Cisco Duo vs UserLock comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Cisco Duo
Ranking in Authentication Systems
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Single Sign-On (SSO) (2nd), ZTNA as a Service (4th), Cisco Security Portfolio (8th), Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) (1st)
Ranking in Authentication Systems
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Access Management (19th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Authentication Systems category, the mindshare of Cisco Duo is 14.4%, down from 16.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of UserLock is 2.4%, down from 2.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Authentication Systems
Unique Categories:
Single Sign-On (SSO)
ZTNA as a Service
Access Management

Featured Reviews

David Fartouk - PeerSpot reviewer
May 30, 2024
Authenticates our domain and users, making the process more secure
Cisco Duo integrates with Microsoft Active Directory for login using an on-premise deployment. It also connects to cloud services, including CrowdStrike, making it a hybrid tool. We're using Cisco Duo to enhance our security. Before implementing it, deploying advanced security solutions like MFA for every login was challenging. Each time I logged into Cisco, I had to enter new numbers, which was time-consuming and cumbersome. Now, with Cisco Duo, the login process has become much simpler. You click to log in. While it may not directly save us money, it saves time and contributes to our overall security posture. I recommend the solution since everyone wants this type of solution to be very simple, just to work, easy to deploy, very simple, usable, and Cisco Duo checks all those boxes. Overall, I rate the solution an eight out of ten.
Bill H. - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 8, 2022
Affordable, easy to use, and integrates well with Active Directory
The product and service are already great as it is but if I could add one feature, I guess it would be nice to have another factor of authentication (two additional factors) like your phone and a token for example, for when people forget their phone at home. It’s not that I mind not having two factors, but I do get that question from time to time from some of our users who think it would be really useful. From what I’ve heard, they’re working on it and it should be coming in the next version so that’s great news.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The ease of deploying Cisco Duo Security and onboarding has greatly benefited our customers."
"It's simple. It's reliable. I haven't had any issues with it."
"It's a lot easier for our end users to connect to our network. You don't have to type in a code. You get push notifications, that's probably the best thing about it. The fewer clicks they have to do to be online, the better it is. They can easily get into the network and do remote work."
"The most valuable feature is the ability for users to connect securely to the office using the VPN."
"They are users who, as mentioned before, utilize RDPAP and MDPAP. It includes functionalities related to finance, specifically in single sign-on."
"The most valuable feature of Duo Security is the ability for the user to easily approve access. The application prompts the user, and they can see the location and the IP address. This makes it easy for the user to approve it and go through the process of logging in to the VPN."
"It has definitely reduced embedding. We found a lot of problems with attackers being able to compromise accounts. Now, when they try to access accounts, they are not able to do so because there is an added layer of protection. Once we know that a username and password are compromised, we just reset the password to protect the company."
"The most valuable features of Duo Security are visibility and OTP authentication. The OTP is very important because it is a self-enrollment feature, you are able to enroll users very quickly with a shorter time period."
"We mainly implemented UserLock for multi-factor authentication, but the user login insights are also nice."
"The most valuable features are two-factor authentication and real-time logon monitoring."


"We already have Active Directory enabled in our routers and switches. However, if we could do two-factor authentication, then it could go a long way since no one's getting into them unless you want them to."
"The technical engineers in the first line of support should improve their knowledge."
"It already integrates with lots of products, but it can integrate with more products. There should be easy integration with Cisco products because sometimes, it can be quite complicated."
"Duo Security could improve by being more compatible with other vendors."
"For upgrades, there should be a better notification of when they're coming out. We always have a testing phase, so we need to be ahead of it. It takes us longer before we can upgrade to the newest version."
"We first deployed Duo Security for our company with the VPN, and afterward, about a year later, we implemented it for a customer of ours where we offered infrastructure as a service. When I tried to establish a VPN connection through Duo Security, it did not function well on that version, which was the latest one at the time. So, I had to make a copy of the machine and then implement Duo Security with the VPN because it did not function well with the newer version."
"Duo was clearly purchased, and Cisco has a lot of other panels for their Firepower products, et cetera. They need to continue bringing it, Umbrella, and the endpoint pieces even more together and make the integration a little more seamless among all of them."
"Integration with a product such as Microsoft Sentinel would be great. As the product continually improves, I'm unsure if this feature is available."
"I would like to see UserLock add the ability to automatically create a group policy in Active Directory. That might streamline the setup process."
"The product and service are already great as it is but if I could add one feature, I guess it would be nice to have another factor of authentication (two additional factors) like your phone and a token for example, for when people forget their phone at home."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It falls in line with everything else."
"Duo Security is free."
"The pricing is pretty competitive. It's pretty cheap. Anybody can adopt it."
"It was very reasonable."
"I only need the solution for IT staff, which makes it relatively cheap. If I deployed it for the whole company, it would be costly, so it depends on the number of users. Duo Security is affordable compared to other products in the segment."
"You pay per user when using this solution and the pricing is fair."
"I haven't seen it in a while, but it's at par with everything else licensing-wise."
"The product’s pricing is reasonable."
"You will be hard-pressed to find better pricing."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Construction Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

How does Duo Security compare with Microsoft Authenticator?
We switched to Duo Security for identity verification. We’d been using a competitor but got the chance to evaluate Duo for 30 days, and we could not be happier. Duo Security is easy to configure a...
What do you like most about Duo Security?
They are users who, as mentioned before, utilize RDPAP and MDPAP. It includes functionalities related to finance, specifically in single sign-on.
Ask a question
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Also Known As

Duo Security
No data available



Sample Customers

Barclays, US Department of Justice, National Bank of Kuwait, Turkish Aerospace, New York Albany School District, Regtransfers, University of Kent, Camden City School District, Oklahoma City Public Schools, Bank of Cyprus, Detran-PE: Pernambuco State Traffic Department
Find out what your peers are saying about Cisco Duo vs. UserLock and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.