Amazon WorkMail vs Google Workspace comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Amazon WorkMail
Ranking in Email Applications
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Email (3rd)
Google Workspace
Ranking in Email Applications
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Wireless Email (2nd), Cloud Storage (7th), Content Collaboration Platforms (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Email Applications category, the mindshare of Amazon WorkMail is 8.0%, down from 9.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Google Workspace is 22.5%, down from 24.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Email Applications
Unique Categories:
Cloud Email
Wireless Email
Cloud Storage

Featured Reviews

Rastu Singh - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 13, 2024
Reliable with good deliverability and the ability to expand
We'd like to see the following improvements: * A/B testing. The ability to create and send multiple versions of an email to a small subset of an email list and then use data on which version performed better to inform future email campaigns would be helpful. * Email scheduling. We need the ability to schedule emails to be sent at a specific date and time in the future rather than being sent immediately. * Email personalization. We'd like the ability to insert personalized elements like a recipient's name or location into emails using data from an organization's systems. * Advanced analytics. It would be ideal to have detailed data and reporting on email opens, clicks, bounces, and other metrics, as well as integration with other business intelligence tools. * Advanced spam filtering. We need additional spam filtering options beyond the basic spam filtering already provided by SES, such as blocking specific types of content or customizing the spam filter's thresholds.
Pranay Bokade - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 29, 2024
Easy real-time collaboration, document storage, and form development
The solution could improve in a variety of ways, including: 1. If you don't have internet access then only you can access the end-to-end functionalities of the tool otherwise only limited functionalities are accessible. 2. If your storage requirements in day-to-day work are large, then it will incur an additional cost since free storage is limited. 3. You can experience challenges while Integrating it with some existing business tools. 4. Some of the features are not that effective to use as compared to the other products in the market. Google should come up with regular updates and enhanced features and functionalities.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature of the Amazon WorkMail for me is the SMC server. It makes my work much easier, especially since I often work with Spring Boot. There are many built-in APIs in Spring Boot that help with messaging. What I appreciate about it is that it simplifies the process. I don't need to write much code; I define the credentials in my properties or environment variables. The Java Message API, an internal API from Spring Boot, does most of the work. I set up the properties and connected them to the SMC server, and I can send emails."
"The most valuable thing is that emails sent through SES have a delivery rate of greater than ninety percent."
"Amazon SES is very easy to configure."
"Amazon SES can handle a high volume of emails, making it suitable for organizations with large email lists or that need to send a large number of emails on a regular basis."
"There is no need for me to set up security."
"The best feature is that Amazon SES provides verified email messages."
"It is highly available and scalable. It is also highly reliable. I don't lose any of the messages or emails. If there is an issue where the email sent operation failed, Amazon as a platform ensures that the send operation is retried, and the email reaches its destination. This way, it is highly reliable."
"We use the tool for transactional emails and marketing."
"G Suite and all of Google were the first to have a built-in multifactor authentication without needing to purchase another product."
"The solution is easy to use, and you don't need a lot of knowledge for it."
"Google seems to be a more stable environment than our current on-premise Microsoft solution that we're replacing."
"Only a few competitors can do precisely what Google Workspace does in terms of email management and calendar management through its Gmail and Google Calendar apps. It's a very seamless platform."
"The initial setup is easy because it's all pre-configured."
"The solution is stable."
"Google Workspace is an excellent tool for communicating with people, which allows users to collaborate and edit files simultaneously."
"From a security point of view, Google will alert you if anything strange is happening. They will flag it for you so you are aware."


