Microsoft Entra ID vs Omada Identity comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Entra ID
Ranking in Identity Management (IM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Single Sign-On (SSO) (1st), Authentication Systems (1st), Identity and Access Management as a Service (IDaaS) (IAMaaS) (1st), Access Management (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (4th)
Omada Identity
Ranking in Identity Management (IM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
User Provisioning Software (3rd), Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Identity Management (IM) category, the mindshare of Microsoft Entra ID is 10.9%, down from 12.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Omada Identity is 6.8%, up from 3.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Identity Management (IM)
Unique Categories:
Single Sign-On (SSO)
Authentication Systems
User Provisioning Software
Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)

Featured Reviews

Jun 27, 2024
Good visibility with a single pane of glass and an easy login process
The login process is easy. It's very user-friendly for users. We can check the logins and handle user management. It's quite simple and easy to use. It provides a single pane of glass for managing users and access. It's easy for users to handle multiple devices. It makes the sign-on experience better. It can easily teach users how to use the authenticator app. I'm able to get reports on the database to help give visibility to security. I don't handle security, however. I'm there for support. People can use the data to perform investigations. The ID is quite useful. The Azure ID admin center can manage all identity access tasks across an organization. We can easily set up users. It's something you need in every company. Most of the basic stuff is done for users. The Verified ID is useful for authentication. You can set it in your privacy settings. The solution has helped us save time. The experience overall has been good for employees when they need to get an ID. If you need an extra license, it's just a matter of clicking one button.
Apr 22, 2024
Provides a clear roadmap, offers a significant advantage over other solutions, and is stable
The current reporting tools in Omada are limited, but we expect significant improvements in the new version. While our current version is outdated, attending user meetings with Omada might be beneficial to voice our needs and influence future updates. However, upgrading our current version isn't an option right now. Instead, we'll migrate our applications to the new Omada version to gain access to its improved reporting functionalities. This is due to our recent merger; the company I previously worked for used the older Omada version, while the new company utilizes the latest one. By migrating applications, we'll benefit from the new features, especially the enhanced auditing tools. These improved tools will allow auditors to generate reports themselves, saving us valuable time. It's great to know that Omada is already working on this functionality, making it a valuable addition for the future. While there's no immediate solution for our current version, the new Omada promises significant improvements.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It can be used to grant access at a granular level. It provides secure access and many ways to offer security to your user resources. It provides a good level of security for any access on Azure. It gives you options like multi-factor authentication where apart from your password, you can use other factors for authentication, such as a code is sent to your phone or the authenticator app that you can use login."
"The scalability is good now, and I find it to be more stable and faster since scaling up to ESX."
"The ability to grant access to other organizations is helpful."
"It's multi-tenant, residing in multiple locations. The authentication happens quickly. Irrespective of whether I'm in Australia, the US, India, or Africa, I don't see any latency. Those are the good features that I rely on."
"Entra ID can be deployed using a hybrid model for organizations with a significant on-premises presence, or in a fully cloud-based setup for those that do not."
"The best feature is the single sign-on provision for the various type of users."
"The self-password reset if it's enabled and configured properly, really helps a company be able to reset rather than getting IT involved."
"We can centralize and manage everything much more effectively with this tool."
"When we started with identity and access management, we cleaned up and skipped 500 accounts. Therefore, there are a lot of people who are still in our system. Using this tool, we have cleaned up a lot of accounts for ourselves as well as our partners and suppliers. So, we can manage everything now."
"It has a lot of out-of-the-box features. It is flexible, and there are a lot of possibilities to configure and extend it. It is user-friendly. It has an interface that is end-user or business-user friendly."
"The most valuable feature for us is the ability to set up connectors to various IT systems and offer a wide range of supported connectors."
"The Governance and self-service that can be set up so you can use them yourself to work in the system are the most valuable features. End users can be enabled to help themselves."
"The best feature in Omada Identity is that it enables us to implement standardized employee life cycle processes so that we don't have to create them ourselves. We can then use the standard workflows. The breadth and scope of the solution’s IGA features also fulfill our requirements."
"The most valuable functionality of the solution for us is that when employees stop working for the municipality, they are automatically disabled in Active Directory. Omada controls that 100 percent. They are disabled for 30 days, and after that time Omada deletes the Active Directory account. The same type of thing happens when we employ a new person. Their information is automatically imported to Omada and they are equipped with the roles and rights so they can do their jobs."
"The benefits of Omada Identity include a holistic way of viewing access, the ability to give people access, and automation."
"The identity lifecycle support is definitely valuable because we are a complex organization, and there is a lot of onboarding, movement, and offboarding in our organization. We have 31,000 users, and there are a lot of users who are constantly onboarding, offboarding, and moving. So, we need to make sure that these activities are supported. In old times, we used to do everything manually. Everyone was onboarded, offboarded, or moved manually. So, from a business point of view and an economics point of view, identity lifecycle is most valuable. From a security point of view, access review is the most important feature for us."


