Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service) vs Workspace ONE UEM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Citrix DaaS (formerly Citri...
Ranking in Remote Access
Ranking in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Virtualization (1st), Desktop as a Service (DaaS) (1st)
Workspace ONE UEM
Ranking in Remote Access
Ranking in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) (3rd), Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) (IAMaaS) (7th), Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Remote Access category, the mindshare of Citrix DaaS (formerly Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops service) is 3.5%, down from 4.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Workspace ONE UEM is 1.1%, up from 0.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Remote Access
Unique Categories:
Application Virtualization
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM)

Featured Reviews

Nov 17, 2022
Efficient, mature, and secure
We have had issues with certain aspects, which is why we are looking for alternatives. For example, the firewall solution from Citrix is a bit complicated. Integration is hard. It needs a higher understanding of the network. It's not plug-and-play. When I deal with it, I always need assistance from the network team if I need to alter anything. It should be simpler to deal with. When I was doing comparison research, the thing that I found really interesting in Horizon is that the firewall setup is easy. It's like a wizard menu, and it's well-documented, so it's not hard to alter anything in the firewall. Maybe the feature that I want to be added to Citrix is well-written documentation and a wizard just to let me know what is going on in the firewall, how to edit things, and how to easily deploy something on the firewall. Do I initiate a rule or decline a rule? They just need to make it easier for me to troubleshoot firewall issues.
Thiago Bassan - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 18, 2024
Optimizes IT efficiency and offers excellent technical support
I use VMware Identity Manager to make it easy for clients to access apps with one login VMware Identity Manager has saved IT time by eliminating the need for daily station visits and manual installations. Now, we deliver a virtual desktop environment to user groups, providing all the necessary…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The app protection feature is one of the most valuable because it provides good security, as nobody is going to be able to look into your screen while you are sharing the screen. And if someone has installed a keylogger in your system, your keystrokes will be jumbled up and they would not make any sense to the keylogger. App protection is one of the coolest security features that I have encountered on any platform."
"The most valuable feature has to be the non-persistent desktop. If one of my users messes something up and blows away their desktop, it goes back to what it was originally, before they had an issue."
"Among the most valuable features is the Citrix Workspace, which allows us to drive that thin-client connection and the remote control/remote access capabilities. Those things have allowed us to connect an awful lot of people quickly from home and that's obviously helped during the pandemic."
"Citrix offers a range of products that can be used straight out of the box."
"The remote desktop feature allows employees to work from home."
"The initial setup is easy."
"It virtualizes the application on your desktop."
"The most valuable feature is how secure the solution is."
"It's all about centralizing your data and making sure that your data is centralized and secure."
"The most valuable features of VMware Workspace ONE are security and having support for all the latest features that are coming out from Apple. They're pretty fast at adopting new features. This is one of the most vital aspects of mobile device management systems."
"Workspace ONE has something like an orchestrator model that allows me to configure a set of steps to onboard new PCs, laptops, or tablets. So, it makes my work easy."
"Workspace ONE adds a lot of value compared to Microsoft because Microsoft is a late entry into the market, and they're still developing their product from an end-user perspective. Workspace ONE has a slight edge because of AirWatch. VMware has developed its product over a longer period of time, so they have better integrations as a whole solution."
"If an end-user has an issue with a device, the administration has the ability to remote access the device after approval from the end-user."
"The solution has proven to be very stable."
"The most valuable feature of this solution is the tracking of the devices."
"It is a stable solution. I would rate the stability a ten out of ten."


