Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
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Ranking in Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) category, the mindshare of Robocorp is 3.0%, up from 2.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of UiPath is 26.8%, up from 26.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Unique Categories:
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Featured Reviews

Mohammed Zaman - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 9, 2023
It's easy to create Python libraries and custom scripts for a particular client and general use cases
We've had conversations with the head of Robocorp over Slack about things we want to improve. We want to introduce some packages, but the authentication tokens and many other things are not there. We can do it in Python, but the custom packages are unavailable. We would also like an integrated PDF reader and better integration with custom solutions. The built-in Excel customization is limited, but we can still accomplish what we want using Python. We must rely on Python to customize processes in Robocorp. I don't know about the latest IDE from Robocorp, but the old one doesn't have a lot of activities. I don't know if they have updated the UI in the latest version, but they could improve that. The UI selector isn't that great. It would be nice to take elements from the console and customize parts. Everything is based on command lines, which I do not like. A flow chart with block items would be good for optimizing code. I would also like more support tools for developers so it's easier to understand when passing code to others.
James Freeman - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 2, 2024
User-friendly with a good community and helpful support
The solution comes with a very good interface. We can deploy it in Spanish and use it in Spanish as well. It's very user-friendly. If we get stuck somewhere, we can turn to the Academy. It helps guide us when we have questions about usage. It's helped our staff improve their knowledge of the platform. The solution has excellent customer service and good follow-up. It's helped us streamline our operations. It helps us automate the human work for repetitive tasks. There's a lot of automation on our website and platforms as well. UiPath has enhanced our business processes. It makes serving our customers easy and fast. The number of customers we are able to serve has doubled. It's also reduced human error. The flows that had more human input previously (maybe due to fatigue) had more errors. We've reduced human error by at least 5%. The solution helps us analyze data, and it's quite useful in the decision-making process. The automation creation process is good. It sometimes proves to be a bit tricky; however, as you become used to it, it gets easier. We use it to create effective end-to-end automation. It has really good capabilities. We've been able to consolidate tasks and manage our employee shifts better all while reducing human error and handling more business processes. The user community is excellent. We can get referrals and troubleshoot issues. Having a community that can come together reduces user difficulties. It's a community that really supports users. Our productivity has improved by about 60%. It has allowed us to decrease our on-site footprint. We used to have a human workforce working full-time. Now, we can have remote workers and have reduced on-premises work and have employees simply monitor operations. We've saved on costs. It's reduced our costs by around 7%. We do use the AI capabilities. We deal with a lot of numbers, and it helps drive our reports and ingest numbers. It helps us with our analytics and statistics.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It offers high scalability and enables automation in ways that haven't been possible before."
"The process execution and all features are very good."
"I have worked with UiPath and Automation Anywhere previously. Robocorp offers an improved development style and support as well as flexibility of its tools. You can easily develop custom libraries in Robocorp."
"The product has a valuable business process automation feature."
"As a developer, I found it easy to integrate third-party applications with Robocorp. I have previous experience with Selenium, and I found the Robocorp framework to be accessible because it uses Python and Selenium keywords."
"The solution is based on Python which makes it very valuable."
"It supports Python runtime because of that, runtime also improves."
"Robocorp is based on Python, so you can use Python scripts and create libraries for your use cases. Building libraries and custom scripts for a particular client and general use cases is easy. We can reuse those scripts for other clients, so we start seeing benefits quickly."
"The UiPath community has grown and is active. It is definitely helpful to be a part of it because others can assist us."
"The platform is object-orientated. You can create and reuse objects, which is a great feature."
"The functionality where you can quickly convert your code from Studio X to Studio is really nice."
"Document processing is a valuable feature in UiPath."
"I like the tie-ins to other languages. Being able to use Python, C#, and VB has been very valuable because I can get a more diverse developer skill set on my team. If somebody's interested in a particular language, I can push them in that direction. If they want to get more into C#, for example, we can do that."
"I think the most valuable feature is being able to run processes in an unattended way where we can schedule them, and then have the report sent to the process owner's inbox in the morning."
"Our main projects are mostly around SAP and Excel. We have used most of the features available, especially the ones that support SAP and Excel activities. Those are the ones that we have found to be most useful."
"The solution is quick and easy to implement. It's fairly easy, and it means clients don't have to get IT involved."


