Jamf Pro vs ManageEngine Endpoint Central comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Intune
Ranking in Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (3rd), Remote Access (1st), Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (2nd)
Jamf Pro
Ranking in Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Mobile Device Management (MDM) (1st)
ManageEngine Endpoint Central
Ranking in Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Client Desktop Management (1st), Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) (3rd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) category, the mindshare of Microsoft Intune is 37.0%, down from 39.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Jamf Pro is 15.3%, up from 14.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of ManageEngine Endpoint Central is 4.0%, down from 7.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)
Unique Categories:
Configuration Management
Remote Access
Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Client Desktop Management
Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)

Featured Reviews

Joel Amate - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 12, 2023
Affordable, secures all devices, and helps users to access corporate resources from anywhere
The deployment model for Intune is cloud basically, but for other MDM solutions, it's on-prem because the government and healthcare sectors prefer to use the on-prem solution. The deployment duration depends on the project timeline and the complexity of the deployment. A fresh Intune deployment is straightforward. We just need to do the configuration and create configuration profiles. For example, for Windows OS, we can enroll 1,000 devices in a month or something like that depending on the availability of the machine. Everything is configured in the backend, so they just need to power on the device, and everything works as expected, and everything is pushed down. The number of people required depends on how many machines need to be deployed and users' availability. The model that we're having right now is that for a new device, it's straightaway delivered to the user. So, there is no involvement of IT because it's an autopilot deployment. When a user powers on a device, the configuration kicks in. The users just log in using their user accounts, and that's all. So, one IT person is enough to configure the backend.
reviewer2139858 - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 23, 2023
Great alerts, zero-touch deployment, and patch management
We are a medium-sized company, and our fleet is 95% Macs. Jamf helps us to manage Macs remotely via an intuitive dashboard. Managing macOS can get difficult sometimes without the help of an MDM. With Jamf, I have control of the fleet with a few clicks. Being able to update third-party applications…
Jan 26, 2024
They constantly upgrade features
ManageEngine facilitates our control of the engines. It enables us to access our endpoints remotely and manage endpoint configuration We don't use it much for software license management, but we use it for deploying some in-house software. It helps us in that way, so we don't have to do have to…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The features I found most valuable in Intune are its user visibility and troubleshooting options."
"Intune provides full visibility into all active mobile device users. If their devices are noncompliant with our security policies, I have the flexibility to update them remotely."
"It's not working perfectly, but Microsoft's Autopilot offers great visibility into automated deployment solutions."
"Autopilot is the most valuable feature of Microsoft Intune."
"I can reach devices or computers over the internet. I don't need to worry about the network connectivity between the offices. I can manage any device. That is the most important part."
"It works well if you have a Microsoft environment."
"We are a remote company, and the product helps us manage the global endpoints. It helps us natively manage the endpoints in the cloud from anywhere."
"It provides control over all mobile devices that are being connected to the corporate network."
"Jamf is stable, reliable, secure and you have lots of customization options."
"There is support for Apple updates from day one. Jamf works closely with Apple, so they are ready to support new updates whenever Apple pushes them."
"Users love that instead of having to wait for tickets to be resolved, they can open an app and run a specific policy."
"I found that automated enrollment is very powerful because you can bring standardization to the environment."
"The Self Service feature, which allows us to make apps available to our staff and students was essential."
"It offers professionals an endless amount of possibilities to keep users and the company happy."
"The most valuable features are the restrictions, Lost Mode, Self Service, and full implementation of anything Apple will let MDM manage."
"We like the pre-stage enrollments."
"The setup is pretty simple."
"The patch management aspect of the solution is the most valuable part for us."
"The centralized control of all of our Windows hardware that this solution offers has been most valuable to our organization."
"I like being able to image over the network. That's a nice feature that it has. Patch management is pretty decent on it as well."
"What I like best about this product is that I can log on to every PC, very easily, and chat with the user via the chat feature."
"Its cross-platform capabilities and the ability to do both OS-level patching and third-party patching are valuable. It is difficult to find a software product that will do all that for you out of the box, and you don't have to do any configuration other than your initial setup. Once you do that, there is a very minimalistic approach to getting it operational. You can have it up and running within a 20-minute time span."
"The stability is very good."
"ManageEngine has improved my organization because right now we can actually monitor and find out which software products are installed on each desktop. We can then figure out which ones have to get patched and so forth."


