Automation Anywhere (AA) vs Blue Prism vs UiPath comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) category, the mindshare of Automation Anywhere (AA) is 11.8%, down from 16.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Blue Prism is 12.3%, up from 10.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of UiPath is 26.8%, up from 26.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
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Q&A Highlights

Jun 29, 2021

Featured Reviews

May 13, 2024
Users save time and effort since most integrations come with clear documentation readily available before the standard setup process, ensuring immediate functionality
In the past, these tasks were handled manually, leading to a lot of repetition. Automation Anywhere has eliminated that burden, making these same tasks much easier and significantly faster to complete. We implemented AI-based automation that combines documents using intelligent document processing. This involved integrating generative AI to automatically create responses based on the data extracted from the documents. This automation streamlines the process and delivers the desired business output to end users. Automation Anywhere caters to business users with its user-friendly interface, allowing them to build automation with minimal technical expertise. Our large business user community exemplifies this – after a five-day training program with hands-on exercises, they're empowered to independently develop their own automation within three to four days. This highlights the platform's ease of use from a business user perspective. To ensure our business users can leverage RPA, we provide training through Automation Anywhere University. This platform offers in-depth coverage of both use cases and technical aspects, along with customized training that helps users directly connect their daily tasks to RPA methods. This blended approach has proven to be very effective. Non-technical users can overcome the learning curve in four to five days. While Automation Co-Pilot is a strong solution overall and integrates well with web applications, integrating it with legacy systems may require some effort on our part. However, this effort is typically minimal, taking just a few days to achieve successful integration. We're currently testing Automation Co-Pilot and exploring its potential for AI integration, which reinforces our belief in its overall value. Based on our POCs, we project that Automation Co-Pilot will add value to our projects. Automation Co-Pilot helps free up our staff's time on projects. Automation Anywhere's service and customer support are improving. Their management prioritizes strong relationships with customers, evidenced by frequent collaborative meetings. This focus on customer solutions, along with other efforts, contributes to a clear upward trend in their overall support effectiveness. They've been a valuable asset to our organization. Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize how we implement automation. Our organization sees a significant opportunity to leverage generative AI within the Automation Anywhere landscape. As a bot-focused organization, we have achieved a 30 percent automation feasibility rate. By combining automation with AI, we can achieve a 70 percent rate. This represents the kind of scalability we envision for our organization. Our organization is expanding its use of Automation Anywhere. We have two main approaches: governance is handled through a dedicated platform integrated with Automation Anywhere, while bot deployment utilizes a separate web platform built with XTML or Java that interacts with Automation Anywhere for bot execution and deployment. Integrating automation and APIs with Automation Anywhere streamlines workflows significantly. Users save time and effort since most integrations come with clear documentation readily available before the standard setup process, ensuring immediate functionality. Automation Anywhere's documentation serves as the primary resource for all integrations, and users can find most information there. For any remaining questions, support channels are readily available for further assistance. Automation Anywhere has significantly reduced our operational costs and freed up employee time. With thousands of automated processes running on our platform, we're saving thousands of hours of work every month.
Gul Ansari - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 15, 2023
Has very clear guidelines and demarcation on processes and objects which is not present in other tools
The solution’s use case for our company is HR hire automation. When an employee gets onboarded there are a lot of formalities that HR should do like collecting data for payroll. Another use case is tender creation. We use the product for tender creation whenever a lead is converted into an…
Jul 20, 2021
Reduces dependencies and allows us to do everything within a single tool and meet the targets
The new features or functionalities that come with UiPath upgrades don't work perfectly in the initial days. Their new releases are not stable. We always find some set of issues. I have to work with the UiPath team for a week or so to resolve the issues, and then I'm able to use it. The stabilization should be there. We expect UiPath to reduce the number of errors before rolling out new features to end-users or customers. In addition, many times, the apps or activities that we use within UiPath for designing are no longer compatible when a new upgrade happens or the version is changed. We want UiPath to look into it.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature of the product is the flexibility. There are so many features that you can use to develop; it can hit a lot of use cases."
"So far, we have seen that a valuable feature of Automation Anywhere is the ease of integrating it with multiple systems. It can very easily integrate with an environment of an organization. It helps in a quick go to access and implementation. You don't have to spend days implementing Automation Anywhere software. You can quickly go drag and drop and do an ease of configuration. You can actually get your bot up and running very fast, which is one important advantage."
"It is very user-friendly. The AI capability that nowadays I am seeing in Automation Anywhere is very good. They have plug-and-play AI solutions."
"It is really helpful that this solution is deployed in the cloud."
"None of the commands are unique to Automation Anywhere, which allows beginners to leverage external knowledge."
"WLM & Device Pool, where multiple devices perform the same thing parallel and complete the tasks at the same time. The credential manager for security is one of the most valuable features for storing credentials and providing security between the developer usage and future maintenance where passwords expire every 90 days."
"What really helps RPA to grow is the cognitive part of it. That's where the product is really good. Initially, it started out as RPA, but now there is a cognitive aspect to it. That's a key value to it."
"By using this, we are saving time and we no need to do routine work, as it is now automated and the result is shared with all of the end-users."
"Blue Prism MAPIEx and the Java Bridge are really great features provided for automating Java-based applications and for allowing mail to send and receive smoothly."
"Blue Prism is a mature, stable product with lots of built-in features."
"Blue Prism is highly scalable and reliable."
"For one, it's easy to set up, and once it gets running it can handle multiple processes in an efficient manner. It's a very robust system."
"One of the most powerful features in Blue Prism is exception handling. It's one of the features that really differentiates it from other platforms."
"The development interface is quite easy to work with."
"It is a stable solution."
"The ease of use is really good because a lot of business people, who have some idea about logic and who can think in logic, can configure things, because there is no coding."
"I have no issues with stability. UiPath improves how our infrastructure works and how stable everything is."
"They offer free courses for developers, and we take advantage of those. The UiPath community has also had a tremendous impact on our operations."
"The solution is pretty stable."
"UiPath's most valuable feature is Orchestrator."
"The APIs are very effective in building workflows."
"There's a monthly upload process in my order management team. Every month, this team uploads a bunch of files to SAP. Now they don't need to do that because the bot does that for them at a given time period. The team members need to just upload a file to SharePoint and then the bot will pick it up."
"One of the most important features of UiPath is the transactional basis of how it works. I can see which ones are successful, which ones are not, and then have the bot take care of 98% of it. Our staff only deal with the exceptions and this has led to greater job satisfaction."
"Human error was greatly reduced and the solution saves a significant amount of time, these are the two main reasons we started using UiPath."


