Broadcom DX Application Performance Management vs ITRS Geneos comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 24, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Broadcom DX Application Per...
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Container Monitoring (6th)
ITRS Geneos
Ranking in Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (17th), IT Infrastructure Monitoring (16th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability category, the mindshare of Broadcom DX Application Performance Management is 0.4%, down from 0.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of ITRS Geneos is 1.6%, up from 1.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability
Unique Categories:
Container Monitoring
Network Monitoring Software
IT Infrastructure Monitoring

Featured Reviews

Marco Aurelio - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 13, 2023
Simple setup, light on resources, but lacking compatibility with applications
We are currently in the process of evaluating other options for APM. We are looking at Cisco and Dynatrace. We are also considering replacing our CA solution for server and network monitoring with Zabbix. We have two large licenses but they are old and we are planning to move to the cloud. The new version of Broadcom DX Application Performance Management does not yet have a cloud option, but we did receive an offer for upgrading to a SaaS solution. However, it still does not have support for OpenShift 4 because it uses agents installed within the image. As we are migrating to OpenShift 4, this solution will not work for us. Our purchasing process is public, as a public government bank, and it is published in the journal, and Broadcom probably saw that they did not have a solution for our requirements because of the use of agents inside the image. 10 technicians can handle the maintenance of the solution. This covers the needs of a financial institution that needs support 24 hours a day. I would recommend Broadcom DX Application Performance Management for small to medium infrastructures. It is very scalable and stable. Additionally, the suite has good integration with the CA help desk system, which makes it more efficient for resolving issues. One advantage of Broadcom's solution is that it is fully integrated, unlike other solutions, such as Dynatrace APM which require linking to a separate ticketing software. This solution is a good option to have a fully integrated suite. I do not view the limitation with OpenShift 4 as a problem with Broadcom, as it is specific to our environment. If you use other containerization methods, such as OpenShift 3 or others, this issue would not be present. The cost of training is also relatively low when compared to other solutions like Cisco's support. It is less expensive to certify your personnel with Broadcom. Other solutions that are well-positioned in Gartner's Quadrant, such as Dynatrace, tend to be more expensive in terms of training. Broadcom is not well-positioned in Gartner's Quadrant for APM solutions, as it works as a suite and not as a specialized APM solution. Solutions, such as Dynatrace, on the other hand, are specifically for APM and are well-positioned in Gartner's Quadrant as recommended solutions to buy. Broadcom is ranked relatively low in Gartner's grading. I rate Broadcom DX Application Performance Management a seven out of ten. The version we are currently using of Broadcom DX Application Performance Management is not very recent, and even the newer versions don't have as advanced features as other solutions, particularly in terms of APM and cloud capabilities. However, I still consider it a good grade, not a bad one, because the solution is very stable and has good scalability.
Durai CT - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 14, 2022
A stable, scalable, and flexible monitoring tool
Real-time data is one of the unique features that ITRS Geneos offers. For example, if there is an impact on a particular server and a particular application, I want to see what the impact is or what the CPU or hardware usage information is, as well as the service in the same application. I can see the real-time data and the impact by accessing ITRS Geneos and looking at the tree. I don't want a tool that tells me when something is broken. I want the tool to tell me when something is going to break. That is the difference between ITRS Geneos and other tools. I want proactive monitoring, not reactive. I don't need to be notified after the fact that something has broken. If something is broken, I get a notification by email, and some of my customers are going to call me. ITRS Geneos provides proactive monitoring. The great advantage of this tool is real-time monitoring. ITRS Geneos not only alerts us but also gives us a real-time view of the data. This is the tool's first great advantage. It is also lightweight and flexible and can adapt to monitor even low-latency systems, which is the tool's second advantage. Another great feature of this tool is its good presentation layer, which allows us to build custom dashboards to present to business stakeholders. This gives them a high-level status of what is being monitored. If we compare ITRS Geneos to other tools, we will find that each one specializes in a specific area, but the ITRS Geneos tool is more comprehensive. This is its great advantage.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Product performance is awesome. It's covering all aspects of the application; good database metrics and internal application metrics. Just tons and tons of data."
"The insight it gives into the applications that it's actually applied to, and the flexibility to do many things with those metrics, and also feed your own metrics from external sources."
"The initial setup is straightforward."
"It helps us prioritize application performance issues. It has assisted triage where we can drill down and see where exactly the problem lies."
"We use it to create dashboards and executive view dashboards, so our higher up managers can take a look and see where our application status stands."
"Some of its valuable features include transaction traces, dashboards, and metric grouping to see combined data."
"Standard available reports provide us with an automatic insight into the top ten situations to watch. It would have been extremely difficult to program such a report ourselves, and to my knowledge no other competitor can match this functionality."
"This application pulls data in 15 seconds. You can imagine the enormous amount of data which streams through."
"This tool allows one to analyse, integrate and customize as per the systems and allows you to set your own rules."
"One of the most valuable features is that it can be configured by non-developers. It doesn't require development expertise to configure it."
"The biggest benefit of Geneos is the fact that we can clearly see, if we have an alert, where that alert has come from. We can see the data around that alert and anything that might be relevant is also shown. We can very easily right-click and see why we've received that alert. That's the best part about it, that you've got all the data there with the alerting."
"In my experience, being able to monitor our databases is a valuable feature as we can create our own queries and aren't reliant on the in-built ones."
"Tons of default modules which are available out of the box"
"Ability to monitor logs for potential issues to prevent app outages before problems get a chance to arise. That's invaluable for our teams in a fast-paced trading environment."
"One thing we're utilizing in Geneos is the Gateway-SQL. That's really helpful for us. Using Gateway-SQL, we are able to merge two different views into one. Suppose we have to check something in the log and that we have to check something in the database and do a comparison before publishing a result. We can achieve that using Gateway-SQL."
"The great advantage of this tool is real-time monitoring."


