Microsoft Identity Manager vs SailPoint Identity Security Cloud comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Omada Identity
Ranking in Identity Management (IM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
User Provisioning Software (3rd), Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) (4th)
Microsoft Identity Manager
Ranking in Identity Management (IM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
SailPoint Identity Security...
Ranking in Identity Management (IM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
User Provisioning Software (1st), Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) (IAMaaS) (4th), Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Identity Management (IM) category, the mindshare of Omada Identity is 6.8%, up from 3.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Identity Manager is 5.2%, down from 8.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of SailPoint Identity Security Cloud is 21.9%, up from 18.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Identity Management (IM)
Unique Categories:
User Provisioning Software
Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)
No other categories found
Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) (IAMaaS)

Featured Reviews

Aug 15, 2023
Automates user provisioning and enables self-service for users
We are still on Omada on-prem, but I understand that when Omada is in the cloud, you cannot send an attachment via email. We have some emails with attachments for new employees because we have to explain to them how to register and do their multi-factor authentication. All that information is in the attachment. People have to do that before they are in our system. We cannot give them a link to our Intranet and SharePoint because they do not yet have access. They have to register before that, so I need to send the attachments, but this functionality is not there in the cloud. They say it is not possible to add an attachment to the email, but for us, it is very important to be able to do that. I heard from my consultant that they informed Omada about this bug, but Omada said that it was not a bug. That is a bit of a shame. They should look before they say no because if it is a bug, people can work around it with PowerShell or something else. However, it is always better if you do not have to work around it because then you have a layer of PowerShell scripts around Omada to get it working, and I do not think that is how it is meant to be. When there is something wrong, you have to look at the error code book in Omada, which is very difficult to read. You sometimes get an error, but the message in the error does not say anything. It does not help you to know what is wrong. For example, today, I did a survey, but the email was not sent. I do not know why. We did the same in the test environment and then moved it to production. In the test environment, emails were sent, but in production, emails were not sent, and I cannot find out why. There is also no error. It is sometimes difficult to know why things are not working. It should be easier.
May 26, 2022
Easy provisioning of Outlook mailboxes with a high ROI
MIM allows for easier provisioning of Outlook mailboxes MIM's most valuable feature is its connectivity with Exchange. MIM's reliability could be improved. I've been using this solution for ten years. MIM's stability is excellent. MIM's scalability is excellent. Microsoft's technical support…
Jan 23, 2024
Comprehensive identity governance and compliance solution offering robust integration capabilities, extensive reporting features and a user-friendly interface
It effectively streamlined our user access management processes, serving as a central hub within our enterprise ecosystem. With various credentialing IdentityIQ access management solutions in place across the organization, SailPoint integrated seamlessly with these systems. It ingested events from these sources, generated reports, and initiated outgoing events and triggers to facilitate appropriate actions based on user and supervisor actions. The policy management and risk-scoring capabilities of SailPoint IdentityIQ greatly benefited our organization. While we primarily focused on policy enforcement based on written guidelines for identity lifecycle management, we didn't extensively utilize a risk-based approach, as that fell under a separate area of resource management. However, within the policy feature set, SailPoint provided robust options. We were able to categorize users into different groups, such as office users, retail channel users, and backend users. Additionally, we could apply role-based access controls and differentiate between temporary and permanent employees, full-time and part-time staff, and those with specific time-based access requirements or temporary assignments within the organization. The implementation of IdentityIQ significantly impacted our IT audit and compliance activities. SailPoint was introduced in response to an audit observation, as no prior system was in place and everything relied on manual processes. This lack of automation resulted in gaps and oversights. Implementing SailPoint IdentityIQ for attestation and governance effectively addressed this audit observation and closed the compliance gap. It played a crucial role in addressing a complex identity management challenge within our company, particularly in the area of credential cleanup. Given the large user population, a dedicated team within the IAM pillar focused on this task. Before SailPoint, it was common to encounter instances where user identities remained active even after individuals had moved roles or left the company. For example, credentials associated with finance or treasury functions would still be accessible, even if the user had transitioned to a different department. Similarly, sensitive data access, such as payroll and HR systems, posed risks if not appropriately managed post-employee departure. SailPoint streamlined the process of managing these identities, effectively identifying and addressing instances where inactive accounts lingered, sometimes for extended periods, thus enhancing overall security and compliance efforts.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable aspect of the product is that it is Microsoft-based and it supports all Microsoft technology."
"The Governance and self-service that can be set up so you can use them yourself to work in the system are the most valuable features. End users can be enabled to help themselves."
"The thing that I find most valuable is that Omada consists of building blocks, which means that you can configure almost anything you want without using custom code, making it pretty easy to do. It's possible to connect to multiple target systems and to create one role that consists of different permissions in the different target systems. So one role in Omada can make sure that you have an account in three different systems."
"The administrative features and SoD are valuable."
"The support for the validity of the resources is valuable. The tool allows resource assignments within a validity period so that the managers do not have to remember to revoke the access once the work is done."
"The best feature in Omada Identity is that it enables us to implement standardized employee life cycle processes so that we don't have to create them ourselves. We can then use the standard workflows. The breadth and scope of the solution’s IGA features also fulfill our requirements."
"Surveying is a valuable feature because it allows us to import data and see who has access to what data, for example."
"What I like most is that we can always find a solution, and we can also find the cause when something goes wrong. I like that the most because everything is in one way or another traceable. That is what I like most. I like its reliability."
"The product’s simplicity and integration are valuable."
"Its interface and the fact that it's integrated with everything in the Microsoft ecosystem are the most valuable features."
"It is a stable product. You will experience some issues with it, but it's a good product."
"The product’s most valuable feature is stability."
"What makes this solution attractive is the licensing model. Microsoft Identity Manager is included in premium versions of Azure AD and in enterprise agreements such as E3. This makes the solution very attractive to many of our clients who are subscribed to those products."
"The product allows us to track the logins easily."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is the fact that I can use it to track who is sending which email, who is accessing which documents or which files, etc. These tools help me improve security within the enterprise environment."
"MIM's most valuable feature is its connectivity with Exchange."
"This solution is great for providing control access across your environment."
"The solution’s stability and performance are good."
"It significantly reduces the workload for certification processes."
"​The Certification and Provisioning features are most valuable."
"Provides good authorization and authentication system functionality."
"The big one now is that they're adding AI and machine learning to figure out automated approvals and make recommendations to their reviewers. So, if I bring up Doug McPherson and it says he has access to this application, the system will make a review based on peer group analysis. That's one of the biggest new things. The problem used to be that people would get everything loaded on, and they created too much work for themselves. Now, they can use these policies and start to let the machine pick the less risky things."
"I like IdentityIQ's granular attachment management and certification customization features."
"What I like most about SailPoint IdentityIQ is that it's simple to use and easy to configure and deploy."


