Azure Backup vs Commvault Cloud comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Nov 8, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Azure Backup
Ranking in Backup and Recovery
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Commvault Cloud
Ranking in Backup and Recovery
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
eDiscovery (2nd), Cloud Backup (2nd), Disaster Recovery as a Service (3rd), File Archiving (2nd), Disaster Recovery (DR) Software (3rd), SaaS Backup (1st), Threat Deception Platforms (1st), Container Backup Software (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Backup and Recovery category, the mindshare of Azure Backup is 3.2%, down from 5.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Commvault Cloud is 6.9%, up from 6.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Backup and Recovery
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Cloud Backup

Featured Reviews

Johny Segura - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 5, 2023
It helped us resolve some backend issues with our cloud provider
We use Azure Backup to back up Azure servers and databases. It isn't used for active data storage.  Azure Backup helps us resolve some issues on the back end.  Azure Backup enables us to store anything Azure-related.  The recovery time could be faster. I have used Azure Backup for about four…
Nick Martin - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 17, 2024
Integrates well with other solutions in our IT infrastructure
We use Commvault to back up our directory, web, and application servers We haven't had to use Commvault in a real-life disaster recovery scenario, but it has been very good in testing. I like Commvault's immutable backups. It integrates with other solutions in our IT infrastructure very well.…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable features of Azure Backup for us are its flexible retention options and the ability to recover to a second region with geo-replication and read access."
"It's useful, it works, and it's fairly reliable."
"The deployment process is quite easy in Azure."
"The most valuable feature of Azure Backup is the native backup capabilities."
"It is a stable solution...It is a highly scalable solution."
"The fact that Azure Backup is integrated is one of its biggest advantages."
"Our client’s infrastructure is protected by the tool."
"The tool has a lot of features."
"The most valuable features are the ease of use, the graphical interface, and it's high speed."
"Not everyone has agents for everything and Commvault has agents for most products. It's the most complete."
"The return points are very valuable."
"It is just about as flexible as you can get; simple. You can put it anywhere you want. You can put it on-prem or in your cloud. I could see where a team that's looking for more of a follow the bouncy ball type of solution might get a little confused. "Oh, no. What do you mean I might have to do it this way or I can't do it that way?" Sometimes, people just want to be told what to do. For an enterprise environment, like we are at NDOT, everything we do is not standard. It is not industry standard; it is not normal. We have all kinds of one-offs. We do need flexibility in the solutions that we get. I will say that Metallic has been extremely flexible in that sense, where we are able to follow the bouncy ball if we wanted to. Obviously, we didn't. We did it our way and Metallic, as a whole solution, provided that to us with no issues."
"It is much more scalable and flexible than everything else in the market."
"I'm a big fan of the reporting. You can build your own reports; it's very customizable. You can have individual reports going to groups of people or individuals. You can have them go out multiple times a day. It's basically a free-for-all as far as reporting goes. If anybody wants a specific job report every day, you can build it, schedule it, and have it go out and never touched it again. It's pretty nice."
"The solution's interface is easy to use. For manageability, it doesn't matter where the resource is coming from or going to. That's the great power of the Control Panel: It's easy to use and does not matter if you manage on-prem or cloud resources."
"It has significantly reduced the amount of manual work required to manage our backup operations. We're going from an on-prem to a non-on-prem, we're all doing nonsolutions. So we really can't compare it against anything else."


