BigFix vs ManageEngine Endpoint Central comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Apr 16, 2023

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Intune
Ranking in Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (3rd), Remote Access (1st), Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (2nd)
Ranking in Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (5th), Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) (15th), Patch Management (2nd)
ManageEngine Endpoint Central
Ranking in Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Client Desktop Management (1st), Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) category, the mindshare of Microsoft Intune is 40.2%, down from 45.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of BigFix is 7.2%, up from 3.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of ManageEngine Endpoint Central is 10.0%, down from 14.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unified Endpoint Management (UEM)
Unique Categories:
Configuration Management
Remote Access
Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP)
Client Desktop Management
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)

Featured Reviews

Dec 4, 2022
Helps us seamlessly handle all devices remotely, increasing our productivity significantly
All the features are good. It has the ability to handle mobile device management and all your security infrastructure. But one of the best features is Windows Autopilot because if you change any of your devices, whatever security policies and compliance policies that applied can be easily migrated to the new devices. Windows Autopilot gives you that flexibility. You just turn on the new machine and synchronize it and Windows Autopilot does the rest. It provides centralized administration of all our mobile devices for updates, security, patch management, and upgrades. Also, because our team is spread out and there are users who work remotely, if their devices are stolen, damaged, or lost, we can wipe their data at our end so that there won't be any data loss. There might be useful information about our organization on the device. Because we can easily wipe their data, no third party can access that data. In addition, it is easy to roll out policies and configurations to N number of devices.
SanthoshKumar8 - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 17, 2023
The solution is stable, scalable, and has multi-platform support
Only one thing has room for improvement, BigFix should create some amount of localization in the product. For example, in most enterprises, being a large bank doesn't mean that they have the best network. Their remote branches can be working on a minimal network. The solution should have some kind of a local caching methodology, where the patches can be taken locally into a localized relay server, and from there, the patch can be applied, so that there is not much usage of the network required. What is happening today is, every system, even for it to be patched, has to be on the internet. I would like to be able to apply patches locally without the requirement of the internet or at least minimal internet usage to apply a patch.
Mar 15, 2022
Good technical capability, but needs better licensing
We don't yet use it in our office. It is for our customers. We have implemented it for a few banking customers in the middle east, and we are now waiting to also use it for our internal purposes In terms of technical capability, it is doing very well. It is doing better than other industry…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It is a very helpful solution."
"While Microsoft Intune boasts a wide range of features, its user-friendliness and bundled licensing cost are key considerations for me."
"The Asset Management and Auto Pilot are valuable features."
"The initial setup is not overly complex or difficult."
"I like how Intune deploys the policies and makes them customizable. You can deploy it through Intune and forget about it."
"Agile and easy to deploy MDM solution that covers the maximum number of policies. Stable, scalable, and with knowledgeable technical support."
"The most valuable features in Microsoft Intune for me are application deployment, Defender deployment, and asset management."
"I like that we can implement conditional access."
"Prior to BigFix we used Altiris, which was distributed. We had to manage multiple servers, and duplicate the tasks that we did on each server. BigFix tremendously reduced the amount of work that we had to do on each server in a centralized manner. We could minimize the work that we had to do, and we had a lot more control over the tasks and what machines they ran on."
"The solution is unbelievably scalable."
"It is user-friendly."
"It has improved my organization because we can automate a lot of tasks. We went from manually patching machines or doing our best and having very little visibility into it to us being able to set it and forget it and getting really good results on first-pass patching."
"Vulnerability scanning and patch automation."
"The most valuable point is when you deploy an application, you have to make sure that the application has been deployed to all computers and that is working perfectly. This solution works well at deployments."
"It is pretty secure, and it gives extensive vulnerability features as compared to other applications. It supports multiple languages, and the security checks are pretty high as compared to other tools in the market."
"Software distribution and patch management are the most valuable."
"The most valuable feature of ManageEngine Endpoint Central is the central management console. Additionally, inventory tracking is helpful for knowing where our assets are."
"One of the benefits of Desktop Central is it made the provisioning process simpler because now we have a provisioning package. We have around 1,500 laptops at the moment and all these PCs were provisioned by a provisioning package. In the provisioning package, we have integrated every aspect of renaming, deploying applications, patching, etc., so we simply execute the provisioning package and as soon as it's executed, it will install the management agent. Once the agent is installed, it will take care of all the tasks, so we don't have to sit in front of the computer to prepare the machine. This really helps us to provision the PC quickly with our agent."
"All of Desktop Central's features are valuable, especially its simplicity."
"In terms of technical capability, it is doing very well. It is doing better than other industry products. It is at a place where we can compare it with Microsoft products. Its scalability is also good."
"Page management and ADA integrations are the most valuable features of ManageEngine Endpoint Central."
"ManageEngine has improved my organization because right now we can actually monitor and find out which software products are installed on each desktop. We can then figure out which ones have to get patched and so forth."
"Since deploying Desktop Central our endpoints are all updated. We use configuration management to deploy shortcuts to our users' desktops with ease. Also, we use configuration management to map logical hard drives to our users. Our users are very happy with how much ease IT can solve their problems."
"The solution is stable."


