Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 21, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Ranking in AIOps
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (15th), Container Monitoring (5th), Cloud Monitoring Software (13th)
Ranking in IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Ranking in AIOps
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Event Monitoring (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the IT Infrastructure Monitoring category, the mindshare of LogicMonitor is 1.6%, down from 2.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of OpsRamp is 3.8%, up from 1.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Unique Categories:
Network Monitoring Software
Container Monitoring
Event Monitoring

Featured Reviews

Vinil Vijayan - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 12, 2023
Reliable with good monitoring features and excellent support
It is a complete infrastructure monitoring tool. It can be used to monitor your network devices, your servers, et cetera. It is a good tool, actually We didn't have a monitoring tool previously, so we monitored via independent components. Once we implemented LogicMonitor, we gained a centralized…
AbhisekPattojoshi - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 13, 2022
Fantastic technical support with great onboarding, configuration and integration
We primarily use it for IT operations management An area of improvement would be application monitoring, but OpsRamp is currently working on improving it. The most valuable feature is artificial intelligence. We have been using this solution for more than ten years. It is a stable solution,…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Having a full team at LogicMonitor for support is super helpful as they are available all the time to answer any questions you may have."
"The plugins are easy to integrate, and LogicMonitor provides these add-ons for vendors like VMware. It becomes very easy to integrate them and take the data sources."
"LogicMonitor saves time in terms of its ability to proxy a connection through a device. For example, if you are troubleshooting a device, which you may want to connect to, you can proxy this connection through the platform. As a support resource, I don't need to use multiple platforms to connect to a device to further investigate the issue. It is all consolidated. From that perspective, it saves time because a resource now only needs to use one platform."
"The dashboarding is very useful. Being able to create custom data sources is one of its biggest features which allows quick time to market with new features. If one of our vendors changes their data format or metrics that we should be monitoring, then we can quickly adjust to any changes in the environment in order to get a great user experience for our customers."
"We get full visibility into whatever the customer wants us to monitor and we get it pretty rapidly. That is very important. Only having certain metrics that other platforms will give you out-of-the-box means you only get a small picture, a thumbnail picture. Whereas with LogicMonitor, you get the entire "eight by 10 picture", out-of-the-box. Rather than some availability metrics, you get everything. You get metrics on temperature, anything related to hardware failure, or up and down status."
"The most valuable feature is the visualization of the data that it is collecting. I have used many products in the past and they tend to roll up the data. So, if you're looking at data over long periods of time, they start averaging the data, which can skew the figures that you're looking at. With LogicMonitor, they have the raw data there for two years, if you are an enterprise customer. If you are looking at that long duration of data, you're seeing exactly what happened during that time."
"The breadth of its ability to monitor all our environments, putting it in one place, has been helpful. This way, we don't have to manage multiple tools and try to juggle multiple balls to keep our environment monitored. It presents a clear picture to us of what is going on."
"LogicMonitor helps us prevent potential downtime. It's pretty good. It generates low-level warnings that aren't necessarily preemptive but can still alert us to issues we should investigate. These warnings allow us to correlate data and identify areas where we should take action, even if the issues aren't critical."
"The feature we found most valuable in OpsRamp is alert generation because whenever there is any kind of spike on any virtual machine, the solution generates alerts based on the thresholds we implemented. We have integrated our ideas and tools with OpsRamp, so alerts are generated, then we notify the customers. That's the main feature we like about OpsRamp because we don't have to monitor each resource. Instead, OpsRamp does the monitoring for us, and it generates the alerts based on the thresholds."
"Predictive analysis is a valued feature."
"The technical support is fantastic, and they are fast to respond."
"It is a pretty stable solution."
"The most valuable feature of OpsRamp is the creation of the dashboards of the infrastructure for the CPU memory and SQL servers. Additionally, URL monitoring through Selenium scripting and the availability dashboard is useful."
"Most features work fine."
"It greatly assists small and medium-sized businesses in using the ITSM, alerting, and monitoring features."
"We find the products seamless integration with Zendesk to be extremely valuable to our business."