"The product should improve technical support."
"The only issue is the price, which is far too expensive."
"The solution is quite low-level and lacks some advanced features. For example, it doesn't provide tracking capabilities, such as knowing how many users opened an email, which is crucial for email marketing. You would need to integrate these analytics with other tools to get them. I need to know if there has been a bounce and how customers interacted with the email."
"It would be ideal to have detailed data and reporting on email opens, clicks, bounces, and other metrics, as well as integration with other business intelligence tools."
"There is room for improvement in the support. It's just that customer support, though good, takes time to resolve issues."
"There is room for improvement in the scalability."
"Email service is definitely a requirement from an enterprise standpoint. Many organizations have their own on-premise email services, which take a lot of memory, backup, and other resources. If we can have a completely managed backup solution where we have a tiered backup or a tiered archival to be able to retrieve emails, it would be great. I would like to be able to retrieve emails in real-time (hot retrieval), over the 90-days period (warm retrieval), and over the one-year period (cold retrieval). It would be useful to have tiered backup and retrieval. It would help us in managing emails better and have a better backup solution. So, backup is something that we require."
"When we first set up an email on Amazon SES, they had to verify it, which was not fast enough."
"The performance speed could be improved when the internet connection is slow."
"Sometimes, I would like to be able to use the solution offline, and I can't do so. It would be ideal if there was some sort of offline mode available."
"We use Zoom most of the time for official meetings, and we use Google Meet only for internal meetings. I would like to get an improvised Google Meet. It would be good if they can make Google Meet more clear in communication and more scalable like Zoom."
"The problem with the presentation is that if you upload a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and you convert it to Google presentation, the slides or pictures, their images are not editable. You can't edit the slides that you brought in. They're just images."
"There could be more options in Google G Suite. They can include HD calling for Google Meet. The layout portion in the calendar for Google G Suite can be better designed. When we get into the calendar and start scheduling meetings, we do have few hiccups here and there. The layout can be a little easier. People from different backgrounds are finding it a little bit tough to understand. It should be more intuitive. At the moment, it has a completely white background. To do power saving, it would be good if they can release a darker background. There are a few issues with the formatting of Google Docs when they get converted to Microsoft docs. It would be amazing if they can resolve it in the next release."
"Google Meet can have a bit more functionality. It should show the views of more people. Right now, it shows just eight at a maximum, or six. When there are more people on the call, more than eight, everyone is not showing."
"There are too many steps for sharing pictures."
"Google needs to improve its support."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"WorkMail does require a license, it is, per user."
"I rate the solution's pricing as one out of ten. It is close to being cheap. Sometimes, the tool offers a generous amount of free messages, up to 40,000, which is great for startups like ours. This means that we don't accumulate any costs for some months because we stay within the free usage tier. When we exceed the free allocation, the costs are reasonable, and no hidden charges exist."
"It's very cheap. The cheapest among all the services available."
"The solution should improve its price."
"It's low in cost as compared to Office 365. There is an annual licensing cost."
"Licensing costs are on a yearly basis."
"There are benefits that can provide a competitive advantage, e.g., improved productivity (with appropriate training), increased collaboration (with correct use of tools), flexible working - work from home or remote locations, easy to scale - fast onboarding of new employees, and ability to add and remove licenses, as required."
"I rate Google Workspace's pricing five to six out of ten. We do not pay any extra costs."
"The overall cost is very reasonable when considering all of the security features that you are receiving. It is a bit more expensive than our local host and/or other hosting companies that are available on the market, but it is worth it."
"The price of Google Workspace is reasonable. I pay less than 100 a month."
"We receive value for the price that we pay."
"The pricing of Google Workspace, so far, has been reasonable."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Comms Service Provider
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Amazon WorkMail?
We use the tool for transactional emails and marketing.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Amazon WorkMail?
WorkMail is very expensive. We have lost several clients because it is too expensive. WorkMail is a bit expensive per user. That is something they must correct. They provide excellent service, but ...
What needs improvement with Amazon WorkMail?
I would like to see detailed reports on email success and failure rates.
What do you like most about Google Workspace?
Easy-to-build forms are allowing me to get feedback and information from my internal teams as well as from the customers very efficiently with the result data in structured manner.
What needs improvement with Google Workspace?
The feature set of Google Sheets is limited. Excel is much more powerful, considering it's a desktop application.

Also Known As

Amazon SES
G-Suite Enterprise, G-Suite, Google Apps for Business, G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G-Suite Basic, G-Suite Business, Google Vault



Sample Customers

Expedia, Intuit, Royal Dutch Shell, Brooks Brothers
There are over five million businesses that use Google Apps for Business worldwide. Some key customers include The Roche Group, National Geographic, American Red Cross, City of Los Angeles, Flight Centre, and Konica Minolta.
Find out what your peers are saying about Amazon WorkMail vs. Google Workspace and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.