Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure (NCI) vs VxRail comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jul 14, 2022

Categories and Ranking

StarWind Virtual SAN
Ranking in HCI
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Software Defined Storage (SDS) (1st)
Nutanix Cloud Infrastructur...
Ranking in HCI
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Software Defined Storage (SDS) (2nd), Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) (3rd), Hybrid Cloud Computing Platforms (3rd)
Ranking in HCI
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the HCI category, the mindshare of StarWind Virtual SAN is 2.1%, up from 1.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure (NCI) is 8.4%, down from 9.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of VxRail is 21.5%, down from 22.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unique Categories:
Software Defined Storage (SDS)
Software Defined Data Center (SDDC)
No other categories found

Q&A Highlights

Sep 06, 2021

Featured Reviews

Ahmed Hosni - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 24, 2024
Provides a cost-effective way to run an HCI storage platform for almost any hypervisor
You can maintain and update it with little to no fuss, even the free version is incredibly capable whilst it brings the cost of a Highly Available HCI solution down to a very cost-effective point. Having used Starwind Virtual SAN for many years both for clients and for internal systems, it has always done exactly what it set out to do. It provides a cost-effective way to run an HCI storage platform for almost any hypervisor, but it is most effective with Hyper-V. It's simple and easy to use, The software monitoring should be web-based to be reachable from any VLAN workstation.
Faisal Shaheen - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 5, 2022
Flow Network Security for microsegmentation helps with security, and scaling is very easy
By using more than one cluster, if any node is down, the VMs can be moved to a remaining node, and that helps us to work without any downtime. A node can be moved, online, to another node, which minimizes downtime as much as possible. Flow Network Security for microsegmentation also helps in maintaining security. For example, we can protect servers with policies between an application server and a database server. Previously we had our own storage, stand-alone servers, and stand-alone network. For any new project, it would take us at least six months until we could provide a new server. Now, when we have a new product, we can avoid that long wait and provide a server in hours. We have also moved all our servers to Nutanix and have been able to eliminate our legacy servers and infrastructure. And it keeps our IT staff informed by email regarding any error or alert. They log in and get a full view of all our servers, including memory, storage, and CPU usage. It helps our IT staff to be more productive.
Jan 4, 2022
Great deduplication with data conversion capabilities and very user-friendly
The data conversion capabilities are very good. Deduplication is excellent. The initial setup is simple As of right now, I cannot think of any improvements, as it has been working very well. It might help if there was more confidentiality between VxRail and the Data Domain for Backup. There are…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It enables us to provide more solution options for our clients, with the reassurance that, when implemented, they will be efficient and stable."
"StarWind saved us about 80% of our storage costs over our old solution."
"The solution offers easy one-click PowerShell scripts that are ready to run."
"The virtual tapes can be uploaded to the object storage of your choice with object locking/governance which gives you an extra layer of protection."
"We are able to do maintenance by bringing down one node at a time, rather than having to schedule a complete shutdown."
"I save both physical and virtual space."
"We can lose a site or even two of our three, and we would lose no data and have no outage."
"It has allowed us to save a lot of time and money by letting us create a vSAN within a Windows VM on the environment it controls."
"One of the main features of the solution is that it works on many hypervisors. It is a big advantage. Additionally, the solution is compatible with VMware and Hyper-V, and the management interface, which is called Prism, is very intuitive and user-friendly."
"Nutanix Acropolis AOS is flexible and has helped people to work from home during the pandemic."
"The level of statistical performance data that it can confirm in real-time is extremely useful. I can see what my VM’s hosts and guests are doing from a single pane of glass and identify issues before they would otherwise become apparent."
"The initial setup is straightforward."
"Acropolis AOS is scalable to nodes and the cloud."
"Hyper-convergence is the most valuable feature for me as it allows me to scale the hardware according to project requirements."
"This operating system offers stability. Setup is straightforward."
"It supports multi-cloud integration that includes AWS, Google, and Azure."
"You don't need to think about compatibility of components."
"It improved from an operations standpoint as we have reduced failures compared to a previous vendor. The hardware that we previously used had a lot of issues with components failing regularly."
"Being able to perform upgrades and check the system through the VxRail Manager has been very helpful."
"One beneficial feature is that the solution can handle complex environments."
"It's a turnkey solution, which is good for customers, because they are buying into stability."
"Enterprise is a complete solution that includes performance, backups and disaster recovery."
"The tool's price is competitive and it is easy to use."
"There is a single vendor with the hardware, software, and maintenance. Thus, there is a single vendor with whom we can contact."


