Jira vs Microsoft Azure DevOps comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Apr 19, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Requirements Management (2nd), Project Management Software (4th)
Microsoft Azure DevOps
Ranking in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Release Automation (1st), Enterprise Agile Planning Tools (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites category, the mindshare of Jira is 24.7%, down from 25.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Azure DevOps is 19.4%, down from 24.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Suites
Unique Categories:
Application Requirements Management
Project Management Software
Release Automation
Enterprise Agile Planning Tools

Featured Reviews

Shiv Chandra - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 11, 2024
Easy to get started with and run reports quite easily
Our client engagements are usually for a specific period. From an analytics perspective, long-term tracking is probably better handled on the client's end, not ours, as we're not there long enough to gather meaningful data. I am aware of the bug-tracking function in Jira. We mention the bug on the ticket itself, whatever ticket we're working on, but we don't track the bug separately. Only because once the ticket closes, the bug sort of closes with it. For ongoing bugs, that's a different place to store the information, not on Jira. That's just my opinion. Anything that's open should be stored in Jira; otherwise, it will get lost. So, I don't feel that's the right place to keep ongoing bugs. It is easy to integrate Jira within our current IT environment. Jira has connectors and supports various integrations, but again, we don't overcomplicate our setup. We keep our Jira usage simple. I've generally seen it integrate well, so I don't think it should be an issue. We just use it for very basic purposes.
Usman ur Rehman Ahmed - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 25, 2024
Streamlines collaboration, enhances project management and accelerates software delivery through its comprehensive suite of tools and seamless integration capabilities
When implementing CI/CD workflows using Azure DevOps, we leverage its standard model as our foundation. However, we also integrate third-party tools such as Jenkins, NGINX, Argo, and Tecton, all of which are compatible with Azure DevOps. This interoperability greatly benefits us, as Azure DevOps seamlessly integrates with these tools, enhancing our workflow capabilities. Azure DevOps has significantly enhanced our team's agile project management and planning processes. One notable capability is the rapid setup time of a new Azure DevOps system, often completed within minutes, eliminating the need for extensive setup hassles. Additionally, once established, the platform has proven to be highly robust, with no instances of downtime or performance issues encountered. This stability extends over the years, with projects maintained on Azure DevOps for two to three years remaining consistently stable. This reliability ensures that projects don't slow down or require intricate management, as Azure DevOps provides a seamless and dependable solution. Azure Boards has significantly enhanced our team's collaboration efforts. We have a long history of using the platform, even before it was branded as Azure DevOps, with various name changes over the past five years. Boards are a particularly powerful feature, offering ready-made templates that serve as a solid foundation for project management. Additionally, the platform allows for customization, enabling users to tailor boards to specific project needs. This flexibility extends to offering different boards for different management levels, catering to both team and executive needs. Azure Test Plans have significantly improved the quality and efficiency of our testing process by incorporating test cases and methodologies seamlessly into the suite. It serves as a one-stop solution for our testing needs, empowering both developers and QA teams to identify and address issues that impact overall quality. Since adopting Azure Pipelines, we've witnessed significant improvements in our release management processes. It serves as a one-stop solution for CI/CD, offering maturity and flexibility. We have the autonomy to configure our CI/CD pipelines according to our specific needs, whether we choose to implement continuous integration (CI) only or both CI and continuous delivery (CD), either manually or automated. While there is potential for enhancement in providing more out-of-the-box CI/CD templates, overall, teams have not encountered any significant issues with Azure Pipelines.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The scalability is good."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is the ease of replication of tickets."
"It was very easy to learn Jira. As a scrum master, I run daily stand-ups, and they are run directly from Jira. The feature that I really love in Jira is called Issue Navigator. It allows me to customize how I want to show the user stories within Jira to my squad."
"The links between tickets are very valuable and the boards I found to be configurable and usable. The boards allow some level of extended configuration and they can be customized according to our project needs. Additionally, it is easy to use."
"You no longer need to email people. You can mention them right in Jira and have conversations there."
"The product is good, stable and very cost-effective for small teams."
"The solution is extremely stable."
"The pricing of the product is very good. It's not too expensive"
"The extensibility of the work item forms and customizations as well as the backend API to query the data, et cetera, and manipulate the data programmatically are all very valuable aspects of the product."
"It is stable. I like Azure a lot. All our guys are Microsoft certified."
"My first impression of DevOps, after using Jira, is that it has a much better, more intuitive, and more user-friendly interface."
"Great project management feature and Git-based repository."
"What I like the most is the DevOps Boards. It's easy to create a hierarchical project structure, assign tasks to people, and to track their tasks."
"It is a cloud-based system. So, it is stable and scalable."
"I definitely like the pipelines and the ease of management once you're in an enterprise."
"The creation of test plans is valuable and I like the reporting features."


