LogicMonitor vs ServiceNow IT Operations Management comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Ranking in AIOps
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (15th), Container Monitoring (5th), Cloud Monitoring Software (13th)
ServiceNow IT Operations Ma...
Ranking in IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Ranking in AIOps
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Event Monitoring (2nd), Cloud Management (8th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the IT Infrastructure Monitoring category, the mindshare of LogicMonitor is 1.6%, down from 2.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of ServiceNow IT Operations Management is 2.3%, down from 3.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Unique Categories:
Network Monitoring Software
Container Monitoring
Event Monitoring
Cloud Management

Featured Reviews

Henry-Steinhauer - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 21, 2022
They have an active community of users who are willing to share their experiences and how they have extended the solution to do unusual things.
We are a network of hospitals using the solution to monitor our network devices and all of the interfaces connected to them. It's predominantly instances of applications running on Windows Server. We use the Windows WMI for Windows Server stats. The IT directors at our hospitals use it, so we have…
Mahendra-Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 14, 2023
Comprehensive incident management module
ServiceNow is a very good product, but it's widely used in the industry. Overall, I'll give it an eight out of ten. I would advise customers that this is a very useful setup. We get a lot of real incidents, apart from false incidents. Also, ServiceNow has its pro application setup related to AI ops. So, as per the customer, if we need to figure out any issue, we can initially use the standard ServiceNow application. After that, if we separate ServiceNow using AI ops, we can get many features. It is machine learning and AI-based. After that, we can get a lot of features. In normal ServiceNow, we have to search for routers and other things, but we can get these things automatically from the system in AI operations. So, there is a set of things we can advise the customer in such a way.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"LogicMonitor added AI technology to help understand what's normal and that has helped quite a bit, so that's the feature I found most valuable in the product. The product is also doing quite well with identifying devices and customizing a particular Cisco version or model number. LogicMonitor continues to be active in updating what is available to be monitored, and it's been very good with keeping those things current, so that's another valuable feature of the product."
"The plugins are easy to integrate, and LogicMonitor provides these add-ons for vendors like VMware. It becomes very easy to integrate them and take the data sources."
"Having a full team at LogicMonitor for support is super helpful as they are available all the time to answer any questions you may have."
"The dashboards are the big seller for us. When our customers can see those graphs and are able to interact with the data, that is valuable. They can easily adjust time ranges and the graphs display the data fast. We've used other tools in the past, where you'd say, "Hey, I want the last three months of data on a graph," and it would just sit there and crunch for five minutes before you'd actually see the data. With LogicMonitor, the fast reliability of those dashboards is huge."
"We have very fine-tuned alerting that lets us know when there are issues by identifying where exactly that issue is, so we can troubleshoot and resolve them quickly. This is hopefully before the customer even notices. Then, it gives us some insight into potential issues coming down the road through our environmental health dashboards."
"The most valuable feature of LogicMonitor is the infrastructure monitoring capability."
"LogicMonitor helps us prevent potential downtime. It's pretty good. It generates low-level warnings that aren't necessarily preemptive but can still alert us to issues we should investigate. These warnings allow us to correlate data and identify areas where we should take action, even if the issues aren't critical."
"It has improved our organization with its capacity planning. We have a performance environment that we use to benchmark our applications. We use it to say, "Okay, at a certain level of concurrency, we know where our application will fall over." Therefore, we are using LogicMonitor dashboards to tell us that we're good. Our platform can handle X number of clients concurrently hitting us at a time."
"The most important features of ServiceNow IT Operations Management are the discovery service mapping and orchestration."
"Provides everything in one solution."
"It has been very useful for tracking. It has evolved a lot over time, and there is a single pane of glass where you can track and see everything."
"I like the tool's CMBD connection with Discovery. The solution is also flexible."
"It is a product that is familiar for a lot of users."
"The end-to-end ticketing process is most valuable in ServiceNow IT Operations Management because its notification feature is excellent in keeping all users informed on the next step compared to BMC. I also like that ServiceNow IT Operations Management is very user-friendly."
"It is a very stable solution."
"The asset management tools are very valuable."