"The biggest issue was that the new license required upgraded hardware infrastructure so we were getting all new tech stuff procured which meant that we were getting updated RAMs and things like that. Getting the licenses was easier but building the infrastructure which was required to support the new version was difficult."
"We had initial hiccups, like any new process. It took us six to eight months to sort the product out."
"They could improve around continuous integration, e.g., Jenkins and GitHub, stating how you could use those products and integrating them into Automation Anywhere."
"It would be useful to have some updates for the control room in terms of analytics."
"Looking at the POC's requirements and use cases, our customers are asking us for the OCRing of handwritten documents."
"My experience has been that if the person who codes the bot is not very well-trained, then they might create unstable bots. So, it's not the platform. It is just how somebody has coded the bots which can bring lot of instability to them. I recommend that when you are using a coder that the person well-trained and have a good amount of experience already working on bots. They shouldn't be newbie or beginner who comes in to code because that will impact the quality of the code itself."
"Technical support is not very good and they sometimes promise what they cannot deliver. They promised us that they would implement multitrigger and according to sources delivery of that functionality is not in their plans."
"Automation Anywhere needs to have more testing tools to improve the testing portion of the solution."
"For developers, they should have some kind of recording feature."
"Blue Prism needs to work in a web-based account. I think that the Blue Prism will need to have the main features be web-based so that you can control the box in a web-based environment and not in a client's environment."
"I believe that there could be more community support, or there could be more support for developers like us from Blue Prism. Blue Prism provides a lot of documentation, but there is a lack of support."
"The recording of the transaction is missing in this solution."
"In Nigeria, I don't know what their marketing is like. However, they're losing market shares to other solutions. Most customers know UiPath more than Blue Prism."
"They can add a reporting feature."
"We would like to have something, not particularly within the tool, that gives flexibility to the end-users to schedule the bots themselves. There should be some kind of control room flexibility so that they can go in. We don't have to always keep that centralized with us. We would also like to have inbuilt scheduling and resource pooling to distribute the bots on servers from within the platform. I should be able to distribute or orchestrate them internally so that if one bot takes a little longer than planned, it automatically shifts to another server. We would also like its price to be lower."
"In the next release of this solution, I would like to see support for attended robots."
"There are a lot of things that can be done to the product to make it better but they are minor and the product continues to improve with every release."
"I would suggest that UiPath be released for use on other platforms."
"I can’t think of any direct places where improvements need to happen. Whatever I need, it appears to be there. That said, any app could use some form of improvement."
"There are cases where because of the UiPath upgrade, some of the activity features get upgraded, and the processes that we have designed using an older version of UiPath don't run after the upgrade. In such scenarios, we have to downgrade and use only the older version. We have seen issues in that part. It's good to add new features, but that shouldn't impact the existing development of processes that we have done for our end users."
"The cognitive area is one where there is room for improvement. Automation Anywhere has grown in that area, whereas UiPath still is more dependent on third-party integration. That is something which they should be focusing on more. They should acquire a product and get it integrated."
"My only complaint is that I hate VB.NET. If I had to pick a language, it would not be VB.NET. That whole .NET framework is just overly complicated. But I can understand why it's necessary for the use case of RPA."
"An area which the UiPath team is rapidly working on is machine learning and artificial intelligence. At the moment, it is a little difficult to understand. If they could add some more training on it in their Academy, it would help customers to learn about these features."
"We can not exceed ten records in the UiPath database because the UiPath architecture will become extremely slow and not respond."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Automation Anywhere is expensive, making it suitable only for enterprise organizations."
"Its usage is expensive for us because my user base is mostly in Manila and KL. The unit cost of labor is cheaper there than in the U.S. or Australia, which puts a bit more stress on how to get a positive ROI while continuing to use it."
"I would rate the cost an eight out of ten, with ten being the highest cost."
"The cost of Automation Anywhere is high in Turkey due to the weak economy."
"They have a ridiculously expensive bot licensing structure, especially for the Asian region."
"If I compare it with Blue Prism, Automation Anywhere is cheaper. Blue Prism is very costly. Automation Anywhere's pricing follows the market, not less and not more."
"The pricing strategy for us is one license for development. It is more complicated than that depending on the options you choose."
"If we talk about the automation RPA. it definitely has worked very well for us. I'm talking about giving good savings, about more than 180 FTE savings, after implementing more than 200 plus bots. It has worked well. As an organization, it has supported us very well, and also for our customers."
"We have a three-year contract that is paid on a yearly basis."
"Our licensing fees are approximately $5,000 USD per year."
"With Blue Prism, there are no additional fees"
"Blue Prism is quite costly."
"Blue Prism is a bit higher priced compared to other payment-related or investment-related solutions. At the same time, it also provides more security than those solutions, specifically for the banking and insurance sectors."
"The price is on par with other products in the market."
"The tool’s licensing is on a monthly basis."
"The billing is on a yearly basis. They send us the bill every year. My business unit is billed by the technology team, so I don't know exactly how much they pay. In my business unit, we have our first-year license costs, and then we have our ongoing costs. Our bots cost projected per license is $8,600. Our projected support cost for every year is about $38,000. Our operation agent costs anywhere between $50,000 to $55,000, so the saving is there, but it is still kind of expensive for us, but I'm looking at it from the technology kind of billing us for it. This is the cost that we have for our technology team, which is different from the licensing of Blue Prism."
"The licensing is very affordable, especially when you compare its benefits. I know that AI units are purchased separately. We are still trying to figure out how to track our usage and which tier or plan to go with, but overall, it is affordable in comparison to other options."
"Our licensing fees are approximately $140,000 USD annually, which includes all of the bots, Orchestrator, and the Studio."
"Different licenses are used to activate features that the organization wants to use. For example, they offer licenses for UiPath Studio X, attended automation, unattended automation, document understanding, and so forth."
"UiPath is reasonably priced for being a leader in the market."
"Unattended bots are more valuable than attended bots."
"UiPath is expensive which is why we need to have bots that run 24/7 to maximize the work and justify the cost."
"Given how cheap it is to initially buy the product, the licensing methodology that they have in terms of renewing every year is appropriate. Later on, if they start charging more early on, for deployment, buying the license, and deploying it initially, then having a lower maintenance fee might be more appropriate. Now, with the scale they are at, it is an appropriate way to do the licensing."
"When I started with UiPath, there was a desktop model, and we did not have to purchase Orchestrator. Now, there is a bundle or package of Orchestrator with attended or unattended robots, so the cost is a little bit on the higher end. They are selling the Orchestrator model or the admin model. If someone wants to purchase the standalone or desktop model, they cannot do that, so the cost is on the higher side, but if we purchase more licenses, it gets reduced. If we purchase fewer licenses, it will be high."
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Answers from the Community

