Rubrik vs Veeam Backup & Replication comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 30, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Backup and Recovery
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Ranking in Disaster Recovery (DR) Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Veeam Backup & Replication
Ranking in Backup and Recovery
Ranking in Cloud Backup
Ranking in Disaster Recovery (DR) Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Backup and Recovery category, the mindshare of Rubrik is 8.7%, down from 9.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Veeam Backup & Replication is 17.5%, down from 21.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Backup and Recovery
Unique Categories:
Cloud Backup
Disaster Recovery (DR) Software

Q&A Highlights

Oct 27, 2021

Featured Reviews

Jan 28, 2021
We don't need to manage maintenance or backup windows anymore
There is always room for improvement with some shortcuts for the web interface. They could make it even more beautiful. While there is always room for improvement, it is already a great product from a UI point of view. It would be nice if we could do a live mount of the Nutanix AHV VMs, but this is not really an issue on the Rubrik side. This is more an issue on the Nutanix side because they need to share the relevant API to allow Rubrik to do that. I know Rubrik is intensively discussing with Nutanix to solve this problem, or at least to open this functionality to the rest of its customers. That would be nice to have the Nutanix AHV live mount, but this is probably for the future. I know it is on the roadmap, but it is not easy because there are some politics between the two vendors. Today, there is no way to migrate archives from one location to another. This is being evaluated by Rubrik at this time. I know because I am pretty much involved with the Rubrik engineering team as a customer advocate.
Dec 7, 2023
Robust data protection and management offering user-friendly interface, comprehensive virtual machine backup capabilities and efficient instant recovery
We use it to back up all of our virtual machines, including those on hardware and Hyper-V solutions, and some of our physical machines It allows us to perform instant recovery for SIM machines. This means that we can quickly install the configuration and check whether the machine is operational…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The security and the ransomware protection are most valuable."
"Rubrik can also serve as a secondary host for emergency recoveries."
"Instant recovery because it takes about 10 seconds to restore the VM from backup to production"
"It is easy to deploy."
"The feature that I found most valuable is Live Mount. You can either mount a virtual machine from a snapshot, or you can mount a volume from the snapshot. You can mount one disk to the server to retrieve data, or you can mount the whole VM, rename it, and use it as a test VM. If your VM gets corrupted, you just mount one from the snapshot, and you have your production VM's backup. So, Live Mount is definitely the best feature for me as an end-user."
"Replaces legacy tapes and disk backups which are unreliable, expensive and space consuming."
"It has the ability to test DR in a controlled, inexpensive way and to restore between environments."
"Adaptative backup and SLAs simply allow you to tell a machine to backup without taking care of the backup window."
"I like that the solution is very simple to install."
"The user interface is good and it is very easy to use."
"The features I find most valuable are probably the VMware snapshot backups and the Veeam replication. Their replication is very good. It can easily be used for disaster recovery in a number of situations."
"This is easy to use with a simple restore feature."
"The initial setup for a simple environment is very easy. We just do next, next, next, next for the installation. It can be complicated in a complicated environment. It can be simple for a simple environment. I enjoy installing it. It has a lot of features."
"The technical support is good."
"I am not a direct user of this product, but my technical guys tell me that they like the product, and it is easy to use. We don't have any issues with it."
"The solution can work for companies no matter the size or scope."


"They need to find a solution for SMBs. It is currently only suitable for enterprises or big customers. They need to find a solution that suits SMBs."
"It is already very well furnished, but live mounts for Nutanix AHV would be amazing."
"A singular system is needed to manage all of the clusters."
"One improvement I would suggest for Rubrik is to have an inbuilt media layer facility for direct backups to tape."
"It needs to keep innovating to stay relevant in the data management field."
"In terms of what could be improved with Rubrik, we need to improve the backup for remote sites. The competitors are stronger in terms of their remote office back up. Rubrik needs to improve to be stronger for backup. This is the main thing."
"Pricing is something that needs to be considered for improvement."
"I would like to see more openness for partners to access and assist in system management. Currently, access is limited, often handled by Rubrik personnel, likely due to security concerns."
"I like the Acronis backup solutions on the block-based part of backups. That is a functionality that Veeam does not provide."
"It is always nice to get products cheaper."
"It's hard to answer because managing cloud storage in our version could be better, but now that they have improved it in the recent version, I cannot say it's a better point because I know it should be already fixed."
"The data duplication should be improved."
"It needs to support more applications. In terms of supported applications, Oracle SQL and Office 365 are supported, but I am not sure if it supports Linux-based applications. That's why I'm looking for an alternative. I am currently testing Commvault. The advantage of Commvault is that a lot of applications are supported with it. I am not sure if CIFS is currently supported. It would be nice to have this feature in case it is not already supported"
"A backup and replication solution should be able to back up a system and do recovery very fast. Even though Veeam Backup & Replication is able to meet most of our needs, it would be better if they can make it faster for backup and restore."
"It is efficient but can improve security-wise."
"The scalability of the product in large organizations is an area of concern where improvements are required."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"You need to understand what you're getting for the price. You are getting a backup solution, which is state of the art and works absolutely flawlessly. You are getting the storage needed to store your backups. You have all the sexy features that a modern backup solution can provide you, like deduplication, erasure coding, compression, fast execution time, secured data, and top-notch customer support. So, it might be expensive on paper. It's not free, but when you analyze what you are getting and the time you can spend on other stuff, then Rubrik is very cost-efficient."
"I don't remember the cost, but I know that for Veeam, we were spending almost $250,000 a year for 205 licenses. It was an enterprise version. When we purchased Rubrik, it was just a little bit more. It was not a terribly huge amount, and if I recall, that was for three years of support as well. So, Veeam priced itself out of the market at a certain point in time."
"There is a license requirement for the solution. If you expand or if the maintenance period expires, there's a license renewal as well."
"The product is not cheap, but for good reason. It simply works and is very fast."
"We do perpetual licensing... It was all based on the amount of storage we needed to use. We did a cost analysis compared to Tivoli and it was in line with other solutions."
"You pay a premium for Rubrik, but you're getting a premium service that comes with immutable backups, instant recovery, and world-class support."
"When we compared the overall costs, Rubrik was cheaper because the engineering and operational side required FAR LESS dedication. So, all in all, they actually were cheaper than the competition."
"Rubrik's support is definitely on the expensive side, but I consider it to be top of the line. We incur no additional costs beyond the standard licensing fees."
"We pay on an annual basis. We pay roughly $12,000 for our software subscription."
"We have increased our scalability while being able to free up senior resources from recovery activities. I estimate our overall savings to about $20,000 per year."
"It is highly cost-effective when compared to other solutions."
"Its price is reasonable for a big company or a big client. It is not too much. It is cheaper than VMware."
"This product is not cheap, but it's well worth the cost."
"We purchase a license annually."
"I don't know what the costs are for sure, but I think that it's on a yearly basis."
"Although our license includes support, we have only really used the support when we were using Veeam for Active Directory. The rest of the time, we find Veeam easy enough to use without paying extra support fees."
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Comparison Review

