Binary Defense MDR vs CrowdStrike Falcon comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Binary Defense MDR
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Managed Detection and Response (MDR) (7th)
CrowdStrike Falcon
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) (3rd), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) (3rd), Extended Detection and Response (XDR) (1st), Ransomware Protection (1st), Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) (3rd), AI-Powered Cybersecurity Platforms (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Managed Detection and Response (MDR) category, the mindshare of Binary Defense MDR is 0.8%, up from 0.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of CrowdStrike Falcon is 2.8%, down from 3.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Managed Detection and Response (MDR)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP)
Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Featured Reviews

May 16, 2023
Our security alerts have been reduced significantly due to the higher level of analysis we now receive
The biggest aspect for us is that they are able to conform to our environment and utilize our tools. That way, we still maintain ownership of all the data and access to the applications, and we never lose control of the ability to run the solution ourselves if we need to. They're also very flexible in terms of what they're willing to bring to the table as well as having their own solutions that they provide if you don't have anything that you're using yourself. In terms of threat intelligence, as we make recommendations and suggestions to them for modifications to the reports so that they work better in our environment, they're working on putting them into place. And they're giving us feedback on what they can and can't do, meaning they're being very transparent. Binary Defense has also been great, so far, with integrating all the different things that we're trying to put together. They're also even helping guide us regarding some other tools that we're looking to implement. And those tools will have additional integrations into our main SIEM platform that we're using. They definitely have the knowledge and the insight to accomplish an open XDR strategy for securing infrastructure. With some of their own agents and tools that they are able to deploy into the environment, they're able to determine what's happening and put into effect the kill chain at the earliest possible point to help protect the overall network.
May 9, 2024
The agents are deployed on every workstation, so policy changes can be enforced on all of them
We use Falcon to check the login attempts of the users. We can see who has logged in and when. We can see which workstation is assigned to each user. CrowdStrike helps us enforce policies, such as USB policies and users recycling passwords.  CrowdStrike is deployed on every workstation, so policy…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable part of Binary Defense is its team of cybersecurity analysts. Their analysts filter out the noise and only forward the critical threats that require a response instead of false positives."
"The best part about Binary Defense MDR is that it runs on everything, and they keep an eye on things 24/7."
"With Binary Defense, we don't just get an alert, but also a detailed rundown of why they're alerting us on it. They tell us what was executed, or the username, script, or IP. That way, we're not wasting time investigating."
"The case interface is Binary Defense MDR's most valuable feature."
"One of the main benefits of Binary Defense MDR is the ability to easily meet with their support team to discuss any issues we encounter."
"The most valuable features are the SIEM and the ticketing function; the latter is very smooth and easy to read and understand. We don't have any issues looking at the ticketing information when we're trying to identify what's going on."
"The speed at which their services are reactive is valuable. Nowadays, when a threat hits an endpoint, you've got minutes, not hours or days. Their average response time is about four minutes on an alert. For anything that needs to be sent to us, it's about fourteen minutes, which is pretty good. They're the third SOC that I've used in fifteen years. By far, they are the quickest ones to act. When you're looking at prevention, that's a key factor."
"Binary Defense is comprehensive. We see most of the questionable activity. Once you see things a couple of times and are familiar with the processes, you know what those are. The level of activity is definitely favorable."
"I like the dashboard nature of it. Everything is clickable, linkable, and information is easy to obtain and find. How it presents that information is probably the biggest win as far as the information correlation aspect. The presentation of it is very good."
"As an EDR tool, we can integrate log management and event management. The solution deals with threats automatically, that's the advantage."
"It's ability to do threat hunting is really great, quite robust, and even allows you to do hygiene stuff."
"The most valuable features in CrowdStrike Falcon are the full EDR with antivirus, hunting, reporting, and RTR remote control."
"CrowdStrike enables the infrastructure managers to visualize all the events and get information about the network."
"The scalability is good."
"CrowdStrike Falcon is a very light solution. It does not use too much processor or RAM."
"From what we have seen, it is very scalable. We have recently acquired a company where someone had a ransomware attack when we joined networks. Within the course of just a few days, we were able to easily get CrowdStrike rolled out to about 300 machines. That also included the removal of that company's legacy anti-malware tool."