"CEM needs to be simplified, because it causes too many interruptions in our daily work."
"I would like them provide more guidance on specific tuning of monitoring options to avoid unacceptable overhead."
"It should be easier to install or set everything up. ​"
"The stability could be more reliable."
"The APM upgrade procedure is a bit complicated with compatibility issues which can emerge like between agents and EM/Collectors."
"User Experience is a BIG one. Integration of all of APM components into one swift deployment."
"The integration with CA Spectrum is quite difficult to create, and it is also only one way, only being used to view alarms coming from CA APM."
"Upgradability to it is a project instead of a patch. If it was actually an automated process to where it just fed updates to our product that would be great. Now, we have to spin up an effort to actually upgrade the solution."
"They have the Webslinger solution where you can see when something is alerting. It's a little bit cumbersome."
"Data visualization – real time and historical – is a weakness."
"ITRS Geneos is not on the cloud at a time when everyone is moving to the cloud."
"Mobile phone integration is probably not as rich as it could be."
"​It needs to be easier to configure, especially with the JMX plugins.​"
"I would really like to see something from the Geneos side to set up automated reporting from ITRS. We have to send reporting to management every day. To do that we have to check the dashboard and then we have to report whether everything is fine or not. In the future, I want something, some reporting kind of feature in ITRS, where it can collect all the data and mention what is green, what is amber, what is red in a report."
"Their cloud monitoring solution needs to be improved. I have already given them the feedback that it's not capable of meeting the latest technology needs."
"There is a part of the rules for monitoring alerts. I want to understand more about how to choose the samples and the requirements for the rules. That is the part that I want to understand better and get better training for."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Pricing and licensing are not issues."
"All discounts are case by case to accommodate the client's budgets."
"On pricing, CA is very competitive. I think that's going to help in the long run."
"Depends on the size of the product you need."
"The license for Broadcom DX Application Performance Management is annual. The licensing model could improve because there is not any limit to deploying the agent, there should be some limits on it."
"I'm unable to give information on Broadcom DX Application Performance Management licensing costs, but all Application Performance Management products have expensive pricing. This means that it's not only Broadcom that's expensive, and it would be an advantage if the cost would be a little bit cheaper."
"Broadcom is a better and cheaper option from the financial perspective. It also depends on the DLP plug."
"The pricing structure should be based on memory or CPU usage rather than the number of agents, as it makes the solution more expensive for us."
"The pricing seems reasonable. We're happy enough with it."
"The organization is not just purchasing a license for the product, but also managing services and professional services from ITRS. Another factor is if the implementation is going to be in production, non-production, or both."
"Pricing is the touchy subject, even here. Upper management always wants us to find a cheaper solution. But we have so much integrated with ITRS... It's expensive, but it does its job very well. And you set it and go."
"The product is priced quite high. There are pricing options for customers based on the size of the environment and plug-ins used by the monitoring system."
"You will get the best price if you get a single global deal."
"The pricing is fairly market-related. They have been very lenient because we have been working with them for so long. An example is that we're currently migrating some of our services to AWS, and they've given us a grace period for some of the things to help with the migration and not to grow additional costs while we are migrating, but it's still on par with the market."
"The market tools are on par with this solution, but if the solution included more features, then it would be well within the range for the cost."
"Its price is reasonable. It isn't too expensive, and it isn't too cheap, but it also depends on a company's volume and negotiation."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Non Profit

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Broadcom DX Application Performance Management?
Scalability-wise, I rate the solution a nine out of ten...there is a very easy way to deal with it by adding more servers to the application.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Broadcom DX Application Performance Management?
The pricing structure should be based on memory or CPU usage rather than the number of agents, as it makes the solution more expensive for us. The pricing structure is too high and becomes increasi...
What needs improvement with Broadcom DX Application Performance Management?
The area of improvement is related to the areas of application onboarding and instrumentation, where the product has certain shortcomings. Broadcom needs to work on application instrumentation and ...
What do you like most about ITRS Geneos?
I would say that it is an easy-to-use monitoring tool. Amongst the available monitoring tools, it is a really good option.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for ITRS Geneos?
The pricing is high. Licensing fees might be around 500$ per server monthly.
What needs improvement with ITRS Geneos?
ITRS Geneos is a legacy system. It predicts or provides proactive measures once an issue is resolved. It doesn't offer any predictive capabilities or root cause analysis. They throw a lot of data i...

Also Known As

DX APM, CA APM, CA NetQoS Performance Center, Wily Introscope, CA Wily APM, CA App Experience Analytics, CA AXA

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Sample Customers

Lexmark, Intermountain Healthcare, National Australia Bank, BBVA Compass Bank, Innovapost, Dansk Supermarked Group, U.S. Cellular, Orange, Cetip
ITRS Geneos is used by over 170 financial institutions, including JPMorgan, HSBC, RBS, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs. Clients range from investment banks to exchanges and brokers.
Find out what your peers are saying about Broadcom DX Application Performance Management vs. ITRS Geneos and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.