"There is improvement needed in integrating with the installed Office solutions versions, such as Office 2019. The Office 365 integrates without a problem."
"The reports aren't complete, and it's not easy to build custom reports. For example, Windows Autopilot isn't working well in cases where the computers don't have a good internet connection. Then the option is not good enough."
"The backend of Microsoft Intune needs to be improved. We have seen a little bit of delay as compared to other MDM solutions. That needs to be improved. A little bit more granularity should also be added"
"The main disadvantage seen today is regarding Linux clients. We have a lot of development resources that have Linux on their clients, and we can't manage them on the same platform, as we do with other clients such as macOS and Windows. So, it should have support for Linux clients. It should also have better support for macOS."
"Intune's areas for improvement revolve around security and certificate management."
"From a new user's perspective, it may be a little overwhelming because there are quite a few things to look at in the console, however, once you are sort of acclimated and are familiar with your core functions, it's fairly simple and straightforward."
"It would really be helpful to have the option to manage server operating systems as well, like Windows Server, at least. That way, we could scrap the use of SCCM, which requires a lot of on-premises infrastructure."
"The interoperability or communication with a different platform can be better. It is a two-way street. It is not only about Microsoft. The other platforms also have to be willing to share some information, but that absolutely can be improved."
"I would like to see different types of reporting and the ability to integrate closer with the cloud."
"I would like the dashboard to be improved to show the problematic machines and good machines."
"I'm looking for them to make big web UI improvements."
"I would like to see more custom content."
"The scalability of the web UI product doesn't scale to the size that we need for our implementation so it needs to expand. I would also like to see the capability to develop on the back of the web UI capability. There are lots of web features and integrations that we could do with web UI that it would be nice to be able to put on top of what's already there, rather than waiting for IBM to develop what we need."
"The remote software installation could be better."
"The tool should be more friendly in terms of Web UI and should be having better vulnerability scanning mechanisms so a third-party application is not required to fulfill that aspect."
"The solution’s pricing could be improved."
"There are occasional glitches."
"There is a slight delay in customer support, which is something that can be improved."
"The solution is expensive."
"I would like to see them come out with a SaaS version of the product in the future."
"The OS deployment could be better."
"Tech support is mediocre at best."
"In relation to ManageEngine Endpoint Central, ManageEngine NGAV seems to be completely useless right now."
"The Deployment scheduler needs updating to support various methods for deployment."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing for Microsoft Intune is reasonable. Our clients are satisfied."
"The price is reasonable, but they should lower it a bit to make it more competitive. It's cheaper than AirWatch and other products, but I still feel like Microsoft can make a base version or with Exchange online or a la carte only Intune version which will be useful. A customer who doesn't want to go full-fledged E3 or E5 can take out or consume an Intune solution only for their purpose, and we want to target that customer."
"Generally, we get favorable discounts, so it's not too bad. Obviously, we're looking at decreasing those wherever we can to bring value back to the public purse because it's all charity based. It's all publicly funded."
"Previously the price was $4 per month per user. Now it's $2.25 per user per month."
"The cost is handled through our Office 365 license, so I have yet to be able to compare it directly with other tools in its class."
