Binary Defense MDR vs Darktrace comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Binary Defense MDR
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Managed Detection and Response (MDR) (7th)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Email Security (11th), Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS) (1st), Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) (1st), Network Detection and Response (NDR) (1st), AI-Powered Chatbots (3rd), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (14th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (11th), Attack Surface Management (ASM) (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Managed Detection and Response (MDR) category, the mindshare of Binary Defense MDR is 0.8%, up from 0.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Darktrace is 0.2%, down from 0.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Email Security
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS)

Featured Reviews

May 4, 2023
It monitors the latest threats and gives me a broader perspective of what's hitting us
Binary Defense's most valuable feature is the 24/7 monitoring and threat hunting. Their team checks the latest breaches and how they're done. The MDR team contains all their clients' accounts for this type of behavior. Their interface is customizable, but I don't need to tweak it much because it's already fairly intuitive. The dashboard shows all of our endpoints and threat hunting. You can see the false positives on the dashboard, showing the systems getting hit the most. Everything the solution protects is there so I can check everything in about 10 minutes. Integrating Binary Defense doesn't cause a noticeable slowdown in performance. It doesn't interfere with any programs that I've seen so far. Our environment is cloud-based, so no local servers are involved in our everyday endpoint activity. A few servers are in the stadium, and we put agents on them to monitor them. It works great. Binary Defense doesn't interfere with any of it.
Mebbert Chiyangi - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 29, 2023
Efficient behaviour analytics features and offers high stability
One thing I would like is for Darktrace to flag SMB traffic more accurately. Currently, it only flags that SMB traffic has occurred, but it doesn't specify which file was being transferred. This makes it difficult to investigate incidents involving SMB traffic, as we don't have concrete evidence of what was being sent. For example, if a user is sent an unauthorized file via SMB, Darktrace would only flag that SMB traffic occurred between the two users. It wouldn't be able to tell us which file was sent, so we would have to manually investigate the incident to determine what happened. It would be helpful if Darktrace could flag the specific file that was being transferred in SMB traffic incidents. This would make it much easier to investigate these incidents and take appropriate action. In future releases, I would like to see more playbooks.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"One of the main benefits of Binary Defense MDR is the ability to easily meet with their support team to discuss any issues we encounter."
"Binary Defense has a human service department that provides live monitoring for our systems."
"The case interface is Binary Defense MDR's most valuable feature."
"The best part about Binary Defense MDR is that it runs on everything, and they keep an eye on things 24/7."
"Binary Defense is comprehensive. We see most of the questionable activity. Once you see things a couple of times and are familiar with the processes, you know what those are. The level of activity is definitely favorable."
"Our mean time to response has gone down. We're much faster with direct response and have more investigative capabilities than we did before."
"The most valuable features are the SIEM and the ticketing function; the latter is very smooth and easy to read and understand. We don't have any issues looking at the ticketing information when we're trying to identify what's going on."
"The speed at which their services are reactive is valuable. Nowadays, when a threat hits an endpoint, you've got minutes, not hours or days. Their average response time is about four minutes on an alert. For anything that needs to be sent to us, it's about fourteen minutes, which is pretty good. They're the third SOC that I've used in fifteen years. By far, they are the quickest ones to act. When you're looking at prevention, that's a key factor."
"The active threat dashboard is the most valuable feature of this solution."
"We allow customers to access our Wi-Fi as guests, and some of them were going to restricted sites. Darktrace showed us what they were doing so we could block them."
"It is a stable solution without downtime."
"AI analytics are built directly into the product."
"A very useful feature in Darktrace for real-time threat analysis is the packet inspection that analyzes the packet traffic in real time."
"The most valuable feature is that it works autonomously."
"The ability to detect activity on the network is very useful to us. Even if it's not necessarily an illegal activity, if it is abnormal activity, it is able to detect it and notify us."
"Darktrace is very flexible."


