AWS CodeDeploy vs Microsoft Azure DevOps comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

AWS CodeDeploy
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Microsoft Azure DevOps
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites (2nd), Enterprise Agile Planning Tools (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Release Automation category, the mindshare of AWS CodeDeploy is 2.9%, down from 3.8% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Azure DevOps is 37.7%, down from 38.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Release Automation
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Enterprise Agile Planning Tools

Featured Reviews

Antony Kilament Raj - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 2, 2024
The default settings of AWS CodeDeploy are highly beneficial for my deployment workflows
I monitor our GitHub repository and integrate it with our database using Pipeline. By creating code builds and deployment scripts, I connect them to our EC2 instances for automatic execution upon code pushes. Our setup includes production and development branches, each serving different purposes…
Manish  Purohit - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 8, 2024
Speeds up the development process and enables end-to-end tracking
We use the product end-to-end, from project management to CI/CD. We use the tool to create sprints and iterations, track bugs and issues, close down sprints, and have complete CI/CD pipelines end-to-end for all our branch's build releases The solution works smoothly. We have been using the tool…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"AWS CodeDeploy operates on an on-demand basis. This means that you only pay for the exact duration of the deployment process. Whether it takes one minute, two minutes, or even longer, you're only charged for the time it takes to complete the deployment. You're not locked into paying for dedicated servers."
"I found the default settings of AWS CodeDeploy to be highly beneficial for my deployment workflows. For instance, when deploying a Node.js application, I manually installed the necessary components on my AWS instance, such as the web server required by developers. Then, I created deployment scripts for starting and stopping instances and performing the deployment itself. These scripts were stored alongside my code in GitHub, ensuring they executed seamlessly with the CI/CD pipeline. Since the project wasn't overly complex, I opted for the default settings, which proved to be efficient and straightforward for deployment."
"The product is easy to use."
"It is very flexible."
"You can easily integrate AWS CodeDeploy with multiple services."
"It's just like every other AWS resource I use. It gets the job done."
"The product's initial setup phase is easy."
"The reports have been most valuable. We have created some dashboards allowing us to be able to check our teams, their progress, and mission plans."
"The pricing seems to be reasonable."
"The features of Azure Repos that we find most impactful are those related to source control management within our DevOps code management processes."
"My first impression of DevOps, after using Jira, is that it has a much better, more intuitive, and more user-friendly interface."
"The most valuable features of Microsoft Azure DevOps are high-level protection. The protection is very important to the customers to prevent eavesdropping. eavesdropping is when a hacker tries to get into the solution. With this solution is it difficult for them to do it."
"Setting up Azure DevOps was straightforward. It's easy to use the default templates. Everything is under our control, so it's simple to implement new requirements."
"Two of the most valuable features include the integrated project management suite, which consolidates source code and project management in a single location, and its powerful reporting capabilities."
"The most valuable feature is the complete integration between test cases, pipelines, and issue management."


"We have faced some issues and bugs along the way when it comes to stability."
"Deployment and stability should be improved."
"I faced some stability issues."
"Improvements could be made to AWS CodeDeploy in terms of its agent's compatibility across different operating systems. Currently, there are instances where the agent may not work seamlessly with certain integrations, leading to issues with registering protocols on authorized servers."
"AWS should provide its own templates in the console so that I don't need to go anywhere else to get the template for AWS CodeDeploy or AWS CodeBuild."
"AWS CodeDeploy doesn't provide multiple plugins like Jenkins, which is a shortcoming where improvements are required."
"Reporting across multiple projects could be improved."
"The interface is very bad."
"Requirements management is an area that can be improved."
"They could provide clearer guidance on deployment practices for the product."
"With the query feature, we have to group items, so it becomes difficult for everyone to understand it. It's easier in JIRA, which has filters and other query options."
"The optimization feature in Microsoft Azure DevOps needs improvement. Control over multiple projects could also be improved."
"I would like to see more customization available to the administrator."
"I would like to see a bit more project tracking."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The product is free with EC2."
"The product's price is normal."
"Since we are using a dedicated AWS environment, the solution's pricing is fine."
"AWS CodeDeploy has proven to be a cost-effective solution for us, especially considering the benefits we gain from using it. In terms of pricing, AWS is quite affordable, providing excellent value for the features and services it offers."
"Most of the things that we need and use are incorporated in the corporate solution — there are no additional costs."
"The main agile features are very expensive."
"The solution is expensive."
"There are additional costs for some functionality, such as increased scalability."
"The cost is quite affordable."
"When compared to other vendors, it is cheaper."
"Microsoft Azure DevOps is an expensive solution."
"The solution's deployment and licensing costs are very cheap compared to those of its competitors."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for AWS CodeDeploy?
Since we are using a dedicated AWS environment, the solution's pricing is fine.
What is your primary use case for AWS CodeDeploy?
The solution is used to run things on servers.
Which is better - Jira or Microsoft Azure DevOps?
Jira is a great centralized tool for just about everything, from local team management to keeping track of products and work logs. It is easy to implement and navigate, and it is stable and scalabl...
Which is better - TFS or Azure DevOps?
TFS and Azure DevOps are different in many ways. TFS was designed for admins, and only offers incremental improvements. In addition, TFS seems complicated to use and I don’t think it has a very fri...
What do you like most about Microsoft Azure DevOps?
Valuable features for project management and tracking in Azure DevOps include a portal displaying test results, check-in/check-out activity, and developer/tester productivity.

Also Known As

No data available
Azure DevOps, VSTS, Visual Studio Team Services, MS Azure DevOps



Sample Customers

Expedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
Alaska Airlines, Iberia Airlines, Columbia, Skype
Find out what your peers are saying about AWS CodeDeploy vs. Microsoft Azure DevOps and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.