Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 24, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (29th), Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM) (5th)
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Log Management (4th), Mobile APM (1st), Container Monitoring (1st), AIOps (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability category, the mindshare of Catchpoint is 0.3%, up from 0.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Dynatrace is 12.5%, down from 16.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Unique Categories:
Network Monitoring Software
Cloud Monitoring Software
Log Management
Mobile APM

Featured Reviews

Carl Funk - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 12, 2022
The UI is well designed, so it's easy to get the visibility you want.
There's still too much manual involvement in getting customized test configurations out there. It's good, but it still takes a lot of effort. In other words, it's when you need to configure it to collect a specific variable and that kind of thing. The other issue is the cost. The more data you collect, the more expensive it becomes. You sell your organization by saying we can get this feature set, but then you have to walk that back because we'll need more money to run every test. This is something hard to get out in your initial scoping. You provide Catchpoint with a series of tests and get a cost estimate, not realizing all the data you might have to collect long term. That was a big deal for us because we partly switched on the promise of saving money.
KapilK - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 9, 2023
The product helps identify issues and get to the root cause, but some features must be made more robust
We use the tool for performance analysis, root cause analysis, issue identification, and understanding the impact of technical glitches on business. We use performance dashboards and business dashboards The product helps us identify issues in the application and get to the root cause immediately.…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We really need the API monitoring, as well as client side session monitoring, the global synthetic monitoring, to track the availability of the systems from the customer side."
"Catchpoint provides a great amount of information."
"The thing I like most is the tech support in this company, because they have 24/7 chat support. We can chat immediately and ask them about an issue and they keep responding. They create tickets on our behalf and respond."
"Catchpoint is very flexible and also provides logs for troubleshooting purposes. It helps us fix issues within the SLAs signed with the end users. The tool is easy to learn."
"The solution offers three different ways of slicing data to look for abnormalities."
"Catchpoint helped us establish that something is in a provider network, so we could tell our customers to check their internet provider because the traffic is not getting to us. You need to be gentle when you tell them that, but the fact that we could do it was crucial."
"The most valuable features of Catchpoint are basically the transaction monitors on the API and UI."
"The best feature in Catchpoint is the alert or the notification my company gets frequently, in particular, every five minutes. It's the notification you get whenever a respective market has an issue. There's also a dashboard in Catchpoint that shows the markets you support, so all the markets will be highlighted graphically in the dashboard whenever there's downtime that could affect you. If there's no issue for a specific market, it will be in green, so in this way, anybody would be able to understand which market has issues and which market has no issues through Catchpoint. The tool is very useful for monitoring activities."
"It provides us a reference for being able to go back and look at data at a certain point, analyze it, then determine if something was the root cause."
"It gives us all the data on all the calls, which is something that is very different from any other APM solution that I have seen or used in the past."
"Dynatrace provides probable root cause for any issues which assists our support team to quickly address issues identified by Dynatrace."
"Helps in managing capacity planning, services performance, and tuning database performance and optimizing queries."
"Scalability is outstanding. It won't tax our environment at all as it will scale sideways."
"We’re monitoring our SQL databases, we’re monitoring our microservices infrastructure, we’re monitoring our front-end we’re monitoring our mobile apps. It has increased our productivity, we’ve been able to optimize all of our applications."
"We use PurePath to see exactly what the user observed from the web browser to the end of the request to the dialog box. Every step of what they do is very useful for us to diagnose a problem"
"We are not blind anymore with our digital services performance; no more fire fighting."