"To enable the proactive support capability that is part of our support agreement, I would ask that the terms and conditions be revised and made acceptable to corporate security."
"I see no need for major improvements but there could be some improvements in the form of notifications and the simplifying of maintenance mode."
"The documentation is good. However, if compared with competitors, it could be enhanced and made more professional."
"It would be nice to add the ability to use raw partitions instead of file containers."
"While we had little to no issues in setting up StarWind and received excellent support from the StarWind technicians, we would have appreciated a clearer guideline for a setup with the free version of StarWind Management Console or, in other words - for the setup with the PowerShell."
"I would like to see improvements in the documentation area."
"If it's possible to make a driver/solution that does not make use of the iSCSI targets of Windows, that would be great. I don't know if that's possible, however, it could make the configuration a little easier."
"Updating the software can be a bit tricky."
"NCI's pricing is expensive."
"I would like to see them utilize the spare storage that they use as a redundant space. I feel that now a lot of resources are wasted just for standby purposes because we are using data protection. Instead of utilizing those resources only when something happens, they can have an alternative so that we can utilize these resources all the time."
"The only problem is that not many operating systems are supported on the AOS hypervisor. They need to probably increase the support on multiple operating systems. As of now, a very limited number of operating systems and patch levels are supported on AOS."
"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure lacks compatibility with certain older processors."
"There is a feature that exists used for disaster recovery, but it requires an extra license. It should be included with the regular normal standard license."
"In terms of automation, I know there are ways to do it, but it's not very user-friendly. I've been working for the last three years with Nutanix and I've managed to automate certain things, but it's a somewhat more complex job than it should be. I would like to see more documentation or knowledge base articles."
"Our client had some old Citrix Xen servers for which there is no direct migration. Nutanix has a move utility for Microsoft Hyper-V clusters or VMware clusters. You can easily migrate them using the move utility, but the Xen clusters cannot be migrated in a simple way. That is the only thing that is lacking, but nowadays, no one uses the Citrix Xen server for their clusters. Everything else is already there. Nutanix keeps on upgrading its hardware's or hypervisor's capability to be able to support new technologies."
"The documentation could be improved."
"We'd like to see more automation capabilities in the future."
"It would be nice if the update process was shortened and that patching would be simpler."
"What I did not like so much was the amount of VMware that you have to put in your system related to the VxRail."
"All updates are supposed to be done through VxRail, however, the vCenter actually showed that there was an update it needed. I've just started using the product. I didn't know what I was doing. I actually updated my vCenter and that actually threw the VxRail system offline. We had to spend some time trying to get that working again. If possible, they should make the process a bit more clear so we don't make mistakes like this in the future. There should maybe be some sort of pop-up that can direct you."
"If VxRail could also offer file services in addition to virtualization, that would be nice because sometimes people want to complement their environment with file services, and you don't have that in VxRail."
"Supply chain capabilities are certainly hurting us. We're in the process of placing a large order for more VxRail nodes right now."
"The product has high pricing. This particular area needs improvement."
"Sometimes during implementation, you can some scripting errors. And there are some issues when we update the version. There are some issues like the version will not get updated or stable at some time. Dell needs to resolve these problems, we don't waste time fixing them."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The licensing is a bit weird. If you license the standard version of StarWind, it allows you four terabytes. Then, they have a pro version, but with the pro version, the only difference is it doubles the terabytes to eight."
"When we did all the analysis for StarWind, it was approximately 20 percent less than any of the other solutions that we looked at."
"The licensing is straightforward, with free and trial versions available."
"The support contract is well worth it. The price for it was very reasonable and their team has been very engaged whenever we reach out."
"StarWind is a low-cost, full-featured alternative to the traditional SAN environment, and their support will guide you every step of the setup."
"The cost takes into account the number of nodes, so the size of the storage is not important."
"The free version is great to use for labs or test environments."
"We are happy with the price."
"Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure's core licensing needs to have an upper limit since processors are coming out with incredible numbers of cores on them."
"Pricing varies greatly between license and editions."
"The solution could be a little less expensive."
"Its price is fine. I can't really complain about that."
"Licensing depends on the features needed."
"We got the renewal done recently, and there was no cost involved."
"It is not cheap, but if you look at the return on investment and the total cost of ownership, it is worth the price."
"Nutanix Acropolis AOS is affordable, it has good value. The final price depends a lot on the hardware used, it's an appliance in the end. Whether you use HPE as the hardware vendor or Supermicro as the hardware vendor, it really depends on what hardware is used which is the main cost."
"Though somewhat expensive. But in terms of performance and stability, it's worth it."
"VxRail is an expensive solution."
"The VMware licenses are included and we do not have to worry about the license, everything is integrated."
"The tool is expensive."
"It is just as cheap to move over to an HCI solution as it is to maintain a legacy system."
"VxRail has a subscription model usually tagged with the appliance box only."
"The price of VxRail highly depends on your design and your configuration. For example, if I connect Pure Storage directly to ESXi hosts and bypass Fiber Channel switches and I will save on money. However, it reduces my redundancy and makes it not as robust of deployment and easy to manage. An HCI environment, it's more cost-effective than utilizing a traditional SAN. With storage and computing altogether, you don't necessarily have to involve the networking team as much. I don't necessarily need somebody that understands Brocade's or Cisco Fiber Channel Switches, because I have it all right there."
"The solution is priced well for businesses."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which HCI solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user244362 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 30, 2015
Nutanix vs. VMware EVO:RAIL vs. FlexPod
Originally posted at I hate the fact that I am bursting the big bubble brewing about Hyper Convergence (HC). I urge all to look past the hot air and hype frenzy that are going on, because in the end, the HC platforms have to be aligned…