"The mobile and tablet-based versions need improvement because they are not completely user-friendly, compared to the web version. Also, data synchronization with our existing asset manager, the synchronization between multiple assets and multiple devices, takes a lot of time due to the security scanning. It should be reduced."
"It would be good if, in addition to the minimal patching and compliance, we could also use Intune for application deployment. For instance, if a device is not patched, Intune should have the ability to push not only a Microsoft patch but also other patches, such as a browser patch."
"The policies we had in SCCM and AD offered features that are missing from Microsoft Intune."
"The interoperability or communication with a different platform can be better. It is a two-way street. It is not only about Microsoft. The other platforms also have to be willing to share some information, but that absolutely can be improved."
"It would be better if I could integrate it with my core group policy. I would like to have a group policy in my current environment, which has strict control, but those things are still missing. Although it has maximum compliance and security, it's not available on-premise."
"Some enrollment features could be improved."
"Integrating certain group policies can be challenging and may necessitate using on-premises systems to integrate them with Microsoft Intune."
"The add-ons must be integrated into the solution."
"I think that there should also be more integrations with Jamf that could better the intelligence-gathering when making business decisions."
"I would like to see tighter integration with Jamf Protect in the future releases of Jamf Pro."
"There needs to be a mass policy change tool."
"Jamf doesn't make the Cloud file system visible so there are rare occasions where the local repository and Cloud repository get out of sync."
"Jamf Pro currently is only used on Mac computers and could improve by having compatibility with other operating systems. We have to use other tools to manage our Windows and Android devices. There could be other improvements but I am still exploring and learning more about the features."
"We face issues when we do not have a script and have to write a script, we need to create extension attributes."
"An easier way to deploy Full OS upgrades would be a great start."
"The reporting with PowerBI could be improved."
"The product's remote access manager needs improvement."
"I would like to have the option to install the agent remotely."
"The team should work on improving the stability, particularly with massive patches deployment, clients are not 100% getting patches and the information provided by the system does not help; more detailed report would be very useful."
"Compared to the solution we use to manage our Mac products, this solution lacks the ability to create dynamic groups. We would like the ability, for example, for machines which have been upgraded to form part of a grouping based on this upgrade."
"The product must provide more API integrations with different ERP tools."
"ManageEngine could be improved by giving customers an option to perform certain actions proactively. Since I was a consultant, I worked on different products and some had advantages over ManageEngine. For example, proactive remediation—you want to proactively check something on the computers and run the script. In ManageEngine, you have the option to run the script, but Intune has the option to do so proactively. ManageEngine doesn't have this. You should have the option to act proactively, not just going ahead and fixing it once it's done. Proactive remediation should be a feature."
"Computer imaging is powerful but breaks frequently. The reason for this breaking is not clear and requires heavy amounts of attention to keep operational. There is a lot of room for this tool to do more but the reliability of this process should be focused on first to ensure core competencies are being fixed before more features are added."
"The solution should be better at integrating with other solutions."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price of Intune is included with the license for Office 365, so we don't have to pay anything extra for it."
"The product is relatively pricey, but considering its benefits, I'd say it's fair. The benefits outweigh the expensive licensing fees, especially for large organizations, but medium-sized and smaller businesses may be unable to afford it."
"It's monthly for us, but it's built into the license cost that we pay our IT each month. It's maybe 129 Kroner per head, which translates to £10. There are some additional costs. Our IT had to set up and configure their own server, so there is an extra cost for that, but I'm not sure what that costs."