Jun 29, 2021
Jun 29, 2021
@reviewer1356150 @Nilesh Pawar @reviewer1390509 @Alex Yuan @Hayaa Kayasseh you've all recently written reviews for one of these products. Do you have any insight to share with @reviewer1373997 about governance and business continuity requirements for these products?
See 2 answers
Rony_Sklar - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 20, 2020
@reviewer1356150 @Nilesh Pawar @reviewer1390509 @Alex Yuan @Hayaa Kayasseh you've all recently written reviews for one of these products. Do you have any insight to share with @reviewer1373997 about governance and business continuity requirements for these products?
Mohammed Tafazal - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 29, 2021
For any RPA tool it required have a generic /universal governance model where  1. sponsor or Head of RPA implementation 2. Business analysts 3.Architects(solution/technical) 4.Developers ( Full stack - Build, Test and SIT) 5.Scrum master or Sprints head or Project manager 6. QA ( Test automation) - optional Above generic governance model/structure roles for handling any kind of RPA process. One proven way to implement centralized automation management is via a CoE. The best practices of Robotic Process Automation states that the use of bots doesn’t increase negative risks for the organization in the development of reusable solutions. The responsibilities of a Centre of Excellence will depend on the exact governance model used. The most common activities include the following: Drive RPA in the business, training teams, and increasing awareness of RPA in those. Calculate the criticality and quality of the developed solutions, ensuring the application of best practices. Monitor the operation of bots and guarantee that execution SLAs (service-level agreement) are met. Follow and report the main development stages. Guarantee the execution of established governance processes. Guarantee the continual improvement of processes and tools. Business Continuity Requirements: To have backup or disaster recovery machines for the critical RPA processes with load balancing using central orchestration in different clusters. For any of the RPA there is orchestration tool which handles all the initiation and processing from one location have it maintained well from risks and disasters with load balancing. This will helps in business continuity.

