell us what was executed, or the username, script, or IP. That way, we're not wasting time investigating."
"Among the valuable features are the agent, continuous reporting, and dashboard. It has all the features we need and we haven't had to customize it, other than turning on certain features that we wanted."
"The most valuable features are the SIEM and the ticketing function; the latter is very smooth and easy to read and understand. We don't have any issues looking at the ticketing information when we're trying to identify what's going on."
"Binary Defense has a human service department that provides live monitoring for our systems."
"The case interface is Binary Defense MDR's most valuable feature."
"Binary Defense is comprehensive. We see most of the questionable activity. Once you see things a couple of times and are familiar with the processes, you know what those are. The level of activity is definitely favorable."
"Cortex XDR by Palo Alto Networks is easy to use and does not consume a lot of hardware resources."
"It'll not slow down your system when compared to others."
"The solution is a new generation XDR that has a lot of artificial intelligence modules."
"The ability to kind of stitch everything together and see the actual complete picture is very useful. I guess you'd call it a playbook. Some people call it the forensics analysis of what was happening on particular endpoints when they detected some malicious behavior, and what transpired before that to cause that. It is also very user friendly. The way they have done everything and integrated all the solutions that they've purchased over the years to make it a very seamless, effective product is very good. One thing about Palo Alto is that they take the products or services that they purchase and make them seamless for the end user as compared to some companies that purchase other companies and then just kind of have their products off to the side or keep different interfaces. Palo Alto doesn't do that."
"The live terminal is probably the best thing ever. It gives you the access to get straight onto any machine."
"It has pretty much everything we need and works well within the Palo Alto ecosystem."
"The integrations are out-of-the-box, as are the playbooks."
"If any application performs suspicious activities, such as changing registries or modifying other applications, Cortex XDR detects and blocks the entire application."


"We found that an earlier version of the agent had high memory usage and that was a bit concerning, but we raised the concern with their support team and they immediately replied that they had noticed the same thing and had a candidate fix already available... it totally fixed the issue."
"Binary Defense MDR could be even better with additional features, like automatic scans and file quarantine."
"We should be able to isolate devices faster. They should shorten the time between clicking on a device to contain it and carrying out the action. That would be a welcome improvement."
"The most significant area for improvement is in support for non-English speakers; we're a global organization, so many of our users are not English speakers, which can make interacting with them a challenge. There's no Chinese language support, so we must rely on what we can do with the internet. We don't expect Binary Defense to build a language staff, but details can get lost in translation when we assume the whole world speaks English."
"I don't find any downside to them, but if I have to put one, it would be consistent manpower or staffing. The only area where the solution can be improved is going to be with people. As they grow, they are struggling with the same thing that every other company is, which is getting talent and getting that talent to stay, but they've just revised their tiering system to go from a flat analyst and manager to a three-tier solution where it goes through two or three before it gets elevated. That seems to have worked out well, so if one level misses it, the next one picks it up, and it works out fine."
"We found a couple of bugs in the user interface."
"The current reporting system could benefit from improvement."
"It's hard to think of anything that they need to improve on, but just to point out something, I would like to see them provide advanced XDR."
"I would like to see them include NDR (Network Detection Response)."
"They have the worst support, as a company, that I have ever worked with, as they are difficult to get a hold of and keep on the phone. They don't know what they are talking about when you get them on the phone. They don't like to respond to messages when you send them to them. They like to "research problems" for weeks on end, then pass you off to somebody else."
"The solution should offer more dashboards and they should be better customized."
"There are some third-party solutions that are difficult to integrate with, which is something that can be improved."
"I would like to see some additional features related to email protection included."
"It should support more mobile operating systems. That is one of the cons of their infrastructure right now."
"It is not easy to sell Cortex XDR, not because it isn't a good tool. Its marketing needs to be improved."
"The installation should be easier and the Palo Alto pre-sales and sales teams should have more information on the product because they don't know what they are selling."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Binary Defense MDR is priced competitively and may be slightly lower than CrowdStrike."
"The pricing isn't that bad, it's very competitive. I don't feel that it's over-priced and I don't feel that it's under-priced."
"After we acquired this platform, we met with a number of different vendors. Binary Defense came in with a proposal that was surprisingly affordable. In fact, we were able to recoup the cost of their services within a short period of time. This is because Binary Defense is able to provide the same level of security as a team of two or three in-house analysts but at a fraction of the cost. As a result, Binary Defense is saving us an estimated $250,000 to $300,000 per year."
"Binary Defense has changed its pricing model from being primarily based on the volume of data to one based on escalations and incidents they handle."
"The pricing is on target. Working with their sales team on pricing negotiations was a pleasant process. They were very respectful of the constraints we had and I feel that we're paying a fair price."
"It's valued at the right price. Even with the number of endpoints we have, we don't feel that it's a lot more than any competitor. In fact, it might be less expensive when you look at the fact that you're getting a full flex SOC out of it along with the tools."
"The pricing is very good. They are definitely competitive and they were lower at the time that we went with them."
"From the initial cost that Binary Defense came in with, we pared it down quite a bit over the course of 30 or 60 days. My leadership would say that their cost was high, but realistically, they were in line with the market."
"The return on investment is from the user side because we have seen the performance of it increase the delivery time of the product if we are using too many web-based and on-premise applications. In indirect ways, we saw the return of investment in terms of performance and user satisfaction increase."
"The cost of Cortex XDR by Palo Alto Networks is $55 to $90 USD per endpoint per month."
"I am using the Community edition."
"Very costly product."
"I don't recall what the cost was, but it wasn't really that expensive."
"Cortex XDR’s pricing is very reasonable."
"The pricing is a little high. It is per user per year."
"When we first bought it, it was a bit expensive, but it was worth it. The licensing was straightforward."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Binary Defense MDR?
The most valuable feature is reviewing tickets and the notes added by technicians.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Binary Defense MDR?
Binary Defense is reasonably priced, considering that it saves us from hiring personnel and deters threats that could cost us. At the same time, it may look a little expensive to decision-makers wh...
What needs improvement with Binary Defense MDR?
The only area I see for improvement with Binary Defense is their service portal. It could benefit from some enhancements.
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Cortex XDR by Palo Alto vs. CrowdStrike Falcon Both Cortex XDR and Crowd Strike Falcon offer cloud-based solutions that are very scalable, secure, and user-friendly. Cortex XDR by Palo Alto offers ...
How is Cortex XDR compared with Microsoft Defender?
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is a cloud-delivered endpoint security solution. The tool reduces the attack surface, applies behavioral-based endpoint protection and response, and includes risk-ba...

Also Known As

Binary Defense Vision, Binary Defense Managed Detection and Response, Binary Defense Managed Detection & Response
Cyvera, Cortex XDR, Palo Alto Networks Traps



Sample Customers

Securitas USA, Black Hills Energy, Lincoln Electric,The J.M. Smuckers Company, New York Community Bank, State of Connecticut, NCR
CBI Health Group, University Honda, VakifBank
Find out what your peers are saying about CrowdStrike, Arctic Wolf Networks, Huntress and others in Managed Detection and Response (MDR). Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.