"The visibility the solution provides across SaaS, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments, for user and application traffic, is also limited if you do not enable all the services and is based on which services you are utilising. Citrix provides end-to-end visibility based on their services you are utilising."
"I think they can improve the troubleshooting to make it easier for users to solve problems on their own. For example, it could provide an error code and some instructions on how to reconnect to the database or do something proactive to fix the issue with the system."
"Tech support can be slow if you do not receive help from the US representatives."
"The only thing we have found to be detrimental is when we have tried to find training. I realize that we're looking at it at the worst time possible, with a pandemic going on, but it seems that most of the training offered is learn-by-yourself online."
"The product advances really fast. For some customers, we need better backwards compatibility."
"In the bank, a major part of all our applications is Microsoft App-V. If App-V is at end of life, then we need a new technology to replace it. As of today, I haven't seen in Citrix Studio that there is a new technology embedded directly in it to replace App-V."
"If anything could be improved, it might be some of the Director functionality, and some of the dashboard customization, or the overall Director customization."
"The monitoring and management is in need of improvement."
"VMware Workspace ONE platform offers support for Mac Books and we see that there is some room for improvement in that area versus all the products out there."
"The app installer is something that they should really change. It creates a lot of confusion for the user."
"There are other solutions that might be better for certain use cases. This is not an all-purpose solution."
"There is room for improvement in customer service and support."
"I'd like to see expanded device support, particularly for IoT things like SCADA devices."
"The pricing could always be better."
"The portal is not user-friendly."
"The initial setup is a bit complex."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is an expensive solution. I rate its pricing a nine out of ten."
"It is quite expensive, but so are the competitors on the market."
"The licensing, in general, is expensive. A lot of customers battle to pay the amount. It's very difficult to ensure that your solution provides the business value that the customer is after."
"In terms of pricing with the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, I think it has gotten better over the years. Citrix has found more dynamic ways to be able to revive licensing models that fit many different scenarios that organizations have. We have been able to evolve our own licensing over the years to accommodate our situations between concurrent versus user device licenses. Now, when we move into the Citrix Workspace realm, we definitely have some awesome options there."
"I think it is a little high priced."
"It is a bit costly, but enterprise class features come with a cost."
"It's costly in the market. But it is not expensive for the company. For the company, it's relatively inexpensive because the core of the work is compensated with the price."
"We have more than a million seats under management so we get the best price."
"The solution is more expensive than Intune."
"VMware Workspace ONE has a yearly license. You have to buy the license for one year at a time."
"A person should pay towards the licensing costs of VMware Identity Manager on a yearly or monthly basis, but government and public sector units cannot for a perpetual licensing model."
"The solution is about $45 per device for a 12 month subscription. The price is standard across the world."
"For most of the projects, we use the standard license but for complex ones, we use the older type of processes, integrations, and licenses inside the solution."
"The cost is a little bit high."
"I rate the product price a five on a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive."
"Workspace ONE is on the higher end of the pricing band when compared to other players in the market."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops?
My focus has primarily been on publishing virtual applications.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops?
I rate the product’s pricing a seven out of ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive.
What needs improvement with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops?
The Citrix DaaS application is a bit heavy when it comes to mobile access, and it should function more smoothly. For example, the Citrix mobile app takes a long time to log in and should work even ...
How does Microsoft Intune compare with VMware Workspace One?
Microsoft Intune is a great tool for managing a mobile device fleet while keeping access control. The solution makes it easy to control security and manage the usage of mobile apps when you have a ...
How does VMware Workspace One compare with VMware Horizon 7?
VMware Workspace One has a powerful set of helpful features. The solution offers very good documentation, the initial setup is easy, and the product is very stable and reliable. I think the fact th...
What do you like most about VMware Workspace ONE?
The platform provides a stable environment for operations and quickly creates new environments. Additionally, it offers efficient flexibility.

Also Known As

Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, XenDesktop, XenApp (Citrix Virtual Apps)
VMware Workspace ONE, VMware AirWatch, Workspace ONE Assist, VMware Identity Manager, Workspace ONE Access, VMware Horizon Air

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Sample Customers

Exelon, Aeronamic, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Alameda County Medical Center, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Aloysius Stichting, Amarchand Mangaldas, AmBev, Amnet Technology Solutions, Arval
Australian Sports Commission, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust, Lomond School, Merck, United Bank, Medical College of Wisconsin, Latymer Upper School, 2gether NHS Foundation Trust, Dowling Aaron Inc., Trillium Lakelands District School Board, Harrogate Grammar School, Duke University Football, Delta Air Lines, Adventist Health System, Giochi Preziosi, Cramlington Learning Village, Intermountain Healthcare, Safexpress, TAG Aviation
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, TeamViewer, Omnissa and others in Remote Access. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.