"Their Logs feature is quite new. It is not as feature-rich as we would like it to be. There have been a couple of conversations internally around other log management tools, like Splunk, which may do more for us than LM Logs. The benefit of LogicMonitor is that our staff know how to use it, so we don't really want to move away from it, if we don't have to. I fully expect there to be more development in this area. It is their newest feature, so it is understandable that it hasn't evolved as some of the other stuff. It would be good to see a bit more development in this area, but I think the monitoring side of things is spot on."
"The ease of use with data source tuning could be improved. That can get hairy quickly. When I reach out for help, it's usually around a data source or event source configuration. That can get challenging."
"Role-based permissions could be better and updating modules could be smoother."
"LogicMonitor should improve its logging features. It can become expensive and should be cost-effective. It would be great to see prebuilt templates for alerting methods in LogicMonitor that are similar to the prebuilt dashboards. Currently, users have to build their alerting configurations."
"The process of upgrading some of the collectors has been a little bit confusing. I need to understand that better."
"There is a lack of automation, especially in terms of remediating problems. The problem is seen and identified, but there is a need and a gap where LogicMonitor can help us automate the remediation of the problem."
"We would like to see more functionality around mapping of topologies, in terms of networks. An improvement that we would like to see is added functionality to get more detail out of mapping. For example, if the LogicMonitor Collector identifies a connection between two network endpoints, it would be great to actually see which ports are connecting the two endpoints together. That functionality is something we greatly desire. It would actually make our documentation more dynamic in the sense that we wouldn't need to manually document. If this is something that the platform could provide, then this would be a great asset."
"Dashboarding capabilities could be enhanced. It is cumbersome, you must do it all at once, and then you must repeat the process every now and then."
"The setup and deployment could be simplified, and the pricing could improve."
"If you are new to using the solution, you will find the setup complex."
"The out-of-the-box reporting feature is not as user friendly as other tools."
"Regarding ServiceNow, there is room for improvement in terms of customization, particularly in the area of self-customization."
"There is a slower learning curve associated with the tool's scripting part. It is also not cheap."
"My managers would say that the price is too high. We wanted to also have the visibility version of it, but it's too expensive for us. Going for visibility would have doubled up the price."
"The solution’s licensing cost could be improved."
"The licensing model of the product is a bit rigid, and it can be a bit difficult to downscale if your needs change while also being expensive."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It's an enterprise-grade solution and competitively priced compared to the other solutions that are out there... Our organization is not huge, but LogicMonitor is worth every penny that we pay for it. I've never heard anyone say, "I'm not sure that we're getting good value for money from this product." It's integral to our business."
"It definitely pays for itself in the amount of time we're not spending with false errors or things that we haven't quite dealt with monitoring. It has been good cost-wise."
"The solution is not expensive."
"In terms of pricing, I would rate LogicMonitor four out of five."
"The features were very valuable to us because we could consolidate them into one platform and have a good user experience with the platform, our accounts, and the support team. That was the key driver for us. That was what we were looking for. We looked for a comprehensive solution that could provide advanced features all in one platform, and LogicMonitor was the solution that we chose. It definitely has a premium price. However, you are getting what you pay for in a very effective way. That was important in our decision-making.The features were very valuable to us because we could consolidate them into one platform and have a good user experience with the platform, our accounts, and the support team. That was the key driver for us. That was what we were looking for. We looked for a comprehensive solution that could provide advanced features all in one platform, and LogicMonitor was the solution that we chose. It definitely has a premium price. However, you are getting what you pay for in a very effective way. That was important in our decision-making."
"The pricing can be a little aggressive. Right now, it's a bit much for smaller organizations to adopt it. But comparatively, it also provides good features."
"The license is annual, and I'm not fully aware of what it costs. We have a through-cycle that we go through, and they've been generous with us going above our limit. They're not strict on it. At the end of the year, they got us to renew. We always add some cushion for what we expect. Also, if you need custom monitoring or design work, you can pay them for consulting services."
"We've had customers who have reduced their costs by not having multiple platforms for monitoring. That said, especially with super-large environments, the cost model for LogicMonitor is the one area where we run into issues."
"I would rate the product's pricing a five out of ten since there are vendors who are cheaper."
"The pricing is high and may be excluding the small to medium-sized enterprise businesses."
"There are additional costs, you have to pay more for everything."
"The cost of ServiceNow is much higher."
"The price of ServiceNow IT Operations Management is expensive."
"ServiceNow IT Operations Management is a costly solution. I'd rate the price at ten, on a scale from one to ten with one being the lowest and ten being the highest price. Some clients do have a problem with the price, but most find that the solution is worth the cost."
"While not entirely sure, I believe the solution costs at least a million dollars annually."
"The solution is costly compared to the products offered by its competitors."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Energy/Utilities Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is the best network monitoring software for large enterprises?
It actually depends on the exact purpose or requirements. Some tools are better for only network devices while others are better from a cloud monitoring or APM monitoring perspective. You can check...
What do you like most about LogicMonitor?
LogicMonitor helps us prevent potential downtime. It's pretty good. It generates low-level warnings that aren't necessarily preemptive but can still alert us to issues we should investigate. These ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for LogicMonitor?
The pricing can vary yearly or monthly, depending on the clients we're working with and their size and scale. For example, the pricing for a customer with ten thousand licenses versus a hundred lic...
What do you like most about ServiceNow IT Operations Management?
From my perspective as an asset manager, the most valuable feature of the solution is the configuration management portion, where I can actively add something to the database.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for ServiceNow IT Operations Management?
The solution is costly compared to the products offered by its competitors.
What needs improvement with ServiceNow IT Operations Management?
The licensing model of the product is a bit rigid, and it can be a bit difficult to downscale if your needs change while also being expensive. The aforementioned area can be considered for improvem...

Also Known As

No data available
ServiceNow ITOM



Sample Customers

Kayak, Zendesk, Ted Baker, Trulia, Sophos, iVision, TekLinks, Siemens
servicenow, TransAlta, NATS, Symantec
Find out what your peers are saying about LogicMonitor vs. ServiceNow IT Operations Management and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.