Top Industries

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Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

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Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How good is Automation Anywhere for RPA processes?
It depends on your use case. Is it simply to automate a couple of processes? Is it to augment a human team? AA is ver...
How good is Automation Anywhere for RPA processes?
From my experience using AA tool, it depends on the applications that you want to automate, because there some applic...
How good is Automation Anywhere for RPA processes?
It is a highly preferred RPA tool. You can check my Automation Anywhere Review to know more.
Should I choose Blue Prism or Microsoft Power Automate?
Hello Netanya, it depends on your needs and your expertise. In my humble opinion you can start a big RPA project imp...
I am evaluating Blue Prism and UiPath for RPA for my company. Which one do you recommend?
I'm very familiar with UiPath and the RPA industry: was hired by Daniel Dines in 2015 when there were 35 employees an...
Best RPA tools for IBM iSeries
I can only speak to UiPath since that is the only RPA solution that I have used. I know that there are specific packa...
RPA that Bots can run without centralized control?
Yes, Attended Bots which can run without centralized control Module. RPA Tools like Automation Anywhere, uiPath ,Pow...
How do I choose between UiPath and Microsoft Power Automate?
Microsoft‌ ‌Power‌ ‌Automate‌ ‌is‌ ‌intuitive‌ ‌and‌ ‌easy‌ ‌to‌ ‌integrate‌ ‌and‌ ‌use.‌ ‌I‌ ‌like‌ ‌that‌ ‌there‌ ‌...

Also Known As

Automation Anywhere, Testing Anywhere, Automation Anywhere Enterprise
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Sample Customers

Google, Linkedin, Cisco, Juniper Networks, DellEMC, Comcast, Mastercard, Quest Diagnostics
Coca-Cola, Walgreens, American Express, Royal Bank of Canada, Pfizer, Shop Direct, O2, Siemens, Ascension Healthcare, Jaguar Land Rover
1. Accenture 2. Deloitte 3. PwC 4. IBM 5. Capgemini 6. KPMG 7. Ernst & Young 8. Infosys 9. Cognizant 10. Wipro 11. Tata Consultancy Services 12. HCL Technologies 13. Genpact 14. Tech Mahindra 15. DXC Technology 16. Atos 17. NTT Data 18. CGI 19. L&T Infotech 20. Hexaware Technologies 21. Mindtree 22. Mphasis 23. Virtusa 24. Syntel 25. Zensar Technologies 26. WNS Global Services 27. Hexaware Technologies 28. Larsen & Toubro Infotech 29. Persistent Systems 30. QuEST Global 31. Sonata Software 32. Zensar Technologies
Find out what your peers are saying about UiPath, Microsoft, Automation Anywhere and others in Robotic Process Automation (RPA). Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.