"The Omada Identity SaaS version doesn't provide all the features Omada Identity on-premise provides."
"If I had to name one thing, it would be the user interface (UI)."
"Omada could make it a bit more convenient to send emails based on events automatically. Having that functionality is critical for us to maintain transparency."
"The reporting and importing have room for improvement."
"We are trying to use Omada's standards and to adapt our processes. But we have had some trouble with the bad documentation. This is something that they could improve on. It has not been possible for us to analyze some of the problems so far, based on the documentation. We always need consultants. The documentation should include some implementation hints and some guidelines for implementing the processes."
"There's a challenge with handling large amounts of data in this system."
"One thing that we are not so happy about is the user interface. It is a bit dated. I know that they are working on that, but the user interface is quite dated. Currently, it is a little bit difficult to customize the user interface to the need of the business, which is a little bit disappointing. It needs it to be a little bit easier to operate, and it should have a better user interface."
"The comprehensiveness of Omada's out-of-the-box connectors for the applications we use could be better. We are getting a new HR system called Cornerstone for which they do not have an out-of-the-box connector, so we have to take the REST connector and play around with it."
"Microsoft Identity Manager could be more intuitive in terms of interface."
"It requires a lot of improvements. Microsoft is killing this product and migrating some of the features to Azure AD. The last version of this solution was 2016. If it is going to stay and integrate with Azure AD, its integration needs to be worked on in terms of connectors, etc. It doesn't seem that they are improving it alone. Microsoft wants to integrate it with Azure AD, but the integration is still not complete."
"The information that is available for the Active Directory portal is segregated here and there."
"The product's pricing and integration features could be improved."
"In terms of the identity and access management solution for on-premises environment, I think Microsoft needs to eliminate or minimize the number of workloads for the solution to run in on-premises environment."
"This product was only launched two or three years ago and it is still in the process of becoming stable."
"MIM's reliability could be improved."
"The setup was difficult. The deployment process is not quick."
"They can work on their strategy for the on-premise version. They have to decide whether and for how long they will support the on-premise version. The new features first appear in the cloud, and after that, they are released for the on-premise version. In the cloud, you have more options and flexibility, which is absolutely normal. They have to have a clear strategy regarding whether they'll support the on-premises version with the same focus. The licensing for on-premise and cloud is a little bit different. They can make it the same."
"One needs to understand that SailPoint is into full-fledged IAM practice with a long-term vision, and customers will get a quick ROI with best practices implementation."
"The price of IdentityIQ could be lower. There are additional costs when you buy the licenses, and they force the customers to pay for them."
"The product’s cloud offering could be flexible."
"Finding integration experts for SailPoint in the North American market can be challenging, and transitioning to a no-code or low-code setup could reduce dependence on specialized skills."
"The user interface could be slightly improved. It could be made simpler and more user-friendly, however, it is good enough right now."
"There are various functions that don't work in IdentityIQ, including the access request reminder, which doesn't go to the approvals in the proper format, so it's hard for users to read."
"Scalability is hard, especially when you are doing it in real time."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing for Omada Identity is fair."
"Omada Identity is very reasonably and competitively priced."
"It's a fair price for the on-premises system. Compared with what we had before, it's much cheaper and we get all the modules in one. We tried to go with the cloud, but it was far too expensive."
"Omada isn't cheap or expensive. The licensing model is flexible. I've only had limited interactions with the Omada sales team, but they were positive. They don't sell the customers more licenses than they need. It's important to accurately forecast future usage. For example, we have many licenses that we don't use because we don't have the identities yet. We pay extra, which isn't good."
