SAP HCM vs Sage People comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Sage People
Ranking in Benefits Administration
Ranking in Talent Management
Ranking in Cloud HCM
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
HR Analytics Software (4th), Talent Acquisition (6th)
Ranking in Benefits Administration
Ranking in Talent Management
Ranking in Cloud HCM
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud HCM category, the mindshare of Sage People is 1.2%, up from 1.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SAP HCM is 15.0%, up from 14.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud HCM
Unique Categories:
Benefits Administration
Talent Management

Featured Reviews

Jun 16, 2023
A robust system that needs to be made more user-friendly
The solution must be more customizable. So, if you're really looking to be able to customize the interface, then I would say that's where it would improve. But overall, I was not happy with it. The user interface is not great. From an employee standpoint, it doesn't look updated and doesn't look new, and it requires effort on your part as the administrator to create the look of the system. Also, I would say customer service wasn't great. The whole training process on switching over systems wasn't great. I don't even know how to describe what I need in the future in the solution. So, though not a particular feature, it should be made easier to use for the admins. It should be made more user-friendly.
Jun 15, 2023
The solution provides useful payroll and time management features
I am an HR Solutions Provider from SAP. My customers use the solution for many other domains such as sales and distribution, finance, material management, and plan management and maintenance SAP sHCM helps with the solutions my customer look for in the HR domain. The payroll and time management…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Compared to the other system that we were using, I think Sage is more friendly. As an administrator, Sage's dashboard is visually friendly and many tasks are easier to accomplish. Another feature that we've liked since we started using Sage is the reporting. With the other system, we needed to configure a lot of things manually when it came to reporting, but with Sage the reporting tasks are much simpler."
"The most valuable features of Sage People are the reports that are useful for decision-making and the API that can be integrated well. Additionally, the solution can be accessed from mobile devices onto the cloud."
"The reporting features are also very valuable because, on top of 300+ reports available on the system, you can also customize quite a number of reports."
"I guess I would say maybe that it is a more robust system."
"The report builder and dashboard builder are very, very good."
"The solution is beneficial overall."
"Sage makes all the information accessible, like pulling a file because an employee needs something ASAP. It's all in the system. It's easy to find old reports if I need them for payroll purposes. It might take days to do some of this work by hand."
"The most valuable feature of Sage People is the integration with our payroll system."
"It's very suitable for large, multi-geography companies but also very suitable for medium companies with multi-geography operations."
"The feature I like most in SAP HCM is its effectiveness for talent management."
"All our employee data, like performance and payroll, is managed through SAP HCM."
"The valuable features of SAP HCM include managing employee data from hiring to retirement."
"We have features such as ABKRS based on the client's requirement, tariff and TMSTA, and so on."
"It has the best data management features."
"The most valuable feature is the Personnel Administration."
"Sometimes, employees may have pending requests that need approval, so you should check those and clear any errors to ensure smooth processing."


"Its technical support could have been better."
"The integration with our payroll system could improve. However, it is managed by another company."
"Its stability could be better."
"The user interface is not great."
"There were a couple of things that we wanted to customize, but we couldn’t do it ourselves."
"The budget module does not work. Sage People need to maybe make it more user-friendly."
"In my opinion, the performance management module of this system could use improvement as it falls behind compared to other specialized performance management platforms."
"If Sage People were to become a fully cloud-based solution, it could lead to significant improvements. With the COVID pandemic highlighting the benefits of remote work, a complete shift to cloud-based functionality would be a welcome development for users."
"The implementation of the solution can be a bit difficult. They should make it easier. If it could be as simple as the SuccessFactors implementation that would be ideal."
"It takes a long time to apply an update patch to the system."
"I'm currently working for a state-owned government company, and we need to follow some standards and regulations. We also have a strategy to be followed. Sometimes the template and the format are not available in the SAP HCM, so we have to work around this limitation. The tax also sometimes changes in my country, and we have to redo everything to change the payroll calculations, benefits, and things like that. The talent management feature can be improved. It is currently very simple in SAP HCM. SAP is also very hard to integrate. In terms of monitoring, there are no monitoring tools, but as long as we take care of the disk capacity, there is no problem."
"This solution needs to be more configurable and user-friendly."
"The product's license is very expensive."
"The speed of technical support can be improved."
"The talent modules are lacking in HCM, so I would recommend switching to SuccessFactors for talent management, but HCM excels at time management and payroll."
"In my experience, SAP HCM and similar products are very good, but the focus now should be on providing features to encourage employee adoption. For example, accessing pay slips is a task that naturally drives adoption. However, AI tools that can prompt employees at the right time through the right application are needed for actions such as conducting surveys or gathering performance feedback."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I think it's reasonably priced. But in comparison to other systems, I would choose them over Sage People, regardless of their prices."
"I believe we pay licensing on a yearly basis, but I can't comment on the total amount that we pay on licensing."
"Its cost is moderate for a multi-group licensing model."
"We have to purchase the solution's license to use it."
"There is other software on the market that can do similar functions to Sage People that could be better in price. Some solution allows you to do your payroll processes by month or by the process. Small companies could benefit by using another solution."
"The pricing is reasonable."
"From an SME standpoint, I wouldn't necessarily describe it as expensive. However, for the average startup, it may not be affordable since our current annual expenditure on the system, which supports approximately 210-220 users, amounts to approximately £15,000 to £18,000."
"The cost of Sage People varies depending on the financial resources of the organization. While it may be affordable for middle-level companies, it may be more challenging for young companies to bear the cost."
"Licensing fees are paid yearly."
"The pricing is really high."
"In my view, this product is a waste of money for SMB because there are much better products available and licensing is an issue."
"The solution is a little expensive and we are charged per user for the license. The solution can be paid monthly or annually."
"SAP is extremely expensive. The integration costs and customization costs are also a lot."
"You pay per license. There not any costs in addition to the standard licensing fees."
"For implementation, SAP offers little support unless you buy SAP Safeguarding from SAP Consulting."
"Licensing is pretty complex. SAP does not have a straight forward way of licensing, and it differs from client to client."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Construction Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Sage People?
The report builder and dashboard builder are very, very good.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Sage People?
The product is definitely not cheap. However, it's probably not uber-expensive. It is definitely on the higher end. Companies must understand that the more modules they choose, the more expensive t...
What needs improvement with Sage People?
There were a couple of things that we wanted to customize, but we couldn’t do it ourselves. So, we had to do another project that cost us. The product must improve how absence works.
What do you like most about SAP HCM?
SAP HCM is the one of the best ERP for an organization with a small to large scale business. It has the most efficient payroll functionality. Regards : SAP HR classes in pune
What do you like most about SAP HCM?
HCM is a very important module that each organization should want to use. It will help any organization to calculate and control the cost of their human resources.
What is better, SAP HCM or SAP SuccessFactors?
When it comes to user experience, SuccessFactors is unquestionably superior, as it provides end users with a new experience and an advanced user interface. Additionally, the entire concept of SF is...



Also Known As

SAP Human Capital Management

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Sample Customers

Rocketship Education, Monitise, u-blox, SolarWinds, Mitsubishi, SmartStream, Canonical, Betfair
City of Cape Town, ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Ltd., TransAlta Corporation, Keolis, PT XL Axiata Tbk, National Football League (NFL), Plan International, Yoh, A Day & Zimmermann Company, China Talent Group (CTG TMO), Umicore S.A., Butterfield Bank, Skrill Group Ltd.
Find out what your peers are saying about SAP HCM vs. Sage People and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.