"We would like the script creation feature of this solution to be improved, as it currently requires a complicated manual process to update the scripts."
"Trending needs improvement. Currently, out-of-the-box, they provide only seven days availability. So, we have to do queries and we have to go into a separate analysis module, we have to run lot of queries to long-term trends."
"Catchpoint can be improved by focusing solely on network monitoring."
"There's still too much manual involvement in getting customized test configurations out there. It's good, but it still takes a lot of effort. In other words, it's when you need to configure it to collect a specific variable and that kind of thing."
"A room for improvement in Catchpoint is that it lacks an automated page updating feature. My company receives all the alerts and notifications it needs, but the page doesn't update automatically. You need to manually refresh the page, so every five minutes you need to refresh it to see the most updated information. If there's an automated page refresh feature, that would help my company. It's a feature that Grafana has. The page auto-refreshes in Grafana, so you don't have to manually refresh the page. If that feature is implemented in Catchpoint, it'll be useful for the users. Another area for improvement in the tool is you have to do a manual task, for example, when you have a notification for a market, you get a zip code that the user could have entered, but if the zip code is incorrect, you have to manually go into Catchpoint and update that parameter, so that manual step is another area in the tool that needs improvement."
"It would be great if Catchpoint could incorporate its alerting system instead of relying on separate tools like ServiceNow."
"The old user version was better, it was more user-friendly."
"if we need to do performance analysis, we have to click too many times. For example, if there is an issue that is caught by Catchpoint, we need to understand what the error is and at which step it failed, or which transaction that is impacted. To drill down, we have to click too many things to get the answer."
"The user interface for the management functions is not particularly intuitive for even the most common features."
"Ease of use could be improved because it can be hard to determine how you made it to the screen you are on and how to get back to it later."
"Richer, deeper partner channel: It needs to expand and deepen the business use cases, where their solutions can help."
"The initial setup was relatively complex because we were trying to implement into environments that they did not yet support."
"Include network monitoring in more detail for deep dive analytics of network components."
"It would be nice to have a simplified monitoring feature for non-Java applications."
"I think they're working on even more integration from external third party input, but that is ongoing. So the faster it's there the better. Clock monitoring is one of these areas where improvements can be made."
"Dynatrace has been difficult to set up and use to diagnose problems in the past due to the complex nature of the tool."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"In terms of licensing fees, I believe they were slightly higher."
"The pricing is based on consumption and works on a point scale. For example, let's say I want to look at, and I'm going to test it to see if it's there. It will bring back all this data that tells me how long it took to connect and how long it took to get the first byte. It will list all the resources on the page, showing that they all work and there are no broken links. It brings that data back. That test has an assigned point value depending on what you decide to extract from that test. If all I do is check to see whether it's available, it might be one point. I don't know the exact point values off-hand. This is just an example."
"The solution's pricing is comparable to the last tool we were using."
"The price and licensing are very, very high. They have to come down on the pricing to match with the industry standard."
"Dynatrace has a place for everybody. How you use it and what your budgetary limitations are will dictate what you do with it. But it's within everybody's reach. If you're a small organization and you have a large infrastructure, you may not be able to monitor the whole thing. You may have to pick and choose what you want to monitor, and you have the ability to do so. Your available funds are going to dictate that."
"We purchased a subscription for one year and it is an expensive solution for a large enterprise like ours."
"The solution is not cheap."
"It's understandable to do a smaller scale initial evaluation. However, as you identify the product value, don't hesitant in your scope and scale to maximize the initial investment and your opportunity to do a bulk investment of the product."
"We license it for two environments, typically all of production and all of one lower environment, usually our staging environment. If there is a downside to Dynatrace, the only thing I can think of would be the cost. If it were cheaper, I'd have it in all my environments. I don't think they're charging more than it's worth, by any means. It's just that good software costs money."
"The product is really fast to implement and gives customers instant value. This is important, because it reduces costs on the implementation."
"We have not fully been able to get the full value out of the product. It is expensive compared to other things that we have had in the past. Paying that much and not being able to get the full return on the product is a downgrade. ​"
"Pricing is still too expensive."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Catchpoint?
Catchpoint is very flexible and also provides logs for troubleshooting purposes. It helps us fix issues within the SLAs signed with the end users. The tool is easy to learn.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Catchpoint?
I rate the price a two out of ten, where one is a high price and ten is a low price.
What needs improvement with Catchpoint?
It would be great if Catchpoint could incorporate its alerting system instead of relying on separate tools like ServiceNow.
Any advice about APM solutions?
The key is to have a holistic view over the complete infrastructure, the ones you have listed are great for APM if you need to monitor applications end to end. I have tested them all and have not f...
What cloud monitoring software did you choose and why?
While the environment does matter in the selection of an APM tool, I prefer to use Dynatrace to manage the entire stack. Both production and Dev/Test. I find it to be quite superior to anything els...
Any advice about APM solutions?
There are many factors and we know little about your requirements (size of org, technology stack, management systems, the scope of implementation). Our goal was to consolidate APM and infra monitor...





Sample Customers

Audi, Best Buy, LinkedIn, CISCO, Intuit, KRONOS, Scottrade, Wells Fargo, ULTA Beauty, Lenovo, Swarovsk, Nike, Whirlpool, American Express
Find out what your peers are saying about Catchpoint vs. Dynatrace and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.