it_user159711 - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 9, 2014
VMware SRM vs. Veeam vs. Zerto
Disaster recovery planning is something that seems challenging for all businesses. Virtualization in addition to its operational flexibility, and cost reduction benefits, has helped companies improve their DR posture. Virtualization has made it easier to move machines from production to…

Answers from the Community

Oct 27, 2021
Oct 27, 2021
Veeam Backup & Replication provides an easy-to-set-up solution to the issue of data storage and recovery. Setting it up is a relatively simple affair. For the most part it prompts you from screen to screen until you have completed the installation. While there is no standard length of time that it takes to complete the install, an hour or less is a fairly standard range. By coupling this ...
See 2 answers
Oct 24, 2021
Veeam Backup & Replication provides an easy-to-set-up solution to the issue of data storage and recovery. Setting it up is a relatively simple affair. For the most part it prompts you from screen to screen until you have completed the installation. While there is no standard length of time that it takes to complete the install, an hour or less is a fairly standard range. By coupling this ease of setup with affordability and versatility, Veeam proves itself to be an extremely useful and valuable tool. Veeam considers their customers from the very first interaction that they have with the product. They provide a version that is absolutely free for those small- to medium-sized companies that cannot afford pricey program licenses. This edition is robust enough to allow for a vast majority of companies to run until such a time as they might have the capital to invest in a license. Additionally, it is extremely versatile. Users can choose from a vast variety of features. Furthermore, there are numerous options available in terms of how users can back up their data. These backup options encrypt the data and protect it from malicious parties. Veeam Backup & Replication uses specialized support teams to respond to each unique issue that may come up. The effect of providing teams that are dedicated to solving particular problems is that experts are on call to address any and all problems that users may face. This is not something which Rubrik can offer. Rubrik does allow users to recover their data within seconds. This speed allows any mistake involving the data to be rectified nearly instantaneously. It also has a simple-to-operate interface which allows for various tasks to be automated with ease. However, in the long-term Rubrik is an expensive product, which is a disadvantage. Conclusion I would choose Veeam Backup & Replication over Rubrik. The cost as well the kind of support that Veeam Backup & Replication offers is what would ultimately convince me to go with their product.
AlanFink - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 27, 2021
I would choose Untrends all day long as it provides fully automated DR testing so when you need to recover from an incident you select the most recent validated copy in minutes.  The appliances (Physical, or Virtual where you have the storage and compute already) index blocks locally so there is less to pull back down from the cloud reducing data repatriation costs and they are the only single vendor solution that is fully integrated and 100% compatible with single-pane management for backup, DR/BC (replication and archiving), for M365, Google Workspace, AWS/Azure Workloads, DTC for home workers. 

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Which would you choose - Rubrik or Veeam Backup & Replication?
Veeam Backup & Replication provides an easy-to-set-up solution to the issue of data storage and recovery. Setting it up is a relatively simple affair. For the most part it prompts you from scre...
What do you like most about Rubrik?
It is a stable solution. Stability-wise, I rate the solution a ten out of ten.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Rubrik?
In many cases, the customers I speak with want to have a one or three-year license. Because it's for backup, they need the ability to increase or replace the solution as they need. They want to hav...
Major Differences Between These 4 Backup and Disaster Recovery Solutions?
Comparing the features of the four is not the right approach. You need to develop a list of requirements for backup and DR that are specific to your organization and then compare each of the four ...
How do the backup solutions of Veeam and Veritas compare?
Technically, Veeam is best for hyper-v & VMWare replications, snapshots, HA failover, also support for file system backups inside VMs., support for tape library & FC too. But Veritas Netbac...
How does Nakivo compare with Veeam Backup & Replication?
Nakivo is my favorite backup software. Below are the main benefits of Nakivo compared to Veeam 1. Low cost. 2. Backup storage with global deduplication (this is the main requirement of a backup sol...

Also Known As

No data available
Veeam Backup and Replication, Veeam Availability Suite



Sample Customers

Driscoll's, Red Hawk Casino, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP, Wabash National, Chateau Ste. Michelle Wine Estates, Galliker Transport & Logistics
Vodafone, American Standard Brands, Welch’s, University of Florida, Tata Global Beverages Limited, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, Hirslanden Private Hospital Group, MacLean-Fogg Company
Find out what your peers are saying about Rubrik vs. Veeam Backup & Replication and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.