Answers from the Community

Sep 6, 2021
Sep 6, 2021
"Nutanix node you will be running vSphere on top on the underlining Nutanix software" This description is incorrect. There is no "layer" between the hardware and the OS which is ESXI hypervisor on both cases.
2 out of 5 answers
Sep 8, 2020
Best option for vSphere 7 is the VxRail as it designed on VMware technology and built in integrates with vSphere, on a Nutanix node you will be running vSphere on top on the underlining Nutanix software. 
Sep 10, 2020
"Nutanix node you will be running vSphere on top on the underlining Nutanix software" This description is incorrect.  There is no "layer" between the hardware and the OS which is ESXI hypervisor on both cases.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about StarWind Virtual SAN?
It is easy to use and can monitor system synchronization and check Storage status. StarWind Virtual SAN (VSAN) combin...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for StarWind Virtual SAN?
Make the most of your 30-day trial license, and if needed, you should contact the sales department of StarWind to ext...
What needs improvement with StarWind Virtual SAN?
The dashboard is functional, but it could benefit from a more modern and visually appealing design. A facelift would ...
What is the biggest difference between Nutanix Acropolis and VMware vSphere?
We found the reduced power consumption with Nutanix Acropolis AOS a very attractive feature. We also like the interfa...
How do I choose between Cisco Hyperflex HX Series and Nutanix Acropolis AOS?
Cisco HyperFlex HS series vs Nutanix Acropolis AOS Cisco HyperFlex gives extended hyper-convergence functions from ...
Which would you choose - Nutanix Acropolis AOS or VMware vSAN?
We found the reduced power consumption with Nutanix Acropolis AOS a very attractive feature. We also like the interfa...
How does HPE Nimble Storage compare to VxRail?
HPE Nimble Storage dHCI Vs. VxRail One of the best things about the HPE Nimble Storage dHCI is the three, two, one, z...
What Is The Biggest Difference Between vSAN And VxRail?
While both run on the vSAN technology from VMware, vSAN needs to be deployed on vSAN ready nodes while VxRail is an e...
What are the major differences between VxRail and Dell EMC PowerFlex?
VxRail vs. Dell EMC PowerFlex VxRail provides stable solutions for technical problems while at the same time not bein...

Also Known As

StarWind SAN & NAS
Nutanix Acropolis AOS, Nutanix AOS, Nutanix Acropolis
VCE VxRail



Sample Customers

Baker Tilly BVI, CMS Internet, Board Harpeth Hall School
St. Lukes Health System, the City of Seattle, Yahoo! Japan, Sligro, Empire Life, Hyundai AUS, and many others.
World Wide Technology Inc, Renault Sport Formula One Team, 8x8 Inc, Brownes, Canadian Pacific, Canopy, Denton, EDF, Unilin, Xerox
Find out what your peers are saying about Nutanix Cloud Infrastructure (NCI) vs. VxRail and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.