"The reporting part is a little bit difficult for me. It is not so easy. There should be a simpler way to track the efforts of our team. For example, in an Excel sheet, there is a feature for filtering. It would be much better if we can use something like that. Currently, for a complex query, we need to use Jira Query Language. Using Jira Query Language every time is not efficient for me."
"Once a story is closed, all the records, versions, and documentation associated with it are gone. We lose the traceability of what was done."
"Jira could improve by making the user interface easier to use and the functionality could be better. While we are managing multiple sprints and other elements of the projects, it's very difficult to manage the labels and other aspects."
"Jira could be more, for example, like Micro Focus, which is what I mostly work with currently."
"It lacks features to cover all testing aspects, so we often integrate it with other plugins or tools like X-ray."
"If I'm comparing it to ALM Octane, the documentation is not as robust as ALM Octane's documentation. So, they can improve on the documentation side."
"The solution needs more integrations with Azure DevOps OnPrem."
"The way to configure it can definitely be improved. It is very difficult and complex to configure. Its configuration should be simplified."
"They should expand it from just a PC, software, or server development platform to other kinds of software or engineering systems so that it is not necessarily built around a normal PC with a server. I would like to see the ability to write my own scripts in my own compiled program or online. Right now, there are things that you can do in the user interface, but you can't do them programmatically and vice versa. I want to see them both. If I can do it in a script, I should be able to do it from the user interface, and if I can do it in the user interface, I should be able to do it in a script."
"We did have some brief performance issues, however, that was due to putting everything on one epic instead of breaking a project up."
"I want DevOps to have more automated reminders about tasks that don't need management. We don't have reminders, so a project manager must track the tasks. It's not automatic."
"The tool has a logical link between epic feature, user story, and task, but when you try to generate a report to show the delivery progress against a feature, it is not easy. To see the percentage completion for a feature or progress of any delivery, it is not easy to draw a report."
"We are facing some problems because the capacity can only be measured within a project. It cannot be measured across multiple projects. So, the reporting needs to be enhanced, and there should be more graphs to be able to easily give the upper management insights about all the employees from different departments. It will be helpful for employee management. Currently, the managers over here are using Power BI for insights because the functionality of Azure DevOps Boards is not enough. So, we have to export the data into another visualization tool and get the results."
"I would like to see new features added."
"Some of the queries, the way they're built, need to be looked at. We need better query tools."
"Better integration with the Linux operating system would be an improvement for this solution."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Jira and its solution off the shelf are cheap. It is cheap for startups."
"The cost is about $10 per user, per month."
"We are on an annual license to use Jira."
"The price of the solution could be lower."
"I am not sure about the pricing, but I know its licensing is on a yearly basis."
"The tool is expensive."
"Its price is good and similar to other products. It is about five or six dollars per user."
"We make use of the solution free of charge."
"Compared to other tools, Microsoft Azure DevOps is a cheap solution."
"It is the least expensive product in this class."
"The price is cheaper than Jira and some of the other competing tools."
"The price is reasonable, but of course, you can find others that are cheaper such as Atlassian."
"The cost is quite affordable."
"We pay a monthly license for Microsoft Azure DevOps."
"There is a license for this solution."
"Microsoft Azure DevOps is free for up to five users and allows you to track a maximum of three projects."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Is Jira better or would you go with Micro Focus ALM Octane?
Hi Netanya, Basically , it all depends on the use cases for your environment and the business needs. Hope the below data may be relevant to you for identifying your needs and deciding on the approp...
Which is better - Jira or Microsoft Azure DevOps?
Jira is a great centralized tool for just about everything, from local team management to keeping track of products and work logs. It is easy to implement and navigate, and it is stable and scalabl...
Has anyone tried integrating HP ALM and JIRA ?
HP ALM and Jira can be easily integrated with the aid of a third-party Integration Solution. To help you select the right integration approach and tool, you should first define your integration req...
Which is better - TFS or Azure DevOps?
TFS and Azure DevOps are different in many ways. TFS was designed for admins, and only offers incremental improvements. In addition, TFS seems complicated to use and I don’t think it has a very fri...
What do you like most about Microsoft Azure DevOps?
Valuable features for project management and tracking in Azure DevOps include a portal displaying test results, check-in/check-out activity, and developer/tester productivity.
Microsoft Azure DevOps: what is your experience regarding pricing and costs ?
Microsoft's licensing and pricing for Azure DevOps are competitive within the market. While it may be expensive, it is almost the same as the pricing for comparable products in the industry. I woul...

Also Known As

Jira Software
Azure DevOps, VSTS, Visual Studio Team Services, MS Azure DevOps



Sample Customers

Square, Nasa, eBay, Cisco, SalesForce, Adobe, BNP Paribas, BMW and LinkedIn, Pfizer, Citi.
Alaska Airlines, Iberia Airlines, Columbia, Skype
Find out what your peers are saying about Jira vs. Microsoft Azure DevOps and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.