"Omada is expensive."
"Omada Identity offers a reasonable price point, but it will increase as we transition to the cloud."
"Being Dutch, I can only say that it is extremely expensive, but all software products are expensive. If you have 38,000 users, then even one dollar or one euro per person would amount to a significant amount of money. Because of the high number of users, anything gets expensive very fast here."
"While Omada Identity carries a premium price tag, it proves to be cost-effective."
"The solution is included in the Microsoft E3 license and premium subscriptions of Azure AD."
"My rating for the pricing of Microsoft Identity Manager is average, neither too expensive nor too cheap."
"Microsoft Identity Manager comes with the premium or community license. If the customer doesn't have a premium license, the reseller who sells the licenses of Microsoft to the enterprise can extend the license for the client."
"The solution is expensive."
"MIM is free with a Microsoft Azure license."
"It is an expensive tool."
"The prices can always be improved. I'd rate it a 4 out of 10 in terms of pricing."
"When comparing the cost, Microsoft Identity Manager is the best solution because it is free if you have an Azure P2 license."
"In terms of pricing, SailPoint IdentityIQ is affordable. It's not cheap, and it's not expensive, so the solution is in the middle, price-wise. It also didn't have additional costs, even if my company had different teams that took care of auditing and provisioning and projects that used SailPoint IdentityIQ."
"The licensing fees are on a yearly basis."
"SailPoint is higher in price as compared to Saviynt. The initial cost of SailPoint is very high. There are additional costs to the standard licensing fees."
"We pay an annual licensing cost for SailPoint IdentityIQ."
"The pricing is a little bit higher than other tools."
"SailPoint IIQ is the best of best. That is reflected in the pricing of the solution. The pricing is based on the number of identities."
"Usually, the cost of deploying about 5,000 licenses or 5,000 users, would be the equivalent to the cost of the license, which would be reaching up to around $90,000."
"The price of the solution could improve, it is not priced well for smaller businesses to afford."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Omada Identity?
We don't have to go in and do a lot of the work that we did before. It may have saved us somewhere in the range of 10...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Omada Identity?
My client deals directly with the Omada Identity team in terms of licensing. I never look at pricing, so I'm not awar...
What needs improvement with Omada Identity?
There are some technical bits and pieces that we have looked at that could be better. For instance, when you do a rec...
What do you like most about Microsoft Identity Manager?
The product’s simplicity and integration are valuable.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Microsoft Identity Manager?
My rating for the pricing of Microsoft Identity Manager is average, neither too expensive nor too cheap.
What needs improvement with Microsoft Identity Manager?
Microsoft Identity Manager has shown a strong focus on cloud solutions, but it could improve its support for legacy p...
How does Sailpoint IdentityIQ compare with CyberArk PAM?
We evaluated Sailpoint IdentityIQ before ultimately choosing CyberArk. Sailpoint Identity Platform is a solution to m...
What do you like most about SailPoint IdentityIQ?
The first valuable feature of the solution is its interface. The second feature of the solution is the level of flexi...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for SailPoint IdentityIQ?
The product is expensive. People need to opt for a licensing plan for one year or three years.

Also Known As

Omada Identity Suite, Omada Identity Cloud
MIM, Forefront Identity Manager, FIM, MS Identity Manager
IdentityIQ, IdentityNow, Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management

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Sample Customers

Bayer, ECCO Shoes, Vattenfall, NuStar Energy, Unicredit, Schiphol Group, BMW Group, Deutsche Leasing
Dow Chemical Company (Dow), Whole Foods Market
Adobe, AXA Technology Services, Cuna Mutual Group, Equifax, ING Direct, Orrstown Bank, Rockwell Automation, SallieMae, Spirit Aerosystems, TEL
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Identity Manager vs. SailPoint Identity Security Cloud and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.