Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 19, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Azure Backup
Ranking in Backup and Recovery
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Backup and Recovery
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Backup (4th), Disaster Recovery (DR) Software (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Backup and Recovery category, the mindshare of Azure Backup is 3.2%, down from 5.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Rubrik is 8.7%, down from 9.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Backup and Recovery
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Cloud Backup
Disaster Recovery (DR) Software

Featured Reviews

Jan 24, 2023
Has helped our organization prevent data loss and has great integration features
Our primary use case is for backups The solution helped us use R2 RBO to back up frequently and avoid losing data if we had system issues. The most valuable features are the integrations because we are using Azure Cloud, which backs it up with all the Azure components. Azure Backup is…
CarlosCastells - PeerSpot reviewer
May 20, 2024
Easy to do backup, easy to deploy and scalable
We are working now on proof of concept to do backups to virtual environments. So, we deployed the solution to three customers in Spain and one or two in Mexico We wish to increase the automation to improve the data management tasks with Rubrik. We see the possibility to improve with AI and other…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The MARS agent makes it easy to use."
"This solution is easy to configure and restore. It is a Microsoft product so is easily compatible with other solutions."
"Enables immediate recovery and immediate restoration."
"The most valuable features of Azure Backup for us are its flexible retention options and the ability to recover to a second region with geo-replication and read access."
"We are happy with this product and have not found any issues while using it."
"It's stable."
"The storage backup is very efficient."
"When it comes to Azure Backup, the advantage is that it's native and it's very easy to configure. We don't require a separate tool or manage something on a separate server. At the backend, it's managed by Microsoft itself, and we don't need to manage it."
"The feature that I found most valuable is Live Mount. You can either mount a virtual machine from a snapshot, or you can mount a volume from the snapshot. You can mount one disk to the server to retrieve data, or you can mount the whole VM, rename it, and use it as a test VM. If your VM gets corrupted, you just mount one from the snapshot, and you have your production VM's backup. So, Live Mount is definitely the best feature for me as an end-user."
"The most valuable features of Rubrik are the restoration and ease of use."
"The tech support is extremely helpful."
"We have a great success rate for backups with Rubrik and because of the ease of automating tasks, we also run periodical restores to check the quality of the backups."
"The solution is stable."
"Takes me 80 percent less time to manage my backup environment."
"The most valuable feature is the Instant Recovery, where we can restore a VM or SQL database or any server or application, and have it up and running on their appliance within a few seconds."
"Adaptative backup and SLAs simply allow you to tell a machine to backup without taking care of the backup window."


"Ransomware protection is missing in Azure Backup."
"The product could improve its performance."
"They need to improve the frequency of the backup. You can only backup one to three times a day. It would be better to back up continuously throughout the day."
"The length of time it takes to restore is our main source of frustration. It would be beneficial to shorten the time it takes."
"I would like to see better integration with more products, and more services."
"It still does not have a lot of customization, especially if your workloads are not in Azure."
"I would like to have the option to increase the frequency of the backups. Azure Backup does backups on an hourly basis, but I would prefer it to take backups more often."
"The monitoring and tagging features could be improved."
"Lacks availability in a NFR format of virtual appliances to test them in public cloud environment."
"The solution could improve by having fewer VM Stuns."
"The open source database needs to be supported."
"In terms of what could be improved with Rubrik, we need to improve the backup for remote sites. The competitors are stronger in terms of their remote office back up. Rubrik needs to improve to be stronger for backup. This is the main thing."
"There are some features to improve on in Rubrik. For instance, they should have a tool where we can integrate with our SAP HANA. Directly from the HANA studio, we should be able to do a backup. That's what I'm looking forward to in the future."
"It needs to keep innovating to stay relevant in the data management field."
"Rubrik can only leverage cloud storage for archiving and has no cloud failover."
"The interface is still slightly clunky and has room for improvement. They do work with us whenever we mention anything that needs to be done or anything that we want. We find that bringing up the management interface is a little slow and not as intuitive as we would like, but it's been getting better as it evolves."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Azure Backup is a moderately priced solution."
"The price is pretty good, maybe $30 for a machine, I can't complain."
"Overall, its cost is better because the VMs are already there, and whatever you back up, there is only the additional cost of that storage, whereas if I have to use Avamar in Azure, a separate cost is there for the Avamar server, and in addition, whatever I take as a backup, there is a separate license with Avamar for that. So, there is a double cost if we have to use Avamar in the cloud."
"This is an expensive solution in the Bangladesh marketplace."
"There is a cost per terabyte for using this solution."
"The pricing of this solution is ok, but I'm expecting that the price will decrease in the future."
"Price-wise, it's similar to AWS."
"Licensing fees are paid on a monthly basis."
"The pricing and licensing of Rubrik is better than products that we've had in the past. It was quite a bit cheaper than Commvault and NetBackup."
"As a technical person, I don't have the details, but from what I have heard, it can be expensive."
"The pricing has been quite good from our perspective, in terms of being able to negotiate with the Rubrik team to get the product that we want and be able to sell that out to our end customers."
"The product is not cheap, but for good reason. It simply works and is very fast."
"We pay yearly and it's based on the number of bricks."
"I don't remember the cost, but I know that for Veeam, we were spending almost $250,000 a year for 205 licenses. It was an enterprise version. When we purchased Rubrik, it was just a little bit more. It was not a terribly huge amount, and if I recall, that was for three years of support as well. So, Veeam priced itself out of the market at a certain point in time."
"Its price tends to go up with time. Its pricing definitely has room for improvement. If you negotiate right with them, you might get a good price. Support is a part of the package, and every three years, when we renew our contract, we get new hardware."
"When we compared the overall costs, Rubrik was cheaper because the engineering and operational side required FAR LESS dedication. So, all in all, they actually were cheaper than the competition."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Azure Backup differ from Veeam Backup & Replication?
Veeam has a version for Azure but there are organizations, like ours, that are considering moving to an Azure environment and wonder if Azure Backup is better than Veeam Backup and Replication (Vee...
What do you like most about Azure Backup?
Azure Backup is easy to configure and restore.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Azure Backup?
Customers choose their backup tool based on its flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Customers prefer Azure Backup because it has a pay-as-you-go model, and they won't have to pay an upfront amount ...
Which would you choose - Rubrik or Veeam Backup & Replication?
Veeam Backup & Replication provides an easy-to-set-up solution to the issue of data storage and recovery. Setting it up is a relatively simple affair. For the most part it prompts you from scre...
What do you like most about Rubrik?
It is a stable solution. Stability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Rubrik?
In many cases, the customers I speak with want to have a one or three-year license. Because it's for backup, they need the ability to increase or replace the solution as they need. They want to hav...

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Sample Customers

Russell Reynolds Associates, Somerset County Council, Kardem, PCL Construction
Driscoll's, Red Hawk Casino, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, Wabash National, Chateau Ste. Michelle Wine Estates, Galliker Transport & Logistics
Find out what your peers are saying about Azure Backup vs. Rubrik and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.