Google Workspace vs Microsoft Exchange Online comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Google Workspace
Ranking in Email Applications
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Wireless Email (2nd), Cloud Storage (7th), Content Collaboration Platforms (4th)
Microsoft Exchange Online
Ranking in Email Applications
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Email Applications category, the mindshare of Google Workspace is 22.5%, down from 24.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Exchange Online is 16.4%, up from 15.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Email Applications
Unique Categories:
Wireless Email
Cloud Storage
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Sep 29, 2022
Flexible, fast, and responsive
We primarily use the solution for file sharing, document creation, spreadsheet creation, presentations, and email The speed and response time are the most valuable aspects of the solution. It's always quick and available. I haven't had any outage problems or anything like that. I don't think…
Nov 18, 2021
Useful mail flows, stable, and simple installation
We use Microsoft Exchange Online for emails and communication All of the Microsoft Exchange Online is very useful, such as the sections, the information protection, and the mail flows. The solution could improve with the integrations with some of the known applications is still not possible,…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It's secure. It offers data security and user privacy. I use it for personal purposes. The interface is okay, and it's easy to use."
"The features we use quite a lot are the mail and Google Drive. We can store documents and share documents between both employees here, locally in Sweden, and we have an office in the US as well. It's a very easy way to share information and documents, and have online meetings and stuff with Google Meet. We use it quite a lot."
"It's easy to control the admin settings, like updating the SDS, NIK, etc. I"
"Good search features, reliable storage, and quick thinking."
"The product is user-friendly and knows how to appeal to a user. Google Docs accepts some of our requirements. Its most valuable feature is performance. The product's integrations are good."
"The solution helps us to collaborate."
"The initial setup is simple."
"Ability to co-edit and collaborate on content."
"Microsoft Exchange Online is easy to use. You have a common storage where people can store documents. It also helps with version control."
"Message trace is the most valuable feature of the product."
"The reliability factor is high."
"The solution is easy to access, and you can bring your own device to access from anywhere."
"Its most valuable feature is the unlimited storage. It also has very little downtime."
"I enjoy not having to maintain the local infrastructure, local servers, local whatever. You use the software and don't have to worry about the details."
"The most valuable feature of Microsoft Exchange Online is its ease of use."
"It is a reasonable solution."


"I talked with G Suite recently because my G Suite has a temporary block. I communicated with the G Suite representative or Google representative, and he told me that I sent a lot of emails, so my email was temporarily blocked. But I know I have not sent more than 500 emails daily to reach the limit. I sent only 5,200 emails, but unfortunately, my G Suite account was temporarily blocked for 24 hours, and then he resolved it. I think they need to improve G Suite because this temporary block is not fair."
"Google Workspace doesn't have some of the Excel and PowerPoint presentation functions you get with Microsoft Office."
"We use Zoom most of the time for official meetings, and we use Google Meet only for internal meetings. I would like to get an improvised Google Meet. It would be good if they can make Google Meet more clear in communication and more scalable like Zoom."
"Better integration without visual misrepresentation with the Microsoft suite is required."
"Everything is online, so you don't have a client on your desk. Working on email is online work, so can't do work offline and go back online. Sometimes it's not so intuitive. If you answer an email, it puts your answer at the bottom of the existing email."
"What needs improvement in Google Workspace is the Google Drive app, in particular, making the process of finding the shared and most used files and folders easier. The first time you get an invite to view a file or folder in Google Drive and you view that folder or file, it's pretty easy, but the next time you try to access it again, sometimes, it's a bit difficult to find what was shared with you. An additional feature I'd like to see in Google Workspace is the option to un-send messages in Gmail. Microsoft has a message recall feature, and this isn't available in Gmail, so it's the feature I'd like to be added to Gmail."
"Google Mail's spam filter needs improvement. If I'm sending mail to another email user, sometimes it goes to the spam folder, and they won't know unless they check because they aren't seeing it in the primary inbox. They may miss important emails. At the same time, I'm receiving spam that shouldn't go to my inbox."
"When I compare with Office 365, G Suite has fewer features."
"The configuration of the solution's on-premise version is a little bit difficult, and its troubleshooting is more difficult than the installation itself."
"The solution could be a bit cheaper."
"Microsoft Exchange Online can improve message delivery. There are times we receive a message that the email failed to be delivered, and there is no reason given. We sometimes have emails that are flagged as spam that are not. We cannot do anything about it because it's not managed by us, it's managed by Microsoft."
"There is room for improvement in terms of optimization."
"It is tricky to integrate Microsoft Exchange Online if you are in an infrastructure provided by other vendors."
"The solution's performance can be improved when you are trying to access it remotely."
"Functionality wise, I can't really say it's improved from Exchange Online, I think it's not so much change on-premise. It's about the same. Other than that, it's the extra features that make a difference, really"
"Exchange Online's scalability could be improved."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We normally purchase the license on a yearly basis."
"Traffic management tools may be required for larger setups and should be included in any pricing calculations."
"The pricing is very high, although I cannot tell if this is the result of the Indian vendors artificially inflating it."
"The main challenge regarding startups with identity services is you could be on a platform that works well but the services are expensive. For example, Microsoft Azure costs approximately $30 per user which is expensive. You end up choosing a different platform, such as G Suite Enterprise because it is priced reasonably and is less expensive than other solutions."
"I give the pricing an eight out of ten, with ten being the most affordable."
"The price of Google Workspace is reasonable. I pay less than 100 a month."
"There are several areas where a G Suite implementation can reduce costs: lower license fees than some competing products, reduced hardware, and IT support costs."
"The price of G Suite Enterprise is reasonable compared to HotSpot. I'm not going to say G Suite Enterprise is affordable. It's valuable, you find value in paying your gas bill or your electricity bill, because of what it allows you to do."
"We have yearly licensing costs."
"There is an annual license required to use this Microsoft Exchange Online."
"We have a license per user scenario."
"The pricing is based on a yearly contract and a floating license option is offered."
"The license for the solution is cheap, but it could be more affordable in the long term."
"I find it reasonably priced."
"The pricing is really high. It's higher compared to other services."
"Microsoft solutions are expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Google Workspace?
Easy-to-build forms are allowing me to get feedback and information from my internal teams as well as from the customers very efficiently with the result data in structured manner.
What needs improvement with Google Workspace?
The feature set of Google Sheets is limited. Excel is much more powerful, considering it's a desktop application.
What do you like most about Microsoft Exchange Online?
The benefits are widespread and effective communication. We use Microsoft Teams for meetings within and outside our organization. Additionally, Teams can be used for chat, allowing us to track comm...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Microsoft Exchange Online?
Microsoft Exchange Online is very expensive. While it might seem a bit expensive, the benefits outweigh the cost for us. We wouldn't consider changing unless absolutely necessary. We pay yearly. It...
What needs improvement with Microsoft Exchange Online?
The price could be an area of concern for many, but I do feel I'm getting value for what I'm paying for.

Also Known As

G-Suite Enterprise, G-Suite, Google Apps for Business, G Suite Basic, G Suite Business, G-Suite Basic, G-Suite Business, Google Vault
Exchange Online, Exchange Online Plan 1, Exchange Online Plan 2, MS Exchange Online

Learn More




Sample Customers

There are over five million businesses that use Google Apps for Business worldwide. Some key customers include The Roche Group, National Geographic, American Red Cross, City of Los Angeles, Flight Centre, and Konica Minolta.
Bank Alfalah Ltd., Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport, Blue Star Infotech, Scitec Nutrition, Resolution Films, British Airways, Empire Cinemas, InnoGames
Find out what your peers are saying about Google Workspace vs. Microsoft Exchange Online and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.