"If I were shopping for an MDR solution today, I would not only look for a company that has the ability to alert, detect, and remediate, but also the ability to integrate vulnerability management. That's a big thing that they're lacking today."
"It's hard to think of anything that they need to improve on, but just to point out something, I would like to see them provide advanced XDR."
"It's sometimes difficult to know when to engage Binary Defense or TrustedSec, their sister company. TrustedSec is more focused on offensive security, as opposed to the defensive security that the MDR solution provides. It would be awesome if there were a better bridge between that relationship for when we need to get more proactive services or when we need to do a penetration test."
"While my understanding is that they're working on this, I would like to see some more of the quantification or reporting."
"I don't find any downside to them, but if I have to put one, it would be consistent manpower or staffing. The only area where the solution can be improved is going to be with people. As they grow, they are struggling with the same thing that every other company is, which is getting talent and getting that talent to stay, but they've just revised their tiering system to go from a flat analyst and manager to a three-tier solution where it goes through two or three before it gets elevated. That seems to have worked out well, so if one level misses it, the next one picks it up, and it works out fine."
"The only area I see for improvement with Binary Defense is their service portal. It could benefit from some enhancements."
"I would like to get more reports from Binary Defense about what they're blocking."
"I would like to see more frequent check-ins with our security status."
"It can have more integration with orchestration or event management solutions. They can provide more knowledge or research information for analysts for investigating cases and detecting anomalies in networks."
"Darktrace could improve its features, such as monitoring and detecting ransomware."
"It could build in integrations for some complementary products, but it has an assistant plugin so this is not really a big deal."
"It takes time to go through the interface and pick up things. If it were a more straightforward interface, then it would free up time."
"The interface is too mathematical and it should be simplified."
"Darkforce could be improved in the range of the interface; how to interact with the actions it's taking or not taking."
"Darktrace does not have any capabilities to configure."
"We'd like threat hunting, and we'd like to see a global solution that can automate vulnerability scans. I know it is something they are working on."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Binary Defense MDR is priced competitively and may be slightly lower than CrowdStrike."
"Binary Defense has changed its pricing model from being primarily based on the volume of data to one based on escalations and incidents they handle."
"It's valued at the right price. Even with the number of endpoints we have, we don't feel that it's a lot more than any competitor. In fact, it might be less expensive when you look at the fact that you're getting a full flex SOC out of it along with the tools."
"The pricing is very good. They are definitely competitive and they were lower at the time that we went with them."
"The pricing is on target. Working with their sales team on pricing negotiations was a pleasant process. They were very respectful of the constraints we had and I feel that we're paying a fair price."
"The solution's price is spot on; if anything, it's slightly below the norm for most services. Compared to building the same team internally, it would cost more to create the same amount of capability than what we get from an external team. Price-wise, Binary Defense is in a great spot."
"From the initial cost that Binary Defense came in with, we pared it down quite a bit over the course of 30 or 60 days. My leadership would say that their cost was high, but realistically, they were in line with the market."
"The pricing isn't that bad, it's very competitive. I don't feel that it's over-priced and I don't feel that it's under-priced."
"They are too expensive compared with other vendors."
"Darktrace is quite an expensive solution."
"Darktrace is pricey, but the price is reasonable for what the solution does, and it's comparable to other products."
"All of the other modules, such as the licensing modules, are on par. It's one for one."
"It is pretty expensive, but it is worth it. Its licensing is yearly."
"We had an issue with pricing initially and had to cancel some of the features of the projects to fit the budget. I would like to see pricing that is not broken up into parts so that we can buy the whole package once. Darktrace is more expensive than an average solution, but it's functionality won't match that of an average solution."
"The price of Darktrace is high and could be reduced. We pay approximately $30,000 to $54,000 annually."
"The pricing is reasonable."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Binary Defense MDR?
The most valuable feature is reviewing tickets and the notes added by technicians.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Binary Defense MDR?
Binary Defense is reasonably priced, considering that it saves us from hiring personnel and deters threats that could cost us. At the same time, it may look a little expensive to decision-makers wh...
What needs improvement with Binary Defense MDR?
The only area I see for improvement with Binary Defense is their service portal. It could benefit from some enhancements.
How does Crowdstrike Falcon compare with Darktrace?
Both of these products perform similarly and have many outstanding attributes. CrowdStrike Falcon offers an amazing user interface that makes setup easy and seamless. CrowdStrike Falcon offers a cl...
Which is better - SentinelOne or Darktrace?
Which solution is better depends on which is more suitable specifically for your company. Darktrace, for example, is meant for smaller to medium-sized businesses. It is also a good option for organ...
What do you like most about Darktrace?
A very useful feature in Darktrace for real-time threat analysis is the packet inspection that analyzes the packet traffic in real time.

Also Known As

Binary Defense Vision, Binary Defense Managed Detection and Response, Binary Defense Managed Detection & Response
No data available



Sample Customers

Securitas USA, Black Hills Energy, Lincoln Electric,The J.M. Smuckers Company, New York Community Bank, State of Connecticut, NCR
Irwin Mitchell, Open Energi, Wellcome Trust, FirstGroup plc, Virgin Trains, Drax, QUI! Group, DNK, CreaCard, Macrosynergy, Sisley, William Hill plc, Toyota Canada, Royal British Legion, Vitol, Allianz, KKR, AIRBUS, dpd, Billabong, Mclaren Group.
Find out what your peers are saying about CrowdStrike, Arctic Wolf Networks, Huntress and others in Managed Detection and Response (MDR). Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.