"I preferred the user interface in the older versions. When troubleshooting, it's sometimes hard to find details about where things went wrong. You need to search a little harder. It takes more clicks to get to where you want to go. It can be somewhat confusing. When you run a process that fails, it takes you somewhere you may not expect."
"The platform's documentation could be better."
"The solution could be more stable."
"The standard libraries in Robocorp should be more advanced."
"I don't like the complexity of deployment."
"They should fully develop Robocorp Studio because it would attract a lot of people to the Robocorp platform."
"We would also like an integrated PDF reader and better integration with custom solutions. The built-in Excel customization is limited, but we can still accomplish what we want using Python. We must rely on Python to customize processes in Robocorp. I don't know about the latest IDE from Robocorp, but the old one doesn't have a lot of activities."
"The deployment process is complex and not straightforward, especially for legacy modernization."
"Support should be improved."
"I talked to the product team. They are very passionate about this. In my opinion, all the different components that they have now released should be integrated under a single umbrella, available through a single landing page. That way, everything integrates with each other and they are able to communicate data back and forth. To me, that would be the ultimate solution."
"I would like to see improvements made in OCR, Captcha Automation, and PDF extraction."
"The only concern is it's a bit tough to understand the first time, and you have to invest in the technical improvement of your team in general."
"We have been looking at Attended Robots, which result in the inability to lock your screen. That is simply a no-go for ever using them in most government agencies, as IT security will prohibit us from using them. If UiPath wants Attended Robots to be used inside a government agency, it needs to be applicable on a virtual desktop."
"There should be extra ways for humans to interact with automation."
"I would like it if the UiPath Academy videos were more written out for reading purposes, since I have been developing in UiPath for some years before taking the Academy. Having to watch all the videos was a bit slow and time consuming."
"Active Roles works with policies and access templates, as well as workflows, which are really powerful. While it comes with a lot of example policies and access templates, there are zero built-in workflows."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"You don't have to pay for the license. You have to pay for the time you use it."
"In terms of licenses, there is a return on investment in that area."
"Robocorp is much better in terms of pricing compared to UiPath."
"The price is cheaper than other competitors. I would rate the cost as one out of five."
"The solution is a very affordable price."
"It's a cost-effective solution."
"The pricing is fine."
"The product has good pricing."
"The licensing is close to optimum; however, there is room for improvement in both the cost and flexibility of the licenses."
"The pricing is quite reasonable."
"The cost is better than that of other solutions in the market, like Automation Anywhere and Blue Prism. Still, I would like to see them improve the pricing for small and mid-sized organizations... In some cases, if you compare the overall cost of the solution and the cost of human effort, the human effort is cheaper."
"This solution has a very competitive and flexible pricing scheme that depends on the process complexity."
"The pricing is good compared to other software. Based on the features that UiPath is providing, and the community support, the price is reasonable."
"I find the licensing structure to be perplexing, and it frequently changes."
"On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the most expensive, I would rate the price an eight out of ten."
"It's the same as what you would see on any of their list prices. There is also a corporate discount because of scale. Overall, we think it was a competitive price offering. They were the cheapest out of the three, so that's why we went with them."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Robocorp?
The product has a valuable business process automation feature.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Robocorp?
The product has good pricing. They offer an efficient pay-as-you-go pricing model. There are different models for enterprise-level licensing as well. It is inexpensive compared to Automation Anywhe...
What needs improvement with Robocorp?
The platform's documentation could be better.
Best RPA tools for IBM iSeries
I can only speak to UiPath since that is the only RPA solution that I have used. I know that there are specific packages that you can integrate into your project that is specifically made to work w...
RPA that Bots can run without centralized control?
Yes, Attended Bots which can run without centralized control Module. RPA Tools like Automation Anywhere, uiPath ,Power Automation they do support this.
How do I choose between UiPath and Microsoft Power Automate?
Microsoft‌ ‌Power‌ ‌Automate‌ ‌is‌ ‌intuitive‌ ‌and‌ ‌easy‌ ‌to‌ ‌integrate‌ ‌and‌ ‌use.‌ ‌I‌ ‌like‌ ‌that‌ ‌there‌ ‌is‌ ‌no‌ ‌coding‌ ‌experience‌ ‌necessary,‌ ‌and‌ ‌appreciate‌ ‌the‌ ‌automated‌...



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Sample Customers

Information Not Available
1. Accenture 2. Deloitte 3. PwC 4. IBM 5. Capgemini 6. KPMG 7. Ernst & Young 8. Infosys 9. Cognizant 10. Wipro 11. Tata Consultancy Services 12. HCL Technologies 13. Genpact 14. Tech Mahindra 15. DXC Technology 16. Atos 17. NTT Data 18. CGI 19. L&T Infotech 20. Hexaware Technologies 21. Mindtree 22. Mphasis 23. Virtusa 24. Syntel 25. Zensar Technologies 26. WNS Global Services 27. Hexaware Technologies 28. Larsen & Toubro Infotech 29. Persistent Systems 30. QuEST Global 31. Sonata Software 32. Zensar Technologies
Find out what your peers are saying about Robocorp vs. UiPath and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.