"Microsoft offers some licensing where it's included at no extra cost when customers are already using the licenses. In such a case, it's a really good value. If you have to buy the licensing for it, it's probably on par with other solutions. It isn't substantially more or less expensive. The great thing is that it is included in some of Microsoft's licensed packages. So, some customers don't have to spend additional money for it. Typically, most providers that support Intune do charge a management fee of some sort or some fee. Certainly, we're no exception."
"The cost is somewhat on the higher side, particularly when considering certain price points, especially in markets like India."
"Microsoft Intune is available for individual purchase at a low per-device cost."
"The pricing of Endpoint Manager is fine. The licensing is not that complex, but small and midsized organizations might have challenges with the pricing plans. There are a lot of categories—E2, E3, E5—to choose from."
"There is a cost benefit of using Microsoft Intune because of the packaging with other Microsoft products."
"The price difference between Jamf Pro and VMware Workspace One is not very much, but when counting the cost of my time, Jamf Pro is clearly much better."
"Depending on how much support you require, it might make sense to add that to the licensing agreement."
"It seems fair. It could be a little bit less, but you have to pay for a product. You can't get something for free. You get what you pay for, so if you put in a little bit of money, you're going to get a good quality product."
"We have signed a licensing contract for three years. There is an option to buy an annual license subscription, but we opted for three years as it came with a 25% or 30% discount."
"Cloud is worth the small increase in price, but make the switch before you need it, and not during a global pandemic."
"The cost of Jamf is certainly worth the investment."
"The setup cost is in the training, which is the most important step of your journey."
"The price of a training pass for five people was $18,000 USD."
"The pricing is average."
"We had perpetual licenses. The cost was around 36,000, and then you'd have the yearly maintenance fee of 2,000 or 3,000."
"The pricing of the product is not bad compared to the other similar solutions in the market."
"Affordable for any customer."
"The initial purchase was around $6,000 or $7,000. We most probably are not on an annual subscription. We bought it, and then we pay for the maintenance. I'm not 100% sure how that's working out."
"Could provide more services on the standard license"
"Choose wisely between the Professional and Enterprise editions, based on your needs."
"The solution is very affordable."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Microsoft Intune compare with VMware Workspace One?
Microsoft Intune is a great tool for managing a mobile device fleet while keeping access control. The solution makes ...
What are the pros and cons of Microsoft Intune?
Microsoft Intune is a great configuration management tool and has a lot of good things going for it. Here are some of...
How does Google Cloud Identity compare with Microsoft Intune?
Microsoft Intune offers not only an easy-to-deploy data protection and productivity management solution, but also ...
What do you like most about Jamf Pro?
The most valuable features of Jamf Pro for me are the device locator, which helps find missing iPads, and the ability...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Jamf Pro?
It could always be cheaper, but I think the price is reasonable for what they offer.
What needs improvement with Jamf Pro?
It can always be better. There are still some features missing that Apple announced last year. Desktop support is sti...
How to choose between ManageEngine Desktop Central and Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (formerly SCCM)?
ManageEngine Desktop Central is very easy to set up, is scalable, stable, and also has very good patch management. Wh...
What do you like most about ManageEngine Endpoint Central?
Well, what we like is that it catch actually a lot of features constantly upgrading. So all the three maybe there the...

Also Known As

Intune, MS Intune, Microsoft Endpoint Manager
JAMF Software Casper Suite
ManageEngine Desktop Central, Desktop Central, ManageEngine Desktop Management MSP



Sample Customers

Mitchells and Buzzers, Callaway
Xero, National Geographic, Oxford University, Via, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Fallon, Cabela's
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Strathallan School, BMI Healthcare, Comercial Kywi, First Priority Federal Credit Union, Gerab National Enterprises
Find out what your peers are saying about Jamf Pro vs. ManageEngine Endpoint Central and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.