"I don't find any downside to them, but if I have to put one, it would be consistent manpower or staffing. The only area where the solution can be improved is going to be with people. As they grow, they are struggling with the same thing that every other company is, which is getting talent and getting that talent to stay, but they've just revised their tiering system to go from a flat analyst and manager to a three-tier solution where it goes through two or three before it gets elevated. That seems to have worked out well, so if one level misses it, the next one picks it up, and it works out fine."
"The current reporting system could benefit from improvement."
"We should be able to isolate devices faster. They should shorten the time between clicking on a device to contain it and carrying out the action. That would be a welcome improvement."
"Binary Defense MDR could be even better with additional features, like automatic scans and file quarantine."
"While my understanding is that they're working on this, I would like to see some more of the quantification or reporting."
"It's sometimes difficult to know when to engage Binary Defense or TrustedSec, their sister company. TrustedSec is more focused on offensive security, as opposed to the defensive security that the MDR solution provides. It would be awesome if there were a better bridge between that relationship for when we need to get more proactive services or when we need to do a penetration test."
"We found a couple of bugs in the user interface."
"If I were shopping for an MDR solution today, I would not only look for a company that has the ability to alert, detect, and remediate, but also the ability to integrate vulnerability management. That's a big thing that they're lacking today."
"For CrowdStrike to work, all the machines need to have an internet connection. This makes it challenging to assist customers without an internet connection. We would like to have a mechanism or relay to make this possible."
"I've found that CrowdStrike's technical support could benefit from increased technical expertise."
"In the future release of CrowdStrike Falcon, they should add a sandbox feature."
"The dashboard does not have the facility to export the reports in a PDF format, which I can quickly share with internal stakeholders."
"The technical support could improve because I am in India and the support I receive is from the UK or Australia. It is difficult to manage the time difference. The service could be faster. However, when we do have the support they are knowledgeable."
"Basically, they don't cover legacy OS or applications. That's the only issue we're concerned about"
"An improvement would be to extend support to legacy and unsupported servers."
"Unfortunately, native applications are not supported."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It's valued at the right price. Even with the number of endpoints we have, we don't feel that it's a lot more than any competitor. In fact, it might be less expensive when you look at the fact that you're getting a full flex SOC out of it along with the tools."
"Binary Defense has changed its pricing model from being primarily based on the volume of data to one based on escalations and incidents they handle."
"Binary Defense MDR is priced competitively and may be slightly lower than CrowdStrike."
"The pricing is very good. They are definitely competitive and they were lower at the time that we went with them."
"From the initial cost that Binary Defense came in with, we pared it down quite a bit over the course of 30 or 60 days. My leadership would say that their cost was high, but realistically, they were in line with the market."
"After we acquired this platform, we met with a number of different vendors. Binary Defense came in with a proposal that was surprisingly affordable. In fact, we were able to recoup the cost of their services within a short period of time. This is because Binary Defense is able to provide the same level of security as a team of two or three in-house analysts but at a fraction of the cost. As a result, Binary Defense is saving us an estimated $250,000 to $300,000 per year."
"The pricing is on target. Working with their sales team on pricing negotiations was a pleasant process. They were very respectful of the constraints we had and I feel that we're paying a fair price."
"The solution's price is spot on; if anything, it's slightly below the norm for most services. Compared to building the same team internally, it would cost more to create the same amount of capability than what we get from an external team. Price-wise, Binary Defense is in a great spot."
"It is an expensive product, but I think it is well worth the investment."
"Years ago, when we bought CrowdStrike, you got everything it had. I was a little concerned when they broke this out into a la carte modules where you can buy EDR, Spotlight, etc., picking and choosing off the menu. I was a little worried that the solution would get watered down. However, I realized in my previous organization when we had the full suite that there were a bunch of features in it that we didn't have time to operationalize. So, I warmed up to it. I get the whole, "Look, you can pick and choose. Okay, everybody buys a steak, but do you want mashed potatoes, or do you want lobster mac and cheese?" So, you can pick the sides that you want, so you can buy the solution that you want and operationalize versus paying a lot of money and getting a bunch of things, but not using 60 percent of the tools in the box."
"The solution isn't very costly; it's affordable."
"This solution has a very competitive price."
"I do not have experience with the cost or licensing of the product."
"With respect to pricing, my suggestion to others is to evaluate the environment and purchase what you need."
"Different components are additional price points. We got the components that were right for us, but other organizations may require more (or less) components to suit their needs."
"The price of CrowdStrike Falcon is expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Binary Defense MDR?
The most valuable feature is reviewing tickets and the notes added by technicians.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Binary Defense MDR?
Binary Defense is reasonably priced, considering that it saves us from hiring personnel and deters threats that could cost us. At the same time, it may look a little expensive to decision-makers wh...
What needs improvement with Binary Defense MDR?
The only area I see for improvement with Binary Defense is their service portal. It could benefit from some enhancements.
Comparing CrowdStrike Falcon to Cortex XDR (Palo Alto)
Cortex XDR by Palo Alto vs. CrowdStrike Falcon Both Cortex XDR and Crowd Strike Falcon offer cloud-based solutions that are very scalable, secure, and user-friendly. Cortex XDR by Palo Alto offers ...
How does Crowdstrike Falcon compare with Darktrace?
Both of these products perform similarly and have many outstanding attributes. CrowdStrike Falcon offers an amazing user interface that makes setup easy and seamless. CrowdStrike Falcon offers a cl...
How does Microsoft Defender for Endpoint compare with Crowdstrike Falcon?
The CrowdStrike solution delivers a lot of information about incidents. It has a very light sensor that will never push your machine hardware to "test", you don't have the usual "scan now" feature ...

Also Known As

Binary Defense Vision, Binary Defense Managed Detection and Response, Binary Defense Managed Detection & Response
CrowdStrike Falcon, CrowdStrike Falcon XDR



Sample Customers

Securitas USA, Black Hills Energy, Lincoln Electric,The J.M. Smuckers Company, New York Community Bank, State of Connecticut, NCR
Information Not Available
Find out what your peers are saying about CrowdStrike, Arctic Wolf Networks, Huntress and others in Managed Detection and Response (MDR). Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.