"It is not expensive."
"The pricing is competitive, but it is not cheap."
"The Intune license model is costly."
"The license is subscription-based."
"The price of BigFix could be lower. However, I am always seeking a lower price."
"It might be about $23 a client."
"You are charged per server and per workstation when using BigFix. ManageEngine is a lot cheaper than BigFix. There are some additional costs, such as support."
"I can estimate the reduced cost of servers maintenance to approximatively $500,000."
"There's not much big cost. We only have to pay the agents' cost for the server, and for the systems."
"On a scale from one to ten, where one is expensive and ten is cheap, I rate the solution's pricing one out of ten."
"When purchasing, buying with other IBM tools provided us with a very good discount in pricing."
"There is a freeware version of the solution available as long as you do not breach the number of licenses and users that are dictated."
"The pricing is very low, compared to other products. Compared to Intune or SCCM, it's much less. I can say it's a good product for less of a price."
"The initial purchase was around $6,000 or $7,000. We most probably are not on an annual subscription. We bought it, and then we pay for the maintenance. I'm not 100% sure how that's working out."
"The product is not costly. The product is properly priced, especially for SMBs."
"The licensing is very easy to understand and pricing is right for what you get."
"We had perpetual licenses. The cost was around 36,000, and then you'd have the yearly maintenance fee of 2,000 or 3,000."
"Compared to other products, ManageEngine Endpoint Central is a very cheap solution."
"I have been using the free version and am in the stage where I have to decide if I will proceed with the paid license, or instead choose another product."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Microsoft Intune compare with VMware Workspace One?
Microsoft Intune is a great tool for managing a mobile device fleet while keeping access control. The solution makes ...
What are the pros and cons of Microsoft Intune?
Microsoft Intune is a great configuration management tool and has a lot of good things going for it. Here are some of...
How does Google Cloud Identity compare with Microsoft Intune?
Microsoft Intune offers not only an easy-to-deploy data protection and productivity management solution, but also ...
What do you like most about BigFix?
The most valuable features of the solution are Windows patching and the hardware and software inventory.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for BigFix?
The tool's price continues to go up. The cost per endpoint can vary, ranging from approximately 30 to 80 dollars per ...
What needs improvement with BigFix?
The solution needs to improve console speed. I would like to see one console that does everything. It doesn't need to...
How to choose between ManageEngine Desktop Central and Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (formerly SCCM)?
ManageEngine Desktop Central is very easy to set up, is scalable, stable, and also has very good patch management. Wh...
What do you like most about ManageEngine Endpoint Central?
Well, what we like is that it catch actually a lot of features constantly upgrading. So all the three maybe there the...

Also Known As

Intune, MS Intune, Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Tivoli Endpoint Manager
ManageEngine Desktop Central, Desktop Central, ManageEngine Desktop Management MSP



Sample Customers

Mitchells and Buzzers, Callaway
US Foods, Penn State, St Vincent's Health US Foods, Sabadell Bank, SunTrust, Australia Sydney, Stemac, Capgemini, WNS Global Services, Jebsen & Jessen, CenterBeam, Strauss, Christian Hospital Centre, Brit Insurance, Career Education Corporation
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Strathallan School, BMI Healthcare, Comercial Kywi, First Priority Federal Credit Union, Gerab National Enterprises
Find out what your peers are saying about BigFix vs. ManageEngine Endpoint Central and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.