NoPaperForms vs comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking
Ranking in CRM
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Project Portfolio Management (2nd), Project Management Software (1st), Marketing Management (3rd), Opportunity Management (2nd)
Ranking in CRM
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the CRM category, the mindshare of is 5.1%, down from 5.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of NoPaperForms is 0.8%, up from 0.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unique Categories:
Project Portfolio Management
Project Management Software
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Arun Isravel - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 24, 2023
Helps clients see their achievements, resolve problems, and plan strategies is very easy to use and very user-friendly. I can give non-technical people access to their respective boards and that enables them to focus on their objectives and their targeted items or customers. We train them to use it and how to engage with their customers. It helps create a standard operating procedure for non-technical people and gives them clarity. No other CRM is this user-friendly for non-technical end-users. I have worked with other CRMs, especially Apptivo, but with, we can access various models and find the necessary data in one place. We don't have to go to separate tabs to find data. It is like Excel, but in a single place I can find the data and details to easily grasp the information.
Apr 4, 2024
End-to-end sales calling solution for us but dashboard is not very intuitive
The dashboard is not very intuitive. You need to store the number of dials made on a particular lead, then the number of dials after it connects, and then the number of conversions. We typically move all this data to our database and build dashboards on top of that. Our in-house central logistics team builds dashboards on top of NoPaperForms data, which are more intuitive and help us make better decisions. NoPaperForms doesn't track lead activity in the detail we expect. In future, I would want NoPaperForms to store the number of dials we're making on a particular lead. A lot of lead activity details should be there as part of the lead activity dashboard. Storing all the details related to lead activity would definitely help them build better dashboards. I would ideally want them to work on their automation. The team has to manually put filters on the lead activity or stages and then manually push leads into a campaign where counsellors are calling or receiving calls. LeadSquared (LSQ) provides a feature where you can put all of these automations. Based on lead activity, you can put a lot of these automations, and then the campaign will be automatically assigned. It will reduce a lot of manual effort.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The customization ability of Monday is unmatched."
"The solution can be customized for individual projects and quite easy to use."
" has made it much easier to keep track of a wide range of tasks whilst we have a team distributed over multiple countries and timezones."
"We can have different boards for different needs."
"We have been able to keep our projects and acquisitions more organized by using the automation features to move line items over new sections based on the status."
"We have gotten rid of all our paper-based systems and our marketing work is now 100% visible to anyone in our planning organization providing ultimate accountability between teams."
"You can create a group of tasks and can write down sub-tasks under each task."
"We have many different automations set up for different use cases."
"The feature we like most is Campaign Dial-in, which allows us to churn through 5,000 to 10,000 leads without agents having to dial manually."


"I've had trouble trying to link or merge together a board with my team in which we can collaborate and comment on each task or file without having our client in on the early stage conversations."
"The biggest thing that I have seen is that the automatic animations are sometimes delayed or slower."
"Sometimes allocating between team members via the communication tool can be difficult."
"The tabs (color coding) featured is great for distinguishing different areas of our workflow."
"If I want to use the product after I have completed my assignment, or if I want to use it for some of my other projects, I don't really get to use it again."
"Making adjustments to the My Work section that it includes deadlines for multiple columns on a board instead of just one would be very useful."
"Better integration with Outlook would be awesome."
"Email notifications from can sometimes not lead to the relevant update I am being notified about, which can be frustrating."
"I would ideally want them to work on their automation. The team has to manually put filters on the lead activity or stages and then manually push leads into a campaign where counsellors are calling or receiving calls."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I think's paywalls are a little too high. Some basic features are locked behind the premium subscription. Some applications they offer within their subscription model are locked in an expensive package. These applications provide functionality that would benefit small teams, but it's too much money for a startup or a small business."
"It's quite expensive when it goes to the enterprise license. Other tools like Jira cost 5 a month, and then their enterprise license is 38 a month, which is quite expensive for what we can do. It's £500 for a tool on a large enterprise. I'd have hoped that enterprise costs go down, not up. The pro license is £14, and then everything else is much more expensive, which is another barrier for us to adopt because other comparable tools are much more affordable when you have such a high multiplier as well."
"The project manager would be responsible for any licensing fees. As an end-user, we just follow suit."
"Though I am unsure about the product's pricing plan, there is a need to make monthly payments towards the licensing costs attached to the solution, and it operates on a per-user plan."
"I rate the tool's pricing a six out of ten."
"We tell others it's about $2200 for a ten-person plan and it can be adjusted; it's easy to scale."
"I am using its free version."
"There are features that they're putting in the Enterprise plan that you have to pay for the Enterprise plan to use those features. The Enterprise plan is probably double or triple the Pro plan price, or it may be two and a half times. From a business standpoint, I don't like the fact that I have to pay two and a half times more to use a particular feature."
"I would rate the pricing a four out of ten, with one being cheap and ten being expensive. It is on the cheaper side."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
No data available

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

Do you recommend is one of the best project management softwares available on the market. It lets you create and customize the tools you need to run every aspect of your work. I particularly favor it bec...
What do you like most about
The product's initial setup phase was straightforward.
What needs improvement with
I believe the reporting functionality could be improved on While some reports are accessible, this area has room for enhancement. For example, including a Gantt chart in project plannin...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for NoPaperForms?
I would rate the pricing a four out of ten, with one being cheap and ten being expensive. It is on the cheaper side. There is a variable component depending on your lead volume. NoPaperForms versus...
What needs improvement with NoPaperForms?
The dashboard is not very intuitive. You need to store the number of dials made on a particular lead, then the number of dials after it connects, and then the number of conversions. We typically mo...
What is your primary use case for NoPaperForms?
We use NoPaperForms as a sales CRM for all the leads, calling, and everything. It's a complete end-to-end sales calling solution for us. All our agents work on that tool, and all the leads are in N...



Also Known As

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Sample Customers

Raw Digital, Wix, Discovery, Frost & Sullivan, Adidas, Asos, Uber
Information Not Available
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, Salesforce, and others in CRM. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.