"We are working with LogicMonitor to get flexibility to see the absolute running numbers, rather than doing an average. They can keep the average for customers who want it, but there should be a way to at least show the real numbers, which are coming every second on the screen."
"One thing that could be really better is the mapping. Auvik is really good at it. They have a really nice way to give you a visual representation of your network, but in LogicMonitor, this functionality is not as powerful and as good as Auvik."
"Role-based permissions could be better and updating modules could be smoother."
"Some more application performance type monitoring would be nice. For example, an APM type solution, which would not necessarily completely replace it, but be able to tie into to what we're seeing on the application performance side so we can correlate what's going on with the application versus the underlying infrastructure."
"There are some very specific things that need improvement in LogicMonitor. One is the lack of formatting for customized alerts, particularly the delivery of them to our email channel. We'd also like to see further customization of dashboards. Finally, something that is specific to us as an MSP that uses LogicMonitor, is white-labeling or skinning of the product, so we can make it look more customer-focused for our customers."
"The ease of use with data source tuning could be improved. That can get hairy quickly. When I reach out for help, it's usually around a data source or event source configuration. That can get challenging."
"LogicMonitor should improve its logging features. It can become expensive and should be cost-effective. It would be great to see prebuilt templates for alerting methods in LogicMonitor that are similar to the prebuilt dashboards. Currently, users have to build their alerting configurations."
"We would like to see more functionality around mapping of topologies, in terms of networks. An improvement that we would like to see is added functionality to get more detail out of mapping. For example, if the LogicMonitor Collector identifies a connection between two network endpoints, it would be great to actually see which ports are connecting the two endpoints together. That functionality is something we greatly desire. It would actually make our documentation more dynamic in the sense that we wouldn't need to manually document. If this is something that the platform could provide, then this would be a great asset."
"OpsRamp had shortcomings associated with its network capabilities."
"OpsRamp could improve the critical alerts. We have been receiving some false alerts when monitoring. For example, the alert shows the site is down, but when we try to do manual access to the URL, it's accessible."
"We would like this solution to be developed into a full CMP tool, so that we are able to use a single product for all of our cloud management needs."
"What's lacking in OpsRamp is process automation, and if there is, I wish there could be more of it, other than just spikes, or it would be better if the alerts can be generated based on different matrices. That option is absent in OpsRamp at the moment, and it would be valuable if that could be provided in the solution, especially if there's any kind of security issue in the VM."
"An area of improvement would be application monitoring."
"I would like to see two things. The first is a self-service portal for the cloud, any cloud deployments, and the second is maturity validation towards ITSM, internalizing OpsRamp TSM. As a result, instead of integrating with more mature tools similar to ServiceNow, people will use OpsRamp."
"Automation is currently quite complex and needs to be improved."
"OpsRamp cannot be scaled for big and large company deployments."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It definitely pays for itself in the amount of time we're not spending with false errors or things that we haven't quite dealt with monitoring. It has been good cost-wise."
"We are on an enterprise license plan, we are paying $7.75 per device a month. That is for a commitment of 350 devices. Anything that is over the 350 is charged at 1.2 times the rate; 1.2 times $7.75 would be the overage charge. We are looking at increasing our commitment to either 450 or 500 devices. It changes our pricing if we go to 450 devices, bringing it from $7.75 down to $7.70. If we go for 500 devices, it brings it from $7.75 down to $7.50. We will probably factor in the volume discount drop from $7.75 to $7.50 in our decision of whether we uplift or not. We also have some cloud monitors, which are about $500 a month."
"The pricing can be a little aggressive. Right now, it's a bit much for smaller organizations to adopt it. But comparatively, it also provides good features."
"It is pretty expensive, but we now need one less full-time engineer. With on-prem, we used to have one more engineer in our department. That engineer has now moved to another department. Our capacity is better with this product than the previous one. It is easy for us to manage the sites. You have to choose between the standard account and the premium account. With the premium account, you get a lot more than the standard one, and you can also buy some extra features. It is a good thing to look at them because you would probably want to buy them. You should take your time and negotiate the price. They are easy. Like all cloud providers, they are able to discuss the price and if necessary, change the price."
"We pay for the enterprise tech support."
"The license is annual, and I'm not fully aware of what it costs. We have a through-cycle that we go through, and they've been generous with us going above our limit. They're not strict on it. At the end of the year, they got us to renew. We always add some cushion for what we expect. Also, if you need custom monitoring or design work, you can pay them for consulting services."
"We have definitely seen ROI with LogicMonitor. We used to provide 24/7 IT support for our users. We have since been able to change to operating just within normal business hours for IT support, and LogicMonitor was a large part of being able to accomplish that."
"In terms of pricing, I would rate LogicMonitor four out of five."
"There is an annual licensing fee to use OpsRamp."
"I don't have any idea about the licensing cost for OpsRamp, but I just know that its pricing is based on the resource count for each tenant."
"You pay it for a year and you'll have full access to the entire platform, not only for monitoring and alerting, you will have access to the entire platform, and whatever technology they develop will be made available to you."
"OpsRamp is a cost-effective solution."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is the best network monitoring software for large enterprises?
It actually depends on the exact purpose or requirements. Some tools are better for only network devices while others are better from a cloud monitoring or APM monitoring perspective. You can check...
What do you like most about LogicMonitor?
LogicMonitor helps us prevent potential downtime. It's pretty good. It generates low-level warnings that aren't necessarily preemptive but can still alert us to issues we should investigate. These ...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for LogicMonitor?
The pricing can vary yearly or monthly, depending on the clients we're working with and their size and scale. For example, the pricing for a customer with ten thousand licenses versus a hundred lic...
What needs improvement with OpsRamp?
There is room for improvement in the performance of the product. The main problem is with patch management. The actual problem we're facing is with the patch management feature. It's not real-time,...





Sample Customers

Kayak, Zendesk, Ted Baker, Trulia, Sophos, iVision, TekLinks, Siemens
Epsilon, CloudBrix, GreenPages, NIIT Technologies
Find out what your peers are saying about LogicMonitor vs. OpsRamp and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.