"I would like to have the option to increase the frequency of the backups. Azure Backup does backups on an hourly basis, but I would prefer it to take backups more often."
"They need to improve the frequency of the backup. You can only backup one to three times a day. It would be better to back up continuously throughout the day."
"The solution is still in its infancy; it's not a mature product yet."
"The solution is quite technical. I wouldn't describe it as user friendly. It could be simplified a lot to make it more accessible to the average user."
"We would like to see some kind of notification given to the user that a file was not synchronized well or what may have happened."
"The support for Office365 backup is atrocious and is something that has to be improved."
"The tool's backup should be faster. Azure Backup's support should be faster."
"My company faces a lot of difficulties in restoring any encrypted VM backup."
"The solution is expensive in comparison to similar solutions."
"Commvault could make the product more cost-effective on the public cloud side. We are using this solution to back up whatever is still on-prem. We are not using it to back up what is on the public cloud because we have a native backup solution for that, which is provided by the vendor. As our footprint gets bigger, we will continue to evaluate this, but the last time that we did a cost analysis, the cost was not comparable to the solution that public clouds are offering."
"The most common feedback I get in terms of Commvault is that it can be complex. I always refer my customers back to their own environment. Almost everything that goes into Commvault is a request by a customer. While it can be complex, it can also be very simple. You just need to understand your environment in order to make sure that you really need to turn on that extra feature or thing inside of Commvault. Maybe you don't need those things. It really depends on how simple or complex your environment is, whether you need all of Commvault's features."
"Commvault has two management dashboards. The first is the CommCell Console, which is Java-based, and the second is Command Center. We don't always find all the features we need in the Command Center and we need to go through the Java console, and sometimes features are only on the Java console."
"They can improve the security level for Windows. When mapping to the Windows, Commvault can take full control over data volumes so that the attacker can't delete the volume data, but the Windows admin can access the volumes. It would be great to block access at that level."
"When we send a query to Commvault, they take a long time to answer our questions."
"The setup was a little bit difficult for a non-IT person like me. My OneDrive is protected by multifactor authentication, and to get the backup to begin behind that multifactor authentication took a little bit of almost customized support, even though I was following the instructions and the videos. That process could have been easier."
"The product is expensive."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"There is a cost per terabyte for using this solution."
"The product is not expensive."
"Overall, its cost is better because the VMs are already there, and whatever you back up, there is only the additional cost of that storage, whereas if I have to use Avamar in Azure, a separate cost is there for the Avamar server, and in addition, whatever I take as a backup, there is a separate license with Avamar for that. So, there is a double cost if we have to use Avamar in the cloud."
"The product is neither too expensive nor too cheap."
"It's around $10 to $15 per month per virtual machine, along with something extra based on the size of the data."
"It is incredibly cost-effective and offers fixed pricing, with no additional fees for the licensing."
"Pay as you go is the pricing model."
"This is an expensive solution in the Bangladesh marketplace."
"The solution is bundled with hardware licensing. If I want to increase the hardware, I have to buy exactly the same because it's based on the core hardware license. We cannot tell discount because we have an NDA signed with Commvault because of my academic license. The solution is more expensive than NetBackup and Veeam but cheaper than Rubrik."
"Commvault licensing is a perpetual license so only the support is being renewed yearly."
"You have to pay for the licenses and the hardware you need for the Commvault environment. If you don't have all the hardware, you have to buy it, which can cost a few million. In the end, it's vital to protect our data, so the price isn't an issue."
"Our yearly cost is around €20,000... The cost is based on the number of users and the amount of data. They sell it per terabyte."
"In my experience, compared to solutions like Veritas and Veeam, while they do have their technical pluses and minuses, Commvault can save you on average forty percent initially, and then twenty to twenty-five percent annually."
"Its cost is reasonable, but anybody else can do better benchmarking."
"The cost for Commvault is very expensive, even support is very expensive. The full cost of the solution is 50,000 INR per year, which includes 20 VM backups, server data backup, and 200 desktop and laptop agent licenses."
"Its cost is reasonable."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Azure Backup differ from Veeam Backup & Replication?
Veeam has a version for Azure but there are organizations, like ours, that are considering moving to an Azure environment and wonder if Azure Backup is better than Veeam Backup and Replication (Vee...
What do you like most about Azure Backup?
Azure Backup is easy to configure and restore.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Azure Backup?
Customers choose their backup tool based on its flexibility and cost-effectiveness. Customers prefer Azure Backup because it has a pay-as-you-go model, and they won't have to pay an upfront amount ...
What do you like most about Commvault?
The convenience of backing up and restoring simultaneously is very valuable.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Commvault?
The tool is affordable. I rate the pricing a six out of ten. Implementation requires additional costs because we need Commvault Professional Services.
What needs improvement with Commvault?
Data center backup must be improved. We also want the product to provide us with a cloud-based backup. If we use Microsoft Exchange Online for email services, we want to know how to get a backup in...

Also Known As

No data available
Commvault Complete Data Protection, Commvault, Commvault Backup & Recovery, Commvault HyperScale X, Metallic, ThreatWise



Sample Customers

Russell Reynolds Associates, Somerset County Council, Kardem, PCL Construction
Aberdeenshire Council, Acxiom, BAM Group Ireland, Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta, CI Investments, Clifford Chance, American Municipal Power, American Pacific Mortgage, AstraZeneca, Dongbu Steel, Denver Health, Dow Jones, Emirates Steel, Penn State Health, Prime Healthcare, Sonic Healthcare, Sony Network Communications, TiVO, UCONN Health, The Weitz Company
Find out what your peers are saying about Azure Backup vs. Commvault Cloud and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.