WSO2 Enterprise Integrator vs webMethods Integration Server comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

webMethods Integration Server
Ranking in Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
WSO2 Enterprise Integrator
Ranking in Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Integration (18th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) category, the mindshare of webMethods Integration Server is 8.8%, down from 10.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator is 4.8%, down from 5.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Data Integration

Featured Reviews

Oct 3, 2022
Great support, good adaptors and easy to use
The most important thing when using it is that there is a really good community from the producers, Software AG, and the Empower platform, where you can find almost every kind of error or problem that you face. You can find a solution right there in the community. There is also typical support where you can create a ticket if you are not able to find the issue on your own. If it's something new, then they will approach you and help you in resolving it. The best features are these adapters. Software AG developed many different adapters for the usual databases, et cetera. I was not using Salesforce much. However, it's really handy that you have an adapter for these popular platforms. It's just plug-and-play. When it comes to the user interface, I'm already really used to it. I cannot say anything against it. For me, it's easy to use. When there is some issue or bug, they work on the development of that. And then, in the next release, they just fix it. I had a few situations when I faced some issues, and then I had to report them. Within the next three weeks, typically, it just gets fixed.
Christopher Lebuso - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 27, 2022
A helpful solution in improving our time management as development is quicker
Our primary use case for this solution is building APIs to integrate with other systems.  It has improved our time management because development is quicker. The drag-and-drop features for connectors are very valuable. You cannot include the validation of XPath. We have been using this solution…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Segregation of deployment for the environments is the most valuable feature of the solution."
"I like the stability of the webMethods Integration Server."
"We needed a tool that was able to orchestrate and help us configure our APIs so that we could maintain and see the heartbeat, traffic, trends, etc."
"The stability is good."
"The development is very fast. If you know what you're doing, you can develop something very easily and very fast."
"One of the most important features is that it gives you the possibility to do low-level integration. It provides a lot of features out of the box, and over the years, it has matured so much that any problem that is there in the market can be solved with this product. We can meet any requirements through customizations, transformations, or the logic that needs to be put in. Some of the other products struggle in this aspect. They cannot do things in a certain way, or they have a product limitation, whereas, with webMethods, I have never faced this kind of problem."
"Most of the work in our organization can be more easily done using the tool."
"The MFT component of webMethods, for example, is easy to set up and convenient to use. It handles files very efficiently and it is easy to automate tasks with complex schedules. Monitoring is centralized to MWS which can be used to monitor other products as well (Trading Networks, BPM, MFT, etc.)"
"The installation process is easy."
"It's a consolidated product. It works and it does its job pretty well."
"The solution has two main parts: integration and transformation. It's very user-friendly and easy to understand for everyone."
"The solution's technical support is very knowledgeable."
"It was mostly easy to set up the product."
"I like the user-friendly system and development of the service-oriented architecture."
"The solution's customer service is good."
"Currently, I find the configuration part quite valuable, where you can easily configure things."


"webMethods Integration Server could improve on the version control. I'm not sure if Web Method has some kind of inbuilt integration with Bitbucket or GitHub or some kind of version control system. However, that's one area where they can improve."
"The initial setup of the webMethods Integration Server is not easy but it gets easier once you know it. It is tiresome but not difficult."
"When migration happens from the one release to an upgraded release from Software AG, many of the existing services are deprecated and developers have to put in effort testing and redeveloping some of the services. It would be better that upgrade releases took care to support the lower-level versions of webMethods."
"​Large file handling is pretty hard comparatively to other middleware tools."
"A while ago, they were hacked, and it took them a very long time to open their website again in order to download any service packs or any features. I don't know what they could do differently. I know that they were vulnerable, and there was some downtime, but because they were down, we were unable to download any potential service packs."
"Technical support is an area where they can improve."
"For code version control, you need to use some external software."
"The interface needs some work. It is not very user-friendly."
"They should introduce better pricing for small companies."
"The integration capabilities need to be improved."
"The micro integrator should be improved. There is room for enhancement considering alternative integration components."
"If I have to buy software, then it becomes expensive for me."
"WSO2 libraries are not mature enough. For example, if you want to integrate with Kafka using its Kafka library, it often has many bugs."
"The product's price is an area of concern where improvements are required."
"You cannot include the validation of XPath."
"The customization can be a bit difficult."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I signed a three-year deal with them. It is a yearly locked-in price for the next three years."
"Currently, the licensing solution for this product is pretty straightforward. The way that Software AG has moved in their licensing agreements is very understandable. It is very easy for you to see where things land. Like most vendors today, they are transaction based. Therefore, just having a good understanding of how many transactions that you are doing a year would be very wise. Luckily, there are opportunities to work with the vendor to get a good understanding of how many transactions you have and what is the right limit for you to fall under."
"webMethods Integration Server is expensive, and there's no fixed price on it because it has a point pricing model. You can negotiate, which makes it interesting."
"It is expensive, but we reached a good agreement with the company. It is still a little bit expensive, but we got a better deal than the previous one."
"Most of my clients would like the price of the solution to be reduced."
"The product is expensive."
"The price is a little bit high, especially regarding their support."
"I do think webMethods is coming under increasing pressure when it comes to their price-to-feature value proposition. It's probably the single biggest strategic risk they have. They're very expensive in their industry. They've been raising the price recently, especially when compared with their competitors."
"I rate the product price a six on a scale of one to ten, where one is low price and ten is high price."
"The cost is better than IBM Cloud Pak."
"The open-source, unsupported version is available free of charge."
"The solution costs about 20,000 or 30,000 euros per year, per instance."
"It is a low-cost solution."
"The pricing of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator for enterprise subscriptions can be considered expensive, especially from the perspective of someone who prefers open-source software."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about webMethods Integration Server?
The synchronous and asynchronous messaging system the solution provides is very good.
What needs improvement with webMethods Integration Server?
Other products have been using AI and cloud enhancements, but webMethods Integration Server is still lagging in that key area. It's very good as a standalone integration server, but it has to come ...
What do you like most about WSO2 Enterprise Integrator?
WSO2's analytics capability is good, considering the ELC support they provide.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for WSO2 Enterprise Integrator?
The product has reasonable and competitive pricing for enterprise customers. It is expensive for small businesses especially. They are using the open-source solution, and they find it expensive sin...
What needs improvement with WSO2 Enterprise Integrator?
The micro integrator should be improved. There is room for enhancement considering alternative integration components. Some workloads may benefit from optimization or additional features. Additiona...

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Sample Customers

Fujitsu, Coca Cola, ING, Credit Suisse, Electrolux, GTA, CosmosDirekt
Find out what your peers are saying about WSO2 Enterprise Integrator vs. webMethods Integration Server and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.