"They can combine conditional access for user actions and application filtering. Currently, they are separated, and we cannot mix the two. I do not know how it would be possible, but it would be interesting."
"The onboarding process for new users can be improved. It can be made simpler for people who have never registered to Azure AD previously and need to create an account and enable the MFA. The initial setup can be made simpler for non-IT people. It should be a bit simpler to use. Unless you get certifications, such as AZ-300 and AZ-301, it is not a simple thing to use at the enterprise scale."
"A couple of years ago, I experienced some difficulty in implementing the solutions, the services of Azure AD. In one instance, I was not able to configure Azure AD for a registration. This was two or three years ago. However, currently, the documentation is very clear and there are no loopholes or anything that could hinder even a simple IT administrator to implement these services."
"When it comes to identity and access life cycle management for applications that are run on-premises, as well as access governance, if those kinds of capabilities could be built into Azure Active Directory, that would be good."
"Microsoft's technical support has shortcomings where improvements are required."
"If any service is down, it can affect a whole region. We would need to wait on a ticket and get word from Microsoft to understand the issues. If it takes longer to resolve the issue on Microsoft's side, all we can do is wait for them to fix it."
"The pricing is okay, however, it could always be better in the future."
"The solution has not saved costs. While we’ve eliminated some tools, there are some other features that we are dependent on as admin, which are not yet integrated with Azure AD."
"The Omada support response time has room for improvement."
"The security permission inside Omada needs improvement. It's tricky to set up."
"The backend is pretty good but the self-service request access screen, the GUI, needs improvement. It's an old-fashioned screen. Also, Omada has reports, but I wouldn't dare show them to the business because they look like they're from 1995. I know they are working on these things and that’s good, because they’re really needed."
"If I had to name one thing, it would be the user interface (UI)."
"The web GUI can be improved."
"Omada Identity has two main issues that need to be solved or improved the most. One is its setup or installation process because it's complex and cumbersome. I'm talking about the process for on-premises deployment because I've never tried the cloud version of Omada Identity. Setting up the cloud version should be much easier. The second area for improvement in Omada Identity is that it's piggybacking on Microsoft's complex way of having all kinds of add-ons, extensions, or setups, whether small or large, such as the new SQL Server, and it's cumbersome to make sure that everything works. Omada Identity is a complex solution and could still be improved."
"There is room for improvement in Omada's integration capabilities, particularly in streamlining complex integrations and enhancing programming logic for better rule management."
"The user interface could be improved. The interface between Omada and the user is mainly text-based."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I'm not totally aware of the pricing and licensing, but I do know that the pricing and licensing must be quite balanced. We are a pretty old client of Microsoft, and MSA is just one of the services we use from Microsoft. There's a whole Microsoft 365 suite that's implemented as well. I'm sure it is something that is acceptable to both parties."
"It is worth the money."
"Previously, only building and global administrators could purchase subscriptions or licenses. Mid-last year, Microsoft made it so users can purchase the license online. Microsoft business subscription is for 200 to 300 users. If you have more than 300 users, you can't purchase the business plan. You have to purchase the enterprise plan. The enterprise plan is for 301 users and above. Pay as you go is also available. If you pay as you go in Azure, you will be billed for whatever you use."
"We are always looking for better pricing."
"The price is affordable, and we pay around $100 per month."
"Pricing-wise, they offer a stepladder approach. You can start with the lowest level features, then start increasing based on new requirements."
"Licenses are based on the usage. There is no cap. It's based on the number of users we provision."
"The E5 plan we are using contains the premium plans for Azure Active Directory. We are not paying only for the Azure Active Directory Premium licenses. We have it already included within our E5 plan."
"The pricing for Omada Identity is fair."
"Omada Identity offers a reasonable price point, but it will increase as we transition to the cloud."
"The pricing is okay."
"Omada is expensive."
"It is expensive. Fortunately, I had a very good procurement manager on my side, but they are expensive. The closest competitors are also very expensive. You get a full-fledged solution that can do everything you dream of, but you pay for everything."
"My client deals directly with the Omada Identity team in terms of licensing. I never look at pricing, so I'm not aware of how much the solution costs, but it's worth the money. Often, when you begin to use Omada Identity and it takes a while to set up, it'll be irreversible, and you'd depend on and focus more on the functionality of the solution, rather than its price tag."
"The pricing is too high for SMBs."
"It is fairly priced for an on-premise environment, but for the cloud environment, I am not that happy with the pricing."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

How does Duo Security compare with Microsoft Authenticator?
We switched to Duo Security for identity verification. We’d been using a competitor but got the chance to evaluate Duo for 30 days, and we could not be happier. Duo Security is easy to configure a...
What do you like most about Azure Active Directory?
It is very simple. The Active Directory functions are very easy for us. Its integration with anything is very easy. We can easily do third-party multifactor authentication.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Azure Active Directory?
The pricing is expensive. It's in US dollars. I'd rate the affordability of pricing six out of ten.
What do you like most about Omada Identity?
We don't have to go in and do a lot of the work that we did before. It may have saved us somewhere in the range of 10 to 30 percent of the time we spent on provisioning access.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Omada Identity?
My client deals directly with the Omada Identity team in terms of licensing. I never look at pricing, so I'm not aware of how much the solution costs, but it's worth the money. Often, when you begi...
What needs improvement with Omada Identity?
There are some technical bits and pieces that we have looked at that could be better. For instance, when you do a recalculation of an identity, it's hard to understand what was incorrect before you...

Also Known As

Azure AD, Azure Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, Microsoft Authenticator
Omada Identity Suite, Omada Identity Cloud

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Sample Customers

Microsoft Entre ID is trusted by companies of all sizes and industries including Walmart, Zscaler, Uniper, Amtrak,, and more.
Bayer, ECCO Shoes, Vattenfall, NuStar Energy, Unicredit, Schiphol Group, BMW Group, Deutsche Leasing
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Entra ID vs. Omada Identity and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.